1 Treat yourself to a real ''g!am-.our" smoke roll a cigarette with, mellow fragrant Ogdeifs Fine Cut Then you'll understand why men who know their cigarette tobaccos vote Ogderr's the headline attraction why they never tire of Ogderfs performance. Omfj A, httt ciitrnle peptn it toJ noik for OfJtm't. TermsXET CASH Exerrfse Books Ink paper, 8 ; for 25c, for 25c, 2 for 25c, 3 for 50c Scribblers Pencil paper, plain or ruled. 5c each, 6 for 25c School Pencils (Canadian HB, tipped 3 for 10c Special drawing 5e Reeve's School Paints Box with brush- 35c Paint Brushes 5c, 10c, 15c Drawing Books . .. 5c, 10c, 15c Portfolios 10c India Ink 15c Crayons 5c to 25c Celuloid Protractors and Set Squares Each 10c 'Arc' Measure Compass 15c Rulers .... 5c, 10c, 15c Paste .... 10c Erasers 5c, 10c Eversnarp Pencils 25c Lead Refilg 5c, 15c Mackenzie Postage Extra Cash With Order eMaAs.JM Headquarters for School Text Books and Stationery Pencil Boxes ,. . lie School Bags Best values. 75c to 53.50 School Suit Cases 16-lnh English make $1.75 Science Exercise Rooks Hard covers 40c and 50c Loose Leaf Books Complete 15c, 20c 25c Refits 3 pkgs 25c Waterman's Ink I5c Schaefer's Script 10c and 15c MacLean Penholders 10c MacLean's Nibs Pkg. 5c MacLean Pads 15c Music Dictation Rooks 10c Scrap Books 15c Graph Books 15c Home Work Note Books .... 5c Loose Leaf Reinforcements 10c Fountain Pens, 50c, $1.00, up Blotters Pkg. 5c Furhiture 25 pairs "Ajers" Pure Wool Blankets, white and pastel shades; 15 pairs Grey Wool liiankets, flannelette Sherts gO QQ Vw From, per pair y Phone "5 327 THIRD AVENUE SPORT CHAT Aljce Marble, queen of Uncle Sam's tennis courts, wants an Ice cream soda. Before every match she says: "This time III really haTe my Ice cream soda if I win." She usually wins. But she never gets the "soda. Her coach, Eleanor Tennant, always says: "Now Pinky, you know you'd rather hare a rare beefsteak." And Pinky tAlke Marble to nil says: "Y-es. I would Miss Marble has found her way to tennis championshins, restored health and continued beauty by listening to her coach, "t never overeat," she explains. "I choose a lot of vegetables and drink lemon Jultt 10 wter not hot wafcr. I practice the year round, play Still tor exercise and fan. and lump rope daily to keep my figure trm and lrxjprqve my breathW" She iistfnj to a teacher who ir determined that she shall keep the sleek beauty she began with, Her skin is even better than it uwd to he. ". Alice nerer grifls the racked and never contracts her muscles but plays an easy game frith good I rhythm and timing. Such a sys-. tem often makes the difference between imitating men and hold-'ing your own as a woman. The 'champion's lees -t nearly perfect, I with a grand summer tan, and I are free of hair. Her toenails. bri?ht red. match finger nails and lipstick. She has learned how to me makeup, since she was called down for using too much during an English match. Her only rteld muscles are of the waist and diaphragm, which ought to be the envy pf every girdle-clad woman. five thootano ttjt Rupert people read the Dairy News. It pays to let them Vnow what vpn hare to sell FOR SALE 512 Tallow St. near: 5th Ave. 5 room house wltb basement, 2 bedrooms. Excellent condition, fully modem with new piling, possession September 15. 82000. H. P. Helgersop Ltd. (210) FOR SALE House near church on Dunsmulr w)th living room, dining room, fireplace, 2 large bedrooms, kitchen, pantry, and bathroom. New modem sink, concrete piers and good basement. Immediate possession $3000, half cash. H. O. Helgerson Ltd. 209) IFOR SALE Snap, latest model 1 1940-41 Oeneral Electric 5-tube mantle radio. Black 278. (208) FOR SALE I Morris chair, I oak rocker chair, 1 roll top desk, 1 invalid's bed table, power washing machine (nearly new). 