31 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion Local Keaflersy-per unecper insertion :i. 4.... EDITORIAL Russian Policy - Asian Policy - . Adreriisins and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 " Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations .. MEMBER. OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The danadUn Press Is exclusively entitled to use for republication of all new despatches credited to It or to the Associated Preas Jn this paper and also the local new toubUahed therein. ' All rUthta of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. PAILY EDITION Thursday, October 17, 194Q. Many people are look ing to Russia to help the British against'Giermany and, the United States government is supplying Russia with her needs because she is a "friendly The Russian policy in Asia is just as uncertain as Game Of King: Edward School. Football League second fixture of the Edward School football league the War.d;rers scored another win, this time by beating the Maple Leafs two .goals to nil. There was little to choose be tween the teams BCHeruny generally but out the me tvi nT-nin itniiiniv niMninvjtrt i 111 iyT rr n nr- r ra Atf i 1. - jjicticiKua iiiiiuuui aitpjctiic. uuputiLy is CApcuitJU, evi dently, and duplicity is what the neighboring nations get, We have no idea what sort of pact Russia had with Ger- "Emphasizing, that Britain still, rules the waves,, a label on could sh.oc);. Staqey tried, hard. V...1. i1 ! i. 1 I - J' 1 rt . r . 1 ,. BANKERS IN LEAD Three teams Now Tied in Numbir of Wins '41'Top f Five Pin League Bankers, as a result ot a two game to one victory pver Signals in this week's fixture, .went into the leadership of the Five Pin Bowling League on even terms with Armour's .hn lo,t thrP(, am(1-., nji tn Mai. .Leafs weak forward. In were very kin, and 0il which was idle. Igoal a newcomer, Joe Hcgan, play- maii.v uut even tueie one 5iue is not jJiaying wne game anu."", Atmirnn nnscihhr hnth nvo ono-orpfl in pftnvr nntwit V10 ntnor '.ray ana immi5 intermela were fr-T n .-.o-ei .. ' " eood at half back and Antonsen.' They are allies only' as longas it suits them. "v, ff it ii-'trtie that "Russia is making a pact Teams: . Maple .Leafs Joe Hosan; Alex jMcIntqrh, Ken Brockiesby; Bill j Prince. W. Gomez, J. Hamilton, P (Wiison, (caotaJnL D. Woods, R. 'Stacey, C. Pilfold, Georfe Thomas, Ansus Mcintosh, R. GMker. Nazi propaganda factory boasted that German commerc- aka - Prlnce. lal house.and factories were in the tield tor deliveries to this hemisphere this fall just another timetable that re quires adjustment. FOB COLLEGIAN REFUGEES NEW YORK, Oct. 17: (CP) The Aimour ,,, 1 Wn-HclHa ..010 For Wanderers Eyolfson ftoDped schro'de"r 144 a good drive from Wilson. Hebb ',,n Wltn Japan, best -of the rest, ifurrav' ?porprf win sne continue to nein unma it seems unreasonaDiend Brockiesby was unlucky but we must not take the affair too seriously. Pacts do enough to turn a second goal past not mean much to either Russia or Japan. They are justi11 own salle- scraps of paper. We must not X Qi'get that. Delivering the Goods A front-page item from Monti il reads as follows Handicap ,...,179 . ii4r..75,.. Total t740 Alalklns ; 1 Skinner 146 Dunlop .1..229 Landels ......,.238 Withers. Handicap 122 Signals- Hart 4 Total .V..4.fe4927 1 95' a shipment of goods received by a Montreal' sporting firm w. Bug?; pia.ten. d. Murray, Jim ?lb ''J" today proclaimed: 'Britain. Delivers the Goods'." This re- intermela; oie sko?. a. Bagshaw, Lindsay ..151 J? minds us, savthe Victoria Times, that not so long ago the s. Antonsen (captain). Nikow Tan Scott .