?AGE TOW G I R L Vou look ugly when you cough. Keep Smith Brothers Cough Drops handy. (Black or Menthol.) Relief for lOf. II SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS Surprise Party And Shower midnight. S MARK a large box, containing many .beautiful and. useful gifts. Dell ! clous refreshments were served at Those present were Miss Marie Martin, Mrs. L. Martin, Mrs. T. ( On Monday evening Miss 01ga-E1Uott t Carter Mrs. A Karashowsky and Mrs. . Henry,,. u,nBn,M Mr. WnrsfnlH sr. U'prp Inint hostpsses' Mrs- v- pick- Mrs- honor - pick' at a linen shower In of "Iss Marie Martin whose marriage Farlane, Mrs. Adcock, Mrs. Baby Week ELIO'S FURNITURE Store Opens at 8:30 a.m. Closes at ,5:30 p.m. Mae- NURSERY FURNITURE Baby High Chair In golden finish, Qff with aluminium tray 3titD "Steel Crib Large size, complete with CI fi ft ft mattress ?10sUU Folding: Carrier With Chronium plated reversible Q-f Cfl handle SJ.IJ.DU Baby Tram All steel body finished in navy $25 00 Blankets And Bedthrows Genuine English roint Blenkets Size 63x; i.4 blankets are famous for their quality, were purchased &fcrfe the war and therefore can be offered at the regular price. Q-f ? Eft Z point in scarlet or green. Per pair fJJ.DDU AH Wool Grey Blankets 7 lbs., size 60x80. JJ JA i Per pair : tDDU Pure Wool Mossfield Blankets-,-White with colored Q-f A Cft borders. 72x84 OxUaDU Reversible Bedthrows Assorted colors with CJ-f A Cft rainbow borders. "Size 60x80 V-lvaDU Buy Now While They Last at the Old Price Owing to Increased Cost of Nanaimo-Wellington Lump Coal At the mine and an increase in freight rates, we have been forced to raise the price as follows: Nanaimo-Wellington Lump Per ton, sacked $15.50 Nanaimo-Wellington Aline Run Per ton, sacked $14.25 Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Per ton, sacked $12.50 Nanaimo-Wellington Slack Per ton, sacked $9.00 . These Prices Will Go Into Effect January 1st, 1910 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone 651 or 652 A takes place on February 10. Macintosh, Mrs. A. Stelnert, Mrs. . At 9 o'clock a jolly crowd sur- O. Rosin, Mrs. K. Slatta, Mrs. A. prised the bride-elect at the home Gomez, Mrs. O. Sather, Mrs. Ko of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. vlch, and the Misses Lillian Vac Martin, Eleventh Avenue. The eve- cher. Irma Bussanlch, Fan Canning was happily spent In playing breath, Cecile Cavenalle, Violet games, music and singing, prize- Cavenalle. Elsl Hipp, Mary" Geary, winners at games being Mrs. H. Dorothy Wllkle, Tarjar Rysstad, Worsfold and Miss Mary Geary. Thelma Skog, Mary Sievert, Mar-Durlng the course of the evening garet SleVert, Olga Karashowsky the bride-elect was presented with and Mrs. H. Worsfold, REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER ' LeaTinf Prince Ilupert Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River $36 RETURN Meals and Berth Included THURSDAYS Kate Effective Now Until February 28 Keturn Limit, March 31 11:15 p.m. Southbound Canadian National Steamships V-2-39. Letter Box AMERICAN ATTITUDE Editor, Dally News: It Is tny privilege at the present time to be a resident of the city of Prince Rupert, as pastor of the local Lutheran Church. I am an American citizen, and therefore, In a wav. a. cuest In Canada. I enjoy living ' here. We have al- ' ready learned to know and to establish friendships of genuine worth' wtyh many of the citizens, of many racial origins. We have friends and relatives in provinces farther east. For a number of years we used to make trips to Port Arthur, Ont., every summer, and we came to love the country and the people. It Is my endea vour, while living and serving here. to contribute all I can to the good of the community and also