M 1 Hi ft mm PAGE FOUR EYES Licencee for Numounts Full-rue Frames, The New-, est in Eye-Wear reported to be good. I CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE CUT FINE FOR ROLLING YOUR OWN EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewclcry Repairing, Hand Engraving Max Heilb JEWELER CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment roner DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties SALMON IN BULKLEY SMITHERS. July 10: Salmon are reported to be coming up the Bulkley River In good numbers Just now. Not many have reached BIG FISH HERE feet three inches In girth. tTAatb wAat $?mcvn!SEE? 1 rft lb. tio'J I was joshing my Grand-dad that he had never left the horse-and- buggy era. A Trans-Canada liner ' was streaking by and I said, "That's what I mcanl See?" He came back B. G. Furniture Co. at me, "And what's that you've got in your pipe? Old Chum, isn't it? Well, boy, my, generation started , Old Chum aii(l.yilMhete'i naetiie?v ;v tobacco.u'3fc'likeJUSE;3fc1jlJ slow and iioi'tblecai it's aged." t'lobkra pull at my pipeij tasted the rich flavour of Old Chum, and I said, "You winl" Great old boy, my Grand-dadl Great tobacco, Old Chum! 12 Complete Steel Beds Good strong cable springs, high quality felt mattresses. Sizes 3-3,4-0. $2550 20 Spring-filled Felt Mattresses Of the very finest Cfl O Q quality, all sizes. Reg. $17.60. Now JXt7f ,8. Mahogany Finished Full Panel Beds Of the very latest styles . wfth strong solid springs and sprlng-fljled mattresses. Sizes 3-3, 4-0, 4-6, Reg. $42.00. 834 50 HCUW ' 3,4-piece Bedroom Suites Waterfall design, consisting of chiffonier, bedstead, vanity with round mirror and stool. From $72.00 TO $92.00 8 Studio Couches Of the very finest quality, can be made into double .bed or two single beds. In1 rust, green and Argonne red. 3 spring-filled cushions. Regular 2Qfi tZfl $45.00, Now vOO.au I '! 1 8 Coffee Tables In solid walnut. Very latest styles. From $9.50. TO $9.75 4 Kitchen Ranges All two-tone finish, coal and wood, very fine ' makes: ' From $64.00 T0 $94.00 24 3-piece Chesterfields In latest styles and newest colors with high grade materials. QIZ Ail TO (21 OK AA From Phone BLACK 324 TniRD AVENUE Next Door to B.C. Clothiers TRIBUTE OF ESSINGTON Large Gathering to Pay Final Tributes to Late Mark Bolton t PORT ESSINGTON, July 10. All Port Esslngton and native peoples from many other district points as-.sempled last Saturday to pay tribute to the memory of Mark; Bolton, prominent benefactor and head ot the village for many years, on the occasion of his funeral service. Late in the afternoon the crowd gathered at the ort Essinstoa Band Hall where the body lay in state. From there a procession moved to , the United Church where Pastor' Rutherford and Rev. T. L. Colwell 'officiated at the funeral service. Following the church service interment was made in the village cemetery with members of Kltkat- rila Excelsior Club, Chief L. L. Starr, ? 'Chief Mark McKay, Henry Reid and Edward Bennett acting as pallbear-,ers, The Port Esslngton Band, of which deceased was for 'years hon- BRISBANE, Australia, July 10:- orary president, took a prominent (CP) Queensland's record for big part In the obsequies, game fish has been set by a tiger a. banquet followed the funeral shark weighing 1,234 pounds, service. The SDeakers included as far as Morlcetown yet but atj caught by J. Murray. The fish was James Bolton, eldest son of de- Hagwllget Canyon the fishing Is 12 feet, 52 inches long, and eight ceased; Edward and Arthur Bolton, . Brothers, and Albert Mackenzie, halfbrother, as well as Chief L. L. Starr. Appreciation was voiced of ' the representation of various villages Including Kitkatla, Port Slmpsou and Skeena River points. The late Mr. Bolton Is survived by a widow, three daughters and thres sons. 1 Canada At War 25 Years Ago July 10, 1915 German forces in Southwest Africa capitulated 10 British South African troops under Oeneral Louis Botha. Turkish forces threatened Aden, Arabia, defended by British troops. British made gains north of Ypres in Belgium. ' C; O.'S REVERT LONDON, July 10: (CP) Two "conscientious objectors" asked their names be removed from the list of c. o.'s after France's capl- tulatlon. -They had decided to fight , after, all. t. . SaiAECtjALSWs T MELBOURNE, Australia July 10: J (CP) Running on producer gas, u. tirtn .made a trip from Melbourne to Canberra, a distance of 400 mites, on $3 worth of charcoal. Gasoline for the trip