ld 'Uij- CHANNEL ISLAND EVACUEES REACH LONDON HAVEN jnances Of arnival In iscussion .a (mm th Phanneh Wand of Jei-sev Ouernsev Aldernev and Sark, which lie in the w. -r - - fianiiakcu a,., nciiannrl, Just off the French coast, these refugees are shown as they arrived ... in London, j a- .a of the Iflanders were being removed from the demilitarized islands, Nail bombers raided . . . ... . . M ' " a ! Ml 1 QkAr4- :q; p ouring bombs ana macnine-gun dui e is aown on me evacuees ana iuiuug the evacuation was completed, German forces occupied the islands without opposition. I0IN TO SOVIET hit States Reauest To Ue Ilniltd With Russian Socialist Republic IRIOA, July 22: The Baltic Riles if Lithuania. Latvia and have petitioned Moscow Ithona be taken into membership un-r the upUs of the Union of So- past Soviet Republics. The three trtlami.ir- following the elec- a week previous, when there !nra :iiy Communist candidates, e siinullaneously yesterday and allowed lrtpnt!i!il nrnppdiirp ln to be accepted Into the So-:et Isklng Republic, thus virtually dls-ppearinp as Independent nations. combined population of 5,500,000 tioii. is Involved. Miss Emily Skattebol is sailing this afternonn on thp Prince RUD- rt for a holiday trip to Vancou- rer 0. II Tvlpr nf the Canadian Pank of Commerce staff sailed Saturday afternoon on the Prlnc? Meorge for a vacation trip to Van pouver and Victoria. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chalmers, D ... . . j n it, ina'riroi- R M HalnennY. A chairmen for the nouani. m. C. Logan and Mr. and !i;:nwtf iall carnival In Prince MrS R w Thurston, Winnipeg; O. Jer wen m session rnaay n. Benedict, Skagway; J. 8. Taylor, h the (liiance committee, of yjjg. h, R. Doille and A h T J Williams Is chairman, w.-nnnffaii sheen Creek: E. trw up 'he buaget ior me evenv. , F Enellsh. h Frederick Frederick Point; Point; 111: bhV;1 was presided over oj rnerai chairman, Norton he:i?rsi Taneements for th r ...... ji. !. -oration were auo uia- Ld uad further Drogress In th . fir :.r nents was lnalcatea I the re 3 Ive chairmen. J W.. ms was named chair In house commutee, tne iicto of which will be to fce ft '"is Fx; Ibltion Building, wher t.- e;; u to centre. Is in fcpe for ':: various activities, D. O. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Armstrong, Port Simpson; J. H. Steward, Washington; Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Christie. Por Arthur; Mrs. Wylie, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. T. Whitby. Edmonton; A. Rutherford and Frances and Philip, Port Essinntoni Mrs. L. M. Greene and Mrs. W. R Eby. Smlthers. Central Gnr. Shelford, Onr Lowery and ; T- N. Timms. Barrett rett V tvj Point- Point; n Onr. onr. r L. Rudolph, Gnr. P. WEEKEND MARRIAGE P. Berg, Smlthers; v. i1300"- held ln nlace by a coronefof orange Corning: H. B. Frances, Pi"era,er: blossoms. Crimson roses comprised uaimpr Vpntre and M. HanberR, . . v.,.t city; Ernest Tout. Metlakatla: lie -1 Ml3j Ruby oomez, sister of the merAndercson, Dlgby. ; bride, and Miss Edith Ritchie, sls- Roya 'ter of the groom, were the brides- It. E. Wilcox, Dundas; C. L. In- d,. The former wore orchid min. A. J. Christian and T. Flewln. .ff uh matchlng hat and car- ii n IfnAnAnoM ..... . M nnrrptt point u. iv. w.w., . r .j an rahionea nosegay noseeay m L.-Bdr J. O. Polssant. J. it. les, T. E. Arnett. Frederick Point: Graham ReW. Nell Mclnnis. u. Keia j ovin nporetown Ji- Halibut Sales Summary Amprlrnn 63.500 pounds. .u,wht ti 12.2c and 75c. 12c .... j . iol Canadian 24,uiw pounua, ..v and 7.5c. American Sentinel, 25.000, 12.2c and 7.5c. Storage. . ilt J.B., J.B.. 19,500, 19.500. 