PAdl -TWO Campacs and Sun Rays SPORT SHOES FOR : VACATION TIME The Height of Comfort and Wear in Every Pair DAILY EDITION PENMAN'S HOSIERY Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMUIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES . City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ..... $5.00 Paid In Advance, per month 50 By Mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By Mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion ., 02 Local Readers, per line, per Insertion .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone - 86 ' " Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusive!? entitled to use for reuutrtlcaUon of all newt despatches credkted to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local uni published therein. All rtht of republlraitton of gpeclal dewpatohew therein r also renervod Monday, July 22, 1940. EDITORIALS HELPING WIN THE WAR The chief of the Canadian Travel Bureau at Ottawa points out that one great help in winning the war, so far as Canada is concerned, is the large influx of American tourists who come to-.this country, spend their money and give us a medium of exchange so that we can help finance the arms, ammunition and supplies which are almost daily , l , ! i 1 l J1 n i i ii i t- i ueiujr lurwarueu irom ianaua io ureat untain. Americans are coming to Canada in large numbers They are allowed to come with only slierht restrictions af tot where they may wander and what they may inspect. iney nave tne advantage of the rate ot exchange, thei-T dollar being worth more that a dollar in this country. In that way they make money by living in Canada. We are glad to have their money, conscious that it is helping us finance a trying time. Every dollar they leave here is returned to the United States in payment for war material. NO LONGER NEUTRAL British people do not consider Spain to be a neutral country except to the extent that we exchange diplomatic courtesies arid that her ports are to a certain extent ooen to world shipping. So Germany does not look on the Unit ed btates as a neutral country. Hitler knows that to a very large extent the United States is in the war on the British side. The President has openly declared his stand and most of the people there and here realize it. Germany is our common enemy. Or perhaps it would be better to say that the German system is our enemy. pnly recently the United States people have come to realize that they cannot help Great Britain in a military way. All her naval and military forces are needed at home. Even with those forces doubled, they may still be needed at home. Britain, reinforced by the Dominions, will'sodn have about as many men under arms as she can use. When the time comes to invade Germany will be time enough to consider what steps may be taken to reinforce the British army with soldiers from the United States. MATTER OF IMPORTANCE Owing to the fact that it affects directly the people we know and in whom we are interested, the neSvspapers often feature the bombing of Britain more than the bomb- Dancing Classes ' Being Instituted Dancing classes for the children of the Gyro supervised playgrounds are W?ing held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon as the latest addition to the ever Increasing list of activities. i At Seal Cove and Westvlew the classes are being held In the school buildings while th children front' McClymont and Acraoolls JIM will attend classes on these afternoons In the playground i headquarters at 4:00 o'clock. I Miss Jean Krause Is in chart t of the classes at the Centre while Miss Frances Roberton at Seal Cove and Miss Ruth Srherk at Westvlew are In Instructresses. , In addition to the reguluar dancing Instruction, t lasses in ballroom dancing for boys fourteen ! years of age and over will be held in the centre- under the direction of Nell Ross. This Is a new feature- of the I playgrounds and, until the size of the classes is ascertained and a schedule drawn up, Mr. Ross will take the boys on Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday afternoons at three o'clock. Intermediates Play Softball Dominion Dairy Loses To Fraser Street And North Star In the Intermediate Softball League games last night Dominion Dairy was