8 Ai-o B0 RAILWAY v PAD 'iH'W if a 1940. . 1 THZ DAH.7 FZJJB rri ntl , i in i i ii i pep COOL THE "SALADA" WAY i.pOOn or aiiso i in pini or irtslt. bo irw wsu, ... A hfiplnf . . J 9-inrt ronton. r. l.;l. kl .i J . .7?., " J :.,iti itriin iiMi- " ' "" ", HOIK CUDS cupt " ' Wl 2 Unions, sluin.d, tti until u3.t 1. diotvd; fill tonUin The bov riMkti 7 Ull 9I EES ID TEA OBTAIN ENEMY'S MILITARY SECRETS tr id Bj i': M tiumerous flights over Germany, the Royal Air Force li :Z ;.S?a virauy unporiam pnuiogmpjiiK rrcuiua ui vicim-u; s ht r. ury bases. Back from a reconnaissance flight an tJ :t: ""f.?r is pictured here handing out exposed mm wnicn z ...itely be developed. CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falli and Way Ports s s Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct Charlotte Princess Alice Princess LouUe .4t : , sept. 4th Aug. tth, 17th Aug. 10th, 21st. 31st To Ketrlilkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway auk 2nd. 5th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 26th, 30th at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific services Tickets and Itese rvations from L. COATKS, General Agent n 117 Prince Kupert, II. C. I Rreamers t.eavf Prince RiiDert for Vancouver; Us. CATAI.A EVEIl TCES- T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY. DAY, 1:30 p.m. JlJue Vancouver. Thurs. p.m. 10:30 p m. nue Vancouver, Monday II Convenient. Please Purchase Tickets at Office a.m. further Information Regarding Reservations and TIckm rrvu. PANK y SKINNER, Prince Rupert AjenU Third A. Phone LUMBER ttMKNT. SASH and DOORS Com.lptc Mne of nulldlnt Supplies ION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone ! LOCAL NEWS NOTES 8.O.N. meeting tonight. If your paper or Blue 709. Mrs. James Whyte of Stillwater arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday to pay a visit wltn her sisters, Mrs. Alex McRae and Mrs. O. A. Hunter. Peder Miller arrived In the city on the Princess Louise yesterday af ternoon from Ketchikan and pro-1 ceeded by the evening train tot)u-luth, Minnesota. 1 Corp. J. L. Smith, provincial police, and Mrs. Smith, after a vacation trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert yesterday. ; G. R. S. Blackaby, who comes here from Williams Lake to as sume the managership of the local J ;branch of the Bank of Montreal,, will arrive in the city on thr JCatala Sunday night from the south to assume his new duties. F. A. MacCallum, transferred from here to Kamloops, will leave on iFrldav nleht Of npxt wwfe nhnnrrl 4 the Princess Adelaide, accompanied! . . ! W.. I n 1 (uy Mia. jviacuauum. I PARADE WAS SUCCESSFUL Response To Local Defence Is Highly Gratifying drill. The Armory had been kindly lent for the occasion by Lt.-Col. S. D. Johnston, M. C, V, D.. Officer Commanding the area and the co operation of the officer command ' Ing the Irish Fusiliers. Included in the parade were veterans of the South African War the Great War, naval units and many without any previous military training. Youths of sixteen and veterans of seventy-five were 1 all there. There were privates of the last war and non-commlssion-,ed officers and commissioned of-, fleers up to the rank of major but all were Imbued with the same spirit to do what they could In this time of Canada's trial to show the enemy that the farthest west was In this fight just as much as the people of the Old Land. ' After brief Introductory remarks by Norman Watt, the parade was taken over by negimeniai Sergeant-Major Simpkins who gave o oiv nn'the need for and the 'value of discipline. Then dividing the large turn-out Into two squads Jhe began at the beginning and 'put the squads through the elementary formation of "threes" Announcements All dTertlaemenU In this ct l-amn win be chined tor a run month t J5c word. (180) John Bkog sailed yesterday aiier-1 noon on the Prince George for Tul- la late phone 8Jequah. i. j When you go on your Holidays Miss Margaret McCaf fery wUl sallSake the Daily News with you. 50c on the Prtnce Oeorge tomorrow Tor jwill pay 'or the paper. two a trip to Stewart. imontbs out of town. (tf) Chief Mark McKay, who has been Red Cross workrooms here, like spending the summer at North Pa-j elsewhere in the province, will be ciflc, left by last evening's train on closed for three weeks from August his return to his home at Kitselas.,5 to 28, it is announced. Oddfellows' dance for dry canteen, August 2. S.O.N. Dance. August 9. ; 102nd Auxiliary Dance. Armoury, August 16. L;O BA. Bazaar. Octooer ioui. W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar. November 1. United Bazaar, November 21. GOVERNMENT l.tQt'OK ACT SMllon ism Nut Ire of Application fi M"" that on the Notice ts hrey given IsS? of Augiu iKt the under-ijed lutendi to applT to the Uqor Control Board for a licence ni reepret part aulld-ln of the pr-mlses betag Crwk Hotel, sltu- known aa Bprwe lira w" --r-- . li; tmn Atlln TOwnsiw. ,Vrf Hrlbed a pl"r mining lease IX Creek, ErKlah OoJ- V totU. tor con- !.rnonSrirorel W CKEKK MOTKL LIMITED John Stembraten, mining man, sailed with apparent a bunch or raw doing well." well known yesterday af- Hon. R. L. Maitland K. C, Leader of the British Columbia Opposition, and Mrs. Maitland, in the course of their tour of Che northern part of the province, left on last evening's train for Ter race. Later they will visit Smithes and other Interior points on their way back to Vancouver. HOTEL ARRIVALS and then went on to the positions of "attention." "at ease" "easv uri"Jand then the turns. There was keenest attention to all instruc tions and a very evident satlsfac