RUSE rOTJK THK DAILY Nffw Expert Optical Service Watch Clock and Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Licensee for Numounts- The very latest tn eye-wear Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STORE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived A Large Shipment of New China and Glassware Visit Our Basement Floor for China, Cut Glass and Novelties of All Kinds Mothers' Day At Kitkatla Party Held To Honor Dccasion,; KITKATLA. May 14: Owing to rain and wind, the Mothers' Day picnic, picmc, which wnicn was was to to have nave been been BATTLE OF WEST IS ON Weather Being Unfavorable i i nnir in it. Pr.iim;, ci... For Picnic Which Was Planned Yet, However Main Allied Force Now Nearing Line Monday Night OiDTC tn 19. imik A MUt BUFFALO ABUNDANT Wondering How Wood And Plains Herds Will Mis OTTAWA, May 14: (CPt-Oame wardens of Wood Buffalo Park in northern Alberta and stretching far into the Northwest Territories are being urged by officials of the Mines and Resources Department to obtain, some idea of how many buffalo range over the park's 17 300 square miles. Slaughter during the winter of the plains buffalo In the preserve near Wainwright, 300 miles south tof the Wood Buffalo Park, caused considerable anxiety among nature lovers that the shaggy animals would disappear. Protests were received from public-spirited citizens. To relieve this anxiety officials ex plained there are 1.100 healthy vigorous buffalo at Elk Island, a comparatively short motor trip from Edmonton. An authentic check of the herds" in the Wood Park, it Is believed, would reveal that more than 8.000 buffalo are living In their natural state in that park. Stopped Extinction The buffalo was In danger o extinction when the Dominion began purchasing animals from herds tn the United States and from 1907 to 1912 at,. the herds in Elk Island and n. "'U-1019 o a rty in he lllge ha, "Battle of the West" had karte ! . pI?" bUlU P"k h" Wfl?ht a" which was quite as en oyable as bu was still in a preliminary vareTa,of,1S" uare m'le3 and Ek Wand 51 the picnic would have bT Th" tage Allied motorized forces event was sponsored by the ladies and aviation supporting Belgium square ml,es-of the Excelsior Club, the officials and 8011111 Dutch armies pending In the Precttd park at Waln-6f the club co-operating in gen- arrival of main Allied forces which' wr,ht the buffalo herds develop-eral arrangements. are said to be nearlng the line ed raPwlT and q did the herds of There was an excellent repast ahead of schedule. eIk- dtf r and moose which of their arid one of the features of the Meanwhile a French war minis- own Instinct sought the safety of evening was the presentation of tr spokesman said that French. The range became great- the B. C. Packers softball cup to BeWaa and Dutch troops were fal-;lr "'"stocked but it was not un-Slmon Lewis' team which won it lln? back 111 accordance with stra-i111 1920 tnat tne department brav- tfu. . t a n .a i as4 rtnKY I m ahUU s i iium ron aimpson. The cup was CBre P13"5 oeiore savage on-. " h-uw. uuuuuu ana Duan a ays presented by Joseph Innis. siaughts of German motorized ad- ' Other nrnmlnent tHiin .n. vanre ?narrte TTio vV.M ..u temstir c?aiiffhtr nt vrr.i vl uuuaiv. The ranee beean to deterinrat V c fidi them. md m i a iH 5 tf mighty Fr4r in Ml ftooj pouring through th stupendous gorg ol tS fttitt Cnyon . . . croS from Boston Br to North 8nd by the new trtl trmy, suspnJd 90 feet tbove in brol yellow current. Peer into the cfizry depth oi the Chevn on the Cariboo Re. Ti the new Big Bend section of the Tr-Cnii Hghwy from Revtlitoke to Golden, nd see whtt 'til now has been seen only by the hjxtrdou runrwna of its chutes ni t present at the party were Rev. ,hat Allied withdrawal could and' and Mrs. B. Shearman. Matthew not considered a retreat He said slau8hter of animals. 