to m page rouu m cult miki Tuesday SepUffib, EYES Licencee for Numounls Full-rue i .amcs, The Newest In Eye-Wear WOMEN'S SURPLUS STOCK STORE Selling Out To The Bare Walls Look at These Bargains!! EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving Max Heilb JEWELER CIIAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 264 for Appointment roner DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties HOME GUARDS GOING STRONG Drill Scene Mover to Ocean Dock-Pipe Band Being: Organized The Prince Rupert Legion Defence Corps is getlng well into its swing and, now that suitable ac commodation has. been obtained for ' the drills, even greater progress may be expected. Through the cooperation of the Canadian National Railways with Divisional Superintendent James Clark actively supporting the corps, the Ocean Dock has been made available. Last week an inspection of the quarters was. made, under the guid ance of Don Crerar and Peter Lakle, when Norman Watt, G. P. Tinker, $25 Fur-Trimmed Winter Coats $7.50 Other rall and Winter Coats $4.95 $4 to $8 Dresses While they last $1 $10 to $25 Fall Dresses $4.95 ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES WOMEN'S HOSE 35c a Pair or Buy 3 pairs for $1 and get an Extra pair FREE 3 only, $15 Evening Dresses $4.95 $7 to $10 Knitted Suits .$295 $Z to 54 Millinery tor only .1sgmmv Values to 75c on Our 9c and 29c Tables RUPERT MENS STORE SALE OF WOMENS WEAR SURPLUS 210 SIXTH STREET Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues Next to Rupert Mens and Boys Store If " Show Your Colors Use Overseas Stationery Specially Put Up in Handy Portfolios One note, size writing pad, twenty envelopes Vellum wove paper Each sheet and each envelope bearing a colorful Union Jack. Special introductory price, only . 20c We carry a complete line of fine writing papers for business and social usage, including Eaton Crane & Pike and W. J. Gage Co.'s nationally advertised brands. i . Naval Changes Are Announced Commodore Reid Is Made Deputy Chief of Naval Staff OTTAWA, Sept. 10: (CP) Com Commodore Reid at Halifax. Italian Attack Does No Damage Nothing Of Importance Accom plished By II Duce's rianes TTYnnTTViP e in Hubert Ward and J. S. Wilson visited the building. There is ample space for platoon and company drills, good lighting and facilities for the squads to work separately. This last feature will enable closer RELIEVE SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH KELLOGG'S ASTHMA IT RELIEF Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 Whifflets From The Waterfront ' v I C. P. R. steamer Princess Charlotte,, which stranded in Tolmie fthannol nor H(t Rlllff last modore H. E. Reid, commander of week( damaging her propellor and: shipment East over Canadian Na- HAIFA, Sept. 10: No damage tional Railways. was done by an Italian air raid on Palestine at the week-end. Nor was anything of importance ac complished by the Italians in a raid on Haifa. Klemtu at the end of the week by the company's tug Kyoquot. aa Northland Transportation Co.'s motorship Northland, Capt. Len Williams, southbound from Ketchikan to Seattle, was in port from 3 to 5:45 p.m. yesterday discharging fish from Alaska for trans The freighter Gray, under char ter to the Frank Waterhouse line with Capt. E. B. Allen in command, was In port from 8 o'clock to 11 yesterday morning bound (CP) from Vancouver to Taku with a For the past few days there has been a decided pick-up in the coho run at Dundasand Wark Canal. Fishermen are all making a few dollars following a week during which there was hardly a fish coming. attention to the various movements jsteamer Princess c t a' J Union steamer Cataia. Capt, j James Findlay. Is' due back In port For Ladies and Gentlemen's i TAILORING I Experience : Quality J Oldest Tailor in Town M. T. LEE Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing 3dAv. Phone Green 960 P.O.975 B. C. Furniture Co. New & Used Furniture At Great Reductions 6 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges For coal and wood, including such makes as Monarch, McClary and Canada's COQ Aft Pride. And up $O.UU 2 Reconditioned Washing Machines Q99 CA & CQQ A A In perfect working order ?A.UU Oi'.UU 1 3-picce Chesterfield Suite 39 50 New Furniture 9 2-Tone Enamel Kitchen Ranges For coal and wood In very H uS s!yles: $65.00 4 Unpaintcd Chests of Drawers Q ff A to CQ Off In all sizes, from OO.OU VV,D 4 3-picce Studio Sets Of the very finest patterns and the latest styles with 2 chairs which have chromlun- QQQ A A plated arms - OiJtJ.UU 4 3-piece Chesterfield Suites All modern, Rust, 2 7 CI A A ArgonneRed $J.UU 12 Complete Beds With high quality spring and fine felt Cesses; $24.00 10 $36.00 rhone BLACK 321 THIRD A VENDS Next Door to B.C. Clothiers WILL HELP RED CROSS Canadian Legion Decides to Sponsor Grand Concert November 10 At the regular moniniy execuuvc the the Atlantic Atlantic Coast Coast naval naval forces, forces, has' has' mdder and i i becoming i unnavigable, nnai,.v.i I ! meeting of the Prince Rupert been appointed deputy chief of nav-! is now at victoria for reDairs. The ' branch of the Canadian Legion of last evening it was agreed to spon sor a grand concert to be staged on Sunday, November 10, to raise funds for the Canadian Red Cross. The committee in charge will consist of Jack Preece as chairman, Arnold Flaten, treasurer; D. O. Borland, H. A. Breen, Sergeant-Major Dey and Len Crlpps with George Cripps as general manager. An ambitious program is planned with all profits going to the Canadian Red Cross. Under Mr. Crlpps" management success is assured. Other activities that the legion Is assisting are the Defence Corps, which has been granted the use of the Legion Hall each Tuesday ev- t it n , , ,. , way. a woman placed her gas mask Tulsequah mine. The on the seat and forgot it. She had .made here for water. $890 in the case. No trace. call was advice from the Secretary of State J for Canada acknowledging receipt of Information from the branch and promising suitable action. The branch will make the usual arrangements for the observance of Poppy Tag Day and the Remem-j brance Day ceremony. Those in attendance, In addition to Jack Preece who presided, were W. J. Ranee, Neil Cameron, Jack Armstrong, Hugh M. Smith,. S. A. Cheeseman, J. S. Wilson and George al staff. Capt. C. C. Jones succeeds vpxxei was tmn-Pd south from i the British Empire Service League CriDDS whrt outlined th nlana for i a. i It mm nirrjiAH t n trvrxrl . ... the commemoration concert and patriotic entertainment. Nine Months ' Sentence On Massett Man George Young was sentenced by Judge W. E. Fisher in County Court yesterday to nine months' i imprisonment for breaking and entering the residence of Leslie Rogers at Massett and stealing $4 in cash. Young had been brought to the city at the end of the week the Irish Fusiliers, who have been! from the Islands by Constable granted the use of the hall for their band and orchestral, practices. Included In routine business was CUsWlEu aimue.,au5Dylneunil,commanaerslK. Gray( arrived ,n at 9 m with a resulting improvement in ! ' ' o'clock this morning on her way:" , the general efficiency of the indi-from Vancouver to Skagway. sail- OK SALE viduals and the organization. limr at 10 a.m. The vessel is sched-1 It is Planned to have an hour's uled to call here southbound on FOR SALE Helntzman piano, anil and then to proceed to the (Saturday affernoon. The Louise bedroom suites. Phone 78. tf. Legion Hall for an hour's lecture, had on board 68 passengers of It is understood that the unit will whom 18 disembarked here while F0R SALE-Cary Safe. Price $60. have Its own pipe band to lead the sixteen went aboard her fnr tW Dally News. tf. turps in lis marcnes. north. FOR SALE 4 room cottage Just off Uth Ave. $500. With furniture $550. H. O. Hclgerson. (216) at 4:15 this afternoon, fog condi- FOR SALE City of Prince Rupert tions permitting, from Stewart and other northern points.' The! 'vessel will sail soon thereafter In continuation of her voyage to j Vancouver and waypolnts. j COST IS SMALL Be sure you telephone 98 If you wish the Daily News de- livered regularly at your home or place of business. The price is onjy 50c a month. 34 will receive offers for dwelling on Lot 19, Block 32, Section 1, to Friday, 13th instant. Signed City Clerk, Prince Rupert, B.C. (214) FOR SALE 5 rooms and bath. 317 8th Ave. West. (218) PERSONAL HYOIENE AND SANITARY SUPPLIES for men and women. Write for latest price list, and' receive Free Novelty premium.) Buy confidentially by milliand save. Western Supply, ! B6f 667, Vancouver, B, C. iS. 15) MEN of 30, 40, 50! VIM, PEP, VIGOR Subnormal? Try Ostres tablets. Contain tonics, stimulants, oysters elements, aids to. normal pep. If not delighted) with results first package, maker, refunds low price. Call, write! McCutcheon's and all other good drug stores. n SCHOOLS & COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION for Clerks announced. Open to all. Applications to reach Ottawa by Sept. 15. ..Our advice has helped hundreds obtain Civil Service positions as Clerks, Postmen, Customs Examiners, etc. Free booklet on request. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Wln-nepeg. Oldest in Canada. Nc 1 Agents. sll FOUNT FOUND Pair of spectacles ;n limp leather case. Pay for this ad- I vertlsement and get the spec-tacles at Dally News. tf. WANTED- " (CAPABLE n UiabWLt .Ul housework. Apply 410 6th Ave. west. (213) WANTED Small safe; state dimensions, weight and make to Box 21. Dally News. (215) CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CJPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 610 Everything in Novelties 5 i T At I Evas Novelty !: I SHOP !, C25 3rd. Ave. West J Walter MIddleton of Massett. TONIGHT and CARY In 2 Shou. VI. hn . ""V GRANT ROSALIND RUSSELL 'His Girl Frida i at i i -. . . . I . ana J;3() ADDED "Donald Duck the RiwJ screen Miaphotjk "Sky Fighters' Coming Thur, - Frf Fred Astaire. Eleanor tnA nreauwav sielodi NEW SCHOOL OPENED Inspector Ai x T that a new .!.. this year at Blv Mi Get A Fine Set Of Pencils With Your Own Name (Stamped in Gold) For School Mail Your Nabob Coupons Today Print clrarljr on a pirre uf 1T ttia name mi wanton tlirne four lx-autlful, rrarr-lipr.l prnciU, Attach I roiion or 8 lialf--oiiMin taken frcini Nabob lea, Oauoli l.ollcc anil INalwh Baking l'owdrr and mail throe together with 10c to Kelly, lunulas & Cm. Ltd., Vancouver, Canada. Keaiirc to Inrlude your name anil al-drroa. Full roupona are found inl-lb. parkapeaof NalwbTea anil (frre. Ilalf roupona are foil ml in yWi. pae kailea of alml'Tra ami. NaUib OiHrv anil JZ-oz. Una ;'nf,Naliol IJaUug KEIXY DOUGLAS & CO.. LTu VANCOUVER, CANADA AJOOr, Canadian OtennI Compmny rilONE 11C LTD. EST 1 z Complete Line of ; Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY riioxE in UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Bteamer.o T.p.ivo Prinoo ni,nrf fnr Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FHIU1' DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10(:30p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs. pjn. Due Vapcouver, Monday If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets . . - . . . . vhnnti nun. j. siurwEK, ITlnce Rupert Agent, riura a-