In order tn reflect genuine good-will of an American citizen towards our nearest and most sincerely appreciated and highly respected neighbors the people of Canada. , There is one thing, however, that to me has seemed unfortun-' ate and hardly justified. That Is the apparent disapproving attitude of the editor of The Dally News over against the United States. fiThere have been numerous edi torials, not only informative and, analytical of events and condl- tions in the United States, but also ' containing statements that in my opinion have been' unkind and un-1 , fortunate. Reference could bei .made to repeated statements re-i gardlng the motives for the American attitude to the people of Finland Also, a few nights ago ,the statement was made editorially that "the dollar is the God of the American people." In Monday's tissue some very drastic remarks have any negative remark or charge to bring against his pur pose, honesty and nobility character. J. H. MYRWANO Ernest Sheppard, Is due in port at 4 , o'clock this afternoon from Reports For Year THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, January 23, 1949 KING WINTER IS TOUGH ON U-ROATS aaaaaa Not the most pleasant Job under any circumstances, work aboard submarines in the near-Arctic regions at this time of year holds extra hardships for crews of the underwater craft. This is a German submarine, pictures at Its base at Kiel, after returning from a cruise In the Baltic Sea, ice-encrusted from stem to stern. The ice forms when the submarine comes to the surface and makes navigation and effective torpedo or gunfire, should they be necessary, next to impossible. GOODYEAR IN CHURCH den, showed that $755.62 had been raised. Other reports were presented as follows: Budget Treasurer, Samuel v omens Missionary Society. ment was shown at 84. w - were made about the late Senator First rreshytcrian Congregation In'Mrs- Harry Calderwood, secretary. oomn. me oenaior was not a Annual Session Last Night ltt,m v- witae, treasurer, "yes" man. He served his country Facins BiuIdln Renovation i 8undav School, C. O. Ham, sup-In the Senate long and faithfully. jerintendent. and E. J. Smith, ana with outstanding ability. He' (treasurer. Sunday School enrol was a fearless champion for whati Crade Roll, Mrs. Robert Bible Class and Young People's never did even his most bitter op-l Z t .'V , 'Society. Rev. H. O. Funston. ponents, In principle or In debate. 7 1, Chf. Mrs. James Simpson. and otherwise. The ' financial "n"!f,U1 t.tp0Ti.'- 'M' Foote- 'Istatement showed a surplus of re- JST . . were ex-of .venue over expenditure with some XS onMiutiotu of the cnurcn ana to the pastor. Rev. H. If iaSc.dtaythC Peple QWatIon. The membership nn of the nu United have Mr. Funston States stood 5nowed an tatreMe over th occupied the chair with tear-dlmmed eyes at thecedlng. year and the most of the cnfd"ct the devotional por- bler of the venerable Senator. It;church.s tlon ot the meeUn- activities were carried on seemed r?ther suprlslng that the" with vigor. The meeting decided . T" " 7'"' I4ouna nsniito go into the possibility of lnstl- Hivpd Hocfn just how to Indicate such tre-.tutintr nM.pirv ir, n .m. 1 LidSlCr mendous charges against the Senator, as contained in the re cent editorial. ,this year and asked the board 3 In New Order We, as individuals and as public. of cost and, if possible, devise ways More Chance oTl-in. or seml-public forums, have It In and means of financing at least vear U WoHd Cafenda Calendar tdonLT our power to create and mould-some of the work. r Adopted vr-w .uuf uvui ine Doara or managers lor 1940 NEW YORK Jan Z'lr1?! y" entual adopUonof W. W. 25, as It will be In 1943. and will sail at 4:30 p.m. for Rev. H. O. Funston, stated