6.673 buffalo Hill, Henry Brown. John Nelson tne Allies had erected a "wall on'" moTed to the Wood Buffalo c Murk PniVroJ James Lewis. Arthur Hill and' jjjjQ which the r. great . battle wabtic will be ix. Park to mlx wltn thc wtd buffalo. 13 UtH LillJOYcU Henry Watt. In spite of weather rw:r cen event? rurft rurn RELIEVE SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH KELLOGG'S jrjelTef iougni" 3 - but www he did U1U not say where in" wcre nv'iy yrarllnga and At.. a , VV-1ntJa the unfavorable tne waU as located softball softball unich "uicn. forces forces In in western western Oelder- Oelder-! "ojecuon "ojuon was was raised raised a,1? in some some game and field sports were carried Iand Pnce below the Zulder Zee quartr that plains buffalo would OUt. u-er were maHn maVlnir .lnnrl inrf 4 - - , . not not mrvlv survive In In th th cmtxl vm) norV u 6aU3b II M otlu, German force which crossed the)lr thfy - did-tne wood buffalo ' would T 1 . T m lrnnn-- i ( . 1 ., ijmti iiver ....v.. EnterUlnment Was Arranted Adjutant And Mrs. Mark McKay . . "e xiume . -n - secies. i mc cmitaiion Army held Meanwhlt. it ,,..! V" raQJO ana he music uiiuu a i. nam- loved A McW.n.l. McKen2,c j wright. but not at the other parks, prater. long a time as Is necessary to re cupcraie naturally. It may take years. Plan Your Holiday Now. . The SANOAN CAMP near Mas-sett offers a splendid holldav tnr young and old-good bathine 2 minutes walk from River or Sea, ai beautiful spot with - wv Wfc tages or Tents fully equipped. Excellent meals served In Dining, Room at reasonable rat r I I i on premises for campers. Badmln- wn, oui-ooor games, beach and boat picnics. Brinir vnnr f-i. j. - - o " ilidiu and enjoy a real vacatinn aH. - JUU1 . ... families. Children over 8 years without F-rcnu earerully looked after and given a good time. For full particulars MRS. DUNN JSr. Massett, B. C. apply SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP was en- gave closing whlch tii, iuc affects oovme cattle. luoercular aUo at5 eerm Th Um f ... $" rea,lzed- ed buffalo. So did liver fluke 6s.u. n WM aeciaed lo clear the Daliv n-. entire Wainwrlght range of all M aJ?mw"! " Dall grazing animals and give it a com- mu W plete rest. All the animals were slaughtered - and, since the ranee it ntir.i, fenced, the lands will be given as dally re Fhones 18 ti 19 P.O. Box 575 By Popular Demand We Have Another Shipment of GINfiER SNAPS of Illrhest Quality Fresh 2 rouKD8 25c Order NowSales Unlimited Mussallem's Economy Store Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt ServIce-3 Heated Cars CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Room, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. K. Black, Proprietress Fourth Avenue Residence Sold i Mrs. John Mcltae Sells House to Mrs. W. IL Shortridre Sale of the residence on Fourth Avenue East of Mrs. John Mcltae to II. L A. Tarr. the present tenant. will continue ocrupancv Rae is avlng on timorrow ,ng train for Toronto Many Reasons ,For Ex-M.P.s Ottawa Officials Say Average Parliamentary Life Is Seven Years newcomers and. oeeaatonelty. wnen mere l a W opset of a strone rovemment as occurred In the 1935 election, there are even more than 100 parliamentary neo- phytea. Dnr1n the Utt oarlUment. frnm October. 