if October 17.J940, Thursday. :TH DAILY-NEW9 i if U 1 llBlp lB waft nC WAT HWTftCATYpo, 0 m gQ... Canadian distillery YEARS r,t out to diatUI wbukiea that, wjirn igr4 and, LlrnJeJ, would Ue MiMjotli fnnugb, jj rojinra no raker oiier tiian plain waUt. of S'agraaTa Canadian wb'nLiei lias built great MitmiatKinal biiMnrtu, The smooth, tnrllow and dedicate Cana. diary bkir pf Uic Uoute of Seagram krquire no mixer oilier than plain or pataling water. TOiulir dUtaied, agej and blended in the Seagram manner now outsell all qthera on the American continent. Ll& Seagram MANCHESTER, Oct. 17 (CP) LONDON. Oct. 17,: (C?) Among lthe past eight months, 3,000 com the missing. In air operations Is !:nUof 'profiteering," nearly; all Wing Commander E. C.-T- Edwards, regard to household goods, have Winner of the King's Air Cup In, h Investigated by a committee- 1P31 and hero of a Croydon-Cape ta the Prices of Goods Act. Towri flight la 1830. Gracia Shoe Three ReQiK? Why Yqw Should Wear Them lst.TTTCIassy t?tyjes; plus comfort,-, able lasts. ' V ? . " 2nd. durability and buil(-ii arch rests. : 3rd. Priced iower. per quality than any fciniiljar nialq on the marked ,' F Stocked in Sizcs arid Widths From A to EE, AM1LY SHQB STORE LTD The He-oo5d Shoen "ry n0y and theit we wUtjO'ca'u' the attention of the, public to nrf ia$ inv our, .oiu. is Proposition" 00trr- jtfi0tJ be coal w sell Is. as lull i Wrfltt;- ;t.. llie urober. heat as our ton, Is - " - .T, . ..ll tu- ni-nnftr' nAlind. MDU LL Tou can, quickly prove tlls. o bgtj.lni- Philpott Evitt 4? QoUd, ?u5i. i - v.3 STEAMSHIPS m tjteamers LVavaPrtocb Rupsrt for Vuacouver t ' ViALA CTES lUn. TSi I 1 1 A V .mm. " nMrTAtloTLi and TlckeM Itom I rtlOCt BqpA A(dt, n At. Fhon Seagram's. Famous Brands SEAGRAM'S "V.O." SEAGRAM'S "Kl NG"S PLATE SEAGRAM'S "OLD RYE"4 13 oz., 16 oz., 2yoz and 40 at. bottle from $i.2J W$4Xj This advertisement. Is not published or dlsplaye J by the laquor control Board or by the Government of British Columbia AFTER PROFITEERS NOTED FLIER MISSING WAS GOOD SAMARITAN In his more than four decades of unceasing medical and soclat, service. Sir Wilfrid Grenfell, who died last weak, saw his humane mission, expand, from a single! ship to a chain of hospitals, nursing stations, community centres and schools. His work drew approbation and financial support Sewing Machine. Needed and Berea In 'the Unlf.d States. 64cawj' vf- Toronto and McGlll in Canada and Oxford in England gave him hon-' MOULDED LAWS FOR , DOMINION 'Sir Percy, Sherwood Has Left Im ' Machine; OTTAWA. Pet, T. ?) In a 4C-year caree? as a, police officer Sir Percy Sherwood, former ccn- missl'oiwi; of' Dominion Police, who' A' i 'n'C' ' v this. week, did much' to mould Canada1'? present-day law enforcement machinery. He Initiated, the criminal Investigation bureau witjj its immense library of fln?er nrjnts now operate by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. s)r Percy was then commissioner of the Domihlpn police fojee with which he s3rved tor the greater part of hi? adult life. The. Dominion noiice are now merged In the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, In the days when the Mourilles were still the "Royal Northwest Mounted" the Dpmlnlon force was maintained by the federal government to enforce federal legislation through-but Canada. Born in Ottawa March 18, 1854, Arthur Percy Sherwcod was a son of Edward Sherwood, registrar of carl-eton County, and a grandson of Judge L. P. Sherwood of Brockvllle Ont. After attending the Ottawa leranmar school young Sherwood lolrwd the staff of the Imperial Bank.' In 1877 he was appplnted, 'deputy sheriff of Carleton county. That was his start in law eniorce . ment. . . In 1879 h? was appointed chltf pf, J police for Ottawa. The national caDltal was then a small city and .the centre of a booming lumber and. logging Industry. The police force .was small and- while law enforce-ment was a simpler matter than to-. jday. it required vigor aud vigilance. tin Sir Percy's time It was unsafe, to send a constable alone lntq some parts of the city where lumber- 1 Jack? from. $5 wopc&TOe Igadv to, him renown as "the Good Sam-1 live to nuy more women couia aiso rollecj by during sir t'ercys ser? aritan of Labrador." Edward VII made aim a com panion of th? Older of S. Michael and St. Geor; V advanced avancca ni.