that j.nuy, 23: CPI -an "ideal" count, and accumulate. is our SuSi Tl SSSSSo Sti ?Z will, mutual understanding, con- Coates", j. Lnhlnd 7sZe an Sf c'hancV 'of adC slderaUon. respect, harmony and Simpson. forth fin-i. ? radlng peace .shall continue S fh!? " Ut to SprLng Increase." Trustees were re-elected in the 8 " ih as always, in the hearts and lives nerson, Z i !,!?u I m"1 .lhe..daJ may' be a"X- of the people of Canada and the son and Georee R. Naden. people of the United States. C. O'Neill and H. M. FootP wppp re-elected as congregational sec- retary and congregational treasur- .,s,the curnu.ativb erftel of ad ,er, respectively and W. D. Vance ycrwain8 tnat counts. Union steamer Cardena. CaDt. and D- C. Stuart were named audi- - l fn ArCTlOX WALK Tlmhrr Milf V?mh Ttwe wjii he offered lor uU u Pub. Vancouver ana waypomts. le rresoyierian wnurcn nad re- rx)rortT. Marin Buikiirur vi. cciveu as mucn support irom its ionrin. .Z s, to " mpmnprt n nrt o n harnnt m thelr church a real light ln the community. The report of the session show- of the ram of iS37.so beine rour ed a membership of 125 which was proportion- of the expenditure required an increase last ""-";aac over year. er, Dar-for par the yeari 1937, 1938 and 1939 byf, oecuon 28 or trie Mineral Act, It, s. wc juus ycuyic, u. u. all qohU fU signed, the registered owner of said Mineral Cli lata, Miners) Claims shall be forfeited and slsted - ----- E. J agers, presented by naa and nemkKk And oj - sprue. cur. Notice Ti Mtolnt CMwm r"y ther ChufCh ln the City and L 7 Mana- Ouht Inlet ly" To ihn w. Aidfn nd oond nirk; certain progress and advancement JfotIH!L0i-5iv"w, Urr ictn ilnd Seattle. Wa.hlngton, U. 8. a. had been made but this should aW uZ SSSrlrt. u'"M't Ui- " t0 other not make the church and conpre- T"" (3 J''"" i bo allowed for than piyBtlf to th extent of more ,Mnn fBOi n1f . removal of tlmbrr tha on 'quarter gaUon feel ""-satisfied. He urged uvteret Ijj each and "Provide anyon. unbl. to .t. ail of the atar No. l, star No. a. star the congregation not to sacrifice no. a. Bir no. star No. 5. Star No. , the cnurc church work wk for ior nthpr oiner consid-irm pnntrt. i. eur No. 7, star No. 8. star No. 9 sut- No. io Mineral claims aituate eratlons but appealed, to all to oa tae north side of Porcher Island, carrv nn in the pnrlpavnur tn main. i la ChUmore Pawage about 6(0 feet , I from the beach In the Skeena Mining 'Tltrtiton, province of British Columbia: I TAKE NOTICE ttiac unlena you da pay within 00 dayj from the date here- tend the auction In perron may uomVt UavUr to bo opened at the hour of auction and treW a one bid." Further jwrticuUna may be obtained from the Chief Ftarmter. Victoria. BXJ.. or the Dtfftrlqt Porratcr, Prinze Ilupert' B.O., or the Dlatrtot rorcater, Marine Bulldln, Vanoouvor, B.C. N TIIKMI IMIK.MK Ol tT Of IIIIITI-II (Oi l .MHIA 1938, chapter 161, together wi 'Thanks were extended to the pas- i 'Mat"f mui,, .,, Vi.1 i .. ot thi. notice, to the under-ltnr tor, Mrs. Mr E, V .1 J. "Smith Rmlih onH and the h:'" v,..Vie Alt" '""'Wwlloii j your Interest on said cnoir ana all tnose wno nad as in church - work fncludlng 'Xtf&f -4- has made the required erpendltures. moac wno naa renevea in me pui- nuiiu, mat ny order of HI dated at prince nupert, b o. tuu pit auring tne absence of the pas- V-irJ , rr; 7 . 14X1 in Stb day of July. 1939. lor. 'J"! '9 K w . 