-..142 Handicap 104 Total ... " 782 Bankers" 1 xt.i i- n..:i.' j.s i. i 1 1 ! War Relief Committee of the Am- arreil 149 jnul omy is Dritain uuiiik mucn ui nei iioriuai uusiness ------ ----- -- ----- pMn .. erlcan Association of Unlvers rearson .. 103 1' "i i 1. i. 1 i c ty ' v with thi continent, however, she is taking advantage of Wompn hae flnn(lnnoPri - Bin Davies iajiaisi ' gome lu,crativQ markets of wjuch until a year ago Germany $4,050 to the British Federation of M?llin was not a Utile piputl. naypn IS a case in point, untisn university women, to help care for W-""1U manufacturers of this commodity have organized them- university women refugees, selves into orie pf the country's strongest export groups l : u-a to secure for 'the United Kingdom a share in the colossal yearly export of nearly 250000,000 square yards of this material from the nqw isolated European countries to the rest of the world. Less than one-fifth of the total was exported from Europe in the form of actual piece goods; most of it went as yarn, but, as each kilogram of yarn finally forms 11 square yards of cloth, the enormous total is an accurate estimate. Altnnct tVivpp.fi'ftlia nf this trnrlp wn5 fnrmprlv TiplH liv FOR RAI.FSevpn rnompH hmiso Italy. The Netherlands did an important part of the rer with two lots, Term,s, Phone Black J30" mainder, shared, by France, Germany, Belgium, Switzer-r : l Hanson ;;;; land and Czechoslovakia, in that order.. The business is mcclary No. 45 Quebep Heater wight 5. Ltd. approximately $55,QPQ,PP,0,: and the making of the rayon (wanted-2 or 3-room ' furnished i would employ ttiore than, 50,000 workers for- a full year, suite. Phone co-op store, 764. I The moral in'all this, of course. is that the Britain which' (245)i down thrnufrh the vars has had to accommodate herself to all sorts of unexpected circumstances is, able to devise BOARD ANp. H0QM ways and means of getting' new business while Nazi bombs room and Board. Phone Green continue to fall on her metropolis. 1 997. (246) .194 .222. Handicap ...m 59 now open to British and neutral competition,' which, in ln good condition: Phone. Red Mpser 24.4 i t 1- ! J.1 TT CVA.-A. 1 . i eiiect, means to Britain, tne unmeet states ana, most pow FOR SALE Tolal . - 928 Philpott Evitt 1 Rc.hwell 122 Lambly ..L '96 Yager 195 ,Wlck 133 Sloan 207 Handicap Total Lipsett 144 .894 i .181 142 .145 .128 921. 133 7th Avenue East. (244) Handlcapl 203, erf ul of all,- -Japan, now, however, very much occupied for salfc-2005 graham Ave- 7 1 with her vown troubkjs, both economically and in regard to I room house, furnace, excellent; raw matejiju,. Far and away the biggest of the new markets is BrIn.ty,,v,ire tl?e new, cheap yarns. vy,hicluare i now being p,cially produced in Great Brita will be! much needed., i ' ' In Soytr(Aneric4 no less; than 57,000,000 square yards ' of rayon cIoTl re being (hrown open to competition. , Total 1013 2 148 179 213 190 75 805 2 143 225 191 127. 808 138 233 180 145 160 104 9C0 Z 173 170 91 151 .172 59. S1G 2 160 132 171 161 228 144 99C 3 192 99 127 128, 194 203 913 3 194 138 206 218 75" 831 3 177 257 205 175. 122 122 937 3 238 152 134 94 143 104 8G5 3 183 154 147 220 162 5? 925 1 3 147 162 137 150 194 144 931 3 170 136 139 153 148 203 919. "$260ft cash, $2700. or terms,. $000.' Armpur.s , : 10 5 'V-VVr Wr- . Home Oil 10 2 "uw lXr Bankers :..:i0 5 j R.C.A.F 6 0 Philpott-Eyitt 6 9 WANTED iMalkln's 7 ft There are 37.000.000 yards to be "replaced in Central Am-! AniiTra .....u. 1 psetfs - 4 li eriea nnd Mp.iiVo:. fi 000.000 varda in the United States and ,iZL T.. S 3 12 CanatU; 25,0.00000 yards in Africa (mainly in Egypt);, commencing Nov. i. phone Red' ZOOCOOO.yard'S more in Australia, despite the large trade 838- tf.l i i i '"' 'I ii .1':.,v'.:'V-i;l.,S ''!'