FAOX TWO THT? DMLY sPW Extra Special EARANCE SALE PAILY EDITION Broken Line 'Now is your opportunity to take advantage of our many super bargains in short end lines. While They Last Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Excep. Sunday, by Prince Rupert pally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Wednesday, September 4, 1940. EDITORIAL HOUSING SITUATION The real estate and newspaper offices are being deluged with inquiries from people wishing to rent houses, rooms or flats. Soldiers are here who wish to bring their wives north but who cannot do so because ot lack of accommodation. : All existing accommodation is taken and even the hotels are filled. On Sunday night at least one man tried every hotel and rooming house in town and could not net a place to sleep. He had to call on a friend for a shakedown. That is the situation. The city has never been so comtleiteTv filled up as it is today. What is the remedy? Of course the natural thing would be for local people to build new houses for the possiDiiiiy oi ounciing a nome ior nimseii m rnnce nu . . ., ., . . pert. For For T. a a man man in m uniform uniform the the city city commissioner commissioner agreec agreed to give two lotk at half the price charged others for simi lar lots. The broposal is being investigated and may go through. Several nthpr mpn in uniform nrf rnnsirlerin tr DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford hold medals for distinguished service .given them by Adolf Hitler. A contemporary very reasonably asks to whom the distinguish- GRADUAL CHANGE There is coming about a gradual change of opinion as to whom is going to win the war. When France collapsed, people looked rather pityingly on little Great Britain and wondered how long the country" could hold out. Thev ar CHAMBER IS IN SESSION Junior Bard 01 Trade To Nominate Officers Will Also Sek New Memlers A nominaUng committee consisting of J. C. Gllker. Oeorje L. H;rie and A. S. Nlekerson was drlsgated at the re?nlr njon'hl ner meeting Isst night of the Junior Section of the Prince Ru er Chmhf nt rmrt ty present a slate o7 officers fi- nexr -year at the October metln of the Junior Chamber. A co-itmUt'e consisting of A. S. Nickerson, R. E. Mortimer E. CK Soathby All Rivett, Peter DeJon. O. T. Oer-man and T. J. Williams wrs so-pointed ta undertake a drive for new members. Last night's meeting of. th Junior Chamber wa thr- flr-t frrt-lowlng a suspension of two months during the Summer vacation season. President A. S. Nk-erson was In the chair. Business at thet .meeUng was largely of routine nature. Thera was correspondence concniln? the recent freeing of Joe CeHns from prison, assistance' In connection with national registration, legislation regarding the sale of petroleum products, costs of education and the recent convention of the Junior Chambers of Commerce of British Columbia at Liner Disables Italian U-Boat 4 LISBON, Sept. 4: (CP) In- formed sources said today that the British liner Avoceta had been attacked by an Italian submarine off Portugal today. Fired on twice zy the submar- ln thp Avnreta rptiirtipd the volley of shellflre. shattering the raider's periscope. The sub- marine then submerged. V Is Looking For people who are needing them. The difficulty is that localj A Irnlonp Snrnrp people do not seem to have the money with which to build . rVlipldllc UJJI UA.C or they are otherwise tied up so that they cannot do it. At one time there was a local building society that helped to finance new houses. It paid steady dividends while it was gqing. Unfortunately it was decided to wind up the society;. The final dividend paid was 7 per cent, most of the previous dividends being eight per cent. Yesterday one of the local men in uniform who wishes to bring his wife and family to the city investigated the a similar proposition. They argue that, if they are hereheadquarters statf ln vlctorla only a few months, they will have the houses which should 1 pay them good-; dividends Ready built houses are also be- A ID D A IRQ ing discussed RAllJiJ It might well be a subject for discussion by the Chamber of Commerce Mpnday If any member or outsider has a possible 'remedy for the situation. fighting plane and " o d i Small Down Payment Balance ' On Easy Terms Theory and Actuality . i pleasant ana comiorung mouem ' a suitabie stand ot Sitka spruce. to a nation that had no aggressive Mr. Gregg was formerly assistant designs. The second was the belief district forester here but in more that a line, several kilometres ln recent years has been attached to depth perhaps, but still a line REPULSED LONDON, Sept. 4! like the Chinese wall, was the answer to an offensive. Hence the Maginot Line, , built in strength onjv alone the"" Franco-German frcnuer. with the assumption, de- silt" the town of the last war that neutrality .would be respected The theory of linear defence was exploded by breaking a hole through and consistently pushing forces through the break to fan out and establish- themselves on t i fTM . . . . I ' w" ' unv-wvwivui lahl ed service was rendered. The convincing answer IS that guns repelled three enemy thrusts of the gun projectile u was renuerea to uermany, a correspondent seems to ! today as it was disclosed that Royal think both of these men are continuing to earn their medals by serving Hitler instead of their own country. Their public utterances seem to indicate this. Nazis Driven Away From Britain Today IUA.F. Strikes Successfully at French Coast gued that, if they could not win with the help of France's airdrome,- the Air Ministry atd of jaie iujn, uivy cei lauiij cuuju ijuu ue eApecieu to win ne louquet aiiacic. when standing alone. The only thing wrong with the ar- Attempted attacks on Kent and gument was the mentality and stamina of the British &sex a,nxrt5 by two German fore-people. They showed the stuff of which they were made rturn!dub"k J1101 d caSual during the wofiderful retreat from Dunkirk! Since that ST" Kprted amaf? they have come to a realization, that the British Empire, There were three brf alarms in With the aid 6f the United States, IS- the most powerful London and five German planes force in the world. Today th whole world is gazing with were brought down m a short bat-admiration atnhe stubborn defence of Britain and the "e uver a heast where M brilliant attacks on Germany and Italy. A month has seen SJ mSX however an-a great change-in world sentiment and the next month or noumed that, during the night, two