,rday January 27, lftd. SAFEGUARD your Nearest and Dearest against 3v" CHEST COLDS, BRONCHITIS WHOOPING COOGH WITH Must Give Relief in Half the Time of Any Rub You Have Ever Used or Your MONEY BACK! The new non-alkaline Shampoo for normal or oily hair. Neither a soap nor an oil. 60c Ormes Ltd. Zffi Ptontcr Druqgiats The Retail Store Fhone 81 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH & X3 Open Dally from I a-m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Minister, Rev, II. G. Funston IVA. OrranUl and Choir Director. Mr. II J. Smith Bible CUm at 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship 11 :00 a.m-Rellclou Education Service I vi-nlnr U'omhln 7:30 n.m. ent Attention. The morning service is especially prepared for par- ..idrcn Make a real effort to be prc.srm ano or mis j dtfr Sunday Bchool children will meet at 10 30 a m MacKenzies Furniture M.t MHKU KING SPUING An izc , SU .MUr.lt KING KPItlNG.III.I.i:n MATTRESS 4.0 size Phone 775 S14.25 S28.50 Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits For prompt Mid courteous service Phone 13 TaxL tt. . A meeting of the Canadian Hal-ilbut Fishing Vessel Owner' Association will be held in -the Canadian Legion Rooms, Sunday. January 28 at 2 p.m. 23 I Inspector O. B, McLellan, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who has been on a visit to the city and trict on official duties, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last eight on his J5 ,,oooioooonoooooji?ooooooooopooooooooooosiOooooooooa return to Vancouver. Halo Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer for the northwestern mineral survey district, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to departmental headquarters at Vancouver on official duties. liNEW LINE Good day to you all! getUng ready to vote? PATROLS DOUBLED Are you How sore those politicians are since they were caught napping by a statesman! M. Duplessls was so ashamed of his recent defeat in Quebec that In Victoria this week he registered under a false name and tried to avoid the newspapers. It was not always so. LONDON British air and naval j patrols are being doubled to meet j with a reported new submarine , campaign from Germany. ! Announcements All advertisements In thu column will be charged tor a full month at 25c a word. United Young Ladles' Tea, Mrs. Clarke McLean's February 1. Catholic Tea February 1. Mrs. McCaffcry's S. O. N. Masquerade February 1. Hospital Ball Feb. 2. Eagles' Bridge, February 7. Toe II Dance, Seal Cove, Fob 9. Legion Valentine Tea, Mrs. D. C, Schubert's, February 14. Cambral' Valentine Ball, February 18. S. O. N. Leap Year Dance February 23. Boys' 'Band Dance February 20. 1 Anglican Spring Sale, April 4. Dally News Classified Ads bring results, THE DATLT HEWfl PAGE TftRKl ! LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold. adian Shipping Board. Bulger"!, tt Annual meeting, Prince Rupert Branch, Canadian Red Cross Society, City Hall, Monday, 8 pm. (24) I Tonight's train, due from the MASONS HAD s FINE DANCE BAR GOIJ) LONDON. (CP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged today at $35.54 per fine ounce. H.G. HELGERSON LTD. 21C Sixth Street See Us For All Kinds of Insurance and Real Estate Notary Public We have on our lists the following good buys 5-KOO.M HOUSE, Tatlow St.. fully modern on sewer, good basement, low taxes, In excellent condition, $1300.00 cash or $1500.00 on terms with $500.00 down. 4-UOO.M HOUSE on sewer, bath, corner of Tatlow and Seventh, large garden with greenhouse. $800.00 cash or $1000.00 on terms with $300 down or The whole property of two houses for $2000.00 cash. in Tin: srritT.MK roniT ok iiiutisii ( 01.1.MBIA III rrnbute In tlir Matter uf the AUmlnUtrntlon Art-Ami fc In the Mutter or the IMate of Andrew l Werner, lvui.eil TAKE NOTICE that by order o Xtls Honor Judge W. E Flfther dUd. the 22nd cIav oT Jntary 1940 I was ap pointed AdmlnlHtrator ol the Eatate ol Andrew IjooiuvtU wever, Xkywuned, late ot the City of PrUice Rupert, British Columbia, tnd aU peraoaw ha ring claims Hgaliutt Uk ald Et-tut are here by required to nmusiv the 6ame to me property mined on or before the 38th day ot February 1940 uid all persona