12c c ana ana uc, aui. mauve and pink stalks. The latter war blush pink silk marquesette with matching hat and carried pinic no m. jum. . caniftiuAi aiiu muc ...9. Zuml, T. Kamerand J. J. HIdd, city: . Jaelc Ritchie attended the groom, i. Connor. Butedale; G. Webster, M Gomez, mother of the bride, Claxton. tand Mrs. Ritchie, mother of the Uroom. received the guests. The (former wore rose printed chiffon twlth white accessories. The latter Iwor wine velvet with matching ac-I ressorles. . . . I, A lovely mree-uerca weuuinss I cake was cut by the bride. i . The toast to tne oriae was pro posed by Canon Rushbrook and res ponded to by the groom. A buffet supper was served at midnight. Dancing was enjoyed to the mus Carlos orchestra unt Norona. 24,000. 12c and 12c, Pa ( mo clfic . RPtinienL" of congratulations ard i". ot Wends, Mr. wlsnes mW Sea Maid, 24,000, 12.7c and nnd 7 "c, 56 Royal Weii known and very popular, will r It's the cummatrve mct of ad- vertUlng that counts. "R U P ERT BRAND" Smoked LACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 'rliir. Rupert Co. Lid. British Coluinbts iresiae in rnnce nupen. Canada At War 25 Years Ago July 22, 1915 Germans checked by Meuse ,o. ' TSI DAILY 'S3S73 helehts o wina nnd Oueen visited Canadians in" hospital at Cliveden. Turks In Galllpoll reporiea ruiis short of ammunition. OOVKIINMKNT 1.1M rT ... (ln. 19H1 ntlon for Herr Uirm e Not Ire of ppll. litli t.y of August :ixt the under- VMng part o a build- I of Uie pr-Mnteeo MM on Dprw- - . t. unolil Uiato described pl mUUn 1 I .,,. bb7 Rnruc Creek, British CoN wibta, Prlnc Eutrt Land RBlW' Z Dtotrt in th. Provtuce of Brt- tlsh CtolunvDiB iw " Lumatlan on premises or elsewhere. WWJ CWSXK HOTEL LIMITED Applicant, LOCAL NEWS NOTES A. J. Prudhomme U sailing this afternoon on the Prtncc Rupert tor Vancouver. Mrs. U O. Skinner or Copper on. arrived to the elty from the Interior on Saturday afternoon's train and sailed on the Prince George lor a trip, to Vancouver. W. M. Watts, Immediate past tweiidenL will be the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club this Wednesday. Norman L. Freeman, after, ,snwiding a couple ofweeks here on International Fisheries Commission builness, sailed by the Prince' George Saturday afternoon on his "return to Beattle. DID WELL : IN EXAMS iPetersoa and Phyllis Josephine HID.- . . , . i i . i Tout earnea scnotarnups m ocnvjc A. ncuiccii nu AIuOUS, v. ... i. ,nfn, vnv.r- Rat. K. G. I Matriculation examinations, results tlo Annie Barbara Peterson Is the daughter of Captain and Mrs. Jo-spnh Pptersuin. f5txth Avenue West- She was born in Victoria 18 years! University Entrance j Marearet Louise Adams. Enelna Juanlta Chrlstensen, Jack Corbould, j Harry Mark Daggett, spencer Kaipn uavies, wancye ijeamcv vicwria Dawes, John Patrick Good, John Alan Hopkins, Itu Joyce Kanaya, Jean Krause, Fern Lillian Leclaire,' Flora May Leslie, Marjorle Elizabeth Miller, Edward Thomas Moore. Kathleen Barbara O'Neill. Frances Mary Robertson, Coral Adele Rogers, Dorothy Mary Shrubsall. August ' Leslie Timmermeister. Private Study i Margaret Mary Betty Chrlstensen, ; Frank Arthur Calder. J. H. BULGER Optometrist KujaJ Sank Mdi Open Till 10:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos .Candies MUSSALLEIWS CONFECTIONERY Mrs. B. J. Keron Is sailing this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. W. P. Armour is sailing this af ternoon on the Prinee Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Wikdal and son, Elnar, will sail tomorrow a.i-ternoon on the Catala tor a trip to Vancouver. Dr. Carl E. Buck, medical health officer of the city of Juneau, and Mrs. Buck were passengers aboard the Princess Louis Saturday after noon going through on a trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the soutn KING CAROL IS ANXIOUS new Demand Made By Russia Sue-tests People's Government BUCHAREST, July 22: (CP) 'xinz Carol is anxious over a note ' . . . . from Soviet Russia asking for and PbylUs Hul-Taat fa Senior Matrlc Tests Prince Rupert girls Annie Barbara "popular government" be formed In Roumanla. similar, It is sup nosed, to those in the Baltic States. The Roumanla foreign minister is consulting Wlin me uerman aim VICTORIA, July 22: (CP)-Two UalUn mlnisters at Constanta jUlgurtu seventy-five dollars are awarded -to! administration more favorable to interest A A wedding weaaing oi of much raucu local iuta jstudentg jstuaents obtainmg obtaining highest nignest stand-Russla siana-Russ took plaee at Aim Cottage on Over- lngs ln districts. Annie Pet- look Street Friday night when Alice 'erson had an average of 87.6 andl- -Francis, eldest daughter of Mr. and Phyllis Hin-Tout had an average of j Mrs. Alex UVlHCi, ucmuic uk iwuv 03.0 of David Allrea, secona son oi uapv. and Mrs. David Ritchie. Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook was the offici ating clergyman. Pnllowictt the CeremonV a recetf- oirn and nmt Prtncp Rimprt. at tlon was held at the Oddfellows' an eartv aee. She received all her Han wnere me uriu.i pany icvciv- ed the congratulations of .some 150 guests. The bride was charming in a gown Bwn ol of white wnll,c double ouuic net iKk with mi" in " tL.K. Greenough,..FreaericK . .Frederick Pomt; I ' embroidered h Iri d ,. flngter-tlp t r.UD veil yM was and the King has also -called In his generals to confer In regard to the "c new Bessarabia border situa . fl 111., r.nmn ItfHimH Ttrtd Of ...kl.U .nnniinuH tnA-XV .. . . n t F11CKB . ui wiLM.ii amw-w. j 1 Tne present camnet oi premier "" ""; i ,iv.... scncuarsnius jot uue - nuautcu n tmrtu mav may hp oe lepiacm rpnlal wltn mm an u Announcements All advertisements In thU L-wrnn ui t charged for a fall month at 25c a word. Oddfellows' dance for dry canr eaucation in rrince ttupert at me. Aueust2 Booth .Memorial and King Edward schools and was planning to attend normal school for the teachers 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Armoury, August 16. itrainmg course, ine ooiainuis uii 1,. of lace- xhe gown featuredthe scholarship may possibly change' L.OB.A. Bazaar. OctoDer 16th A. C. Kalvlck andi,, .i.f. n,trh Hr jUitt, , trni... , , . line ucw w.s-o w --- 1 un uiaiur aiiu baiwc ici ,hj wnt-( " ; , , Was,tltv . , ( W. A. -Cahadlin Legion Bazaar. Phyllis Hill-Tout Is the daughter November 1. of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hlll-Tout of this city and granddaughter of the well known clargyman, scientist and lecturer Professor Charles Hlll-Tout of Vancouver. She was born m Abbotsford In 1921 but received all her education in the Prince Rupert schools. She was edltor-ln-chlef of the school magazine United Bazaar, November 21. The results of examinations writ lp ii ten at Prince Rupert High School kXCCUent were as follows: Senior Matriculation j pQf Jg Phyllis Josephine Hill-Tout, Mim-my Pauline Johnson, Ralph Morin, T 1 Annie Barbara Peterson, Norma El- DaDV , r. til, Ti 1. nUIMnJ. O Vl lro and Kirojl Richard Yamanaka. Build B.C. Payrolls" 111 JvroTt. I "I like Pacific Milk for bak estimated . that It Was "t! ing and always use it," writes Mrs. J. A. L. "This led me to think It might be nice for the baby and to my joy he thrives on it." PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed IDOKA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Trivate Parties Wed., Thurs., Fri., 7-11 2-4:30, 6-11 on Sat. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Ilooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. Blaek, Proprietress Handyman Home Service Ilepalrlnt Stoves, Boots, Elec trical Appliances, Oil Burners Cleaned, Plumbing and Palntlnc 224 Seventh Ave., W. Phone BLACK 735 a mi m t, . v VTon w4 tun change was made. PAG2 'iHHH i' 1 . CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE j front seat of the car, in view of .the manner in which he was driv (Continued trom Pagu One) ing, had asked Osberg to stop and let Norma drive. After being asked ..;.... twice, Osberg agreed and , the seventy-we lect of.,, tnlrTnf . struck before the car came w ! V,' ,ul vlrult called to the scene, Earlier stop. Nygard was carried about i ....... in the evenlnz he hud spoken to Osberg outside a tor parlor down . Dr. R. G. Large testified that the Immediate cause of death was " - - ; shock and cerebral comDresslon. drinking. , Dr. Large was called to the scene! Constable D. D. Mclndoo told of of accident and found Nygard un- examining me car. oac c ... eonsclous and breathing laborious- good condition. Ushts were in ; ly. About five minutes after reach- working order, tne norn was wot..-Ing hospital In the ambulance. ;lng but the speedometer was not. Nygard expired. Analysis of stom- Norman v person, me man uu ach contents of deceased disclosed! was in company with deceased, re-presence of a small quantity ormembered nothing. He. did not alcohol. even rememDer navun; uccu mcc, Dt.Knwi nob-ban flcnorman frnm he said. f the. American boat Trior, identified j Neither Osberg or Miss Car6y ! the, body as that of his shipmate, -gave evidence. f Olof Nygard. 1 "" Richard Olsen, cook of the Thor, The victlmol tne trageay was f, told of havlnr been with Nygard1 43 years of age and an unnatural-. . .. . i r 1 V. nJ 11va4 In' earner in ine evening. izea .norwegian. c u . In Middle Or Road the United States lor some years, D.inf TnKn wioin MoMvnn tnia followlne the calling of fisherman. of Ole Osberg drlvlne the car as He Is survived by a widow and far as Hays Creek Bridge at wnicn uve year uiu h nin Mna ramv tnnir nvpr the body was forwarded this after- wheel. After turning on to Seventh noon aboard the setamer Prince Avenue from Immanuel Street two Rupert to lacoma wnere-uic men were seen standing in the lunerai win taice piace. h. TOtth their! Osberz. the owner of the death. arms around each other. The 'men car, is under arrest on a charge; did not move. The car was - close oi ariving wnue unu -t upon them before they were seen, ence of liquor. He is at present Julie Intermela, who was in tne out on Dau oi x,uw. ,; MacKenzie's Furniture 5-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE In beautiful Oriental walnut Including Bed. full size. Dresser, with large mirror. Chiffonier, with 5 drawers, Restmore Spring Filled Mattress, Simmons CaWe 894.50 Spring 327 THIRD AVENUE CKKHJOO Ch eru Terms Caa Be Arranged Phone "75 b Baby Oil Excellent for Chafing, Chapping and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes Jfit- Pioneer Druqfftsts n 82 " The KaH Store Open Dally 'frnm 8 till. 10 pm. Sundays and Holidays frum U lo I p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. fANADIAN pIONAl RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUUERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean Falla. , Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean n Falls and Powell River. Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. ; Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. All-Conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc., Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE. i Atents for Trans-Canada Air Lines ; '4v ' Vn m . ts II 1. 1 1. - -j'S ft