i tm Hi 1 U ! ill V A modern Electric Kitchen mill amaze you with its Let us help you plan your ill-electric kitchen. You ; 'j can do it step by step, on " J ' modest outlay,, under J..' our convenient extended .1- - tVv -p. , payment plan. Whifflets From The Waterfront -i 13 rntLo.u-iui4gii wem& Jll NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Hi:. brought home for hospital treat ment, is continuing to made a fav jorable recovery. With a light list of passengers ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Living Room Group $99.50 This Group Consists of the Following Pieces Three Piece Chesterfield Suite-Living Room Table End Table Telephone Table Table Lamp Sec This Group on Display in Oar Window conuEnience Economv and CLEflnnness You will be amazed, too, at the ease with which you can convert YOUR kitchen into a modern, well-planned electrical kitchen. First, the plan, for correct layout and cupboard space; then an electric refrigerator to keep your food fresh and nutritious; an electric range to make cooking cool and easy and an electric hot water heater to give you all the hot water you want when you want it. With these modern electric servants you can eliminate much of the drudgery of kitchen work. DATED the 3rd dar of Januarr. A n 1940. WILLIAM O. FULTON, Executor. Prince Rupert, B. C. Arrow Messenger Len Griffiths & Co. PHONE 159 Reasonable Rates Parcel and Baggage Service Stand Venezla Grocery Fulton 8treet COAL Gram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer t PUINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 68 and 658 Notice ! ! Effective Monday, January 8, our CONFECTIONERY STORE will open from 8:60 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mussallem's Confectionery Opposite Canadian Legion ment THE SAIL? BACK FROM CONFERENCE Alex Sinclair Of Local Fishermen's Co-operative Attended Import ant Gathering In Vancouver Alex Sinclair, manager of tht In resolutions which will be forwarded to the proper authorities, the conference went on record: Urging the Department of Fisheries to stop the taking of herring Research Board in connection with placing embargos parties panics concerned. concerned. I Herring seining was resumed ln Prince Rupert harbor this mornlngi by the Nelson Bros, seiner Percy W. I Capt. Norman Ounderson. but thei catch was light. Several of the large' packers are still bringing the fish north from Namu and Laredo Inlet! for the Port Edward tnd Tucks In-, let reduction plants, the Western Spit and Western Pilot having been in this morning. FOR SALE FOR SALE - Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon Saturday, January 20th, for the purchase of the halibut boat "Kyrlelle," length 40 feeet, beam 12 feet, powered by 20 H.P. Rapp engine. This boat may be seen at the New Fishermen's Floats after the 9th! Instant. Terms strictly cash.' Highest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted. Official Administrator. (16) FOR SALE Chesterfield suite at a bargain. Time payments If desired. Phone Oreen 506. tf. FOR RENT FOR RENT New modern 5 room bungalow, furnace, harbor view. "001 Borden Street. Apply T. Mc-Clymont. tf. Chief Justice To Retire Soon Hon. Archer Martin Announces Intention of Quitting Bench In Sprint VICTORIA, Jan. 17: (CP Chief Justice Archer Martin of the Brt- '"'W ULV4ti .O. .1 1 till 1 1 O VVl , . . , . 