mm PAGE EDC TH? DAILY NEWS ONE OP 132 DOWNED NAZI RAIDERS i Jiuiuiiisv ui.ii.imu. atvmiiun 01 a fJUfl EYES EYES and honor'in the cloistered code-bound wol fl m - nursing profession . . . ia "i i tVl Licencee for Numounli Full-vue Frames, The Newest In Eye. Wear 'BaWaiW I PalakaaaaaaB Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jcwclcry Repairing, Ilanri Engraving CHAS 'DODIMKAD i Onfonilricf In Chmrwrn 1 Max Heilb Reduced Up To Fur Trimmed Caracal Untrimmed Sport Not obsolete coat.-, b.ut new fall arrivals which have prqvcn so popular. Tailored models. A style for every taste and a price fpr every purse. Offered In "the very heart of the season. DON'T MISS THIS SALE! more than ev STGS , . . . , , . yuu cm enjoy the music you 'want wbca you want it . . . for Victor'! lamoui Red Seal Recorda now bring you the wotld't maJierpiecei . . . performed by the world'i greatest artijti and orcheitraa at these lew prices: 10-inch record! formerly 11.50, now only dollar; 12. inch recoida that were $2.00 (and $1.50) now only $1.3). Hear these superb Vic tor Red Seal recording, cn the KCA Ynrnla or through your ow n radio with the RCA Victor R-rord P!i-'. Start tadtr . , . hm'ld the personal library wi mi wprm a nest recorded you've always wanted. riione 261 for Appointment roner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Rasement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties 1 r , t ' ' ' 1 ll'Ml I i m i m CO AT SALE Latest Fall and Winter Styles 30' 0! o 9 Mall Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Ml ' In the Heart of Prince Rupert" 2 THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 11 C L w ' m VICTOR U - zr SAM ..-OS"'" mi ma". ' rv ' i ssss? It's interesting tc know when reading the Daily News that the people of the wjiole district are dying the, same. ii ?"man Merhmitt fighter plane Is shown on a truck being trundled past the Houses of Parliament in London after it was shot down during o tc r the raids on the British canltal. The deadly tntnl h.?'' , and anti-aircraft guns fore J 132 other Nazi planes to Join this one to make a tota; bag of 133 German planes shot down ;n the o ,u day. HQTEL ARRIVALS .J Prince Rupert J. Finiey and D. Bevan. Fred erick P,oint; Eric Q. Thompson Dr, and Airs. Donald H. Wlllicms. J, Cummins, T. D. W. Christ and JT.jE. Amundsen, Vancouver; Frank -Taatfe Victoria; Mrs. S'.'v- enson',-WlnnlDes: R. H. Corm'pr R, Hamilton and A. W FAVORITE FLAVOR-IT with GOOD COOKS NEW, OFFER! C38 SepcJ 15 BOVRIL CUBE wrap-pr$ lo "BOVRIL", Park Ave.. MONTREAL for FREE BOTTLE of BOVRIL $ent you post free. Only Seven FUR COATS left which were brought In by customers to be sold. Come in and get one at your own price New shipments in the latest, styles arrived yesterday. GOLDIJLOOM ' The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fjincy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the, year round payroll In Prince Rupert LAST 'NEXT' FOR 'LOUIE' Itinerant Barber Dies at Alice Arm Had Colorful Career Scatter Dogs But Save Them Britirh Woman Breeder Tells Of Efforts To Preserve Pedigreed I Animals ALICE ARM. Ocr. 17: Louis Rev-' NEW YORK. Oct. 17: (CP)-Ac- Nelvin J - ulI11a7 wj must 01 uie u i.;.-cr irom mlss u. ncre' Prospector, undertaker, w- anssion who lives In the AllfOrd Bay; Mr and Mrs H M , Cbwie, s J Star'eton and Mr P necr cook a soldler ot two wars futhwMt suburbs of alr-ralded and Mrs' Harry Mcrouver Clax 3ourne'man barber 'm the Ohio London, pure-bred dog fanciers pn; Mf and Mrs C M Roberts ne.voiumDia and from Mexico 'n me uruifn isi. despite all the BUhncri J. H. Auchtertorne. Esnui.' to,.For Nrman- answered the last Wkf-i. frni to preserve the nalt, cau 01 we himself some time D10 stra'ns they have been im- , oaiuraay night. For the past scv- proving fc 2eprsMdnf . Th letter eral years Louie had lived alone hi written to Mrs. B. B. Cooley a shack across the bay with his only ot Hlllsboro, Oregon, and Is pub-neighbor a mile away. But he was 'h-d In the Kennel Gazette, always contentedly cheerful and "AU my young rrtock havi been the passerby who happened by S'ven away on breeding terms when the hands of the clock were "afctered u ovpr th" British Isles propitious wa? insistently made to wltn r""' who hive sworn to sit in and the caller for a hair st,ck to helr doSs hrough thick cut came5 away gratis. A neighbor tnln o I hope tome may sur-Sunday morning called a greeting ylve" ?,y M,s? lansston. through the panelled door but the M,T1V r'()'"' "f Miss Lingston's figure in the chair did not answer kW-!s photographs that cannot back "Journey's End"' had been be re"ced. books of pedigrees, reached. and o'h?r nnt on h'r Shetland i Born lh West Virginia, Louts had shdos have been sent to the a "Huck Finn" boyhood along tM Vnite? States where she hopes ( Ohio within the reach of his home. ,hey wlU 5(5 safe 'l1 th" nteds Ma'lertn? the barber trade, as it ,nem a2a'n- , waf. called then, he became one of