m pagetwo I "GREB" WORKING BOOTS Menenite calf, heavy sole, plain toes, Rubber or leather heels. Just the shoe for comfort and maximum wear. Priced $4.75 Jack and Jill Shoes for Children Penman's Hosiery Family shoestore ltD, The Home of Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ! Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PTJLLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid lh advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parte of British Columbia, the BritLvit Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year , Classified advertising, per wwd, pir Insertion . Local readers, per line, per insertion ... News Department Telephone . , Advertising and Circulation Telephone- Member of Audit Bureau ot circulations 88 98 J? J&Q 3.00 9.0C 02 J5 Tuesday. April 2, 1940.. EDITORIALS TAXES CUT IN TWO CENTRES "As foreshadowed a few days ago by Mayor McGavin, the Victoria City Council has now officially set the 1940 tax rate at 40 mills, compared with 41 mills last year and 4om 1B36," says the Victoria evening paper. "This is good news for the taxpaying public and excellent material to advertise the community as a pleasant haven for prospective residents who are looking for a good climate, all the good things Which make for the fuller life, and above all, of course, for a city which is reducing its taxation on real property every year. The mayor and council are to be congratulated on their achievement. What the war and its aftermath may bring is on the knees of the gods. For the moment we can be satisfied with this proof of prudent civic administration. "We can add to the foregoing, incidentally, the important fact that the mill rate in Esquimalt has been reduced by two mills another proof of progress which holds out bright prospects for the adjoining community' J"" XO ELECTION NECESSITY t Premier T. D. Pattullo, on being asked if the provincial 'government might take advantage of the route of the opposition parties in the Dominion election to spring a saw no necessity for an election just now. We are glad the Premier takes that view of the situation. An election is supposed to be called only for some specific such reason as the expiry or near exmry of the government's allotted term or because some big issue has arisen such as that brought about in Ontario recently. There is no issue in British Columbia. The people of the province seem well satisfied with govern-mental conditions so why put the province to the expense of an election ? What we need just now is stability. Two orthree years from now conditions may be different i J.H. BULGER Fresh Shrimp Uptometnst BOAT W.S.L. .. . Kyal Bahk Rldr , TROTIER'S ; DOCK f r J" .Ll. as I MacKenzie's Furniture 200 WINDOW SHADES 36x72. Green or Cream. Each riione 775 95 c 327 THIRD AVENUE the on.r news ' " ii i 2 i sax. rf irrii J mfm GYRO GLOB IS ON TOP Go Into Tie With Printer For' Leadership Of Commercial-Bowline League Oyro Club scored a clean sweep ivletory over Canadian Scottish in 1 . 1 r. . i - 1 . , 1 1 v . wt uummerciaj bo in in g' ueaue list night and went into a tie far teogttr leadership with Printers who were losing to the. Moose-one game to two I n the second fixture of the evening:, High average scorer ,. was Max Asemliseri of Gyre .Club with 190. ! tlvru CUb l Bulger '. .'.153 Duhgate 14 Large Morrison .180 Asemissen .201 Low Score 110 Lahnwr Jt .. 15ft Donaldson 101 2 196 132 139 184 189 Total . . W 836 Canadian SeoltKh 1 2 Akehurst 110 Renearts 144 Kirkchoff 187- ISt lit 151 lis Kilner Handicap . . . 45 45 Total 757 CM Moose 12 Cameron' 179 128 Bond . : 124 Hi Todd 175 128 Oundefson : 153 155 Low Score 128 Total 631 718 Printers 12 D. M6ntcsaho- 130 130 M. Montesano 143 12 O. Franks 107 151 McCallum 199 IBS Vance 152 Tbtal ...585 72 Printers 11 T Gyro Club u 4 Savoy 9 3 O. N. R. A. 8 4 Angus Apartments 8 7 Imperial Oil 4 ' 8 Moose 6 9 Canadian Scottish 0 15 Mrs. Fuller Passes Away Resident Of Prince Rupert 3 171 114 111 177 181 831 3 143 114 146 m in 45 751 3 200 112 149 179 111 751 3 14 . 