V V 1 I WELSH PIONEERS r -i- If you'ra spjehding hours in a hot Kitchen wrestling with an old-fashioned ft: stove if your fuel bills are high 'j because so much heat is going up ttye chimney it's time jto break away from cooking slavery fry installing an Electric Range. Then, you GOOK WITH ELECTRICITY at the simple snapping of a switch and every dish holds its full food value. LLANDILO. Wales, July i0: JCP -Clpt J. W. .Nicholas ias bee.n appointed to take charge of organization of" Auxiliary .Military Pioneer Corns throughout Walp. slULENS OF THE TRAMS MELBOURNE, Australia, July 10: ICP) Passengers In Melbourne street cars have little excuse for Ippssipg .thejr stops. Lflud speakers t't ruAf4 In tVto trnms navp urrii iibtcu i Most of the Corns will be veterans ' thrqush which motormen calf the of the First Great War. a.trets. Thrift Cash & Carry I'Jbone 179 Free JDfclivfrfl am Orders $1.00 and Over (OFFERS YOU THESE ATTRACTIVE SPECIALS iN QUALITY FOOD fresb Green Beans 2 lbs. 15c Punch Carrots Large 4jn bunches. 3 for - Outdoor Tomatoes 2 lbs. New j-otaioes-Fresh dug. 7 lbs. Terrace yegcabies--.AJ):ay3 Fesji Beets-Nice tops. A a green m'- .2 .bunches Plums Fresh, ripe. 4)C M 2 lbs. y 2 lbs. NecJiakp Rrgd Corner Ruiter Coffee Chase and Sanborn. Regular or drip tZfiP grbd. Lb Picnic Hams 20 C Half or Whole Po;k and Uewis pe&tovall ItyS- '3 for ... i 25c Candlnj Apricots C Q 154b. crate , Your Last Chance Before the price rises Bine Cherries - For Canning at low prlce-Ar-riving We wero able to secure a HfnlUd'sup.ply Friday. cook Lb; ... . 15c 2u-lb. rate ? f. jjs Orade JA' large. Dozen 29C GranulaUd Sujar- fJQ lOjba. &trvberrles-J940 1g pack. J7-rOZ. tin SUMMER CANDY SPECIAL LICORICE ALLSORTS- All Fresh Stock. FRUIT RICKYS 35c value. 50 OANONO'S CHOCOLATES Lb pinappU Juice j5C Large 20-oz. tin 20c L. -J There' t heat for uinter, ifygu need it, in an electric range like (his. If .combinet efecfricity iciih cpal or uooJ. Eaty term? atailablt on- all modeh. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Announcements All advertlaementa in tnl ccl-imn will be charged for a full month at 25c word. n... r m)jti1v aftr- When vou so on your holidays IJtrlll-J uc --- j.-s-rf - - A noon bn the Catala. for a tr.lp to .take the Dally New? with you. 50c , Vancouver :ir wui pay or PaPC. jmonms ous oi vuwu. Mn Jnhn ourvlch andJn, Boyo, .... . returned t5'the city on the Catala j Peter Lakle, P.N.R. divisional; yesterday afternoon after a week's freight and passenger agent, "v ., jrcavcivji v,o rltv nn last nleh" s visit , Stewart, tatul jX, to en W.hMurdock returned to the ,ctt7 , official business. on the Catala yesterday afternoon i T , 7 -...v...v,-.o ipnvp' Hueh McDonald, road superln- from ' i 3. Turner, Post (Oitice inspector, who .has been on a inspection trip to Stewart, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday returning to Vancouver. 3. H. Scott of San Francisco, who Is nrominently identified with the jWell Jviowp Riverside fnlne .in the (Portland Canal district, and Mrs. I Scott were Jiere abo.ard the Cataia i yesterday returning outb after a 'visit to he property. t Papers Out Early w During It has been decided to get the , Dally Kews out early during the summer months. That i' makes It verv difficult to make O. B. A. Red Cross Tea. Met- j changes in advertisements that . ropole Hall. July 12. S. O. N. Dance, July 18 S. O. N. Picnic, July 21. . . . n n.Ukn. f nrA 9 I UainoilC uazaur, utvuuci f onu . L.O.BA. Bazaar. October 16H). W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaaf. November 1. pally News dassinea Ads Drlng results. FOR SALE LICENSED STEEL BOAT Built at Atlas Boiler Works. New, 33'x 9' 10' x 5'. Engine 90 h.p. International truck engine. Coventry & Reynolds reduction gear. Atlas Boiler Works THE SEAL QUALITY "'oyocr.' QbauTYig i 1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the onlj ealmon cftnninf eomyany with pn 11 the jer roand rayroll la rrtne RnM come in late. All codv for new advertisements .or for changes Lutheran Tea and Sale. RevJ should be In the Dally News of- , Myrwang's, 4th Ave. East, July 13.U fice the .day before publication , Renorts of overnight meetings for publication should also be In early, preferably the night belore. to Insure publication. , Advertising is an ttrvestment Fresli Local Raw and .Pasteurized MJJfi VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE U7 Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, Electrical Appliances, Oil Burners Cleaned, Plumbing and Painting 224 Seventh Ave., W. Phone BLACK 735 IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesday Open lor Private Parties Wed., Thurs., ,Frl., 7-11 2-4:30, 6-11 on Sat. Ithp eltv on the Catala yesterday af D.valler 'arrived-lnUie c.lty.on'liternoon from Stewart, being here the atala yesterday afternoon on oiuwi to p a iWt to U . Jmmler V rates for the cltv of Vancouver, and I. A.McMartln(o;lwrs.arrJy- Mrs. Black were passengers aboard ed In m city oft last night's train the Catala yesterday returning from'P Interior for afru&u vis- uth -r having made the round ' until Friday. ' ' trip to Stewart. , It In jthe city t vf I arid Allan Landels and Dr. R. C. Bam-' The, Misses Betty Pggy len returned home on last flight's, ford will give autobiographical talks; train after1 a ten-day visit tofcakejse at tomorrow's regular weekly lunch-Lake 4 ieon of the Prince Rupert Rotary , ': jciub of which they are the two I Mrs. Cecil Rose and daughter, latest new members. t nil- MMn).F t9 f l-i 1 o v anH I i .T: . . Alfred Teed of Stewart arrived In now Of. oiewari, vm Ufiwuscia I aboard the Catala yesterday going the city on the Catala yesterday af- j through ?on a trip Jo ya.ncouyer ternoon from the north for a visit Mrs. Teed is already here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Casey. Mrs. H. W. Butler and daughter of Ahce Arm arrived In the city o? the Catala yesterday afternoon from the north. Mr. Butler, who is taking a vacation from his duties as Government Telegraphs operator, at Alice Arm, will be here next week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crawford, Mrs. Louis Behnsen and two children and Miss Jeananne Crawford of Stewart were here aboard the Ca tala vesterdav eoing through .to Vancouver. They had their car 1 with them and will motor from I Vancouver to Ymlr In the Nelson ' district where they will pay a visit IV ... .1 ... . m n mm anotner oi wr. ana Mrs. raw- This Summer n .!ford'sdaughters- j WAKE UP YOUR IIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed In the Morning Rrin' to Go Th liver thould pour oot two poondi of liquid bile Into your bowels dll. If thir bil la not flowing freely, your food doenn'tdilteit. It junt decayi in the bowel. Ch bin.u up your stomach. You p-tcontipted. Harmful poUon go into the body, nd you feel tour. una and tne wona louaa puna. Amerebowelmovement duan't alwayi get at thecue. You need aomethuyi tit oa on the Uver aa well. It Ve ithiue goqd..old Carter1! Little Liver Pills to get these two pound! of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless and f snttf , they make the ble flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them. Ali,for.Carter,a LUUe LUnr f Mil by name I Stubborn! tcf e anprthbg clac Z&c. r j tkpkk. iJ. H. BULGER ight or Day Optometrist Phone 112 Taxi tUj- Bank Hide Prompt Service-? ljeated Cars aaal HM-a-a-aaHaaBBMKBMBra-J ,s.sssM' CENTRAL HOTEL mmmmm 1 STEAM BATHS . rfa. CHIROPRACTOR Hot and Cold Water, Shower Stanley W. Colton, D.C.Ph.C. Baths Wallace Block, Phone 640 I Mrs. C. JE. Black, Proprietress sMraaaaaaBar' NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A nOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up (0 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, E.C. Phone 281 P.O.. Box JM Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 MR SMtTKrHKKr FOR TROUBLE-fREE mi MILES SEE YOL'lt OUTTA 1" MacKenzie's Furniture 500 Square Yards PRINTED LINOLEUM $jLQD At ; 400 Square Yards INLAID LINOLEUM At - i 250 .Square Yards FELTOL 4SC ,At 1 Phone 775 Cherub Baby Oil Excellent for Chafing, Chapping and Diaper Rash. A Raby Feed-ing Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes Ltd. Uiitt Pioneer Dnu&tets The- Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. I CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS : Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOU.; VER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls, Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. .'-. Air-conditioned Sleeping and " Dining Cars For Fares, etc., Call or- Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One - itr, k TIE JAJLT- JH5W9- Little Lesson LOCAL NEWS NOTES s in Home Economy Canadian LnB.E.S-L. General 11 vour PaDer u late phone 98 is &V meetlne tonteht. I or Rlue 709. (tf) t 4 . 1 (a J M 1 m