LONDON, July 10: (CP) Alter 1 1 brush with the British Royal I Navy in the course ol which there vu a spell ot violent lighting, I Italian warships In the vicinity ol the Island ol Crete yesterday scur ried away under a smoke, screen and eventually gained the shelter' at long ranee on an Italian battle- hip. The engagement took place ' s the British Navy, having disposed of the French fleet, started on what appears to be a campaign io sweep the Mediterranean of Italy's naval units. It was the British war vessels came up with two Italian warshlns and other naval vrssl ; aircraft were In pursuit of the British vessels Thes were Italian . - - I J IU11 vjuii noping iu Find Bodv Of Boy Who Was Drowned NORTH PACIFIC, July 10 Reu- ben Wesley, fifteen-year-old son of Joseph Wesley, who was drowned tost April 22, has not jet been recovered although there Is still hope of recovering It. If found, the body M be taken to the home of ths ther, Joseph Wesley at Skeena Crossing. Besides the father, the deceased as survived by one brother at North Pacific Cannerv. three brothers, Douglas, Edward and Iler- "t at Carlisle and another broth er. Mathlas at Skeena Crossing. , WITH FEAT British Naval Men, With Motor- boat, Tut Great Battleship Out 01 Action LONDON, July 10: The story is officially told here now of the daring- exploit at Dakar in Senegal on the west coast of Africa of Lieut. Commander R. P. Bristol It. N. and companions who in a lone motorboat moved in under the big guns of the Great French battlesh'ip Richelieu and dropped depth bombs I which put her propellors and steering gear out of commission, I Then the ship was sunk by aerial torpedoes and thus put out ol action. Thereby Bristol and his men won immortal fame in the annals of British lighting history. The attack on the Kichelieu was made after the commander I of the warship failed to. respond to an ultimatum that he surrender the ship. J0ININGUP TO SOVIET or shore defences, hot bciore, j however, a British capital sip had scored at least one direct hit Elections to be Held Next Sunday In Baltic States on Important news agency reports, official Rome actor of oelng silent In regard to the en- yesterday gcineni. , Admiralty Statement An Admiralty statement said; "Action which developed Into a chase of Italian ships has taken Place between British and Italian naval forces in the Meddlter- anean" Th. tnmm mlH' "Tn m UVHIVIIIVItV om a a the absence of Information to the contrary It must be assumed that Italian naval forces, at least one "nit of hlch suffered damage, haves gained the shelter of home defences." There were no British casualties. Question MOSCOW, July 10. Elections will! be held next Sunday In Esthonia,' . tin tA 4 aaI A a Hollywood. July 10: (CPl Granville Bates, popular character the screen, succumDea to a heart attack. He was 58 years of age. Registration To Commence Soon Canadians To Be Enrolled for War Duties Almost At Once, It Is Announced OTTAWA Julv 10: (CP) Pre 'parattons for national regUtratlon of Canadians to moouuc UKU. . rfntips will beeln at once, government ,1111V. .V sources Indicated to- ant. Heulstratlons are expect-u 'start August 14. Restoration Of Monarchy ti.1. i. !u..llnnpl as rossibiiuy 3 Under New Set-Up In France vtphv .thIv in. Possible restor atlon of the House of Orleans to the v.nn. tvonxo U he ne dlscusseo. Tho pnmmlttee of French Senate and Chamber of Deputies Is In session to approve the "rst aic- 4m f iPtfel-tttA nVl ivi ha existed In France since the days of Napoleon Treated is Officially SHANGHAI, July 10: (CP)-MaJor General Mlura, commander of Japanese gendarmes, demanded an apology yesterday from the com mander of the United mates, mhi-i n aq In th International