defeated in two games, losing the first to Fraser Street by a score of 6 to 3 and the sec ond to North Star, 12 to 11. Scoring started in the fourth inning of the first game when Anderson, Gillls and I.vllkls came In for Fraser Street. Gomez and Hebb scored for the Dairy to make the score 3 to 2 for Fraser Street. Klllas came, in In the fifth and In the sixth Pavllkis and Vucko-vich brought the score up to 6 for Fraser Street. Arney pitched a good game for Fraser Street while Hebb did his best for the Dairy. Pavllkis was the heavy hitter of the evening. In the second game North Star won a very close game over Dom inion Dairy. The score ended 12 to 11 for North Star. The win intra ners had iuu most must ui of the me play, uiay ai- al- ing of r enemy objectives. , j.' mi The result ii. is ii that l people i get i it the th0Ugh the WM elos at idea that the British suffer more than the enemy. As a their heels throughout the game, matter of fact the enemy is suffering much more than the Batteries were simundson and British from air bombings. Not only are more German,zbura or Nortn stfr and Hebb planes than British shot down but the oil storage,. com- an ?"Ja?? Dalry' . . Teams were as loiiows: ! i i ,1 munications, airdromes, airplanes on the ground, steel Fraser street Postuk, .Arney, works, factories, supply trains and other objectives in en- bul, KUlac, .Anderson, bulls, our- emy territory nave.neen destroyed or damaged to an ex-ivicn, Paviuw and vuckovicn, tent not fully realized. In fact this destruction by British planes has delayed the threatened invasion of Great Britain .to.a very great extent and every day the attacks are increasing in number and effectiveness. Dominion Dairy Gomez, Hebb, Blackball, Schaeffer. Laurie, Anderson, Barker and Bussey. North Star Sharp. Astoria, Si? mundson, Zbura, Bird, Keays, TEX OAXLT NXWS Monday, July 22, MOATED FORT ABANDONED TO ITALIANS Baseball Scores Steamship Sailings SATURDAY'S SCORES American League Detroit 3, New York 1. Cleveland 9, Boston 6. Chicago 19. Philadelphia 7. St. Louis 4, Washington 1. National League New York 1, Cincinnati 5. Brooklyn 2, St. Louis 3. Philadelphia 9, Chicago 3. Boston 6, Pittsburgh 17. SUNDAY SCORES National League New York 1-2, .Cincinnati 6-4. Brooklyn 3-2, St. Louis 1-5. Boston 3-2, Pittsburgh 5-16. Philadelphia 8-5, Chicago 2-8. American League Detroit 4-3, New York 3-2. Cleveland 3-2, Boston 2-0. Chicago 10-7, Philadelphia 8-2. St. Louis 8-4, Washington 4-5. Baseball Standings National League Cincinnati .56 24 .700 Brooklyn .50 32 .61U New York 44 36 .550 " Chicago 45 44 .506 St. Louis 37 42 .468 Pittsburgh 35 44 .443 Boston .'.28 49 .364 Philadelphia L..28 52 .350 American League Detroit 53 34 .609 Cleveland 51 35 .593 Boston' 47 38 .553 New York 44 39 .530 Chicago 40 41 .494 St. Louis 36 42 .464 Philadelphia 43 51 .457 Washington .37 51 .427 For Vaneowvei Monday S3 Prln. Rupert 3 p.m. Tuesday Catala .l:3u p.m Friday Ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday SS Prln. George 4 p.m. July 6 SS Princess Alice .... 5 pjn. July 10 SS Prln. Louise .... 5 p.m. July 13 SS Princess Charlotte 5 p.m. July 17 SS Prln. Alice 5 p.m. July 20 SS Prln. Louise .. 5 pjn. July 27 S3 Prln. Alice 5 p.m. July 30 SS Prln, Louise ... 5 pjn, 'rem Vancouver- Sunday ss Catala p.m. WedSS Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Friday Ss. Princess Adelaide 4 pjn. SS Prince George 10 a.m. S3. Cardena p.m. July 5 SS Princess Louise .... a.m. July 8 ss Prln. Charlotte . ... a.m. July 12 SS Princess Alice .... am luly 15 SS Prln. Louise ajn. July 22 Prln. Alice w July 26 SS Prln. Louise ajn.1 July 29 SS Prln. Charlotte a.m. For Stewart and Premier Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m i Friday Ss. Prince George 12 noon From Stewart and Premier Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 a.m. Here J the gateway to the old moated fort of Kassala In the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, from which British forces retired after Inflicting heavy losses on Italian troops. Reports indicate that the British command decided that strategic importance of the pest was not sufficient to warrant a sharp engagement with the enemy The fort was built by the Italians and abandoned by them after