6-hole range with oil burner installed, dining room suite (8 pieces). Phone Blue 513 or call 223 4th Ave. West, 9 am. to 9 p.m. f210) FOR SALE 34 acres, facing lake. good soil, 18 acres bay land, good .garden, small greenhouse, well finished house 24x26, furnished, other buildings, lots of wood and good water, 5 mhiutes walk s'ition, school, store, clear title. Age is reason for selling. $1,750. W. Funnell, Decker Lake, 0. C. (210) 3ALES HELP & AGENTS WE are now appointing spare time Christmas Card salespeople, men nnrf nvimpn Torn catnnlo Vwi V . td assortments, tags and seals. Apply for. sample book today. Champions With Rod . . Joe Ratchford and Tommy fraser hare won prizes offered by the Kalen Hard- ware as being the best ang- lers for the season. Joe Ratchiord caught a four pound" ten odnea fish, 24 Inches 'long, at Khtada and received a reel in token of being the champion spinner fisherman. Fraser won his prize, a fly rod, as the chain- plon fly fisherman by report- Ing a fine twa pound twelve ounce cutthroat, measuring 19j inches, which was caught 3L TJtU. Queen Charlotte Isl- ands. Great Peaks Are Ascended Fit i williaoi and Bucephalus Conquered By Climbers, JASPER PARK, Sept 4: Dominating peaks ..of the Yellwhead Pass, Mounts FitzwlUiam and Bucephalis both were ascended over, thV-wek-end by four Ed-montoV'mountalneers who returned here yesterday. Frpnjmberline camp near Lucerne; Reg-Gault, skiing Instructor from the. Alpine Club, of Canada. Dr. fleeter MacLean and the Misses Jean Mac Donald and Lillian Chapman made the ascent of Fitzwll-liam inTJive hours, Sunday, climbing theneghborins Bucephalis in th afternoon. First acents of the two peaks, seldom climbed because of their Inacessabllity. were made in. 1917 iby boundary commission engineers. Classified Ads. FOB SALE FOR SALE Armour house, 4th Ave. West. 7 room house, fully modern, fine heating plant, fireplace, newly painted, first class condition. Oarage. Immediate possession $5000 on terms. H. Q. JieJgerson Ltd. (21Q) PERSONAL MEN of 30, 40, 50! VIM, PEP, VI GOR Subnormal? Try Ostrex tablets. Contain tonics, stimulants, oysters elements, aids to normal - pep. If not dejlghted with results first package, maker refundsv low price. Call, write McCutcheon's and all other good drug stores. NOW IS THE TIME TO QET A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk, postman, Customs Clerk, Eteno, etc. Three Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free. Booklet. M. C. C. Schools Ltd, Winnipeg Oldest In Canada. No agents. SCHOOLS & COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION for Clerks announced. Open to all. Applications to reach Ottawa by Sept. 1 J. ..Our advice has helped hundreds obtain Civil Service positions as Clerks, Postmen, Customs Examiners, etc. Free booklet on request M.C.C. Schools Ltd.,.Wln- nepeg. Oldest in Canada. Nc Agents. sll MALE HELP WANTED WANTED Man with driver's lic ence. Experienced In dalrywork desirable. Valentin Dairy. (209) HELP WANTED, MALE Reliable man for night work. Knox Hotel. (209) WANTED WANTED Capable woman to live in and care for 3 school children for two weeks. Phone 762. (208) AGENTS WANTEP L.r V. 'r::: " l .'SWlB-tVX man-or woman to dis lar a dozen and the other wJthl tr,but "Uglous llteratureood eepl- R 3' B0X 3Z Ter per dozen, Oenerous commls- , E; slons. Also complete line o bo?