PAOt TWO F YOUR SUMMER SHOES ARE HERE Ladies' White Shoes in AH Styles and Designs Men's'-Campacs- By Qutta 2 3 95 Ladles' Sun Kay and Bar Flex Sport Shoes Priced Child's Runners All colors. Priced $1.25 75c10 $1.50 AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Paid In Advance,, per month .50 By Mall to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 By Mall to all other countries, per year .. 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion .02 Local Readers, per line, per insertion 2& Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone . 8C Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MKMUKIl OF THE f.tXAIIIAN I'KEs Tb Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to um for republication of all newa di H0Ht credited to it or to the Aescc taxed Preat tn hia puwr and atx Ui local news published thereto. All rwhta of republication ct epcctal den)e,tohs tbereln are also rencrved DAILY EDITION Monday, June 17, 1940. EDITORIALS FRANCE'S BRAVE FIGHT It was with great regret we heard this morning that France had been forced to capitulate and had asked for an honorable peace. There was little else they could do. With Coastguards In Airplane United PICNIC WAS SUCCESSFUL THE DAILY NEWS Items is IN FINALS; Fine Outing: By Canadian Legion usy i)ay Yesterday In tlrincinej At Digliy Island Enjoyed Hy l'rlnce Kupert Club's Tuurna- Big- Crowd ' J ment Up To Last Stages i Favored with perfect weather n . . Tnn,. chlbi the annual Canadian Legion pic . --- ' tournament proceeded with a busy. nir tn DKrhv i.lnnrt vMterrlav wa. l wULr and successful Sunday, some crosc . -rhT a complete m success. The fin- line , ... . . . . ,. . .. . . and uu" excltlnc matches were run on weather brought out old and ni.WIMi in ., . , and very fine tennu played to yuuiig uuu u large iiumurr ui , - nnat . . final bring the tournament to 1U ,..,.i. ha. i,artiH iho ,..h ui upwmus ui a uiuusttiiu pit- . t inai Piil. nickers safely and expeditiously. Boats loaned Included the Nel- Cameron, George Dawea, Jack Judge, Jack Malr. OOfaett Meek- Ul .11 Wl Oil IB a srvu- - ton beat Herland. 7-4. 441, &-. af- sen Brothers large packer Rlbek. "c' "ICTZL, nt Captain J. H. Hartlta: the nevf 2 hours, J1 boat Thelma S.. Captain Qle Skog. m ? "tSfi" bteb was the subject of much w? Ufcwr -" favorable comment; the Ingrtd II. In men's doubles aemi-ltnM Captain Charles Untkjmat; Ar- u "w' 7" A"."" mour Salvage Go's Daly. Frill Captain nd LTtej ,7'5 ;7 iS! ,-u. Armour: Oeore Jf Laura F II. and F. A. MacCal- "1 '--TTTJh lum's Arranmore. """ ' , ,, , . In the final fu 1 f I ,prom sr In mixed doubles seml-ftna rar. off in good Umt. Those to BortelKl ld Tinker beat Owyer ' 6 30 P-m Tuesday. r. n ,t t t o UOftlUII, V . Al. A-ACIIJ', ilCUlJ urvcu and Jack Frew. The canteen was In charge of Mr .nH vtn, neonre Breant re- Annur ceaie, unanes amuon. w. lhe to clty m sturday ""u """w kciw. in- tared nortli from Vancouver, demand was so great thi.t supolles became exhausted. General fatigue was looked after by Asa Allen. Jack Judge and a very capable party from the Irish Fusilier Ssrgeant Rothwell and Fusilier IxiCE COMPANY. ANYWAY . PkAJ3NTON. En.. June 1?: CP F,mt Jnriri iff ralMn nf iUa Dck CHen. Craig and MlUar This pj trQreal w If0m voluntary support from the troops d nftpr 0eran was particularly gratifying. h nrin. .h MttPth c In charge of tickets were George wKh a 1B.yfar Duteh actrM8 In a 4Q-k flat-bottomed boat. Results of the sports were as Mixed three-legged race J. B-follows: Spence and H. Spenoe; Mrs. Smith i Bntaac Girls, under six years Shirley and N. Cameron. 'Booth. Baseball Scores Week-end Big Ltaftw Joorea: SUNDAY'S SCORES National League Chicago 4-. Uostoo S-l. Cincmnatl 1-6. Brooklyn 0-1 St. Louis 9-3. Philadelphia 1-1. Pittsburgh 5-8. New Votk 0-S. American League New York 6-6. St. Leu 18-8. Boston 4-14. Chicago 3-5. PhBadelphia 3-3. Cleveland 4-4. Washington 7. DetroH 8. SATURDAY'S SCORES National League Cincinnati . Brooklyn 11. Pittsburg 1 New York 12 Chicago 11. Boston 5 St. Louis 14. Philadelphia 1. Amrriran lyagur Boston S. Chicago 2. New York 7. St Louts ft. Washington 1-0. Detroit 11-8 Philadelphia 7, Cleveland 4. Baseball Standings The league standings to date National league Btwklyn . 