that varied and vcsatlle class known as a Journeyman barber. And forty years ago a journeyman barber had a unique relation with the times, whatever its status today. To the writer who Dens thM norm in the hands of kindly folk-A.D.Y. Legion. STEWART LOMBARD IN i NURSE ROLE , as now and again he sat on a milk "Vifll In The Nitht" Is Current box far a hair cut and listened to Feature Picturr On Screen Of Louie reminisce while he plied the Capitol Theatre shears years of working In shops and now and again owning shops, W!th the grcrter part of the tne acquaintance made of prize stirring action taking place In two - .fighter.' and boss gamblers and English ho?"ttal durljvj the B3 other notables from the lltrhtpri months lust Drecedln th nirrAnt .stage of a leading barber shop, sold- war. "Vigil in ths Nliht," fll.rr.iza-lering at many places a life -of tion of a sensaticnal novel wrHten bright lights and activity yes, all fey Dr. A. J. Cronln of "The Cita-thls seemed In strange contrast del" tsme. is the feature picture with his present hermit like life of at the Caritol Theatre here to-existence. But the notions of men nlS"t and Friday. Carole Lombard, are various and they have a habit Brian Aherne and Anne Shirley of living within themselves, have the stellar roles. Miss Lom- The immediate cause of Louie's bard ls a lo7l nurse of high death will be perhaps attributed to 'deals. Aherne is a humanitarian a congestion of the lungs, maybe doctor. Mhs Shirley ls a young a result of a dose of cas Ihhalpri in "'udn' nurs? Miss Lombard's si. , Flanders Fields. rr. who Is temperamentally un- The police have been notified and su!'":1 to the crofes!on. should arrive today or tomorrow Tns ''" r'art wlthhe dlmsls-and file their report. Then, when sal of Mlss Lombard, when she as-the tide is high, we will take a row- 'urns the " for. her sister's I boat and go to his house and bring nr,1,SEnCA wb'-h resulted in the ( the body over. Here it will be lash- edh ot a cnl'd- another town ed to a go-devil sled and the few shl ,0'n a n!l9l which ls in-jof us will walk behind whife Dolly "nrf'-lpn.My staffed and equipped. nauia mm me iasi oumpy mile over "w- ""v " mictiie wno ds-the river flats and ip to-the gravel- "mcs lnterested In her when she ed hill. But we think Louie will not 9aves hlm tTOm lof inR a patient mind the bumrjs for. with his wholo m ths operating table. A feeling life lived neighborly, he will have. ?f und"T.t:indlng U bcrn which known known that that his his last last rites rites would would be be tne foundation for a roman tic association. Meantime weaKnesses or the sMer are raid. the In. volvlng her in several disasters. The story reaches Its climax in an! isolation ward during an eniriMnip : . , . J . " " ' J. . which ls taking heavy toll of pat-A local defence corps hasn lent? and, nurs. The denouement, formed Jn stewarundcr, thejaus- a heaft-touchinVsa-riflce which I - "v,,.u.. onu ivi'aj oniney manes to redeem her- , a goodly number of men have en- self. 1 rolled for drills and lectures which . '. 1 will be conducted during the com-! GHOULISH LOOTING ' .,ing winter. LONDON, Oct. 17: (CP)Told by ! . , . " he bench that ii was a "ghoulish" An eniovahle at home wn hplr! ihln tn a n u - r, - ".& .v. uu, a i-cai-uii4 man was last Saturday night for members fined $44.50 In court here for loot- !inrl lnVitH n.tart. r.t tV,A (annln I i , , . '.. .. . I - v- 6' ".c uiiauwu juB tt iximocQ noose auer an' air- T"7 A. I. CROWN'S Calls Muslims To Help Cause Germany and Italy Enemies of Islam Says Leader in Sermon to Faithful PESHAWAR, India, Oct. 17: (CPi "If the Italian march towards Alexandria means anything, It ls a call to the Muslims of the world to resume the crusades after seven centuries," said the Mullah Sahib of Bhutan in a four-hour sermon he preached to a huge congregation yiGH in the "Night w JULIEH MITCHELL ROBERT COOTE BRENDA FORBES PETER CUSHIHG BY THE AUTIIOIt OF "Till) CITADEL ADDED (At 7 j and ,, ,.. TONIGHT and r-n, Walt Disney's "Bone Trouble" Showr Nishth 1 WORLD NEWS EVENTS UK. n. r , I I . k udKii in '.nt! rji ed in theTtrahd' HfriafnHoM i ... mvisv Muvut iitua; '' I, -. north .wst fonti-:, added oi isiam and hf on,, rea t-i j Als to do what t,: , the government C. P. R. stcami'r Pi. ic aLsl Capt. S. K. Ony : :. bid port at 2:30 thi- J- ntej regular voyage rti Bk,Tiy otner Alaska pot?", am till: at 5 p.m. for Vancouver BROWN FLAGON BOTTLE K from Scotlana A The old-fashioned untippable bottle is al' most a trade'mark of Grand Old Parr Whisky. It is as closely identified with this rare old whisky as is the famous name of Macdonald Greenlees, the sole bottlers and shippers of this famous brand. The bottle identifies this genuine product of Scotland. The label and seal are your guarantee of a rare and delightful Scotch whisky, by. nf.S3.75 40 oz. $5.60 Tills advertisement ls not publish or atoijredby tM . Control Eonrd or hv fh. nnwmnit of British Column1