would cost $12 here,, HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Massett, Queen Charlotte Is. I ., . B.C. THB DAILY KEW8 Wednesday, July 10, 19ig, ENJOY LIFE WITH A PUNCH Educated smokers daily enjoy this feast of fragrance and flavour. line'your poefcefs vithPuhdft Cfgarxjaf your ceafer'jf iodayl CIGAR PtRFECTOS or rANETHAS 10 HUES 15c I HOTEL ARRIVALS saivus; J. Carlson, Smithers; J. Rodlnovlch and V. Piper, Port CHURCH'S GIFT MANCHESTER, 'July 10: (CD-King. Haakon's fund for relief ln Norway has received $556 from the I uean 0i xviancnester, raisea at a collection in the Cathedral. ST. DUNSTAN'S BUSY LONDON. Julv 10: (CP) There TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE New 8-fOot row boat. Dinehy bottom. $30, 345 9th Ave. W. , ' (163) WHERE IS (BRITISH ON GOD NOW? INITIATIVE TORONTO, July 10: "I believe Have Taken 3500 Square Miles of in the righteousness of our cause Territory From Italy in North in the presence of our enemies be- Africa Are Pounding cause I believe that the freedom of Hard man is part of the primitive cov enant of God," says Most Rev LONDON, July V: (CP) About Derwyn T. Owen, Primate of All 3500 square miles of Italian terrl-Canada, lif a letter to the clergy tory In northern Africa has now of the Church of the Church of been brought under control of Brl-England in Canada. tlsh forces. ' Pointing out, in connection with tjjp British, by land and air, have the question: "Where is God In all Decn bombarding the Italians re- thls danger and horror of war?, ientlessly and their casualties have that the problem Is as old as man himself, Archbishop Owen finds 'the answer in fact that: "There is T10 understanding possible unless we take the longest view we can and try to Judge It by years father 1 nounceSi than by days. The years tell tales of which the days know nothing,' " he quotes. In other words, "He Is working His purpose out in nature and In history, according to His Holy and awful Will." ' But, His Grace declares, "Whatever else this fight means, It Is the fight for human freedom against another theory of life. I believe the way 0f human freedom Is linked to the Dlvfne purpose for 1 The way of freedom Is beset) with pitfalls. Archbishop Owen as-,S serts. "It Is a way full of awful J dangers, but It Is the way which, S in the long numoses of God, must a lead to victory." ( As evidenc; of the errors to C which unpuided use of human ? freedom may lead, His Graqe j points to: "the absence from pub- 11c worship on the part of so'J many, the lowering of the moral f standards, the love of money and' J ease, the Indifference to th'e ter-1 rlble problems of unemployment, 5 and the many Injustices of the f social ordr." which have devel- oped in recent years. J And, Archbishop Owen suggests,' 5 the confusion and suffering in which the world finds Itself today, J Is an argument for rather than aealnst the Moral Government of S the Universe. "God Is the Moral - Governor of the Universe," he declares, and . . ."If such a course as we, the peoples of the western civilization . generally, have fol lowed of late had brought peace .only one way through trouble and danger. It Is the way through Golgotha. That way leads to Easter. It Is the dangerous and glorl- LAM E BACK iS , S3 rZlTl. Mk3 OUS nuy mult from faulty kidney action. Gin Pills help Iddneys dispose of waste nutter that causes congestion. In the United States ask for 'Gino Pills". 1 tlM ta Cauda md th U.S. Rejular ad aw, lirjt Economy tlx. t4 THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Bt The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c; 25c Wholesale Distributors W. II. Malkin Co. (P.R.) Ltd. Prince Rupert H. McDonald. Stewart: H. A. Le Marquand and G. D. McEachern, and righteousness then we might Utu.-i.. t r, ii, w-- well have doubted the Moral Gov- H. W. Butler and Jean, Alice Arm; Elof C. Rosenburg, Mr. and Mrs. J. "In such, an hour- Archbishop jj B. Waite, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mil- ?'en, concludes, "let us turn to S H ln faith i m renejitance, arofetb- burn and J. D. Rand, Vancouver: 'Mrs wiiim T.P!,ck MPiiniraHa- h eoience. i'omrom sucn win synngis wlll'nBness and to G. Loper, Burns Lake; William power en-! , Colquhoun, Vancouver; R. E. Moore, ab e ,us to,mf,ke tnc single-hearted J !clty;M.Dahlqulst.Cedarvale; W. C. S"erlnB,0' a11 we are ,and J?ave B. Woods, Woodstock; Mrs. C L. M. "'f1 and to C0U"l7- eTe '?!? jGlggey, Mrs. E. T. Kenney and iMarJorle