M , : , June 17. 1840. . TBX DAILY JfBWi MARSHAL PETAIN ASKS mTLElt T NAME TERMS ON WHICn FIGHTING MAV BE TERMINATED Continued from Page Onct which Hhe would lay down arms, the German High Command .announced. The Home radio an-nunced tonight that Mussolini and Ciano left Home tonight. Prenumably they are enroute to meet Hitler regarding the French request for an armistice. In Madrid the Spanish foreign minister asserts that Germany has invited Spain to take part in peace negotiations with France. f MORE FOR YOUR MONEY I Come In and See the I I New -ttytfujUtf Ranges I GENERAL ELECTRIC There's value in ring, value in performance with a G-E HotpoinL You ruok fater with the Guaranteed Hi-Speed Calrod element an J ave current with the new Hntpoint rneaiured lieaL Model arc priced from $116.50. On dilay to-day with thrne other efficient G-I" appliances lludprt term. DON'T MISS THESE MONEY-SAVERS 1 1 I G-E Rcrrijmtor 8 modcti from SI 96 G-E T.LcWn Clocli G-ERdloi G-E Aomtle Iron $8.95 ModW from $4.95 Prlctd ban $15.95 OtKerifrom $3 JO NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED 'C AH A P f A N "GE E K A t HKTRICJfe saw "t MacKenzie's Furniture BEAUTYREST MATTRESS In tanUlnLng over 800 small Individual coU spring covered while cotton Built lor sound refreshing sleep. JI.&U Slumber King Spring- There irno better. 15.00 All sizes Open Till 10:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 327 Tlliun AVENUfc nejPjjjjBjjBaaaaBaa" BiiBBBBBaBBBlaajBBBaBBJlBBlBBBlBBBBBBaBaBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB THE OLD GAUDENLK FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin B The new remarkable Plant SmulaTt in tto pw portions, a mild "Je elements and further essential and a for a steady growth healthy plant life. Today 10c 5C Try a Packet Wholesale "M"'"":T , Id . . m.ibin r.a. r.K.) Lutheran Ladies' Aid Tea And Sale Successful Affair la Held At Home Of Mr. John Murvold, Many Ladles Caltlnr Favored with favorable weather conditions and attended by ladles who crowded the rooms through out the afternoon, the tea and ale of home cooking held by the Lutheran Church Sewing Circle at the home of Mrs. John Murvold Ambrose Avenue, last Thursday charge in the kitchen, the servi KmiUen. Mrs. H. Slmonsen waai cashier and in charge of the well! luden home cooking table was Mrs. A. Antonsen. During the afternoon an accept able program was presented. There were voeal solos by Mrs. Anton ;Dvbhavn. violin solos by Norman ix the rritr.Mr. rm rr or iikitisii 1'Ol.t'MIIIA in PKontTr. In Ikr Matter ml IK -AdmlnWratUn Art" AlMl In IK Matlrr mt twr Mate of Urn-Miln Irrtnann. TAKX ttcmcz that by Order of Hi Honor Judge ruht datrd Ur 1Mb I aa aprjoMaVfid AdnHntatiBtor WIWS tbe W:i: tnnnmi at the Eta4 of the hate ness. le """Yar' urday night's train Mrs. Otto ,nt QJerstaa ano Mrs. Hans I . LOCAL NEWS NOTES i... nnniiiri rrixtAff left last wk ,ith his uncle and aunt, Mr.: visitor in the city, having arrived and Mrs. Jack Armstrong, to spenu the summer with them at Victoria. Donald Blake arrived In the city on Saturday night's train from his military duties at Kingston to spend leave at his home here. was a very successful affair. TheBurn. on county Court trosl-f rooms ana tames were decorated with seasonal flowers and colors. Mm. Murvold received the guests. WHh Mrs. P. Anderson. Mrs. H. Ilagen and. Mrs. A. Anderson In Judge W. E. Fisher is leaving oxA tonignts train ior a wip ui week or ten days to Smlthers and J. E. Ormhelm, who has Benjamin Feruaon rxoxaaed. Ute ofTh-r- u.a. - larce turn-out of cv ot Prtnre Rupert. Protlnce of I ,, . . . , Br (oiumbkv vierchuit. and ttt callers and the gratifying sum of .! prrxiw indexed to Me miA EauUeltlSO vni realized, this to be used - .. t, and uZ. ma petna banns 111 the Purchase of comforts for nuiia Mtut nm aatd tta4e are re-'tocal boys in the naval service .,a rt u, me them proper ""i ' during the coming winter. Ill ut vrKInc WrsLkVaaV wtui VMA fTaa me Call va Ot or before Dkfnr Uar the (Cm, day ot June WO falling wMeb l ahall make fUnUUMtton of aueb tta.te tmrtnc rrgrd only to dakna i ii; my handa 1 ATED at Prtnre Rupert B C . UUl IS :. of May A D 140 NORMA! A. WATT. Off total Administrator. Please Take Notice On and after the 15th of August, 1940, the music class of Miss Margaret McCaffery will be taken over by Miss Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M., formerly of this city, in conjunction with Miss Jean McLean A.T.C.M., Federal Biock. HOLIDAY Hook Your Reservation at SAXGAN KIVER HOLIDAY CAM1 Now Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Massett, Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. H. G. Helgerson Limited 21G SIXTH STREET Prince Rupert, B.C. We have on our lists the following good buys: 412 EMERSON PLACE 7-room house. 2 lots. Lovely garden. Fully modern. Furnace. 4 bedrooms. Concrete foundations. Cash $3150. Terms $2000, balance In monthly payments. We Have Several Furnished Houses for Rent for the Summer Months G-ROOM HOUSE On Taylor Street. 3 bedrooms. Fully modern and sewer. In good condition. Cash $1600 or $1800 on terms. Mrs. C. C. Mills was general convener and was assisted by Mrs J. H. McLeod, the president, who received the guests. Mrs C. H. Elkins. Mrs. Alex Mitchell and Mrs. F A. MaeCallum 1 poured and servlteurs, led by Mrs. James Simpson, were Miss Mar-!garet McLeod. Miss Thelma Cam 'eron. Miss MoUy Ellison, Miss Owen Palmer, Miss Ellen Moore. Miss Frances Thomson, Miss Tona Blain. Mrs. Russell Cameron, Mrs Frank DIbb. Mrs. J L. Blaln. Mrs. W. W. C. O-Nelll. Mrs. A. L. and Mrs. L. C. Eby. Mrs, Holtby.J t. A. J1 Smith was cashier and Mrs. John Bremner read tea cups. In charge of the home cooking table were Mrs. Thomas McMeek-In. Mrs. Jack Armstrong and Airs. W. D. Chrlsttson. Mrs. Theo Fortune was In charge of raffles which were drawn as follows: ', $5 in cash. W. Murray. No, 280. Six pairs of stockings, donated by Mrs. H. S Parker, won by Mrs. Thomas Ballinser. No. 30. , Chicken, donated bv Mrs ' F ClVsliFitO MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC Stenographer. Phone Green 416. (142) WANTED WANTED Woman with family to stay for three months as companion. Mrs. Wick, apply Dally News. 14fl WANTED Driver. Class B. license. Steady work. Box 585, Prince Rupert. (143) LOST LOST Black diamond necklace at Salt Lake Sunday. Phone Green 883. (143) LOST Saturday afternoon, June 15, brown bill fold containing money, fishing license, driver's license, liquor permit. If found return to City Police Office or phone Sunnyslde Cannery, Re- v ward. tf. Jack Unwln of the 102nd. Bat tery returned to the city on the', Catala last night irom a inp ui Vancouver on leave. John Williams, government liquor beerr vendor at Atlin. was a passenger .HLn ..rai at Rmlthers' aboard the Princess Louise Satur day afternoon going through for a on fur buying business, returned to the city from the interior on Sat- ip lo Vancouver F. M. Burns and O. E. Norrl. VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION, customs Inspectors, after a trip to FOR NATIONAL SERVICE will Telegraph Creek on official dutlesJ continue at the Canadian Legion I disembarked here from the Princes Hall TONIGHT and TUESDAY 8 to 10 pjn. Males only, ages 16 to 60. tf. Yoshl and Isa Katsuyama. for-1 Marttesen. accompanied by Mrs. J..merly of this city, both of whom, ill Myrwang. plans Kilos by Mm. .lived here as boys and received Myrwarut and plan duets by Miss' their education in Prince Rupert.j Inerld 8kog and Miss Edith Mur- are at present locaiea in usasa. void 'Japan, where they are In the em- .ploy of a large shipping concern. . 'They tell of reading the Dally J ii 'rfnd-.M t f,fNews with interest and Dr F. T. Rlehardson of West1 Vancouver arrived in the eity on the j Princess Louise Saturday afternoon i from the north. Dr. King and Di I Naval Auxiliary Richardson are travelling dentists. A J C 1 I and they have been In the Yukon 1 1 tdi PiRQ dil IS Successful Event Under the auspices of the Navy Auxiliary a very successful tea was held Saturday afternoon at the barracks of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve which were decorated for the occasion with flags and flowers. Louise Saturday afternoon. The A. R. P. Committee require more men to torm im Am squads. Anyone qualified or interested in assisting please attend meeting at City Hall Tuesday at 8 p.m. -143 Howard Stabler, well known Jun eau attorney and former district attorney there, was a passengerlg aboard tne princess Louise earnr- day afternoon going through tojg seatue. He is going souin to aiiena , a . . . . ., so a Aiasonic urana unge convention. "Build B.C. Payrolls- Under The Doctor's Direction Cambral June Hall, June 21. 