settlement for alleged mistreatment of fifteen plain clothes gendarmes wnue in marine custody. Previously Mlura had apologized for the "endarmes' presence In Am erican defence area and they were rpleased.' ... ii.uIa wxltto havp hppn 111. HIH..w-w I day. Jules Castonquay, cniei iico-, mustered in the International set ... .m Un nVitof rpptctrar . . ... nrrntnef nna toral OlllWr, wiu vi.iv. Uemen(l iq saicguaiu B"" t ' with Harry Butchart as his assist- anti.Amerlcan'demonstratlons . . . . . i nvnOffpn I.t1 - i ll.. V. n Military demonstrations nave been ordered by th Japanese it is reported, to ex- -,rO!r,7 tVio mtirht of NIDDOn to (;iii7iiij " - the' United States, Anti-American feeling is extend ing. Halibut Sales Blanco, Storage. Oldfleld, American 17,000,' 9.6c Canadian 12,000, 10.7c Storage, , . , Helen.. II.1 9,000, ' Royal: ' . and 7.5c, and 7.5c, 10.1c and 7c, PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. MeatherJorecast ! Tomorrows Tides prince Rupert and Queen Char-jotte High 5:21 ajn. 18.0 It. Island--Moderate northeast 18:05 p.m. 19.2 It. to north wind, part cloudy and cool Low 11:40 a.m. 4.4 It. wltla few scattered showers. V.RN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXIX, No. 161. Z RUPERT, B.C.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1940 PRICE; i CKN'IH Royal Air Force Keeps Up Raids Italian Navy Flees INLAND SEA NAVY FIGHT UNDER WAY British And Italians Clash For First Time Enemy Scurries Away Alter Battleship Is Hit Enemy Loses Two Vessels Rome Admits That Dtstroyer And Submarine Were Victims No Losses By nrltish ROME, July 10: (CI") The Italian High Command admits the loss ot a destroyer and submarine and damage to another warship in naval action with the British. I WINS FAME Before Most Intensive Air Raid Yet Over Great Britain;, Twelve Nazis Come Down LONDON, July 10 A massive air armada of ' eighty planes visited southeast England thisafter-noon'in the most intensive attack so far on British shores. Some of these dived low and dropped high explosive bombst. Later thirty more planes came over, flying high at 30,000 feet and dropping more bomb3 which fell far wide of any marks they may have had. . I ' British anti-aircraft guns sprang, into action and fighters went aloft and ten of the enemy planes, were brought down, others being seriously damaged. The great air battle over the south coast of England and English Channel involved 150 planes. ' An air raid warden said he saw British fighter? break up two formations of German raiders, each fifty strong, attacking a convoy of small ships. '1 saw three bombers go down in less than two minutes," he said. In another phase of the battle, British fighters routed more than thirty German bombers and accompanying Messerschmidts. The government announced a few casualties on the south coast but many casualties are reported ..... in Wales. As a result of yesterdays raids, it js estimated that ten persons werVfcilled .with others wounded; The enemy aircraft swept mostly over East Anglia yesterday. ULTIMATUM .MANY ARE -TO TURKEY, RECRUITED Ilrst clash between the BrltUh and ' .h.,h.r ,hese waltlc states desire' Russia is Reported to be Demanding Twenty Mil,. .-i I a .. - . . , . a , nn.11a. t CmIII. "u iinvies ana occurred wnen to unite with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The entracrpmpnl wan also re-'l l a Ported in Rome by news agencies vnaraCter AClOr which said that Italian aircraft xf p f ' took part In successful bombings (If SrrPPn VlClim sinking one British de-l . . 