is very likely to show a much greater change. The oerman bombers had caused a Royal Air Force ,is being: strengthened almost every day. number of fatalities as they at-The losses are not large and the" morale is at the very Ucked a northeast coast town m hiffhest waves. ' ... . ' ' ... ' The Germans claim set Jtif' 5:uU haying rr,, T, ; the i A 1 The British are awaiting promised invasion with fire8 ln Liverpool, Cardiff, Bristol, confidence. Coventry and Plymouth. anti-aircraft the dive-bomber taking the place 'College. Air Force bombers had launched a four-hour series of rormter-attacks Tuesday night against advanced German bases ln France. The British raids were aimed at Pas de Calais, Le Touquet, St. Omer and other points. "High explosives were dropped on a landing ground. Later aircraft maintained the attack and .one pi lot saw six seDarate fires on an McNaughton's command are there In quantity. General Crerar's enunciation Is crisp and clear, unhurried. The t the country in the rear; CP) British ment by air arid bombing bv air. first impression is that of a practical and sound workman with materials to hand in a factual situation. But as his words march and counter march, skirmish, retreat and advance, a defence ln great depth and much moblU force is observable, the imagination and flexibility ot mind neces sary to deal with a kaleldescopic i ! world.. i ; He considers' ,for example, the possibility of a world Utopia with free trade, free 'mlgratton, then dismisses the idea as something desirable perhaps, definitely out ot our time. He considers the ef fect on minorities of the contraction of the earth through the radio and automobile mixing populations, whether the disappearance of small naUons in Europe is an Indication of a tendency toward larger groupings. He is an) active member of the Institute of International Affairs. Then he turns again to his men and guns, and, equipment. Me is confident that the men will be sought and found as they, are Little Spare Time There is small time these days to go and sail at the family summer place at Foote's Bay. Mnskoka. Sometimes he gets In a rubber of. bridge, Ho-' jinark ' but a good player. General Crerar Is married to the former Miss Verschoyle Cronyn and they have two children. Their datrghter, Peggy, Is married to Lieut. H, Z, Palmer of the Royal Canadian Artillery, and the 17- year old son Is at Upper Canada . 'Among his maps, behind an en- The answer was defence ln great ormous desk covered with docu-depth and mobile forces tor menu, books and papers, Oeneral counter attack. The island of the Crerar sits and occasionally smokes United Kingdom .so defended, a large curved shell briar pipe. There are pill boxes In the heart As he talks he glances at a good-of London, everyJlnch of terrain sized man of the world somewhat Is a strong "point, The mobile as a chess player regards a corn-forces Including those of General plicated board presaging a dlffl- CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER Thursday 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell Hirer Trains Leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST?. -Monday, " ' WednesdayFriday, 6 p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. Air-conditioned. Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fare, etc, Call. cr. Writ . crrir ticket office, sit thirii ave Agents for Trans Canada 'Air Lines cult game which he is sure ot winning. On the mantel at his back are a dozen photogjphs of high mili Wednesday, Seu-a. Save Money! Guard Health! with an ELECT R:l C REFRIGERATOR You save money all along the line with an Electric Refrigerator. You end spoilage and waste. You are able to use and enjoy leftovers. You are able to take advantage of quantity buying at lower prices. And, of course, you save the cost of ice. All foods and liquids are refrigerated at the proper temperature: con tamination is impossible: health is protected. A small down payment puts an Electric Refrigerator in your home. Models for every size family. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED CANADA'S WAR CHIEFS (Continued irum Page One) , T trine, that if ,there tquality that would should be hardly guar- an tee security. There was a good deal of tal about how a 75! millimetre sun was defensive, whereas a 4.5 inch gun small difference ln calibre) was offensive. "The answer," the General points out. "lies actually at which end of tr eun vou happen to find yourself. When the" war broke out he went to Londsn tj organize Canadian military headquarters, beginning with a' colonel and a stenographer and winding up with 'a. smooth machine of some 400 . ... . personnel before) his return to E. E. Gregg, loaned by the British ottawa ' Columbia Forest urancn to ine iea-eral government for the purpose of searching out suitable stands of jn pre.war yearS, General Crerar Sitka spruce for airplane manu- sayj jf ne is asked;' two erroneous facture in the -war emergency, has tactical ideas "cursed" peacefm been in this district for the past nations. One was" that the power ten days. At the first of the week 0f the defence -Was as three-to-he was at Prudhomme Lake in the one compared to the attack, a vicinity v.... v oi which rwwi there ou.it is u s'u said to be tary officials, persona) fntadi of his. 'Generals.' pretty much he observes n like other pesplt ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Honrs from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Phone GRIE.N 111 Used Furniture 2 Only Bedroom Dressers, 8-piecc Dining Room Suite 4 Kitchen Ranges for burning coal or wood 6 Bricklined Heaters for burning coal or wood 2 Heaters for burning oil. Wickless pot type 2 Kitchen Ranges with Imperial Oil Burners 6 Kitchen Chairs, 2 Kitchen Tables 2 Pianos, 1 Organ, 1 Accordion, 1 Violin 1 King Soprano Saxophone 2 Davenports that make a double lied 2 China Cabinets, 1 Kitchen Cabinet 1 Baby Buggies, 2 Tricycles, 2 Doll Buggies 1 21-Jewcl Waltltam Watch and 7 Jewels We Buy School Books 15 dozen Perfect Seal Jars -Used Furniture Depart UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERT TUES- T.8.S. CARDENA FRIDAY. DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p m. Due Vancouver. Thnrs. pjn. Due Vancouver, Mondsy 0L If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding ReserraUow and Tickets rrom FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Arent OiWd A. Pi"" lt (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Can Hide for Price of One