lndobted to the ald EMaXe are refnlred to pay the amount of their indebted-neea to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, PrLnre Ilupert, D. C. IXntnt the 22nd day ot January, A. D. 1940. BURNS IS HONORED Fine Banquet by Eagles' Lodge on I Thursday Night With Robert McKay Giving Principal , Ad d res Thursday night the Fraternal of Eagles e celebrated the' r.n.i. ix A V wulf W C)AJbCU " " . . . . . . n . . .. iu . kl.,b 1 this aiternoon to oe on ume. ioii uiiiuvcreuiy ui uie .um ui , Robert Burns when sixty members I A. S. Nlckerson returned to the at down to a fine supper of real , city on the Princess Adelaide yes- Scottish fare after wnicn there terday afternoon irom a two weeks' was a program appropriate to me , business trip to Vancouver. occasion. I a leaiure oi ine evening was a splendid address by Robert Mc- on "The Immortal Memory The speaker gave the audience a brief but interesting talk on the manner In which Burns lived, declaring that he wes a good iiviii i . man and not the drunken liber- Excellent Affair Draw. Out Large lJne M wme him Crowd-No Un Tban 250 j The .UftggU was plped m by Pipe Present iMajor J. O. Gunn with James Duff i bearing the steaming delicacy a-, Beautifully decorated with flow- joft ers. foliage and special colored " dimmer Another excellent excellent address aaaress was was A 1 riuil I I A i I fXtT K "8ntlnB Meets, the banquet hall of that by Peter aamula in reply to t 1 I XTLVlV'the Temple was the scene last night ine toast of The Town We Live o of the annual Masonic dance which rn g Urrat Britain Speculates on Next was one of the most .successful and dents, Including the spectacular 2 1 Move of Nails 'enjoyable events of Its kind on rec- real estate prices, and wound up g ord. More than 250 persons were In by declaring that Prince Rupert 5, LONDON. Jan. 27: P German attendance. ;Was still a good place to stay In. g claim that submarine production The Grand March was led by Dr. j Lee Dell feponded to the toast g has reached a one-a-day level to-.C. II. Ilanklnson, district deputy "The Land We Live In," saying o gether with reports that the Relch'grand master, and Mrs. Hanlclnsonithat he was a real Canadian and g had launched the new plane car-land, from then on until 2 a.m., proud of it. If anyone could show g rlers stirred speculation on the dancing kept up in full swing. G. E. jilm a better country to live In g chance of a new Nazi campaign Phllllpson was master of ceremonies than this, he would like to move to o against merchant shipping. land music was by Mrs. Jean de.Car-;u. g1 Meantime, the Royal Air Force lo's Orchestra. Guests were wel- D. J. Bacon replied to the toast o continues the development of ex-'comed by William McLeod and Don- to "Kindred Societies." He felt that tensive protective measures lnclud-'ald Crerar, masters respectively of 5 lng new long range lighter planes, g; which have already been successor fully demonstrated and the extension of baloon barrages, which al- g i ready cover 700 o ! coast. ?! Former Kaiser ii81 Years Old I Press i A lonely 271 old 8: man. disappointed that not a sin-" l m t m i a t OiKie I mrmuer oi nis lamny naa Deen SI allowed to leave Germany to visit him fnrmer Pmrwrnr William tin. c:cooc3coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'. ' , , -.r, ,.,. served his here today. HURCH NOTICES'! Man in the Moon Tslmpsean and Tyee Lodges. Delicious refreshments were serv- ed at midnight. The committee In charge conslst- mlles of British ed of W. D. Vance, G. E. Phlllinson. DOORN. Holland. January 2 (Canadian R. M. Window, C. C MM J. W. Pot- tlnger and D. O. Borland, the last-mentioned being responsible for the decorations. A. R. Nichols presided at the door. 