'troyer and damaging others. A Uanrr A Hark Contradicting the British report, Vfi llcall niiav.iv the Italians claimed that their elles. Control of Dardanelles Japanese Demand American Apology More Men Join Up At; Smithers During Last Tew Days ISTANBUL, July 10. There were , SMITHERS. July 10-i-The recrult-i reports here yesterday, althougn 1 ing staff, headed Dy uapi. j. i. unconfirmed elsewhere, that Russia ' Harvey of Prince Rupert, which has" had sent an ultimatum to TurKey been in Smithers for several aajs, ... I.. .. ... - I ( A a-U K C a"kr A demanding control ol tne uaraan-1 nnisnea its worn nere lor.u.e being and departed on Tuesdays train for Terrace. During the few days here about 20 men were recruited for overseas and for Home Guard service. Deen going vo "u. amDle of his predecessors, tne to Join the army points Manner In Which Prisoners Wercjother Resented f.hnt that th the number number now. now. eniis enlisting Wendell Willkie Taking Holiday so United States Presidential Candi date and His Wife Arrive at Colorado Springs COLORADO SPRINGS, July 10., Wendell L. Willkie, Republican candidate for President of the United Staf..i arrlvoH Vlprp hv' rtlatlp lt British Successful Attacks NO DETAILS OF TRAGEDY Two Fishermen Brothers Mlfsmg And Believed Drowned Down Co-jst Stall Sergeant Ernest CSammon. " , though .many Incendiary bombs wee dropped on one southeast town. Eight German planes and one British craft were shot down In air battles Monday. Duke Of Windsor Is Appointed As Bahama Governor LONDON, July 10: Appointment of thf Duke of Windsor as Governor General of the Bahama Isl- n.n. ( nnw rtfffl'ilv nnnrmnrpd hw tho nrltish eovernment. He and! Quite a number of young men the Duchess wifr shortly be leaving! from Smithers and vicinity have Nassau If ne f0n0w the ex-, Duke will pay semi-annual visits .n ntn ttwmo ,wj JUiaiiu, -va v. brings the total up to aretty good figure. Manv of the veterans who would like to Join are at present debarred by the qualifications that are Some of the recruits left for (Prince Rupert on Tuesdays train while others are taking a few days to look after, their affairs before leaving home. Those who will be travelling right through to Victoria or Vancouver will be leaving on later trains to make the boat connec tion In Prince Rupert. Appointment Of Stimson Is Confirmed WASHINGTON. D.C., July 10. With twenty-eight members of the chamber votlne against, tne ap nolntment of Henry L. Stimson as Secretary for War was approved by thP uDner house yesterday. It is ex npitd the annolntment of Col. Prank Knox as Secretary of the Navy will be similarly confirmed hut not without another fight On the part ot Isolationists. King Carol Is Trying To Keep Present Govt BUCHAREST; July 10. King Car- ' " - - i - - woe, w, ..v.w j r . rilcht. arromnanled bv Mrs. Wlllkle.iol L taking strenuous steps to pre- and will take a complete rest for serve his present government and two weeks before starting, the cam-1 maintain Roumianla's Integrity. palgn. They checked In at the i There are reports that General An- Broadmoor Hotel Immediately. after arrival. - "A : toneseu. leader of the Iron Guard party, may be arrested. . l Against Naval And Air Bases Of Nazis Two, Destroyers Set Afire at Wilhelmshaven Other Ves- r sels Hit by Bombers Various UDjectives airucK provincial police, s'itrd yester- rnwnnM T..1 m TV.n Pnval Mr- Vnma .nntiniios that d-tallcd re- ' 'i day afternoon no i. , f. j 0,v otll cuctinc xaiuo agaiuot uavcu emu u uuovo uo port 'lid yet been received at! uigiujc police headquarters here in re- as Otner military ODjecuves in urermany arm ueriiiaii-ui:-iard to oeorge and Robert Robert-, cupied territory. One attack yesterday was east of Wilson jishermen brothers, who are 1 heimshaven, the great German naval base, where two des-atSnsTntt ' trovers were set afire. In Danish waters a supply ship Rivers Inlet district oft