Kenney, Elliott Head, C. j Doll, a Doll, A. Attree and Mrs. El- WOOd Brooks Tprrnro- A MarMll. " ' iviuuiu, nose unne; Florence uenna and Kay Patterson, Prince George; iMrs. Frank Mould, Decker Lake; . A. j Relgle, Haysport; T. A. MacMartln, , Smithers; Mrs. Collier, Dorreen; L. i I. Orson, city. ; Central Mark J. Gelinsky, J. A, Brown. way of freedom Let us go. Nazi War Plans With Nutrition H. Turner andl.T? Conrad, Vaneou-' ,ver; A. Jacobson, Shirley; Mrs. British Expert Says Germans Placed jCaulfield, Topley; . A. Thompson Emphasis on This Phase (and R. Johnson, Burns Lake; J.1 . (01ander, Remo; Mrs. Carruthers, jand Marjorie, Smithers; W. Bunt- LONDON, July 10: (CP) If Ger-,lng, Terrace; H, Dyck, Surf Inlet; many is able to maintain supplies jBdr. Beaman, -Frederick Point; her resistance will not be broken (L-Bdr. J. Altken, Barrett Point, on the nutrition front as it was ln l Royal the First Great War, according to 1 Mrs, T. V. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. C. Drummond, professor of Mike Anderson, Queen Charlotte blo-chemlstry at London Unlveri City; G. A. Swcder, T. Castell, B. slty. E, Smith and C. E. Anderson. Bar. He told (hp Rnvnl TnsHtnto in a ret Point; W. Bray, Port Edward; paper reported In the British Medi-A. L. Maclntyre, Cranbrook; Mrs. cal 'Journal that German nutrition' s. o. Cooper, Bob - and Colleln experts played a big part ln making cooper and J. Fltu, Terrace; H. war plans for the Retch. Existing Slherthorne. Houston:' P. Lacko.'nerman rations are 22 cases of blindness from the.severe wlrter, present war in St. Dunstan's Hospital here, Including men from all three services and a French! pollu. I principle that a "peasant diet" of "high extraction" wholemeal bread, plenty of vegetables and potatoes and some dairy produce ln the form of cheese or separated milk, provides all the essentials of sound nutrition, , Dr. Drummond, who Is scientific adviser to the ministry of food, said the German public is not at present getting so good a diet because potatoes and vegetable; a are ln very short supply owing to the Benj. H. Harry M.D. EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed C31 Rlrks BIdg. Vancouver, B.C. been very heavy. British bombing planes raided the Ethiopian railway town of Dlredawa and scored direct hits on railway, workshops, the Royal Air Force an PULPS POPULAR ADELAIDE, Australia, July 10: (CP) American "pulp" magazines "westerns" have been barred from Australia to conserve exchange, so a big market for ex change of second-hand copies has sprung up. S t 50 Dresses $3-39 Formerly $5 to $12 10 Summer Coats $6-99 Formerly $10 18 Rathinj? Suits $J.50 Formerly $3 to $5 PHONES 18 and 19 25c I). & L. Vanilla Extract Oil 7p 4-oz. bottle Ucdlund's Quick Din- OOp ncr 16-oz. tin for ... Heinz Strained Foods Recommended for ln- Oi fants. 2 for Sweet-Mixed Biscuits Fresh, per lb. 25c EDI TONIGHT & TillKg. MATINEE T1IUKS. 2 p.m. EVENINGS at 8 p.m. Doors Open 1:30 and 7:30 "GONE WITH THE WIND" Matinees 75c Except Lojes Evenings $1.10 Except Lojes ALL SEATS RESERVED Buy Reserved Seals Now! GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE BUY NOW Box Office Open Daily From 12 Noon RED CROSS "Add-A-Penny Days" During this 10-Day Sale we have taken one cent off the lov price of each sale Item. You may contribute this to the Red Cross In boxes placed in all 3 Peoples Stores, lf-y6u wish. TO EACH PENNY YOU GIVE, WE WILL "ADD-A-PENNY" AND DOUBLE YOUR CONTRIBUTION. SALES 4 White Coats Formerly $ll50 'i 25 Summer Purses QOc Formerly $U0 to $2 ? $9-99 J AND DOZENS OF OTHER HARGAINS S ,Ualt Orders Promptly Pilfed Open Saturday Night J RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" ? THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 ? P.O. Box S7S Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Big 5 Cleaner For all purposes. Large tin Ucdlund's Baked Beans 16-oz. tin. 2 tins 5c First Grade Butter 1-lb. prints. 70 f 3 lbs. for ' I.B.C. Soda Crackers Plain or salted. 1-lb. box Fresh Plums Large and Juicy. 2 lbs. .. Jumbo Cantclojpcs 2 for Fresh Apricots Per lb Large Cauliflower-White heads. 2 for . 23c 25c 25c 10c 35c REMO STRAWBERRIES Are arriving with each (rain. ..Let us include some of these delicious berries in your next order. COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH VEGETABLES IN SEASON KEPT UNDER VAPOR SPRAYS, Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thiirs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568