32 CUMiMMU M .ciiuiBC writ J tit is. rtww, lieu m . ...j.,, . , . w,,wlri w-.. Viwlt Barton 3,r Ra"ce' P. L Yungmn W- nat'f train. They came In from Csmtaad Howarth, Harrj' Breen; Henr. HaselUm with their ear, havlnx mo-Detroit New York i SI Usui iChksaw Phdtiphl A. Haugan, L. MaeDonald, N. Mac- Mens football place klek O.l 1.M0. Donald. Storrle. C. Seharfe. superior armaments and outnumbered throughout, the Bo- x o. wren, Jerry T' 1 . i i r-, rrencn armv out un a wonaeriui v hrnve i fitpnrp t tnnk.0". a terrible toll from the Germans, probably more of the attackers falling than of the defenders. Until right at the last the French lines were unbroken and the .retrea orderly. They have won immortal fame by the wonderful retreat of the past week. The only regret in connection with the whole Avar so "far is the way in which the strength of the Gei nian force; has been underrated. Great Britain haB been as much a' fault in this as other countries. She ought to have known ten years ago that Germany was arming for a great strug . gle and should have been prepared for it. She was told about; it often enough but refused to believe what she wa told. However, it is useless to look back now. We have to ook forward. The present crisis has to be met and doubtless is being met The war will be continued with vigoi and, according to Mr. Churchill, will be won against all odds. The British navy is still supreme and the British air force is. being very materially strengthened. for Protection Of Life At Sea tlnents being routed more anc. mere through the ocean air, bird-men of the coastguard are facing new and challenging conditions In preparing for deep sea rescues. '- The oldtime breeches buoy and States Takes New Steps stow-moving cutter won't bt enough. Help must come by air and It must come swiftly, heedless WASHINGTON, D. C, June 17: or weather conditions. Coastguard (CP) Eyjig, lifeguards, trained statIns are being spotted along for streamlined rescues at sea, are 1x3111 coasts of the United 8tates. deploying along the coasts and waitlas for tomorrow's desperate radio .calls from ships In trouble. Mst people nua ln- classified With travel between the con- afls- Do you? NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A UOMK AWAY FROM UOiUE" Rates 75c up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phont. 281 P.O. Box 1 Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo H'cllington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 Dawes. S. A. Cheeseman, J. M. Walker and George Abbott The general chairmanship of the r- - picnic was in the capable hands son, E. Dahl. I. Bdlund. of the president. Jack Preece, who Boy, under fourteen J. Davtes, spared no pains to see that trans- M. Tn, J. Ladiees. portatlon was adequate and Girit, under sixteen I. Ander-speedy. that every picnicker was son, K. fihrubsall, E. Dahl. safely aboard and also found time Boys, 'under sixteen C. Warn-to assist with the races. In the maker, J. Davie. II. Hamilton, sports, the tug-of-war events were Single Ladle' race 1. Macken- very popular while In the balloon ale. E. Dahl. race some were short of wind. It Married ladies' race Mr, h. Is reported that one balloon re DkkenojaMra. B. Jensen. fused to expand perhaps thai was 100 yards open R. Anderson..' due to the pinhole caused by one W. Bird. helper. Neil Cameron's diving fin- LenW egg and spoon race ish In the veteran's race was also Mrs. H. Dickens, M. Ad seek, a feature. Mens sack race W. Bird. F. Results Of Spurts 'Anderson. w M. Tanjruav. , Girls, under eight J. M. Wide. B. Prince. Bovs. under eiht A. A. Foreman. A. Jacklln. Girls, under ten M. Wrn, M. Dorreen. P"". under tn D. Anderson. O. Skotr. PHONE 3 Mutch. J. Main, G Oirls under twelve K. Doherty. 