PAG1 two ' r Extra Special CLEARANCE SALE Broken Line Now is your opportunity to take advantage of our many super bar- gains in short end lines. While They Last AMILi shoe store lt The Borne of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE JHJPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA D. Published .Every Afternoon, .Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue iL F. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 Local Readers, per line, per insertion .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 j Paid In Advance, per month .50 ' By Mall to all parts of British. Columbia, the British Empire and i United -States, yearly period, paid in advance - 3.00 By Mall to all other countries, per year -9.00 ' Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN I'liESS The CanadUn Press Is exclusively entitled to use for republication of all nKri despatches -credited to tt or to the Aaeoelated Press In this paper and also tie local jutmt published therein. -Ml-irtgbta of nyuhUcation of special despatches therein are also reserved DAILY -EDITION Tuesday, September 10, .1940. IS NO SURPRISE There is nothing surprising or unexpected about the heavy .bombing of London. The surprise i3 that it did not happen weeks or months ago. Evidently the British heavy bombing of .German boat and troop concentrations; on the coast of France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and i ivorway has had the effect of delaying the expected in vasion of Great Britain. Also the attacks on airdromes, oil .supply stations, oil factories, munitions factories and railway and canal transportation facilities have had the effect' of causing dislocation of the German plans. Carrying the war into the heart of Germany is ,the most effective way of fighting this war. It is the best kind of defence and has already proved itself. As more planes are secured the raids will become more numerous and the results will be felt more and more as time goes on. MONEY CAN BE SECURED , A number of people seem to have had the idea that they cannot take their money out of the banks. In fact, some person has been sedulously trying to spread a rumor to that effect. Inquiry from the banks shows that any person can get money from the bank as lorrg as he has it there. "No restrictions have been imposed as to how much they may draw. The only restriction is against sending money out of the country. Jt .seems that it is customary when a client wishes to close out his account and draw out all his money, the bank inquires what are his plans. The banks like to know why the money is taken out. He naturally wishes to know if it is .any .action of .the bank that has been the cause of Withdrawal. So .questions are often asked. Beyond that the banks .do not go. They pay over the cash when asked to do so. We mention this because some people have been worried over whether or not their money was available for their ,use when they need it. Recently the government took to itself the power to take over or direct wealth as it may require it. It will never interfere with small depositors. What the government needed was .the power to direct industry in the channels where .production was necessary and, if desirable, to check or .direct into proper channels all production. There is,a Jaw in this country that makes it.a criminal offence to disseminate false information which might tend to cause a run on the banks. That, is nnp thino- rW mirror engage the attention of fifth columnists and has to be waicneci. aciion 01 tnis Kind should be immediately re ported to the police or one :of the bank managers. (Meet Her in a . Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 . -iCaD.RWe for Price of .One King Pays Eat Of London Visit Inspects Damage Done In Heavily lUt Air-Raid jSeeiion LONDON, Sept. 10: King George .yesterday visited the east end to inspect damage done in the week-end air raids. That was one of the most severity damaged parts of London. BONDS FOR GYRO LUB Local Service XSub 'first it Make Application ior New Issue The first formal -application through a local bank for the new Dominion war loan was made yesterday by the Prince Rupert Gyro Club which Is lnrestlng $2500 of its funds, ultimately intended for the community centre project, in such securities. Most people Mt tnt classified ads. Do you? TH2 DAILY NEWS 10. Hit, DETROIT IN LEAD Cleveland' UdiAns Drop TotWend Place In American League By Losing Xo .Cbicaro 'While ', -Sex CLEVELAND. Sept. 10: Cleveland Indians -dropped to second place iji Jthe -American League standing .half a game below Uhe Detroit cTtjers and half a game ahead of -the ; third place New York Yankees yesterday as a remit of a 2 to 1 defeat at the '".nds of ..the ChJcaw WJUle.,SQic. Thus continues the hectic closing season race for the American "rU enant. In Ihe National a?ue; the New York Giants won 7 to 4 over the -Brooklyn Dorirers. ks -n result. i morrlii .Qf .the leaguerleading "'nHn'M Rer!., 'or whom it was in Idle rlay. was' increased to six rid-a-half ames over the -run-n" tin -Dodgers. The' lefue standings to date: -National -League .Cincinnati ::6? 