——————— Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ===] THE DAILY NEW e Library Xr - - ¥ ee ee ; ——_-————-— —-——__-__—- VOL. III, NO. 92 PRINCE RUPERT, B Cc. ‘Phonan ay, APRIL 18, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS DENT HAYS’ SAFETY IS MA TENSION RELAXED BY LIST sore COTY AUTHORIZES BANK TO to that burning question of OF TITANICS PASSEN GERS =| SELLN EW. TREASURY SCRIPT is am playing the game fairly and consist- ently, as I fought for the President Hays’ Wife and D and Daughter Undoubtedly Among Should i and voted tor it. ¥ Qne Million Dollars Worth of h of Three tie Bonds to be Disposed he Ip that.’ Those Saved---Carpathia With Rescued Aboard | trying to get even I cannot of June Ist at 98 1-2, Less Three Quarters of One Per Cent Commission---Interest Rate 5 Per Cent.---Transaction of the Bank of Montreal to enlighten him, but on the net | Expected to Reach New York Friday ALBERT FOUND | ee Settled at Special Council Meeting Yesterday . NADEN LECTURED | TWENTY-EIGHT CANADIANS WERE ON BOARD NOT GUILTY mayer | | ity Only Deliberated for Fifteen. In the Pre abyiertan Hall oa ath Of These Twenty-Eight Nineteca Were From the West and Twelve Minutes Before Handing in Avenue last might, Mr. G. R. Na- | Findings—Defense Was That) dei gaye a most eaiettiie ad- of Them are Reported Lost---Passenger List a Long Roll It Was Blackmailing Game. dress on “British Politics Since| | ° ° ° iE rhe Boer) War.” There was a! of Famous Names---Winnipeg Dispatch Places Hugo Special 10 Daily News.) | good audience, aiid the lecture} "eee | Vancouver, April 18.—After] oa3 heard with interest. Mr. Ross Among Missing---Churches to Hold ee eae ef evry gaia bea showed a taviin be a| e ° és } i ' we jury in 1e yer rial re-| strong supporter of Lloy« George Memorial Services for Victims Jiurned a verdict of not guilty| and indicated the various innova- | las night, The accused was at/tions in the political aspect of Special to Daily News, | vivors and their relatives, and to| ee {once released and received the| the old land that have been in- - New Y April 48,—The|prevent all interference by curi-| 3] MESSAGES TO D. H. HAYS. Pamela of his friends.| troduced recently. At the close x suspense still con-| Sit seekers and newspaper re- S. 8. Taylor for the defense|of the address the meeting was having been no | pores until they have left the From Henry F Prillips, secre- | nade a strong plea for pronounc-} thrown open and some lively dis- : ; | docks When the vessel comes tary of the G. T. P., Mon- 3/ ing the accused not guilty. He) eussion followed, notable among qd Tenetyae tae ne along side no one will be per-| treal, received at 1:23 p.m. said Mr, Albert was the victim of|the speakers being a newly ar- Carpathis,: tne Aue oui |mitted present at the landing} The Carpathia will reach a blackmailing conspiracy. He] yriyed Irishman. who is not a sup- d passengers of the Ti-| place except those bearing writ-| § New York on Friday morn- pointed out that Albert and Mrs.| porter of John Redmond’s home she is believed to have HL | ten authority from the company ing with Mrs. Hays and Mrs. Perks were both reputed wealthy | rule principles, but has a nobler Poe Cre ae malertalty mu the government officials. | 3 Davison on board. No news and likely to be the prey for a} ideal for “the little island not however) Sueur eu) near of their husbands. blackmailing game. | far from France,’ ‘and wants the ‘Lom iat a as Parisian Heard No Call. HENRY PHILLIPS. For the Crown A .D. Taylor| trish language and garb revived. Bape baltipesiee ry Halifax, April 18,—The Allan ridiculed the blackmail theory./ A pleasing program of music was White Star Company had been} y ing pee Parisian entered From R. S. Logan, assistant He said the proof-that there was | ; aie candace: Still there i8 @ Very|\j.. harbor last night but brought to the president G. T. P., nd Afruthednost. avascithatiathe! oe. Se Soha 2 (1, but in the main itl no word of the Titanic disaster. Montreal, received at 3) oninjinal proceedings had been| Ppoperty Owners, Attention. ‘ia dob. ihe whole] 52° Saye. she ‘wpoke. the Ttante sng a immediately begun by the father A meeting is called which will ( athia dock, the whole] .),u4 40:30 on the night of the| Wireless received. from on hearing of the girl's story.|be of importance to property space . Wars being! wreck, which must haye been but Mire. Hays on Oarpathia ad- The trial was concluded at 10] owners in Section 2 and west of orning although) 4 very short time before the great vising safety of herself and 3) 0...) 0.04. 18th street for Saturday evening OW ees ted| vessel struck the iceberg, But Orion (Mrs. Davison). Bo pare ——- ae at 8:30 alt police court room, 2t e late this evening), call for aid was heard by the news of husbands. Sympathy cea 8. nning. When she]. ..0.0.. tat nnnd.'D too deep for expression. SERIOUS CASE | innit hat Parisian and she only heard of RS. LOGAN. , Tonight. : eit I gt tl the. Wreok from ‘other vases. | Your last chance to hear Prince cS 1 promptly | Ge te i toy a uatad by Long List of Notables From D. G. Galloway, form- AGAINST HIM Rupert's first cantata, Lickets | a eae : The 'T 50 cents, N reserved seats. sity only, and bulle- New York, April 18.—The Ti- erly private secretary to ) ce in re Hall t \ sted to this effect.|tanic carried about 4,300 passen- President ne Montreal, feIntyre ind other offi vers. of whom 350 were in the received at 12:40 p. m. ta : oheken i the first. cabin Amone these are Have just received follow~ Stuart Henderson, an Ashcroft havi an I > Millet the artist, and ing wireless message from Lawyer, Oharged with aoe DR AEE OSS steamship Carpathia signed zlement and Released on prokeohiana ame aera Dna AD of they: Oonaglideted Hays: “Mrs. Hays and Mrs. —Charge Laid by Norwegian | | $ Davison safe.” No news of Farmer. | YOU TONIGHT husbands. Senereet THE WHOLE COUNCIL IS AFTER Ss edcagtie NI emis wre Vancouver, Apr il 18 “Stuart Attend the St. Andrew's Society —| Henderson, K.C., the late Liberal Concert, Conversazione and THAT AWFUL JOHN HILDITCH le R candidate in Lilloaale and former} Dance in K. of P. Hall at 9— American Academy at Rome, member for Yale in the local leg- Excellent Program Planned. Major Archibald Butt, military islature, was arrested here yes-| terday afternoon on a charge of} At 9 o’cloe k sharp in the K. of embezzlement. He was released! P. Hall tonight there will be held one of the best St. Andrew’s So- tee aide to President Taft. IN HIS HASTE TO COMPLETE THE NEW POST OFFICE BUILD- “!" (0) Presics nena) ta ING HE NEGLECTED INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING SIDE- =|), 0) Bhi WALK—CITY SOLICITOR SENT TO SIC’ HIM! ete on $3000 bail ,and will return to| Pe De sherofl this afternoon, where| ciety entertainments and social to pur-| Bruce Ismay, chairman and he ae 1 dae | eveningé’ Seb pleunad nic 0 ’ 3 t sf uu : ‘ ¢ BLEPps , ) ? . , : ormation Was i . . Lt . s . 5S vrath of the city fath-|tor take immediat | oO; nianaging director of the White| “ein na i i ised against the late| sue him relentlessly, yea even “to rae Tin The allegation against Hen-!| gathering of Seots, both mem- o§ , | : ” Star Line, ’ | re . , 1 rs 7 of the board of works,|the utmost limits of justice, m Wanry. B.. Harris. tho American derson was made by a Norwegian} bers and intending members of c ' en . arris, 8 4 ‘rice P ‘ . . ria ‘ A Thea . loh Hilditeh, The redoubt-| words of Ald. Montgomery), uN=| fh oatr a4 a Ene farmer there, who alleges that] the society, is assured, The pro- leatrical manager, he gave Mr. Henderson $1,112 to| gram of songs and instrumental olin H, has made piecrust til he repairs and makes safe for| anna T Stead, the noted : | after the fashion ap-| the pedestrian the sidewalk with | olonel W. T. ARG, WAS wes pay off a mortgage on his farm} selections is arranged so as to writer, : 2 ‘ 7 aris . r} the cirele in which he} which for the conve nience of nie Mr: and Mrs. Isador Strauss, and this he claims has not be en nn - ‘ eee Sines Bout host prominently, re-|minions the office builders, he| a end Mt Taha stadohaeton done, The farmer alleges that | with dances, also refreshments his good intentions to | Lampered If the sidewalk is not} M ’ . i Mi ao : D Wid 3 Ae nine Henderson said it had been paid, and the general good fellowship Og . . |Mr. and Mrs, G, D. dener, n= ee . 9 es hat sidewalk which helin shape by 4 o'clock this af-| f _ for which the St. Andrew's S8o- alk elit t ; i jamin Guggenheim and Mr, and fatacttal tain sale The ‘following ed to suit his purpose with-|ternoon, wateh for the —appear~| 4,7). Harry Widener Albert |STOCK COMPANY AT THE ie | ri t es I ntributin + 0 , : ’ , yes com NE yopular artists are co ? zg hority from the eity, anee of John H, Hilditeh in the |Gwynex Vanderbilt, who joined WESTHOLME THEATRE, eae g the road to another im- lice court, tharged with in-| : ‘ thar wg —_—— ‘ po jthe ship at Cherbourg, and the A. Bain, song; Alex. Grey, |! il institution presided over| fringing the city bylaw providing |. ntess Rothes: Mr, and Mrs,| Bailey Company of Seattle to Open ; ae x: Mr her Despiser.of Authori-|for the preservation of the city| mien it Danis Mr. aadeire: 5 Season in May. piano solo; Mr. Bain, song; ae le back way to the Hilditeh| street property intact and safe | ins aver poling 3 Bhi s White ee it. B. W arner, song; Mr. R, Kil- lice building is simply|for the use of the citizens, IMr. ‘and aaa Hl. J. Allison, rhe May 6th marke the opening of len, ae) aoe ¥en at Bets Maived With those good intentions, eer TT Albert, Mrs, Cardoza, Mr. and|the professional dramatic sea~| af ae Mr or or Dor nae ; ve manner of its paving Full and complete consign~|47.. Wo, Garter, Mr. and Mrs./son at the Westholme Theatre, fling; mr. one a rs. Dow a pli nol the city hall, With}ment of ship chandlery at Howe echeatt Bhaters arn anta Mrs.|the first company to show here| duet, Mr. a cLean, song; re # indignation yesterday|& MeNulty’s, 2nd Avenue, tf MAN medina GAs. ; nA ake being the popular Bailey com-| Stein, sone a wiolin thet ee slighted in —_ ‘ erg W. D, Douglas, Mr, and Mrs,] pany now playing at the Coliseum ann! others. elly, come sen Nate , block 27 ,section 6, lenry Harper, Mrs. E, D. Apple-| in Se attle, where they have been | ‘ Ness ehure of exalted office they Lot 8 Nelated John Hilditeh, and}g1635, Gash payment $635. O.|{on, Norman CG. Graig, M. P.; Mr.| holding forth to crowded houses An interesting reper- | CHELOHSIN REPAIRED ded that the city solici- M. Helgerson, Ltd. tf and Mrs. Washington Dodge,}®!! winter. a‘ re -|William G. Dulles, Colonel Archi-|toire of entirely new plays Wl - bald Gracie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred-| be produced and theatre goers! Will Make Two More Trips Before | pentane eoes | erick M. Hoyt, Fletcher Fellowes,| can expect a real treat, Further Going Into Dry Dock. ri ’ rticular will \ announce »d in! Lambert Williams, ‘Colonel particulars wits be announce } Saalfield, J, Clineh Smith, Mr, and} ——— ———— George this afternoon Mrs. Frederick Spedding, Clar- ence Moore and Robert W. Daniel. Cha her first trip since she ran on ile start shipwreck drill on the i celta te. Other thing. from the meBne nae Winnipeg and Calgary People, Lent repairs, which att cost up- directed by "ada just ordered out. Good busin WwW innipes, April 18,—The anx- ward of 830,000, She left for the Now burnine aanasi “Will Montgomery get even?” iely felt ere tm regard to the Ti- Coast | south last night. “ity Clerk festoons Olt as Il +s moe ae eye late aw Lanio’s passengeng 36. etlll Keen Vernon 4; Sacramento 3. Pere re men's petition, city hall with that mile 1 é | though most people have given Hakiand 4: Los:Angelen 0, Pantorium Pioneer Pepe }up all hope that Messrs, Fortune, ’ . Phone 4, I , S *rancise : Portls 5 hance Minister says Morrissey nearly made a_ treasury | Hugo Ross, Beatty and Borebank San Franciseo 8; Portland 6, —_—_——_——_—_——_—__— ; “P out of that treasury seript debate, “National Now is kodak time. Bastman’s ete Co oe Continued on Page 4.) New York 4; Boston 14, at the Rexall Store, if PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO = § Wastinsion Rosbling, “Adoiphe|a few days Aaah ilar aneeiti - lyocks in Skeena slough. She is} houl “ a ae | y q reassure tomorrow's intending passengers. lexpected to make two trips and Ree Hilditeh’s skyserapper is stretching heayenward while arr BASEBALL SCORES then go into dry dock for perma-| sell our three year treasury amount receivable he was an- certificates to the amount of swered with a close approxima- two hundred _ thousand tion. Ninety-seven and three- pounds sterling at the rate quarters per cent. of the amount of 98'. less three-quarters is the total represented by the of 1 per cent. for commis- terms of the resolution, to which sion and stamps be accepted. | ine city has assented, The certificates to bear in- | Alderman Dybhayn noted with | “Resolved, That the offer es experts could not offer to terest at the rate of 5 per approval that the terms agreed cent. per annum, and to be on save the city some $7,500 per dated 1st June, 1912, for /annum in interest, and the point payment London, England, (which impressed Alderman Mont- June 1st.” Carried. |gomery favorably is embodied in Above are the terms of the|his remark here noted: resolution passed in open coun-| “If am of opinion,” he said, cil yesterday afternoon, by whieh | that it will be in the best in- the. city ‘agreaa:to.the handling | terests of the city for us to take by the Bank of Montreal of the|UP this offer at this time. Tf million dollar three year issue oy mink it will place us in a posi- treasury certificates arranged for| tion by which we can go to the by the Mayor and City Solicitor | |Bank of Montreal at any later working in conjunetion with the| \time to ask for further loaus adviee of the bank authorities on| Whie ih may or may not be granted. finanée. jl ask Inspeetor Irvine if that is x ; 9” Following the acceptance of|?0t 80% ihe bank's offer, the Treasury} The Inspector: “That is ex- Certifleate Bylaw No. 109 passed | actly the case.” and is now in foree. | Alderman Morrissey with some Preliminary reception of the | warmth raised a point in regard |bank’s offer when the details, in-} to the possibility of the city’s cluding the price of the certifi-| dealing to better advantage with cates were made known, was in| other financial houses. He asked private, but the Council soon} if any had been approached. The afterward dealt with the matter|Mayor replied that the Finance in open session, A feature of the} Committee tiad been instructed to discussion was the attitude} wait on other banks at the time taken by Alderman Morrissey,|of the hydro electric proposition who stickled over the rate of ex-}and had done so to decide finally change and wished black and/in favor of the Bank of Montreal. white statement of the net While appreciating the serv- amount receivable by the city on! ices of the Bank of Montreal up this transaction. On the rate of/to the present, Alderman Morris- exchange, which is subject to fluctuation, even the bank finan- Continued on Page 4.) AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER To the edoins ef ihele of Prince Rupert Until further notice 1 THE MAJESTIC THEATRE and WESTHOLME OPER A= OUSE offer jointly a weekly Gold Prize Drawing $100 in Gold EVERY THU ng, EVENING, COMMENCING TONIGHT Will Be Given Away Free Each Week to the Holders of the Lucky Numbers. HOW IT WORKS Numbered coupons will be attached to each ticket of admission sold either in the Westholme or Majestic The- atres, one of which will be deposited in a sealed box at the door. On every Thursday evening at 9 o'clock a drawing will be held for the following prizes: dat Reine sso ass oh ate-6 ake $50 in Gold 2nd Prize $25 in Gold Srd; Briee ok es kn 4s betwee $10 in Gold Bt tee iia st haiek Cha we $5 in Gold Sth Prise, sii i te OE in Gow Oth: Detee ois a tees ees $5 in Gold Owing to larger seating capacity the drawings will be held at the Westholme Opera House, tickets from either house being eligible, and the results of the drawing will be announced simultaneously in the Majestic Theatre, and payment of prizes will be made on demand any time within one week from date of drawing. No employees or persons connected with either theatre will be eligible at these draw- ings. In case of unclaimed prizes not called for within one week from date of drawing the next highest number wins the prize, TRY YOUR LUCK THIS WEEK BY PATRONIZING THE MAJESTIC AND WESTHOLME ; § eid & it ’ it