3. Barber, O. Morgan. nov. under twelve B. OH1, G. ApHorsop J, Rhnrf r,'"l. under fotirtn- J. And-r- Ladles' anftball throwMrs. B Smith. M. Morgan. Adeock. Ladies' Auxiliary race Mrs. vWlde, Mrs, Anfus Macintosh. Hart wig. Veteran's race J. Ratchford, H. Spence. Ladies' novelty bakxn race Mrs. Wide, Rita Jensen. Ladles' tug-of-war Single ladles won over married ladies. Men's tug-of-war Searchlight Battery won. United Services nice (men In! uniform Sereeant fant Rothwell. Goin' Fishin1? Pudney, Ser- Our Fishing Competition For the largest Rainbow or Cut-Throat Trout caught on fly or spinner opens May 24th and closes Labor Day Y6u .Are Eligible With Any Purchase of Fishing Tackle SEE US FOR DETAILS Kaien Hardware C o. Box 98 10 Bern' beat Wlldtev airdChlfji . "fxlrie. - A-i S-4. Fnl will 'St. Loots It Plttaburg 17 Philadelphia - If Boston American league WMitafton II n as W SO SI 11 1 22 St . MM 21 24 SB M M M M SI 1 14 Halibut Sales .081 em JM H9 .429 ire 14S 111 ,B9V .m JUS ,442 .433 192 Summary American 158.000 pounds. Be and 73c to 9.6c and 73c. Canadian -M.6O0 pounds, 9e and 7c to 9.8c and 7c. American Llndy, 40,060. t and 7Je. Storage. Seattle. 30490. tJSe nod tJe. At- ttn. AJsa 40.MW. &c and Ite, Royal Middtaton. MM, Me and 7 Ac Booth. Ptene, 18.000, 9c aad 7 5c Booth. Canadian dMice II llJOt. Mb and 7e Bdmunds k Walker. Bd Upsett. 11J00. f.7c and 7c AUln. VI king I. um. &.4e and 7c. I, 17300 l.4e and 7c rvJslBBBWr Md t. Stor age. R. W.. Ujm, tJe ad 7c. Pa-alflr. Tiwwell 8300. fte and 7e. Atlin White Hope. 21.000. 9c and 7c Storage. Daniel 8.. 1.000. 9r and 7c. TT! with BIG 5 -L I CLFnMSFR ct m t tkt ft unit tMrtllm tlatt 'Salt-aad. i vi r,itf U, tti( trt TKIC Sm IkrM Blvt-DlM Ttpi Utm 8I ri ClMititr flat, aad IM I faf aitklat tut iu. ta Uxltial CkaaiUal C.. LM.. Maalrtal. A vlik, maka lira at ara wt ESi BIG FIVE ln M wit alw far kayr Maa If. . 1 klttar Clunu a... A tlliully xaa-a ( (laait jl itraUk Na tatall ii ia ami la yaar ka4a ktaM It laa-Ulitt all U aalwa Cliratrlaa. UNITED CHEMICAL CO. LTD. 3830 St. Ambrolse St. .Montreal Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Service-3 Heated Cars CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Waler, Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress Head Of Mail Order House Is Jasper Visitor The NEW Serier III. Kodaks Jiffy Kodaks Vest Poeket Kodak Ban Urn t.t Htflded offing m Jumper p:v. . wltt Mrs. Eur.v emive broke a x, ;IMflc Ooan i, ptee resort JASPER PARK LODGE. June 17. "ally aavt.t President of the T Baton Com- N! ure , pany Limited. R Y EuUir Saturday u,t fit, KODAK See Them H ere Baby llruwiiie $1.10 Carrying (ase Itaby BruMiite de luxe Sicelal Kodak 820 BulU lle .. G30 Brounie Junior tC40 SU IE it Bullet Camera M40 Field Cae with strap New Kodak Viilatit t0 and IG ... Series II. Kodaks ......A.... Hi Ci t Sib arid liu f ,j 0 '"'' lotrjil J CtO IS.25 dli Kodak 1S' for full rolur miniaturm and profrsstonil tMfc camera work , tlC.tO. $n.M and C.i llihet grade leather field rmsr ri Kudailidt I'rujrclor lor No. 31 rolor pro jet lion model I - . I . . . mt.a nuu riHun luiuir I inurr . jjj rviHidk .iiriai inpoa m VilM ALBUMS ACCKSSOKIES Developing and Printing Come in for Your Complete Kodak Catalog ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Mwiw llulldlnc, Third Avenue, Prince Ruprt Hour from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone &IUXNB1 BARGAIN . . . for this week DINETTE SUITE Hew. Special $31.50 Keg. $00.00 Special $69.50 Keg. $70.00 Special $55.00 Ucjt. ST5.00 Special $62.00 Keg. $110.00 Special $95.00 This offer good till June 2i Look at the Saving Buy Now SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! ctllinc at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Steamer Leaves Prince Kupert Every SATURDAY, 4 p.m. MONDAY, 3 p.m. Trains Leave Prince Rupert for the Kat Monday, Wednesday. Friday, f P "'. AIR- CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave.