When you smack your Tips and say.. You'll get from your breakfast all the oomph you want ! KUOCCS mil fOK fLAVOVt nr bout. .ivci nd uperti, loo! In fcc.ot tunty icrou Cjmdi houicwitti reported ihtir feiniliti preferred Ktlloftg'1 5 10 1 11 igiinic ny oilier brand of corn AA.i mentioned. And the mined cspert plt of (o-tiittri, coffee-Mender, cheft, ujr iht wme. ,for Juunce, Mr. J. M. Cochrane, Supcrint.o-.dent of iiunti Umiied, famoui for ibeir fine confeaiooariM, re pom: "The condition! cre ttrict, the ten impjrtiil, but there wn so doubt of the reiulu KellojtK'i rued first or flavour." Tke 1 tip from the ciperti. And hen ou et out, ik for Kclloftg'i in ibe U'iirxdWiiiiui ptckigc New Tlassvticd Add -.Dring PICKLING SUPPLIES iin Wednesday Sept. ,4th Cucumbers Gher- (.larpand small White fcniimall .Cauliflower and Green Peppers irn TonhtOes. Dill tWeed MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Khere Dollars Have More Cents" USS OLAFSON A.T.C.M. kiate Teacher of Mlss Way i Royal Academy of Lon- I Certificate for Harmony PHONE 843 sac TF YOUR breakfast doesn't make your mouth water; J- it can't give you the extra enerirv von nreA. :!n in.I.f on Kellogg's Corn Flakes; the breakfast that does thtse three vital things; First, the very thought of the glorious flavour rouses your sleepy appetite. Second, they are jam-packed with -essential energizing "carbohydrates! Third, they help keep you going through hours of work. So get several packages right away. Proven first in flavour, Kellogg's take only 30 seconds to prepare; Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada; jPipers PJan Forming Band -New Musical Organization Expected to .Appear Soon in Public Uoys'lland AUo Itevlvlng There are a number of pipers in town and .an effort is now being ,'made to form a pipe band. It is ;said that at least seven pipers are ready to take part and It is possible-others may be found. If this band could combine with the Irish Fusiliers band it would cause quite a .atlr in the .city. Weekly parades are suggested. The Boys' Band has now secured new Instruments and will be able to aDDear in public and parades of 'this band are expected to commence i soon. There had been some cnu-jcUm of the .Boys' Band not appearing on the streets very often but this is explained by the fact that many of the Instruments were not in condition. Now the defect has been righted. MacKenzie's Furniture pairs "Ayers" Jure Wool .Blankets, .white .and pastel shades; 15 Pairs Grey Wool Blankets, Flannelette Sheets 2.00 From, per pair lne : 327 THIRD AVENUE 'ANAD1AN RATIONAL RAILWAYS earner leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER Thursday 11:30 p.m. cainnK ai Ocean Falls and Powell River. Nns Leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Juriday, b p.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars tor Fares, tc Call cr Write ;CITV TICKET fOFriCE, 528 T11IKD AVE PHONE 2C0 Agents for Trans Canada Air Lines H. BULGER Optometrist 'al BnkMt Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE tS7 ECONOMIC All Only few pen. nics la give toe wnoie limiij Drcimasi or fupper. Hive you tried Canada's fa vourite cereal in tbe new fimily-ize package? Ask your grocer. BEAUTIFUL i MARRIAGE1- laide St. Andrew's Cathedral was the yetting of a beautiful wedding on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, Very rpv; J r nitisbn DD.. the dean, of ficiating, when Edith Muriel , younger daughter of Stewart Both-well and he. late Mrs. Bothwell of Mannyjlie.er.tai ibecame iOthe bride of Duncan Percy, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Miller of Prince ' Rupert. The bride, who was given in mar riage by P. H.'Linzey, wore a white. Elizabethan style satin dress with l train and her veil, which had been 'her