defeat la the Italo-Ethiopian war of 1896. It was taken by the British when Lord Kitchener conquered the RESULTS OF TOURNAMENT C N. R. A. Tennis Club Annual Competition Holds Announcement is made of results of play during the' past week and this week-end in the Canadian National Recreation Association Tennis Club annual tourna ment with three finals having been completed: men's singles, i won by S. Jurmaln; ladles' singles, won by Miss Evle Rlvett, and the men's doubles won by Robert Houston and Malcolm Wilding. The ladies doubles finals and some mixed doubles events have still to be played. Results of the past week: R. Houston beat T. Brltton '6-0, 4-6, 6-1. Mrs. S. Jurmaln beat Mrs. Brlt ton 6-0, .6-3. N. Doughty beat J. Jinks 7-5, 6-0. Miss E. Rlvett beat Mrs. Lowan 16-0, 7-5. Houston and Wilding beat Brit- ton and Jinks 6-4, 6-4. Jurmaln " " - beat Wilding, b. 6-1, 6-4. Saturday-SS. Prince I George u a.m.1 Z , 'T.00-1 For Alice Arm. Naa, River and h"Tv,r. "Wan , T e vrm Her a "' and Port Simpson- J J A. Turgeon Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn.l "w ' , From Alice Arm, Naa, Kiver and A1"' J"rmsUn and, Brltton Ama Tur8eon and Port Simpson- wng 6-1, Tuesday ss. Catala . 11:30 ajn. ''' , For Ocean Falls- ,ms: Lowan ttnd Houston beat MondaySS Prince Rupert 3 P.m. n? ? n W' 6"4-Tuesday-ss. Catala .... 1:30 ?jn. hfj me"VteS-Jurma,n Frldaylss, Pr. Arelalde 10 ?.m . 7, 3',2-6' Saturday-SS, Prince L!1" '? ,adles Ses-Mlss E. vett beat M. Jurmaln, 6-4, 6-1. Genres a - 4 From OcrSn Fauv. fe doubles-Hous-WedSS. Pr. George 10 a.m. ?", tK . Jurma'" Fridav i '- SS Prime Rupert 10 a.m. Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 p.m. ss. Cardena . n.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-July 16 SS. Prince . Charles - 8 p.m. July 27 SS. Prince Charles 8 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands July 16 SS Prince Charles a.m. July 26 SS Prince Charles Midnight For Alaska Wednesday SS. Pr. George 2 p.m. July 5 SS Prln. Louise a.m. July 8 SS Prln. Charlotte .... a.m. July 12 SS Princess Alice July 15 SS Prln. Louise . July 22 SS Princess Alice July 26 SS Prfn. Louise . a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. -ui -o3 rnn. cnariotte a.m. from Alaska-Monday SS. Prince Rupert B a.m. July 6 SS Princess Alice .... S p.m. July I0-SS Prln. Louise . . 5 pjn. July 13 SS Prln. Charlotte S p.m. July 17 S3 Princess Alice 5 pjn. July 20 SS Prln. Louise 5 pjn. July 27 S Princess Alice .. S pjn. July 30 SS Prln. Louise .. 5 p.m. From Skeena Itlver Friday SS. Cardena p.m Hodgklnson, Petenuzzo and Per- kins. The next games between Frasei Street and North Star and between Dominion Dairy and Fraser Street tomorrow night ought to be good and" well worth seeing. Five thousano r,.Kt rtupeM people read the Daily News it pays to ief them cnnw what too have to sell Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY FDONK (57 Dr. J. Munthe Successor to Dr. II. 0. Johnsen Now Has His Office in the BESNER BLOCK HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Aho for Fun Particulars Write MHS. DUNN Massed, Queen Charlotte Is, B.C. SEMI-ANNUAL SALE Bluebird - Decca - Victor RECORDS 10c 15c 2 0c Withdrawn Records Good as Ever But Slightly Used Popular Numbers Songs Dance Records Choose Yours Early Limited Quantity Subject to Prior Sale This is Your Chance to Freshen up Your Record Library Come In and Look Them Over CKMENT, SASH and DOORS Complete Line of Building Supplies LUMBER Albert and McCaffery Ltd. P,,onel J Phone 1H ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. rhone GREEN 911 BABY SWINGS Baby Swings Fine quality duck. Pink C- A or blue. Complete with spring vXUV Baby Walker Very popular and com- QA Aft fortable model JTCUU Play YardFolds up completely in one operation, useful in the house of out-of-doors C7 ffA sturdily built tJ).DU CONVERTIBLE FOLDER Convertible Folder-These give baby the protection .and comfort of a pram and still have all the convenience of a folding qjq nA carrier, JXt7UU Babj 'High Chair-Hardwood, natural Cff Aft finish, aluminum tray JvvV BABY HARNESS Baby Harness-Genuine leather, helpful CJ-fl Ofi for walking with reins. Comnlete (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS . PHONE 13 Can Ride for Price of One