! ti'. . i 1 a tnn rrvrt ' aireaciy oone tnere : py ,.vnain anu daua n; arju o,uvv,yw bachelor wants "housekeepet be- yarus m tne f ast nau ui in, tne uriii.cn iuusi lnuiee.. iween and 30. Call qf,ter 6 p.m. The value of this. former European output of rayon! 533 ath Ave. West, suite 7. now hand'ov.r.'bv 'Adolf Hitler to the outside' world is ?47) NEW ROYAL HOTEL T 552 461 461 587 T 466 711 635 494 T 471 537 452 390 445 T 505 477 389 565 556 J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Kles 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phout281 P.O. Box 111 T 429. 39Q. 503 441 C?9 THuriday;October 17, 1640. PADS TWO TEE DAILY NEWS : &. 17 BEACH UMBRELLA IN DERT WARFARE Major Brown Is iForce5.which "Auslllary Services k-a? listened t.. r ; THE DAILY NEWS. 'v'jipprectative audience I Included in the.program PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Church Speaker following musical items WR A, , YCcal solas by Mrs. H n o Pubhshed Jivery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert 3 . , Give, Address on Subject, of AuU- :! j Daily News, Wnlte4.lTiVu-!d,lA1venie, ' "Tarrservicw to Canadian f"111' KPo"f" P..., H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor 1 rnrre lections by Fusilier Den,:k r, Ml'. , - ouuu wasaccorn)., i , i SUBSCRIPTION KATES' win ' I -I w ,1,.,., cVfn.,UMPHeyiH,aFul.,,;.'. ' City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.0), on me, "'-"" : , , "d as chairman. Church Hall, Major w. Paid In Advance. Der month .M Presbyterian 1'. Erown ct the Irish Fusiliers gave By Mall tci all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and ". . Z r. very iastructiyc address entitled Try a plassltiec AQert!icmcnti United, States, pearly period, paid' in advance 3.00 By. Mall td all other countries, ber year - ! 9.66., i ADVERTISING RATES ine cKW 01 a uriusn armorea car on pairoi in t.ne desert near me LiDyan ironuer lases n pay um- j 'ing the really hot hours of the day. They have a "bi-clly" beach umbrella) as standard equipment, but j the'frowning muzzles of the car's machine-goias indicate thai this h one umbreUa that 'doesn't mean appeasement. power." Yet Russia must be considered ait uncertain isecond quantity. We are bound to remember how she acted on a1 former occasion. If she now decides to throw in her lot with the Turks and British she will undoubtedly be wel-l .in. th rnmpri but. tnn mnrh rlpnpnrlpnpn must nnt hp nlncprl in hPii'nS She will fight if it serves her purpose but, as long as the present government is in power in that country, we are bound to look upon her with suspicion, much as we would like to. do otherwise. WANDERERS WIN AGAIN BOWLING Ten teams competed in the army bowlini, league yesterday with Maintenance Team of the Signals finishing high with 2068, Signal's team of the Irish Fusiliers second with 2C08 and Air Force third with 2538. Teams and scores were as folllws: Roval Canadian Coras of Signals .ed a, fine game. Alex Mcintosh .i, ,,,,. . "Maintenance) lonn Kpn Rmxtlaohu rtrotB ium (TrvH . ' ufin. son, Hllder, Hllnpr. ti Jo u , 6 on fom Philpptt-Evitt. 