-n him to w knighthoad icn.giiuiuju a 1927, Harvard take out refugee garments to oe icc with the Dpmlnlon police. His made up at home. The women who first but-ofTtown assignment was -iiedial" organizations cn both gent. need of 500,000 garments for a criminal Investigation bureau, to sides of the Atlantic voted him women and children for refugees operate on a nauqnwiae scaie. ana Into membership. , and evacuees in Britain The high I (;o-operate with similar bureaux in. He was born February 28, 1865, standard of workmanship achieved other countries at the first meeting at Parkgate. near Cheshire,' Eng- in the making of hospital supplies . of the Chief Constables' Association land th- son of Algernon and should be maintained In this new In 1905, He was appointed chalr-and Georgina Grenfell and was 'work. Clothing should not Irt any man of the committee to discuss christens Wilfred Thomascn. He way resemble uniforms and every , the matter with the minister of Jus; wps educat'd at Marlbcriugh Boys' I effort should be made to show or- tlce. The suggestion was approved School, Oxford University and lginallty In trimming and detail. In 1908 and the bureau was estab-London Hospital. As an Interne he 'All clothing should be as well made fished in 1910. worked to alleviate distress among , and attractive as possible. These The bureau since has developed th poor of London and Sir Fred-1 things are needed now and Include Into a Valuable agency for keeping erick Treves, personal physician to all articles which can best be dene track of criminals. The finger Fdward VII and one of his medical by amateur sewers. .print division ... , alone has a been res- mentors, helped start him on hlsi . , i i i j : t,iM i i missionary worn u) asiuij um ui oneTi filVIVfi STRONCi fitting out the first, hospital ship! in the North Sea of the Royal National Mission. In 1892.. . Big Organization At first Grenfell worked only from the ship. He held a. ticket as master mariner and navigated, the craft up and down the coast But soon the first store station was established and the work thereafter grew.. In 1912 it was incorporated as The International Grenfell Association with members in three nations. When Its guiding spirit retired from active work In 1934 It oper ated five hospitals, seven nursing stations, two orphanages (two . . a. 4 1 1 L.J 1 others haa Durneaj, i muustnai centres, four summer schools, three $;'9t for blackout breach. "A wed- pltal ship was outfitted and dtng present," th Judge' remarked, " "" ' reached the sparsely settled, coast '" tponsible for the solution of many 'crimes. One of the leading movers in the 'organization of the Chief Consta- MAWoat25ltK, uct. K. iiwi- t,,, AOPiat)orl sir Percv became - " .---r--, -rf T W-yM bachelor has given. This work took Grenfell crulS-An 1914. He was ,a S.tr L nshlS Teeis ?222'5?.0 to the .?0V"nmenA charier' W1U1 lit. I WIC llMiuig rr f AAf VfntVt from member of the Interna- I ing Af ,ua crt nf tt.a mar Iceland to the Bay of Biscay. It ,x ambulances for servlce lasted three years and then he n met Sir Francis Hopgood who, in, 1917, became Baron Southborough. Hcpgood, a, distinguished barrister HALF A PRESENT ANYWAY, and head of a mission board, had 1 ... just returned from one of several1 O.SWESTRY, Eng., O .. 17! (CP) trips to Newfoundland, knew the -Absent from court because 6he was need for medical aid there and In ber c married, a, 20-year-old girl Labrador and persuaded Dr. Grenfell to undertake the work. A hos- tlonal Association of Chiefs of Police of the United State's arid Cartr ada and regularly presented a paper on police activities at the association's annual meeting. As chief of the Dominion polic? force Sir Percy twice was responsible for the safety of King George V on his, visits to Canada. In 1901 he was fined $4.45 Instead of the usuil made arrangements for the tour of. agricultural stations, 12 clothing distributing centres four hospital ships, one supply schooner, a do2en community .