1M6. to Jannary 35 lo1. the nwmber of memhers who Hl-d in nfflee was 21 and two of the members elected to the Tm ent parllameet died a few davg after their ejectinn. Nhie memb-rt By of the lt rMritnment were elevated U.the Senate. a ueigian command communique ric is fenced but In a" enjoyaoie concert in the Army For th. r..i ' "I lilt Ull , 11 . tlny D,,.1. n. i- . f . . 11.11 T announced w.i. vi a vu- w .u iciuj aic - Aiidtigra oy Aaiut- ifnn j, ... . . !aee !aee w which had faftenTlnto enemy controlled and often wander ant and Mrs. Mark McKay and riW wnesdays and Frl-tiands. hands. .2' 'e jpver its borders. John Cecil was chairman. 8 pm' From the Fa l i uc nnusn Air AUQistry an-'"nr.ed that 'BriUsri fightera had s-ot down forty more German Planes and successfully bombed German columns in Belgium and Luxembourg. I "ii"uciiuti umciais gci ire- "c uuceeaings opened with a fluent reports from filers going, ov- congregational song "Ood Bless er the territory of seeing hefA In ur Army- followed by an ad- ine wood park but there is little are welcome by Mrs. Esther accurate Information on how the Kennedy. Other speakers were Plain animals have fared In their Mrs- AIar McKay. Albert McKen-new environment. le and Walter Wrtaht. Th rm. A fifty "" U "ery ,ndlcaUn.- said ram '"eluded solos by Mrs Esther cent dtt.-n .n ten make maxe maVlnL vm, yoti ma 11V. it... v)a new report icuurw submitted suomuiea recently recently to to n- AdJuUnt Aajuiani ai McKay and -fen many dollar-. Resources Minister Crearar. "that Mr- Jo"Ph Hudson. IT'S GOOD TO READ BOOKS And Easy to do When You Join Our Rental Library HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY Llewellyn CHRIST IN CONCRETE J ponato THEIR OWN COUNTRY Hobart - TAKE COURAGE r Bentley SHOW ME A LAND McMeekln THREE SISTERS Spencer , RIVER OUT OF EDEN TESTAMENT OF FRIENDSHIP "Brittaln THE QUEENS HOLIDAY Corbett THE DEVIL AND THE CI J). tq,,- native son Wrlght RUN OF THE STARS Aydelotte THREE MUSKETEERS Thayer THAT WHICH IS HIDDEN . Hlchens LAMP IN THE VALLEY " stringer DEATH OF MR. DODSLEY . .. Ferguson McCANN OF THE LEGION Oper 1384 CHARLIE MANNING Corbett One New Book a Day Added Throughout the Year Assures You of the Latest Popular Fiction. Over 300 to Choose From ONLY 75c per MONTH Change Your Book Dally If You Wish (Double Subscription 11.25) mew animals i plains buffalo) have 1-tura "uason and Phyllis Ken-survived and multiplied." nedy and Dorothy and Bruce Mc- Dealing with the danger of wood VZ! . rts by John Cec" .buffalo disappearing the report ilT: VoCal tr,os b Heni atated: "It must be recognized there and CnrtstoPher Bolton and Bruce Is some posdotllty of the northern JSSL7' Angs, Mrs- "ora sub-species uCh,nesc InstrumenUl sel-racer disappearing 8 aa a P pure 6 KikM , 7 Fred McKcnzle and Al- Subiect to DUe,, ZVM1 McKzl brought Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays n pm It's the rumu.atr. iftct of a tertlsing that counts. DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT Bobby Held's Orchestra o o o o o 0 o 0 o o o o 1 ,o o 12 - 'S 8 SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA J. H. BULGER Optometrist Bjal Bank Bid. o THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye . PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Pked by th. oniy salnon canning company with in all tho year round payroll In Prlnc Rnaert t 'DURBIN AND FINE CAST! 