10 1 uayao, uviuri Alia lie uiiH Jii wci c Dunlop her European policy. She had Some kind of a pact withr? at naif back. Pilfold phyed the eveninu-257 and also tho hleh T 1 11 Li if 1 t -l T 'Ii IVinrrl Vint nme nnt -f Vt( rrtclHsvn 5 japan dui an tne time sne was supplying unina wiin war -it , ; average score pfm ' 1 1 , .1- r is' 1 Wilson was the onlv forward who .. BYARMYi Maintenance Team 0 Signal Ilijh In vWerdaj's Play .,1 Shannon, Sarzln-' Gibson and Mcuwen,i ' ' 2668. . .. J Irish Fusiliers (Signal Section) Bower, Perkins, Atkins, Lawson and. i Rojs, 2608. Royal Canadian Air Force No. 2 Young, Chase, Toye, Anderson anc Boyer, 2538, Royal Canadian Corps of. Signals (Mobile) Adams, Rumsey, Lam-i fiird, Flndlay, Nuhna, 2345. ' ''' Royal Canadian Corps of Signals , (Operation) Roy, Coombe, Covr- glll, Finley and Peacock, 2223. I Headquarters Company, Irish Fusiliers Munrq, Fielder,' DempseX ' ' Tiel, Ross. 2168. j Battalion Headquarters, No. 2 Despardines, SIvan, Bland, ScotV Cuhby, 2107. ; Battalion Headquarter Coalcs, Martin, Parklr, Barnard, Wuteck,( - - - " 2949. , No. 3 Company, Irish Fusilieis j Davier, Mlchie, Lougheed, WafeT-,' worth and Steele, 2018.. Royal Canadian ' Air Forge No, -Willlams, Shank, SteyenjSon, yir, ginia anq oranviue, ibzu. CINCINNATI Not Resting on Laurels, Wory lall Champs Fosters Its Farm System CINCINNATI, Ohio", Oct. 17: (CP) -The Cincinnati, Reds have won the World Series this' year and the National league pennant foe twol straight years but they're not! standing pat. Frank a Lane, .director of he T Red'c nine-ciub tarm" system, has 54:l flock, of youngsters, qomhng up fpr 377 trials next spring. Somf of them 4U probayy will e regulars lt)l the 40g Reds next season; Others will e 588' availably, fpr Qall'at any 'tlrce."' Frank wold like pothing better than "to, discover a better pitcher than, Paul'Derringer or B.ucljy Walters, a better first, baseman tfian Pts FranlJ.lc6fmlck, pr "a lt'ter in' pnf.phcr than F.rnld ijimhnfifl iu rrvr. ,"7 . t- 10 .v viax n-e ""P1? wj pui in.ese 8 know as well as Frank thaf "some 1 6 day old' man time will put the 7' clutch on them. 4 F'rank Is pretty proud of the farm 3 teams this year.' Bassett, Vol, won the Bl-State pennant. Tuscon, the "-t ' teanx l(i the AVlzona-Texas that the Keas ;mciea up. jor auo, won the second half down theje. Ogdcn in the Pioneer league, Durham In the Piedmont and Lenoir, N.O.', in the Tar Heel, all went Into' final playoff series fn their respective loops. PHACUS, WJSXS YCAItSS, CHLOA1I, 1, O., Oct: V7: (CP.) yh'eih.erj 50ns. retu.rnei r)ome "tft 17 yeqrs, Mrs; Harye qr,indstaff pp-ened some peaches she preserved the day they left. They had kept perfectly. Ogden's Fino Cut gives a perfect performance every time. It rolls a real c,iga,rett-e a mUder, cooler, sweeter smoke that satisfies in every particular.- Yes, sir you'll roll them better when you roll with Ogden's 1 Only the bat cigarette paptrt "Voiue'' ot "Chantecler" are good enough for Ogdtn'i. B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture 4 lleconditioneil OH Ranges Complete with, CdO l' S50 V V pump and tank. From V. 1, IJlectric Washer In perfect shape. S22 " 50 Special G Heaters In perfect .condition. . . gQ TO , J2C0 : " 6 : $12.95 Special 3 Typewriters Of various makes. COO CATOC07 flfl From New Furniture 6 Unpalnted Display 'Tables Very durable S675 and strongly constructed 24. Table, Lamps-Latest style? and C-i OK TO. 3.93 flnnst Incst fthnrfpa' shades; rpnl real vnlnoo values Vv . Iffrobes-With rqund'.mLrror and 1 full length wardrobe of drfspace." " S39.0Q 2 Clj.lffrob.es-and nd plem plenty vi.Bu.u fi-w, nvw .p p.AA$.f:. 30 Spring-filled Felt Mattesses-Of the very finest j)f50 materials and patterns, reg. $2250 'ripw 25 Felt iMattrcsses-In all sizes. ".' f '. S7.50 ojju(;iu4 t , 12 Chesterfield Suites-Latest styles and colors in the finest makes. one nn tu kuk. From Phone BLACK 324 THIRD Aw Next Door t0 B.C. Clothiers