mother's, was held in place by; a coronet of orange blossoms, sne carried a white prayer book orna- ies. Their bouquets were or pink and white carnations. Bombardier i Victor Miller, brother of the groom, I was groomsman. Ushers were uor-idon Fraser, ack Gibson, Sam Jur- maln and Ernest Meadows. During the signing of the register the choir sang "Oh Perfect Love." At the reception held In the Knffips' Hall. Mrs. J. E. Jack, in .a pale pink lace dress and large pic-1 !tii hat. wa ajsisted in receiving by the eroom's mother who chose a ' navv blue embroidered net dress and hat to match. The toast to the bride was pro-. I posed by Dean dlbson and responded to by the groom. Ernest1 Meadows proposed the toast to the' I maid of honor and the groomsman I replied. The toast ;to the brides-1 maids was proposed by O. T. iGer-, man and responded to by Gordon, .Fraser. ' Congratulatory telegrams! ' were read by S. P. Woodslde. 1 Mrs. George Eckerman and Miss' E. M. Earl presided at the urns.j Serviteurs were Mrs. W. Wharton,' Mrs. K. Green, Mrs. S. Jurmaln and. the .Misses Vivian Wrathall, Ruth . Hind. Betty Miller, Sheila Stuart, . Owen Palmer, Joy Green, Mary. Macfle, Eileen Gibson. Frances Thomson and Pheme ;FJnley. Following the reception there was dancing to the music of Jean De Carlo's orchestra. The haDDv couple will take up residence .at their new home on' Paul Anderson, ' ' , , I LOCAL NEWS NOTES- Sea Cadet opening" ttrfll 'Wednesday. 7 dot. R.ON.V.R.' Head quarters. 1 Bowline .meeting Jtt fowling Alleys, Tuesday 9 jun, .all interested pleasejattend. (215) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garrett and child, who have toeen on a vacation trip south, .returned ..to the city from "Vancouver Jon thePrin-cess .Louise .this anorolng. lor Some - thirty or forty friends gathered At an enjoyable farewell stag party last night -at--the home of S. C. Thomson, Fourth -Avenue East, in honor of William Brooks-bank who is leaving this .week for Vancouver to which city JSlr Brooksbank has been, .transferred in the service of Edward Upsett Ltd. "The feature of the evening proceedings was the presentation by Mr. Thqrnson, on behalf of the party, of a handsome Masonic ring to the guest of honor. .Suitable 'sentiments were expressed by JMr. Thomson in making .the .presenta tion and Mr. Brooksbank respond ed. Mr. .and Mrs. Brooksbank and daughter, Georglna, wlll leaVe'for VartCQuvef on the fince'ssf- Aie- Priday night. Announcements All advertisement in ttdi ej--unn will be charged for m full month t :3fc;A word Eagles - bridge .and dance September;. 11. Annette's .Fashion Review and Cabaret, September 12. Tea .and refreshments. C. C. F. Bridge, September 14, ' 1 t , Anglican Tea, Mrs. Cecil .Fitzgerald. September 19. Hill 60 Dance .September 20. with Willi talisman bajjoiuait roses and heather.! Rebekah Tea for .Canteen, Mrs Miss Monica Holtby. very dalntUy,Bt Morgan s, ,26th dressed in white net with hat to match, made a charming little tralnbearer. t Miss Evie Rlvett, as maid of or, wore pale pink lace and net with small flowered hat ana gloves to I match. Her bouquet was of yellow roses and bronze chrysanthemums. Miss Eleanor Moxley and Miss Audrey Wrathall. as bridesmaids, wore full skirted dresses, the former's being made of violet blue embroidered Ridley Home October 1. grocery shower, Catholic Bazaar October 2 and "3 City Tennis Association dance Oddfellows Hall, October 4th. De Carlo's Orchestra. Ticket admission 50c. Presbyterian Choir supper October 4. net with accessories to match andj Navy AuxlIlary Tea bcWber 10. me laivers oi aijua muc luiuium- LL'glon Hall; Dunsmulr Street. Rebekah Dance. Oddfellows'' HalL October 11. Queen Mary Dance. October) 18. Sonja's Bazaar, November - 8, Moose Hall. Salvation Army Sale, Nov. .6. Anglican Bazaar. November. 