- mlnarA, Toronto. FOUND Our aim: good values and friend- FOUNDjjjPalr of spectacles in HmD ' ly, courteous service. Premier j leather case. Pay if for this ad-Art Oulld, 578 Seymour St. Tertcrnent and get the spec-Vancouver, tacli$.tlly News. tf. Bo. S01 .00 ru.fis 5 Junior Hoop League Plans .00 HHP WIN THl WAR Buy War Savings CwtMcattt STUDENTS SOLDIERS SAILORS AIRMEN Although hearing that the Army has- taken over the Exhibition Hall, the Junior Basketball League, which was making plans for an active 'season this winter, is still hopeful that the big hall on Ac- their hope Is that they may be able to carry out their plans. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed In tha Merninf Raria' to Co Th Ur thouM pour oat tw. povadi of liquid fcil Uto your bowth itilj. II tab U b aot Sowia I ndjr. four food dooa't dirot. Jt jut drear, ia ta bowcU. G. blotu p Four ttomarh. Yoa rt eonitipaud. H.rmf uj poUoa ca Into the bodr, aad yoa (rri lour, yak aad the world took paak. A mer bowd movrm t doa't alwart tt at til eaaae. Yoa in4 something that work, so tb Utct aa vriL It Ukfa thoa Rood, id Cartrra Litti Ut PiUa to ctt ton two tooada of biW flowiav fr!y aad mk too I art up and BP". Harain. aad roUr. thrr amkt th biW flow f mlr. Tbr do th work of caknaH bat bav no caioniH or mereary to tana. Aik for Cortrr'a UnJr Urn PUU br nam I Stubbornly rtfuM aarthici dsc 24. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 201 Rooms, 50c and up Also CENTRAL APARTMENTS Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress ELSIE F. HEAPS A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Experienced in all Grades. A.T.CAL Successes. Special Training in Beginner's Class Work Phone BLUE 997 Classes Open September 3rd Jean .MacLean A.T.OM. and Ruth Nelson A.T.CM. Announce the Opening of PRIVATE and CLASS TUITION in' PLNv0 and THEORY Commencing September 1 Phone Green 836 or dreen 403 Studio In Federal Block FOR THE STUDENT... $0.00 Mtchina Prodi SI JJ $c.oo Wtermn"St3"Pcn Matching Ptncil JJ.50 i Hopes To Be Able To Go Ahead This Winter Even If Army I 1 Takes Over Exhibition Hall HYPIENE AND SANITARY SUP-1 cropolls Hill may be available for PLIES for men and women. J the playing of its games. Write for latest price list, and! The Junior hoopsters had been receive Free Novelty premium, displaying much enthusiasm and Buy confidentially by mall and save. Western Supply, Box 667, Vancouver, B. C. S. 15) Baseball Scores American League Detroit 2, Chicago 10. National League St Louis 3, Cincinnati 4. Only games. ' Free Waterman's settles the writing problem for the student. the armed forces, for anyone who needs and demands action ia his pen. Instant starting greater ink capacity more 14 kt gold in your choice of points Waterman's is the quality pen for student, soldier, sailor or airman. FOR THE ARMED FORCES. Waterman' Military Writing St a hit with Cnada'i armed force in choice of five color, pencil to match, military dip, in smart military cue $ tj.00 Other et S8.S0, $10, or the new 100 Ytar St 112M WORLD FAMOUS INKS Waterman'i Blue WASHABLE Waterman' Blue-Black PERMANENT. dressing room. 10 Days Supply Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder With each 4 cakes Cashmere 9Qo Houquet Soap-All for Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 25c bottle only lc with purchase of n 40c size. Goc value for Colgates Tooth Powder 20c tin only lc with purchase of Giant Size. 55c value for w Free '25c Woodburys Lotion With each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing Cream. Slip 75c value for WW Ormes Ltd UfiA Pioneer Druggists The Rezall Store Phones SI & Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. r Br 131 DAILY flWU FEEL ANY PAIN, DOCT0I?j 1 OOSHEN, Ind. Sept. 4: C?V While Drs. H. P Bowser and R& Fleetwood operated in the hogtf a thief took $600 from 1 trousers pockets m a mi Advertising is n ititestapt ' J owrarOHoooooooH30CHpo X Complete Line pf Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY P1J0NE 116 LTD. puose in