1 nnMti a.,...h., ,'tlsh . Columbia Court of Appeal nn .... an- 'the city on the Prince Rupert this ; .SK morning from Vancouver where he-"Tu ; 1. LttPnrtrt h. w.K.wUI be his scventy-f if M th r, birthday. A m ""r: . He Is also retiring as Judge in Ad t r, .u m ralty. He Is asking for three j W. 4 Si. .113 Ul VtlC . . : Rupert Co-operative acted as (chairman of the Conference. It was reported that the com bined production of fish of the I associations represented was approximately lve million pounds. (The total sales of commodities and supplies approximated $189,500. Total cost of merchandise sold was 154,000. Total operating expenses of stores were $16,128, yielding a net surplus of $10,375. Besides comparing the last year's operations and discussing the merits of various operating methods, the conference also dealt comprehensively with marketing prob lems, insurance, fish conservation. months leave starting February 6 to clear his desk. for reduction purposes or falling Dan that to decrease the present quotas 'to his Nominations Are Approved Appointment of Frank Murphy as Attorney General of United States Confirmed WASHINGTON, DC. Jan. 17.-The appointment of Frank Murphy by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as attorney general and other nom- and a number of other matters of iInat,ons ln thf m nnTf!! ioi i . ,w i .were approved by the United tlons renrnt, .States Senate yesterday TERRACE McKlnnon is confined home with Influenza and substantially in the Interest of his duties at the Oovernment conservation of both herring and 'Liquor Store are being looked af-salmon. Iter during his Indisposition by J. , expressing appreciation of the.B. Agar. work done so far by the Fisheries Leo Llewellyn Is building a fine the herring-spring salmon lnvestl-.new home for himself and hts gatlon and requesting that thls'famlly. Chris Haugland is also work be continued and extended If .building a new home. possible, to include a survey of the spring salmon runs on the-Skeena! Mrs. C. A. Hlnchllffe is visiting and other rivers i Urging the Department of Fisheries to make an Immediate sur-.vey of rivers and streams formerly carrying coho salmon and now depleted, and any other suitable ; bodies of Water with a view to restocking them with cohoe salmon. Urging the Dominion government t0 negotiate an agreement with-the Japanese government ln with friends at Burns Lake. A badminton club is being organized .to play ln the Orange Hall. This hall is admirably suited for the purpose and It is expected that the club will bo successfully launched. ' , A landslide occurred oh the hill leading to Mrs. Lanfear's farm. Which the latter shall fnrhlrl If. The damae In th riSarl l rnncM. Jured in a fall while the work was Lieut. C. Whitehead of theCana- nationals from engaging ln off- erable. Some tw0 or three hund-belrig carried on and had to be dlan Army Service Corps will be shore fishing outside the three- red feet of the roadway sllroed the speaker tomorrow at the regu- miie jlmlt of tnla coasti sImllar to bodily d0wn the creek u.hlch lar weekly luncheon of the Prince the U. S.-Jaoan agreement re- Mrts the farm of C. H. Thomas. Rupert Rotary Club. His subject garding Bristol Bay. "which farm has, lost a couple of will be "The Orient." , Opposing the policy of govern- acres of good larfd now buried be- on fish neath the debris of gravel and is the smtKME coi'kt up nRiTisit exPrtatlons without consulting all stumps. The creefc has been dl- i Di , . . out a suosianuai cargo oi ireigni, coLtMBiA i verted and now Is running wild vu c N R steamer prince Rupert,' . MtU" ' 7l r-tn.iuiiin- Recommendln8 the appointment through Mr. Thomas' orchard. Canal near Stewart, contract for Capt. II. E. Neddert. arrived ln port " "Adm,n,slraUn of A. J. Whitmore to' the position1 ? i which John Currie & Son of this at 9:15 this morning from Van- And of Deputy Minister of Fisheries on Dudley Little has begun exca- city were given, having been com- couver. Powell River arid Ocean.1" the imi'VJn-ua ' BUnth' acCount his familiarity with the'vatlon for a residence which he Is pleted, the pile driver and equip- Falls and sailed at 2 D.m. for KeU. take notice that bv of hi. conditions and problems of the in. building on Lakelse Avenue few days ago John Currie. head of will return here tomorrow evening uA tot the establishment of the contracting firm who was ln- southbound. 