1 1 PAGS TnO Tij-orsda; Aa TEX tf&TLY Ut1 HARTT and CLARIDGE MEN'S DRESS SHOES Priftd Fro in $6.50 Greb Work Shoe Swlid Throughout Priced From 83-95 Jack and Jill Shoes for Misses and Children Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H.F. FULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION BATES '- City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance Paid In Advance, per month By Mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance . : . By Mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion Local Readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone 98 86 $5.00 3.00 9.00 M .25 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations mem Bra or the Canadian press Tie Otmrt'Jtn Trees U exerastrelr eoUUed to use for wprihl lotion of a urn Ss3&tcbs crusted to is cr to t&e Associated Press ia th- paper fced tlao ttx loot ten pubmtxd ttvmn. All rtrtr tyt wrroblmatkm of gyrhl dmtWvn ttwrmtn r hkimI TAILY EDITION Thursday. August 1, 1940. WHERE ARE THE YOUNG PEOPLE? At the dinner given for R. L. Maitland K.C. Tuesday evening by the local Conservatives, it was noticeable tha very few young people were present It was almost wholly an elderly person s party. If the Liberals gave a simila dinner there would likely be a similar tendency. Younf people do not go to political meetings, it seems. And yet the hope of the country is in our young people. We are often told that the young people of thr country will take matters into their own hands one ol these days. But it does not seem so, at any rate not the Conservative voung people, if there are any." We would like to suggest that no party can be success ful unless it interests the young people. It is bound to die out if it does not do this. There is in the city a Junio Chamber of Commerce, the members of which dine together once a month. Not one of these juniors was at th dinner. Conservatives and Liberals in Prince Rupert must, if they are to hold their own, try to interest the juniors in the government of the country. Naturally many of the. younger Conservatives are in the army and could not b. at the meeting but not all are in the army. Possibly the older members of the party do not want the youngsters. At election time the votes of the young men and women are needed to turn the scale. Possibly this hint may be sufficient to make the party managers change their tac-tics and try to enlist in the various parties as many of the young people as possible. BRITISH ATTITUDE The following extract from an article written by an English woman and published in "Overseas" gives a pretty good idea how the people of Britain feel: "The tremendous age in which we live, the pace at which events take place, the speed with which reforms affecting every individual in these islands become law renders language well nigh useless. All our adjectives have long since been used up in the horror and indignation that burns in each one of us, as each foul new crime against humanity is committed with the most loathsome bestiality in all history. AH shackles have fallen from our eyes ! We see in the bright light of noon at last that we are indeed fighting-the concentrated powers of evil. The war is now a people's war; all of us today, men and women alike, have set our teeth and will not relax until this evil thing is exterminated and the world cleansed. The atmosphere is charged with tense determination and resolve; shot ' through with exaltation at the epic struggle and glory of our Navy, Army and Air Force at Dunkirk and in the front line. This generation of Britons, from all parts of the British world, has redeemed its soul and has restored faith in humanity. By day and night we thank God for their "inspired courage" and that such nien are of our race. The British Lion is. on his feet at last growling and lashing his tail. Before long he will have sprung on the enemy with a roar that will be heard by all the world." FLEET AND NAVY'S AIRCRAFT COMBINE TO GUARD GD3RALTAR - yy b ff FOR SALE To close estate. FOR REM FOR RENT First class room and board. Phone Green 973. Uf WANTED WANTED Good sized rowboat suitable for outboard. Box 13 Daily News. 180) WANTED A competent housekeeper. Permanent position. Box 14, Daily News. (1J2) FOUND FOUND Brooch. Owner can have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this ad. tfj CHIROPRACTORi Stanley W. Colton, D.OPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 649 Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, Electrical Appliances, Oil Burners Cfeaned,. Pjomblng and Painting 224 Seventh Ave, W. Phone BLACK 73S fellow whose soldier pals "kid" him abou; his protruding ears. Bu: Ben s ears played an important part In earning the Military Medal. ' Book,' as he is known around tht cuokhoute. won his distinction when the BJF. was easing out of Boulogne. It was busy enough for Book," when he had only the feeding of his company of the Welsh Guards. But all kinds of straggleri ixxued in and "Book" and his army i cooks under him arranged to make iure no one left the temporary quarter with an empty stomach. That in itself was quite a task, considering the enemy was within firing range of the camp and was proving very annoying to the cooks