-r centres, .several cooperative " stores, a co-operatlye. lumber mill and a haul-p slip for ship repairs. The staff In cluded, 60, surgeons, dentists, nurses, teachers and welfare workers. Upwards of a hundred, volunteers worked each summer in the various mission stations. Lady Grenfell, who long shared h?r husband's labors, vas. Miss Anna Elizabeth MacClanahan of Chicago. They were married in 1909 and became the parents of two sons' and a .daughter. the f uture King and Queen through Canada when they w?re Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York. Fqj his services then he was, made a. Companion of the Order, of St. Michael and St. George". In 1908 when the royal prince came again. Sir Percy was in charge of arrangements. He was made a member of Everything in oyelties ' At : Evas Novelty SHQP 625 3rd. Ave. West iHIHIinillMIUUUHII I GREEIV BEANS 7 f Knbn. for quality and can; h packing Excellent color and , I tasteV vegetables I m saTeyO.urtinjc anfj add attrac- ; tivenesn toihe meal. a he Royal Victorian Order. OA Jrcth, VlUr TltAiiehiirl visits he accompanied. cb,: TOya) 1 UIJ IllilUaaiiu pany conuaniiy. During the First Great War, 3ir Percy was confronted with ' the propiem 01 f urn.Daiinig es:(;iag? and sabotage in, Canada and for h'is work in this connection he Was knighjtec! in lfllfe. WASHINGTON, D.C., 0(2,517: The capture and conviction 01. United States has 50.000 the dynamiters, who attempted to trained airplane, pilots now which destroy the lland; Canal during ls twi the number In Germany. the B;$r War 1898-1?J0) was aue largely Sit Percy's direction bt isport as a youth and he was a mem nlonrp AW are dolng a wnderf ul work but A. Mapdonald. instructed him to e-. represented the Ottawa e tn n i ijuo qnit ana ind uwrge u wouW both and encourage uVer Dersonally to the lieiitenant- Club at the. rqwlne meet at llamilr ?a , .nnMpr. i,o wriu-0i r.rrUnr. tton in 1881 commander . in that order in u, maa 4U -. , . .v. --..." sir pv worrri in im.)n! WUliams, 1 r.nctl-JIJ, . ir.in .inn tkl, 1hon.IH hs't...i m-i v..5iu.;j ),rl,. Irthpr Alhprta -'Rlatwr. 'Thprn -Ultra iiuuiv. titJ aw.(. I &.tUiP. XvlCl, UitllUlCtru icuvi itcivti.,T-J-." -f,-..t . 1 .. . i... . I 1.,, : . 1 . . (convicted of treason at Reglna, lr 1885. Ktfu trees In Britain International Investigation Word has been received of the ur-. Sir Percy advocated formation of. lo sons and thret dauchterSj ' Dally aavehtfoijit m News Is sure to bring ' ' inlts. me Dait) dally re Trained Pilots Iti United States Now It's the cumuiauvB tit tct of .'to- me Wjm Wccs, a uj ertIslne that counts. on thf. famous. w?s.t Hastings: ballot box c:ic. in 1904 whax a man In- ?rm. . volv-d in eleciiorx lrreularifies was ent tp.prUon Military Ac'i ftieu In h': yputr Sir fircv was nctHe hi sport, was one of the best re volver, shots in pan'H and a crack nn.-rnan. He took .t nveiy interr?t in .militia "activities. He mad-' a pit r -n the Canarilta Bisl team i n d'-w al occasions He cqnvrnud-ed the tean In 1,903 and was pre.l-ihnt of the, Dominion dt Canada ' , take oail cpmers! PqUcmn jpa-' Rifle Association i rom 1915. to 1910, ! i trolling arek always wen In, Sir Percy, cornmahded the 43rd. cairs In 1882 he resigned to accept a . position .as superintendent of Dqm-1 Inlon police and assume the tes- .Donslblllty of re-organlzlng that 'force. He became cmmissldrie;' In The local Red Cross rooms could Msgs and chief commissioner In from Canada, Great Britain and use anotner sewing macnine ii any gi3. retiring in, 1818. the United State? and brought one has one to loan. From twenty-; Muph of the history of Canada KPgiment. irqm iowa 10 rjui ana in 1912 was made.honpary lieutenant-: colonel. Fronrl908 to 1911 he commanded the, 8th, Infantry Brigade, id 1930 he was appointed honorary colonel of the Cameron Highand'es of Ottawa. Active in the Boy Scout-Association of Canada Sir. Percy served as chief, comjnlssionejr fpa' Rowing was Sir Percy's favorite are coming to the workrooms every , wnen, the nrime 'minister, Sir John, bet of the s?nior four team, which Rowing jiowing HVI TOU IVEt MADE 6 UJJERSCOTCH BISCUITS It' one of the mtingljr delifhtM'; recipe given in this new Recipe Boot -; . . , !S2 Baking SecreU". .a created by Mr. H. M. Aitken, Pamout Cooking . Authority . . . and ittued by the Canada i Starch Home Serice Department. Here1! a real gold mine of the timpleit, jnoit deliciout recipes for Hotj Bread, Coekiet, Bitcuiti, Meatt, FUh and mliir' thertypei of food. Write now for'thU, FREE Recipe Book. Send your requeif. , with a label from any' Canada Starch, product, to Canada Starch Home Scric, ' DepV DW, Box 129, Montreal. For Better Cooking KnulH hmtt aa CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP - - - - - -." .... V want aiajomfp PHONE 13 2 1 Hour Service, at Regular Hates wmmmmwmmmmmmmmmt n I." 'RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily n 1 n lanaaian r Prlnct Kmptrt IS I i n n t i n. m m ' m m av n& toia diorag Co. Ltd. e Britten Columbia ALU 3 I k .1H 5S I