7.. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD fiEAL Fancy Red Sockeye ;PJNKcSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed .by .the only salmon canning company with ..amaH ithe year round jpayrpjl Jn "tV 'Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT LEGION DEFENCE .CORPS; tonight, 8 pjn. Fall in .at Ocean Dock. Inspector Ernest Gammon, pro vincial police, left on last evening's train for a trip" to Prlwie George an official duties. Mrs. A. C. Bowyer, president :of . the Rebekah Assembly ,01 British , Columbia, will .arrive in the city on thePrlnce George Wednesday supplying fmto8 tQ make her official .vjslt to the Centennial Lodge in the with fiptlon .of thirty: .days' W ta; , P" V train t0 vJslt lnterIor lodSes-yesterday. ioJto prisonment, in city court Peter Sexsmlth, Indian, 1 1 ' 1 11 " " for .drunkenness, was fined .$10. , Farewell Stag Party Is Held Affair Last Nifrht Jn Honor 'Of William Brooksbank Who Is I Leaving City THERE'S NO MISTAKING cJuzuzcf&t.. THATS WHY BLACKS WHITE" IdtAeScotcA I NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Froprletor "A DOME AWAY FROM HOME" Ries 75c up 60 Room Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhono 281 P.O. Ito IIS CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms. 50c and up Also CENTRAL APARTMENTS Mrs. C. E. Black. Proprietress ELSIE F. HEAPS A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory Experienced in all Grades. A.T.C.M. Successes. Special Training in Beginner's Class Work Phone BLUE 907 Classes Open September 3rd .c C IOUTILLEP, BLENDEDwt P AMD BOTTLED IN ffohf H 2 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Li-,quor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Jean MacLean A.T.C.M. and Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Announce the Opening of PRIVATE and CLASS TUITION in PIANO and THEORY Commencing September 1 Phone Green 836 or Green, 403 Studio In Federal Block A0E cTHRH 50 TEARS ON 3EIXS . . FALLS 3,600 FEET MELBOURNE, Sept, 10: (CP) AUCKLAND. NZ., Sept.-10: (CP) Harry Blakely, 77, one of Mel- Leadlng Aircraftsman David bourne's oldest bellrlngers, is jdead Hawkes, 24, was jellied, falling 3,600 after more than 50 -years with St. ieet from an airplane in bombing Paul's Cathedral bellrlngers. practice. Free 10 Bays Supply Cashmere Boupet Face Powder With -each 4 cakes Cashmere Bouquet fioap All for 23c Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 25c bottle only lc with purchase of flf p 40c size. -65c value for Colgates Tooth Powder 20c .tin only lc with purchase of 4tf Giant Size. 55c value for Free 25c Woodburys Lotion With each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing Cream. Op 75c value for Ormes Ltd. Ohe JHonecrjDruqgists The Kexatl Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m- till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and J to -9 ;j.m. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. COD i! Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Brittsa Columbia ? ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE .Mouse Buildlng.Third Avenue, Prince Rupert flours from 8:30 a.ni. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GRKENtfli Used Furniture 2 Only Bedroom Dressers, 8-piecc Dining Room Suite 4 Kitchen Ranges for burning coal or wood 6 Bricklined Heaters for burning coal or wood 2 Heaters for burning oil. Wicklcss pot type 2 Kitchen Ranges with Imperial Oil Burners 6 Kitchen Chairs, 2 Kitchen Tables 2 Pianos, 1 Organ, 1 Accordion, 1 Violin 1 Iving Soprano Saxophone 2 1)aveiports that make a double bed 2 China Cabinets, 1 Kitchen Cabinet A Baby Buggies, 2 Tricycles, 2 Doll Buggies 1 21-Jewenyaltham Watch and 7 Jewels - Used Furniture Depart. ,; ri ti "i t i t 1 i i i j