1 The report of the" board of man- A"fIre imwa weaver, ixonwied. it ... w full L,itw ni rrinra in iruatf n4i I- t Alpine Fir II B Each Found Sate The Ocean Falls Bmitn, OohmvbU, and all prions ' taZ'wWMNVWV OO000000OO00O0O000O0O0Ol referred to the faithful function- claim, agalnat h said fttoU an "here MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladies' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phqne GREEN 880 lng of committees and the assist- " reul"d fumih the Mm to me ance of the Ladles' Aid. ai The Women's Auxiliary, report indebted to the mid &UUe are require for which was presented by Mrs. 2ML J0' cf lthe!r ti. . , , , nei to me rorUiwlth. J. A. Teng, showed a successful . , norman a. watt, (year with a substantial sum given official Administrator, the board nf mannirprs. Th Wnrt Prtnjne nupsrt, B, C. 7Z7 UtAahll ST. - i uFflra xinn iult nr jinitan, a r 0000000KJ00000000000000 ot the treasurer, Mrs. James Had- imo. .,, n, forestry boat Alpine Fir. which was re- ported yesterday to be missing out of Bella Coola, was report- 4 ed late In the afternoon to have been located safe at f Kwatna Inlet about half way up Burke Channel. Forest Ran - gcr and Mrs. Phillips and En- glneer Christiansen are safe and well, provincial police headquarters here were ad- vised. - Barrett Point Work Finished Northern Construction Co. and J. W. Stewark Ltd. has completed ! the contract for the Department1 of National Defence on the Barrett Point Sid Of Prinr Rnrvrl ll-hl-J'Hl TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY 2 Shows Nightly, 7:00 anil 9:00 SPENCER TRACY In "Stanley and Livingstone" With Richard Green, Nancy Kell SlrCtdrlc Hardwire (At 7:20 and 9:20) added Norway "The Viking Trail Cartoon "Nutty Network' Hockey Standings . . . . . o Harbor and at the end of last r"""' ! week quite a number of the men irn8e,r5 if ,! who have been employed there for onU) 1 J, ' months were laid off. The work Ch,co on the Frederick Point side will Canaoln 8 also be completed very shortly. Detro,lt 8 Several of the key men of the con- Amer,cans 8 trading staff will be leaving this' " anernoon by the Catala on their A fifty tent cussll icmm io Vancouver. National league W D L F A P 3 7 00 49 4: 7 4 87 42 4i 4 10 85 63 23 1 14 51 77 : 2 17 58 77 18 4 16 46 73 23 1 10 57 83 19 i- - - o ad. often make you many dollars. Thrift Cash & Carry rnone 173 Where All The Prices Arc Plainly Marked nutter Nu-Thrlft. First grade. 3 lbs. 95c Dads Cookies Oatmeal or Cocoanut. In cello 4C packets. 2 doz. 1UU Wax Rolls 100 It. with cutter edge. Regular 25c -f Q value. Each JLtSls Cut Green Bean Choice quality. 17-oz. tins. 4 4 n JLJLV CLAKK'S rORK AND BIwNS-2 for Cream Cheese In handy tumblers. All -f Op XOl flavors. Each Bunch Carrot California. 3 bunches Bananas Firm and yellow. Lb. Spitz Apples Oood cookers. 7 lbs. 25c 10c 25c ScotU Kggs large In 24 doe. trays PulleU-Per doz. All Drade 'A' Em Grae Nuts Regular packets. Each Graham Wafers Jlcd Arrow. Each Demonstration of Clark's Canned Foods All This Week CLARK'S SOUPS In Tomato - Vegetable Oxtail-Celery .Mock Turtle Pea Shotrh Broth. 3 tint -21-oz. tall tint. 62c 20c 15c Pastry Hour Fether- OQp lite. 7-lb. ba 17c 25c 25c Pltnlc llamt Swlfta R lar. Half or whole. 23 C Splnac h-Clcan, broad-leaf. Lb. . . .. Ithubarb New hothouse, 2 lbs. ... 9c 15c Mandarin Oranges Aftp New arrivals. Box Ivl SHIP A 10-LK. I10X OF NEW PHOCKSS Rupert Brand Kippers TO YOUR FRIENDS For $1-50 we will deliver a box of Kippers to yoirr friend's nouie In any Express point In It.C. or any Canadian National Railway Express point In Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. .Mall your order with cheque or cash to CANADIAN FISH & COM STOItAOK CO. LTD., Prince Itupert, H.O, with name and addreu of consignee. We will enclose card with name of sender, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Ilupert Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHt VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Co. Ltd. llrlllsh Columbia Fresh Shrimp ijoAt w.s.l. Dally at 4 p.m. TROTIER'S DOCK