'Blanche Han. Deceased. nd all Dorties Credit Unions and exnresslnz an- ' rtJSTJ Preciation of the educational work! properly vertfied. to me on or before ln co-operation being carried on the ioo day of February, a. d. 1940. by the Extension Department of t&&X'JoX5 the UnlTera"y British Columbia. inaewennesa to me forthwith. Canada's First War Loan Subscribe at S. D. JOHNSTON CO, LTD. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER B.I LE And Yeull jump Out of B.d in lh Morning Rarin'to Co Th llr iKnaM pour not two pm4t of liquid bll into roor bowrit diUjr. If thta U not flawlnf f rrHr.rmr fm4 dann't dlfnt. It Junt dcr in Uw bnwrh. Cu lot4i raaratomirh. Yon ftcnnitlptud. Iltrmful polanni to Into Oio bndr. and Ton fn) tour, anli and th world lokt Buck. Amrrlowrlmsmnrntdina'U)wafrt at ttw rattM. You nd anoinhlof that work n th llr writ. It Un thou (sod. old CarW'a I Jul. IJrrr PI1U to art thM two roanda of bll flowlnf frlr and tnak ton fl"sp and up". Harmln and tratl. thy Ditk th bll flow frrrlr. Thrr do th work of rtlomrl bat hir no tilomtl r mtrrurjf In thrm. Aik for Cartrr't LitU I.ir fiUt bf aamtJStubborairitfuM attfthlof (1m.2(. THE SEAL QUALITY illl GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyo PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Officers Of Pioneer Club At Kincolith The Pioneer Club of Kincolith has elected officers for the year 1940 as follows: President. William Barton. Vlve-Presldent. Francis Watson. Secretary. Clarence Barton. Treasurer, Abel Angus. The Maple Leaf Oulld, women's organization in connection with the Pioneer Club, has elected the following officers: President. Mrs. Alice Haldane. Vice-President. Mrs. Katie Secretary. Mrs. Nellie Barton. Treasurer. Mrs. Dorecn Clayton SIMPSON ELECTION I- Wednesday, January p LAST TIMES TONIMlT 2 Shows, 7:00 and 9 13 Your .Last Chance To Sec A Great Picture ... And Say ... "GOODBYE MR- CHIPS" (At 7:20 and 9:33 ADDED Donald Duck In "Autograph llound Itobt. IJenchley's "Dark Marie Coming Til UKS. - t ill Itobt. Taylor. limy MM-sr-13 "LADY OP THF TROPICS' Henry Ilrlln I Chief Councillor of . Installed by Indian AKdV Neighboring Village For Coming joillett. Year Other members of the ', Is. J. Morrison. Tom 0- i hJhV?HnU1nTCc',,e,W:UThfue m R Sampson. John c npn hIn at Pnrt Rlmninn tnr th . ,,.,, i pollard. Peter M. Well J.... vwmmi, ;voi ntsu cacti f licuil 1M been elected the chief councillor r. Pnimn J. arecn. J ! to which position he has been duly James Lawnn and w m.' Meals and Berth Included THURSDAYS Kate Effective Now Until February 28 Return Limit, March 31 V K REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Tallin; at Ocean Falls and Powell Hirer $36 RETURN Leaving 1'rlnce Itupert 11 15 pja. Southbonnl Canadian National Steamships V J 33. Owin to Increased Cost of Nanaimo-Wellington Lump Coal At the mine and an Increase in freight Tatei, we hare been forced to ralte the price as followi: Nanaimo-Wellington Lump Per ton. .nrked Nanalmo-Welllngton Mine Run Per ton. sacked 1IJ Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Per ton. sacked f 1J S Nanaimo-Wellington Slack Per ton. sacked $3.M Thee Prices Will Oo Into Kffeet January htt 1910 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone Ul or &52 UNION, STEAMSHIPS LTD. 8teamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARD EN A FRIDAY DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thuri. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Frea FRANK J. SKINNER, prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 56 SHIP A 10-LH. HOX OF NEW PROCESS Rupert Brand Kipper TO YOUR FRIENDS s or $1.50 we will deliver a box of Kippers lo yotrr friend's hooti ln any Express point in B.C. or any Canadian National Kalln.y Express ,.nt In Alberta, Saskatchewan1 and Manitoba. lM'J"Jn h Cheque or cash ,0 CANADIAN FISH & COM' 8TORA IE CO. LTD, Prince Rupert, B.C., with name and address of consignee. We will enclose card with name of sender. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert luMsh Co,umbll