'Named Director Of Shipping h This Dominion OTTAWA. Jan. 27: fPP)-t Hon. eighty-first birthday w. D. Euier. minister of trade and commerce, announces the appoint ment of A. W. L. MacCallum of Montreal as director of shipping for Canada. Bruce A. Macdonald, for mer trade commissioner at Berlin. Is appointed secretary of the Can there were not enough functions such as the one he was attending. Robert McKay was toastmaker and the program was as follows: The King." "The Immortal Memory." Robert McKay. Solo, "The Star o' Rabble Burns," A. McLeod. , Address to the Haggis, William Robb. Selkirk Grace, William Robb. "The Royal Navy" and "The Forces." Petty Officer J. Gold smith. , r . . , , , , ... Singing of "Rule Britannia" and The Siegfried Line." "The Land We Live In." Lee Dell. "O Canada." "The City We Live In." Peter Gamula. "The Lasses," Harry Astorl. Song, Frank Ellison. "Kindred Societies," B. J. Bacon. "Toastmaster and Committees, J. A. Dennis. Songs, A. McLeod, W. Murray and William Robb. Duets. Alex McLeod and William Robb. Recitations, Harry Astorl. Alex McLeod. J. Fitzpatrtek, J. Goldsmith, B. J. Bacon and Robert -Accordion selections, Robert" Townsend. Mouth Organ solos, Harry Astorl and Gene Fltzpatrick. Bagpipe selections, T. G. Gunn. Norman Davidson acted as pia nist for the evening. The committee in charge consisted of William Robb, chairman, Robert McKay. W. Hutson. J. Duff, J. A. Dennis. Peter Romanik and H. Smith. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHt VALENTIN DAIRY PHONF 657 0OOOOOOaCH5OOOfXHCOOOHOCH5 MISS YUKI i Dressmaker Ladies' and Children's S Alterations Moderate Trice 5 Phone GREEN 880 g 727 FRASER ST. 2 HJOOOOOftOOOWKHJOCrtHWWKKl IN TIIK MTKBME COl'RT !' I1KIT1S1I tOl.l'MIIIA III I'rohate In I lie Matter uf the "AdmlnUtrntlon Art" And In the Matter of the INUtr ot Mlrhele t'w, Olherwle known u Mlkele ', lfUr(l lntrstate,. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. W. E. Pl&her. mode the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1940. I was ap pointed AdminuUHtor of me estaie oi Mlchele COco. otherwise known as MJkele Coco. riecwMvl, and All partm having claims azainat the said estote are hereby requitvd to furnish same. properly verlfled. o me on or before the asm flay or nwvary. a jj. and all partlea Indebted to the estate are required to jy the amount or their IndehtednesB t me forth-tth. rxiti the 23rd day of January. A. D. 1940. NORMAN A. WATT. OlfU-tal Admlniatfator. rrlnc nuertn.c; GERMAN COMMANDER LOOKS THINGS OVER General Walther von Brauchitsch, commander of the German fighting forces on the Western Front is nfiown with aides inspecting an anti-tank gun battery somewhere behind the Siegfried Line. Von Brauchitsch is in centre, wearinj the Iron Cross at the neck of his tunic. TERRACE ;E. T. Kenney was confirmed as ; president and a strong committee was appointed to carry on the work Miss Sally Flnlayson was the hof- TW m,eetln5 held Odd- f All Aire' Mall nriri urac Vprv wPll nr.. oree at a shower held at the home tended fay aU dasses secr. of Mrs. Stewart. Lakelse Avenue. tary Mrs. Mjlls and treas. There were some twenty friends who urer. Rev. C. A. Hlnchllffe. Vice- brought useful and pretty gifts to presidents are Mrs. George Dover Miss Flnlayson, who will shortly be and M, Dubeau. leaving Terrace to live at Stewart.1, Dally advertising m the Dallj The Red Cross Society held its' News Is sure to bring dally re-general meeting Wednesday night, suits B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture Fur really low prices it will pay you .to come in and look over our large stock of household furnishings consisting of Kitchen Ranges, Bedroom Suites. Dinettes, Chesterfields, Heaters, Reds, Springs and Mattresses, etc. 1 Singer Sewing Machine 04 A ffA XlaOll I good good shape shape 2 Sessions 8-Day Chime Clocks-Real snap 1 Red-Couch At 87.50 Z Vacuum Cleaners From Nest Door to B. C Clothiers 59.95 S7.50 4 Kitchen Ranges In first class condition. 820.00, 822.50, 824.50 and 827.50 New Furniture 1 3-riece Chesterfield In latest style, fine CQQ Kft 0O.DU pattern, at 1 Chtsterfield-Bfd and 2 Easy Chairs S89 50 At 5 Chests and Drawers t0 95 9 50 Phone BLACK 321 THIRD AVENUE DUE TO INCREASE IN PRICE OF Nanaimo Wellington Coal At the mine ot one dollar per ton and the increase In freight rates, commencing January 1, 1910, our prices on Nanaimo Wellington Coal will be as follows Nanaimo Wellington Lump Sacked, delivered. Per ton $15.50 Nanaimo Wellington Mine Run Sacked, del., Per ton $1455 Nanaimo Wellington Lump Bulk, delivered. Per ton $11.25 Nanaimo Wellington .Mine Run Bulk, delivered. Per ton .. $13.00 Albert and McCaf fery Ltd. Phone 11C and 117