Queen j" .vv. Charlotte Bound. The reoort as to aaniagea. Docks at Kiel and oil depots at th two men being missing was .a from th,. nrnvinclal nollce Hamburg were also the tragets of u4 r. t -t ,Hir. n,trni hk successful attacks. ' i The Royal Air Force lost seven i ' , planes in an attack on Stavanger, AJR RAIDS KEEPING UPi: Eight German IManes and One British Brought Down Norway, but extensive damage was done to the airdrome there. Mines Off Eire Coast bUBLIN, July. 10. As a mea- LONDON. July lUi yr ; . . - - - - ( ederman. aircraft raided north- sure ol protection against pos- ston last east i and and j southeast southeast Jr.w.A-' ' 'xviai, England- England ana onrr '"SlOie Invasion, invasion, mines inuitro are;bebg. ic-wc"is- - , , 1. pnp Vancouver Big Missouri, .05. Bralorne, 7.50. Cariboo Quartz, 1.75., Dentonla, .01 (ask). Falrview, .00 V. Gold Belt, .15. . Hedley Mascot, .30. Mlnto, .01v Pend Oreille, 1.17". Pioneer, 1.55. Premier, .75 (ask). Privateer, .42. Reeves McDonald,' .25 (ask). Repo, .10. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek, .75. Oils A. P. Con., .08V2. Calmont, .27 (ask). C. & E., 1.26. Home, 1.53. Pacalta, .03. Royal Canadian, .15. Okalta, .70. Mercury, .03V2. Prairie Royalties, .15 (ask). Toronto Aldermac, .10. Beattle. .70. Central Pat., 1.50. Cons. Smelters, 32.00. East Malartlc, 2.22. Fernland, ,03 (ask). Francoeur, .13 (bid). . Gods Lake, 562. Hardrock, .58. Int. Nickel, .31. Kerr Addison, 1.76. Little Long Lac, 1.86. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.08. Madsen Red Lake, M. McKenzle Red Lake, .90. Moneta, .38. Noranda, 43.00. Pickle Crow, 2.17. Preston East Dome, 1.44. ' San Antonio, 1.50. Sherrltt Gordon, .52. Uchl, .26. Bouscadlllac, .02. . v Smelters Gold, .00V4. Dominion Bridge, 23.00. I I SEIZURE DENIED SINGAPORE Naval authorities here deny that the French liner He de France has been seized but say that it has been only detained pending instructions and is still Hying the French Hag. MINISTER SPEAKS OTTAWA In his lirst speech yesterday as minister of national defence. Col. J. L..Ral- said: "Our iob fa -to be prrparcu ir nj"is . j .Mnn,nr u. .hi,.a ih- lm- eastern Scotrand yesterday It was ; --7 P-0,ff"T. Mi nl ! Ion has been expressed that cal fitness. training and discipline t,ll,uc. uaiuosc - in 1 ..1J 1 all in VYM-rlS get a foothold on the British resourcefulness and energy In the Isles by way of Eire. war effort. VllV; .11 'iENEMY ARE TODAY'S STOCKS Jooiuton Oo.) TOO CLOSE United States Said to Be Alarmed at Presence of German and Italian Prisoners ,In Canada WASHINGTON, July 10. The United States Department of State, it lis admitted, Is somewhat alarmed ! over the movement of German and Italian prisoners from Great Brl-, tain to Canada for Internment but has not as yet made any official ' representalons. I MOISTURE IS NEEDED Hay and Seed Crop In Bulldey Valley Will Be Light ' SMITHERS, July 10. Haying has started in the Bulkley Valley but, owing to the continued dry spell that has been experienced this year, the hav croD Is going to be very light while the timothy seed harvest will be exceedingly light. Grain crons and garden stun can do very well yet if there is a good rain soon. Otherwise these crops, too, will suffer. Rain clouds eather day after day and occasionally there will be ft few drops of rain or a light shower bus the clouds seem to disperse wltn- out providing the moisture that seems to be hanging around. NO PRIVATEER FLIERS LONDON, July 10! (CP) Air Ministry Is "concerned" denials ot the existence of Th that free lance pilots are being Ignored. The belief that there are ''independent nignts is inconsistent witn tue records of the Royal Air Force, It Is pointed out, aVUt t . i