The first parade 01 the Prince UQn bv all that thev were dolne Rupert Canadian Legion Defence 1 something. uorps Tuesaay evening was ar.i xhe sergeant - major was not unquauned success, over bu mem-: understating facts when he said ' lurrs mmcu uuv tur uic uuiui Royal S. Johnson and A. B. Gowman, Vancouver; R. McKlnnon, P. St. Pierre, O. E. Loveless, F. S. Roy, E. G. Payne, O. L. Miskey and P. D Nelson, city. reservation: "For recruits you are Mr. Watt thanked the Instructor for his fine work and then, after being dismissed, the members filled In the new registration forms. The drills will continue weekly on Tuesdays and others who wish may Join next week. Five thousano people read the pays to let them have to cell i.ki Rupert Dally News. It Vnow what yob "SAFE MILK-Flfty Mll.l t from Nowh.ro l" says EIslo, the Bord.n Co w. !'No matter where you live, there is no need to be without a ready supp y of pasteurized milk. Just stock up with KLIM. It' fresh rich milk powdered by removing only the wtural water content. Simply add KLIM t cold have an instant water mix-nd you wpply of natural-tasting creamy milk. It keeps sweet and Tresh 1"''" Get KLIM container. Its vacuum-sealed at all good grocers and supply houses. IdimS wr"Spnrt BoclrworA" Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHi VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNt si Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulk ley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTIUZEES PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. rhone 58 and S58 Playground Doll Contest Pretty Colorful Affair Yesterday Afternoon1 j 1 With More Than Sixty Entries The Gyro playgrounds doll con-; test yesterday afternoon in the playground headquarters proved a, colorful affair with an entry of sixty dolls. Dolls In beautiful dresses, dolls In character costumes, dolls n overalls, dolls In bathing costume and dolls in no costume all added bright splashes of color to the display. Although only one doll in each class was the proud wearer of a championship ribbon, every entry temoon on the Princess Louise for ' deserved honorable mention. From 1 the tButedale district. Returning the tiny celluloid kewple dolls to the here in a week, he.wfll proceed to life size wax ma-ma dolls, every! Terrace and Smithers. 'conceivable type, was represented and the judges experienced dlffl- Dr. Raymond C. McKay of Cleve- culty In declaring the final win-land, Ohio, and party of seven, ners. after having made the round trip Detailed results: to Alaska, disembarked from the I Best dressed doll Nina Young-steamer Princess Lodlse here yes- man. Acropolis Playground. terday afternoon and proceeded by the evening train for a visit ta Jasper Park. Prettiest doll Bernlce Mostad, McClymont Playground. Most original doll Bessie Lee, Acropolis Playground. Largest doll Shirley Anne Pierce, Westvlew Playground. Smallest doll Peggy Pullen, Mc Clymont Playground. Judges were Mrs. Croft Brook and Mrs. J. R. Morlson. STOP TABLE TENNIS CAPE TOWN, A'iKust 1: (CP) Owing to tire numDer of table ten nis players being called up for ac- iive service, the Western Province Association decided to abandon the men's competitions. The women's league will be carried on. KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Peplcu Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. Th tfflllni thin mlxrat low Wood ttm li that you n weigh about u muck a jroa ever did n look healthy and itronff. jet you can feel ai It you had lead la you Wic. dopey, tired and peplesa. Low blood count meant you naeen t cot enough red blood eorpuaclea. It la their vital lob to tarry life-lvlni oxygen from your iunn throughout your body. And luit a It IbItm nvwmi In exnlfide suollne In your ear and make the power to turn the wheela, to you mail har plenty of oxygen to explode the energy In your body and give yon going power. G,t Dr. Williams rink Plln today. They are world-famoua for the help they glee in increasing the number and strength of red eorPMnrlea. Then with your blooJ eount up, you'll feel like bounding up the stairs as if you were floating on air. Ask your druggist 'or Dr. Williams fink Pills today. Open Till 10:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full i 'articular Writr- M'.S. DUNN Massett Qiifn Charlotte Is. B.C. THL SEAL QUALITY mm "DXIVI I GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only, salmon canning comaany with an U the year round payroll la Prior Rrt LISTENING TO NAZI VERSION OF TIIE WAR Crowds gather in front of a Berlin radio stor n hfar the Tegular government controlled broadcasts. Bad news is not heard and all news is carefully prepared and censored before it is Sturdy and Strong Wheel Goods For Hard Usage COASTER WAGONS Canadian Hardwood Box Bolted Construction S3.50 $5.50 $7.00 $7.50 12-inch Monarch Tricycles $5.50 14 nch S6.50 SCOOTERS $325 Kiddo Bikes - Pedal Cars $2.85 ani1 $3.50 C. C .M. BICYCLES jOOOO Free 10 Days Supply Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder With each 4 cakes Cashmere 23C Bouquet Soap All for Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 25c bottle only lc with purchase of 40c size. 65c value for Colgates Tooth Powder 20c tin only lc with purchase of 34C Giant Size. 55c value for Free 25c Woodburys Lotion With each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing Cream. 5 0 C 75c value for Ormes Ltd. UJia Pioneer Druqpists Ti.- it.T.ll Store Phones 81 St 82 gLOOrWWKH Ouen Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. 1 to 9 p.m. and If you lose anything, advertise for It. i '' (9 , V We" k