attempting to concentrate on feed ing hungry and wearing troops of roA.SX71"9 ST I their own army. uuuw nVVi7 aitvcj vAmtxu;m- Abje to sUnd AT I 141 k I only :B'i-Book- Wl Jj a fighting scout plane overhead, the Br tish cruiser HJL& Aurora forpwcsd asd -w -. ol uie BiiUiii Uee. are shown ftere entering the Straits of 02xaur oc Oaelr way out to the Atiaauc during recent operations Following the battle off the French port Ocax. m winch heavy units of the French fleet were put out of action, agreement ha beea .tsibed with French commanders at Alexandria by which thti. ships will be immobUired aeconL&c w repons. This exceUent photo stresses again Britain s control cf the Mediterranean and the eJase co-operation between units ol the fleet and ol the fleet air arm. Naval planes were active in it Onn engagement and have repeatedly bombed Italian harbors and ships. Father Champagne BIG EARS Is Army Chaplain , ARF HFIP Weil Known Local Priest Has Reteived Military Appointment Father P. Champagne, well known district rjripsi nf the Rnmin Catholic Church, variously located 1 at Anyox, Terrace and a number' Corporal Cook Gets Military Medal For Fine Work in Firing Line t By D. E. BURRITT Canadian Press Staff Writer so much. Book" and and his his kitchen kitchen crew be- On e wune annoyed and finally grabbed acre in garden and small f rult ' rtfIes and Joined in with the fight-with nve-room house, furnished, 'erseveiTtoie the enemy approach-chicken and other outhouses, i 100 cloie. Then they went back large boat house. Apply M. M.I10 their "kitchen" Stephens or Mrs. Olsen, Jap Inlet. But re rP P63" and WJ time "Bock's" ears' heard "Jerry's FOR SALE Sacrifice. 20-foot speed fire drawing closer he gave orders boat. V-8 engine. Can be seen at for his little crew to abandon the Yacht Club. Terms to reliable scullery and get back into the fir-party. Phone evenings 672. tag line. Under "BookV orders (181 they did it a number of times until the order finally came to withdraw. Even then, explained a war office communique announcing award ot the Military Medal, "Book" managed to evacuate "a large number of wounded by driving them back In his supply lorries. At sea. too. "Book," has had ex-periece so that, when he and his refugees arrived at the harbor to I FOOTBALL SCHEDULE es. The revised City League football August 1 Navy vs. Dry Dock-August 6 Dry Dock vs. Velvet. August 8 Velvet vs. Navy. of other points hereabouts, has LONDON. Aug. 1 : CP Lance- find all shiDS on the ODDOsite shore. been appointed a part time chap- ' Corporal Ben Booker Is a big lanky "he at once got hold of one of the ilain of the local garrison area with the Tank of captain. I - - - - ! FOOTBALL TONIGHT. 6:15 IRISH ts. DRY DOCK I ClISSIFIt FOR SALL tew motor ooats worsing ana ter-ried the wounded safely over to the ships. He himself returned to continue his cooking duties while the company held the harbor approach- rryiou' Mne Blade roertsej ottd, stay v-ncT 5 v.,-n be- fC f. 1 ( Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One MacKenzie's Furniture August Furniture Sale Simmon's Steel Bedstead. Simmon's Cable Spring, Simmon's All-Felt Mattress-. August Sale, Q91 7 CI bed comnlet vt Sinile Bed Complete 3 feet wide size only. August Sale complete .r . Phone 775 S18.75 3;7 THIRD AVENUE DRIVES FOR AMBULANCES American Woman Puns Campaltn For Thumbs Up" UniU For Britain NEW YORK, August 1: CP- A jruung woman, who became interested In volunteer mercy work slier a i.iend asked her to give u a try. Is the leader of the Britfcsh-Amertean Ambulance Corps' drive to purchase ambulances to aid in BritaJn'!s fight against Germany Mrs. Spauldiag Kirkbrtde of New York and Boston sits in her mid-torn office directing the campaign aimed at sending to England hundreds of units to replace the ambulances left' bchlna or destroyed daring the evacuation of the Brtttah Exneditionaiy Force from Flanders. She is the corps secretary. AMafa the corps was organized and boan Hi drive onlv on June 17. it already has raised I joillettellhi neany 125.1.00 and delivery of the Xim ambuui an initial gruu,. of 22 to tx t as the Thumbs-Up Vn.: unit, completely equipped w shipped to Britain early thi s u An ardent flying fan. Mrs bride made a Dying tour of ope before the war started has been plleUng her own plan for several years- si friend In Victoria. B. C her to try It whil? she was v: there. The i.. be 'U Kirk ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue, .Prince Rupert Hour from 8;34 a-m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN 911 Used Furniture i. - M 2.00 $4.00 4 WOVEN SPRINGS CO CI ft Each 05DU ..BEHUOOM TABLES- $1.50 5.00 3 MORRIS CHAIRS A A From .. . . b0M 3 CHINA CABINETS 16 50 1 KITCHEN CABINET 16 00 6 WASH STANDS " 4 EXTENSION TAULES $4 00 ' ,!'"su: $15.00, 825.00, 835.00 3 WICKER CARRIAGES $5 00 4 RADIOS-- 4 PRAMS JOUSH 4BUFTETS - AA g GMOPHONES gg QQ OUR AUGUST FURNITURE SALE STARTS THURSDAY. 1st CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls. Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday,.6 p.m. " Friday at 11 a.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc. Call cr Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlnct Rupert Co. Ltd. British Colombia d I v