7. "Presbyterian Tea. Mitchell's June 25. mm i fVsawiA 1TTH rVfll.lC Mrs. C. L.. Of Nelson. British Columbia, has writen us a very nice letter. "It can not praise Pacific Milk too ' highly." she says. "When my little son was three months old I had to wean him." and then she tells how he thrived on Pacific, given on the advice of the doctor. PACIFIC MILK ImdLiled and Vacuum Packed Frolic, Moose Valhalla Picnic June 23. Cameron, won by Mrs. Walter . . .... Lon?wIU. No. 17. L.5i!!?.ents L MH Margaret Co-oueraUon of Ueut. O; O lm t Stewart and Petty Officer Instruc tor Hughes contributed greatly to the success of the affair. Announcements AU advertisements tn this col BTTiTi will be charged for i ful month at 25v a worn 102nd Auxiliary tea. Mrs. S. D. Johnston's. June 20. I recital June 24. Mrs. J. R. Red Cross Tea. Mrs. Sid Thomson. Jun 26. Raffling off teacloth. 27- Catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJong's, June Dominion Day Sports Celebration. July 1. Big Dance In the evening. C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace. July First. Fare $2.75. United Strawberry Tea, Mrs. Clark's, Pacific Place, July 4. Queen Mary dance Oddfellows' Hall July 5. Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 3. L.O.BA. Bazaar. October 16th. Anglican Fall Bazaar, November Benj. H. Harry M.D. EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed 63l Birks Bldf. Vancouver, B.C. Boys' Band Tag Day Is Success The committee in charge of the 'streets. Excellent for Chafing, Chapping and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40c PAOEATWHBI tag day consisted of George aW. Johnstone and Frank Derry with Mrs. Hanford Perkins. Mrs. James Brown and Mrs. Harry Wanamaker in general supervision of the tag- gers who were Bandsmen For- Hugh Boswell of Smlthers Is a gim of $115.83 Realized As Result tune, Hougan, Teng. Husoy, Of Canvas Held On Saturday Grimble. Thomas and MeRae and from the Interior on Saturday tne Misses Grimble. Davis. Perkins, night's train. J s a result of a tag day on Sat- Thomas. Morgan. Trlcker. Bar- Jarvls McLeod Jr. sailed las', nieht on the Catala for Premier 'where he will Join the staff of the Sllbak-Premler mine. urda, the gratifying sum of $115.- bara and Fay Engelks and Mrs. 85 was realized for the fund to Sorrenti. purchase new Instruments for the The band turned out Saturdaj Prince Rupert Boys' Band, five of evening, under Bandmaster Rob-which are on order at present, ert Greenfield, and played on the Cherub Baby Oi! Ormes Ltd. Zrfi Pioneer Drtugptats The Retail Store Phones 81 & K Open Dally from S am. till 10 pan. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to p-tn. B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Cabin Stove In good Q-f A CA condition .. llni $9.95 . 1 l $3.50 5 1Wbv: $3.50 10 $8.50 GCarmas- $1.75 10 $5.00 5 cZm!...:..J $12.50 to $16.50 2 Sessins K-lay Chime Clocks (jrj 5 ReronditionedKHchen Ranjes Of COQ fi(l to Q9SZ Afi d40.UU tSD.UU various makes. From NEW FURNITRUE 4 Coffee Tables Of very fine walnut In the CJQ ffA latest styles $V0V 4 Drop-leaf Coffee Tables In heavy walnut. 42Q JtZ Regular $120, now QJmiO 10 Studio Couches In all new patterns in rust, brown, green and red. Can be made into double bed or two Cfi 0 singles. 3 spring-filled cushions. Reg. $45.00 now vOV0J 24 3-piec Chesterfield Suites In C7C nfitoQQfi Aft VU ?O.UU latest styles and colorsFrom Phone BLACK 324 THIRD AVENUE Next Door to B.C. Clothiers THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalcium Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Gold Sliver Lead Zinc Cadmium Bismuth Antimony and Zine Dust Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works TralLB.C.