47. .638 .Brooklyn V 78 55 .580 PJttsbiirg ..: ;67. 6j 328 Amy Busy On Soldiers' Work A Jarge parcel f knitted goods, consisting of sweaters, gloves, wrlst-i.t. jkit. haa .been sent to the SaliaUon Army Jd Shield head quarters from Prince Rupert ana will be forwarded overseas for distribution among he soldiers. The women of the Red Shield m4f miw.i .wpk in Prince iRUDert. 'Besides Itenttttog. Xhey have anade (turtains iforsthe local military hospital Once a .month, .commencing October 2, an entertainment Is to be held to ralse-jfunds to buy. material. St. .Louis 68 ,62 .516 I . i. At -r.n. new riuifr Chicago - - 64 30 178 'Boston 56 77 .421 Philadelphia 43 87 :331 ' American .-Leajue Detroit ... .77 57 .57 Cleveland 76 57 .571 NeW York 75 57 503 Boston 72 62 537 Chicago "70 M ;S26 Washington 57 .77 .425 St. Louis 55 80 .407 Philadelphia 49 78 586 DOMINION OF Lutheran Tea iGood Success Favored by perfect weather, a very successful tea and sale of home cooking was held .Saturday After noon by the Lutheran Sewing Clr- .cle. ;the hall .being tastefully dec orated with seasonal flowers. The Igvests were jeeelved by Mrs. J.3H. iMyrwang, wife of the pastor. Many iladie.s called .during the afternoon. I Kjfra T Tm rertn onH Vftea lAnrni -W4 trill lt."1 Astonished At Description Of : J Prince Rupert Peterson -were In charge of the ea ! r rlnce Rwp6rt GuMiberw room and ihe servlteurs were Mrs. n, V . ' meeting uj Thor Soleim, Miss Mlmmy Johnson .7. "?ard ,rom the unlvilp and Miss Charlotte Myrwang. Mrs. "Ll S tuiru jonnson was casnier. -T ny ' I navp ifinr ki-j Mrs. Sven Sko2 and Mrs..InBvaldi ' . ",,u er Irenness looked after the KTZ. cooking table. ,,,, for ' , IncharEeofrafflesandguesslng are hiimr , J0 I contest.' was Airs. .P. i. .Peterson, discussions of comSi.tei. J? ' winners jn tne rallies were.: . ne.w .cities ..of -Morth 7 Cottage roll. Donja Jensen, No. u a matter of aston ? 121 14. CANADA SECOND WAR LOAN 300.000.000 The Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to announce the offering of a .loan Jo Ibe issued for cash in the following Jerms: 3 Per Cent Bonds due October 1. 1952 -Callable on or after October 1, 1919 Issue Vsice: 98.75 and .accrued interest Yielding 3.125 Xo maturity Denominations of Hearer Bonds: .3100, 3500, 31000 ' . . . ' , .' ,s ' Tbe proceeds yill be used by .the -vernnwnUotfinanw expenditures for varpu Payment is-ltf beadVinittlH interim certificates on or after October ;1: '1040.' iPrincipal ana.inWr-wjll'beajra.ln. lawf ul moneyof Canada. Interest will ,be payable without .charge semi-annually.aUny. branch 5n nada ofiinylchartered bank. The Bonds will be dated October .1, ,1940. . Jn accordance with the annwnvement made, by the Minister .of Finance on August 18, mo,dhe 'Bank .of Canada. Ms heeujurthet; authoked to announce titat applications will be received to convert 'Dominion .of Canada AW Jionas tfue&epUmber J, XH0, which have-not yet . been. presented for, payment, tintoxm-iiqual'parwalue af-itU'Urffi gUe-.dboUe issue. The M Bonds accepted j or conversion with final caujKm&tdched) wiU'ibe -valued tit i00,-25f and the resultant cash adjustment injavour.pj M.applicanttwUl'be jmaie. atifaitime.ejsdtyvery of the new Bonds, on or after Octaber.lt2$40. Cash subscriions.Wonyeraioii applications hay be made through any approved investment 'dealer -or 5tocktKrlceror4hwui ,ny .branch in Canada of any chartered bank, -from whom copies. of -the offidalpr()spec.tus(mtaining ccrojete details of tiie issue may be obtained. Tie Minister of Finance re"serves the right'to ajlot cash subscriptions in full or in part. 'Thelists for cash mbecriftUons and conversion applications will open at the Bank of Canada, Ottawa, ixUM.m., E.D.T, m.Mondky, . September '0AOt and may be closed at anytime at the dkereiionf ihe .Minister of Finance, UfM pr wiitooutmtice1. : . Ottawa, September ft, 1940 -iut " IQ nnst (tnrianta v... ...L . Pillow case. .Albert Undneth. o.' way. come Jrom all narU 0, Pyrex dish, Ed Osberg, No. 137. ; !v jorated so far into the nlv Winners in the guessing contest west. J suspect a deriDttaJ were Mrs. Chris .Jensen, firsthand the country and its climatiT.? ' j v..u. luinii TauiiiKes wuuia cause even m. number of candies In tiip lar mi ncinnichmnt i ..i . o, -i iew oi cne lati. 83. 3tude."