'It's a Date" Feature Picture at Capitol Theatre For First Halt Of This Week The deal was handled throuh U iBd2 Jy " office of H O. Helgeram Ltd. Dr. P" MIC 41IV Mill Ul mil u my nic I 1 WW . I I T I m. lira ii r urir tn iti Mri MC- Date." the seventh nature in which 13.' even MM m rhe ha appeared Kay Francis and Walter Pidgeon share major honors ( jand others in Important roles are Samuel S. Hinds. Ctssie Lofthus. ;FrH Feld, Henry Stephenson. Lew-Is Howard and others j The atory concerns a famous Inroad way actreaa and her daugh-: ter, played by Mlas Francis and Mils Durbin. who are offered the same role In a nroadway show In ad- rvr-TAw .r.1. , ...... diMon- bom" rir I1 , , . T nntle Intereat of an Hawaiian, of Common, official, w here eail- planter played by Pkl-' mate the "parliamentary We" of c Deanna', boy triend. played, nt'VhT, f Howard, .too fUurespromlnenUy' n " ,:;::r:!i.,:? . ,n i urc cuinpiicaiea proceeding. proceeainga. member U seven years. I " " I: T . , tnwe. "Loch Lomond- and uwr my aw m oinee. may lMnr t-k., ... ...... -. :i if awu iiui4 uanccrs Shows Mlhtl Allot h r. . . "" OUr POBBI.. r. DURBIN "It's A Dal, KAY With a ... r ii.. mis 1.11. , ... 'u 'AtMlaiidl.-t! trtoon and Brim, (Vltllvn Special SU Konr; 111 IR ... Bnow-AII Seat, o Sellii, TO BEAUTIFY gCHOttl TDROVTll If Th dnotrur tl.r I. hurrf In OnUrlO . DI)ii:T MarU." -Mtwetu 1 urg!nf " s : s Street Song- U oi llOWrr- for the imp: . Khools partiru t w. r.w.- IL IllDOFnM at Kalnha" an "W Ul.. Itl' . . THIS YEAR SEE BRITISH COLUMIIA " The VacationUnd that ha Everything." . THI ItlTISH COLUMIIA COVIRNMtHT TRAVEL IURIAU, DH'fil T'4 4 tifc rSKa $, Wffta. tn n addition addition to to the the annual annual "-llOCldo IVUSeiaS LOilCcri LOnCert i governor or to some hujh a u rot- -nhvth 1 . .Mz Rhythm of t th I,lan r.i.-- nhaUtm rmmpnt pot-ja to name a few ? r , Officials agree It U a precarious tr . mrn y and strenuous exUtencebTmg a tri .Tlaf CtalB,tl edTd'""' Ad. " sutea rrt out f of ,W! ,r member of parliament There are manv pitfalls on the wav and th ' rttiniu ean ha ruviA tu . . ''I " t s t ..--. v UI .I- yOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOftnnAAu.. iiicui mere a Daicn oi bo io lOO a i I Announcement SMITH and MALLETT LIMITED We WUh to Announce that the Name of (hit Urn bit tot Clunird to Smith and Elkins Limited The chance it In name only and the ownmhlp and e-iniitnnl will be the ame a durlnr the pat twenty jrari, We take IhU opportunllr of thanVbij Uie public f fttet Iipm and DUtrlct for their patronsce for over thirty iun nt trstf that pleaunt bulnet relations ll continue undrtU , i SMITH and ELKINS LIMITED g P.O. flot 27 1 PLUMBING AM) HEATING O4000000000000000000000000000000000! 0 al J 8 W WARWICK BOX CAMERAS MADE IN ENGLAND Take Pictures Size 3 1-4" x 2 UV I SPECIAL $1,30 Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Drtuiffiats The Rexall Store rtiones 81 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from U to 2 P-m. and 7 to 9 P-m. ooMoooooooooooaocooooooMi6dooaooooroQopoocoooooooe Our Famous Edsvn Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll Propriftot "A b0MU AWAY FROM HOME" Rales 7Jc up 50 Rooms Hot U Cold WW Prlnco Rupert, B C Phono 211 r.O. WJZ,