15T 111 ' 160 163 37 The league standing to date for hp. final third of the season: 11 11 Twenty-Tw Years Dies After Long Illness 9 8 8 4 6 0 IILOCKMIKKS ABOARD AMERICAN LINER hi .iboaic 'in- Si W. .:w.gtv)0 l :.. I.Mt-'d ' intra Ba ther twlueted their inspection of the Ameru-iui viup during the hul ci.)wni'. The Washington arrived in New York recently with an AtMed mruisn whow purpose is to aoothe ruffled feeUngc of the US. state dertrnnt over blockade irritation. Lett to Right here. Lieutenant-Commander J. W. Carter. Ryal Kavy. Lt R Concher. R Nit . and Stanley Flower, immigration officer. Whifflets From The Waterfront During the last two days nearly . fifty, local halibut boats have cleared for the halibut grounds on their first trips of the. season. . . . . .L. 11 a - 1 I uie luuuwing uoau uiKing out) papers: Balsac I. Dicky Boy. Dom-. ino II, Orace I., Maud J.. Clipper i II, Bear, Dorreen N.. Cape Spear.' Vlnella, Covenant. Edy,e Pass. Dan- j lei S Essential Lois N.. Annabelle unarmme a, Borgund, Fanny P.i lAlteen. Drott Arctic I., Edward Lipwtt. Embla, Dovre B.. Cape 'Race: Dundas. Blue ay. Aa, Bum, Atll. Cynic, Aukie A ..Cape; Spencel-, Arlington I.. vance II. C. C. No. 21. Bu. K. II I Helen II. L it R.. Lake Blwa. (Kaien. T Y.. K. M. I.. Oceanic. ... . I Union ateamer CaUIa, Capt. Mrs. Lillian Puller, wife of Rob- Umn Flndtay. returned to port ert Henry rullen 109 Eleventh Av- i f,,,. , o..l... snue .passed away yesterday afUr- and other northern points and I joon at me rrince Kupen oeneral. sailed at 1:30 pjn. for Vancouver Hospital. Six- years ago she had and waypoints tuifered a stroke and 6ince that! time had been In Ill-health. Mrs. Fuller was born in England nd had been a resident of Prince Rupert for twenty-two years. She was sixty-siJf years of age. Two oni arid twb daughters survive, i n .. ...I it. L . j . . . . I ojraiMaiiiy wm oe extcnaea to me bereaved. Funeral arrangements are In the hands bf B. C. Undertaker; OFFICERS OF C.N.R.A. Annual Meeting Of Local Railway Association Jield Last Night Uori Association last night officers f6r as follows: President, i. A. Frew: yice-PresIdent, ?. 8. Walton. Secretary S". Jttrmaln. Treasurer, T. C. Wilding. Execuptlce- Thomas Boulter, Peter Lakle, T. H, Priest and R. lb. James. committee cnairmen lor the yea are as I6116wst Tennis, S. Jurmaln. RlHe' and Revolver Shooting'. WUllam Brass. Publicity Hugh Forrest. Lawn Bowling, F. 8. Walton. . Alley Bowling, J. P; Paul. Horse Shoes P. Ai Roger. Yaehtlnr. S. J, P. West. Membership, A; R. Nichols. Auditors for the year are Harry Lincoln and S. Painter. BooooooooftoAoobooaootiooooa VELVET iCE PREIi MttK SHAKES abd GOOD MEALS At the 11 and I CAFE 9 Waterfront DOO0H30J0fte00000O0Ci00nWHJd I French Stock Mart Strong PARIS. April 2 Refiectlna eon- fldpnrp In th rahl14tw nt u n - - V.. kllC jCn I stench administration headed by Premier Paul Reynaud, security) values Jumoed ten per cent in yes j terday's trading on the Parl Bourse. .UTTIOV MIR Tlmln-r Hale IKiki9 Tt.-rf will be effcrrd for n a- pi b. He A "tl-ti. at noon on th Ut Mo-1940. in tH rflc ct ti DiMrir' r Prim Rupert. tfe Uowice XI 8009 0 rut 4418.000 f b m. of fpTMCt dt nd hemlock Off An 4iM'a1lMA. 'U:mbr Ucr "HP. 1718P and At the arirtuil general meeting Qu-n cuarioue uitm, um tHMrict of the Canadian National Recrea-w2!?,; d for . . """"'y urDie attend , . . the eniulrtg yeat wtre elected tb twi to pmco my umtt tm . . t . rtrf to K l a U . - . fwv uvw m sue-Men Hnd tretMd a tj bid." rutr ptirtHrfora msf be obtlnH from t Chief Prrpxer. Vtttorla. B, C "7 DIMrt-t Pomitfr. Prince Uupen. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY PHOWR Wl IDORA Roller Rink Daily Session! as Follows: Moh Tues. Wed 7 to 11 p.m. Thursday 7 to 11 p.m. Friday 6 to 10 p.m. Dance 10:30 to 2 a.m. Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to i 530 p.m. to S30 p.m. 8:30 to 11 p.m. Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating parties Mr and Mrs Roy Decker and child and Mrs. W It Becker arrived in the city on the Catala this morning from Stewart They expert to locate in Prince Rupert Wi 11ns is mtlicGin I 11 STRENGTH IS under protf Srlti C0NTINTS JGoii Uhi Ltftit gin daliiliU in the nvilii ThLs advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia 3 SISTERS CAFE 3 Our Famou, FxJn Alberta COAL IJulklty Valley Coal Nahalmo Welllnglbn Coat BulHey Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. PHone 58 and 558 i X IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS S Your Patronage lll be highly 1 appreciated "Aim to Pleae" is our .Motto Thank You 5 i?..- o (Meet Her in a Meter f abi DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 A Can Ride for Price of One j CKoaortoooooo60oooojooooocooopOyocoi' CHUX DISPOSABLE DIAPER Mnn-IffifafiiifT1 TrmUlr 0. These single-use comnlcto dinners fli?,r . inpieasnnt eliorc in the honie-tu;uK ,a PI ! .1, - il. r . i ney entirely cm piace me oiu-iaKiiiur. ,f -,u, elotn diapers. Chux are scientifically, made of alt-, g and soft, comfortable hpspital gauze o .vatorprooi paper back which rota g Chux are sanitary, odorlesa. They J oi tnaper rasn. Tiv 25c to $1.0 1 Ormes Ltd a Pioneer Druqjpiat REQUIRES I g The Retail Store Phone tl 1 1 g Open Dally from a.m. till II pjn. 5 Kitndajs and Holiday from It to 2 p.m. ul 2 ? In 4 hm Select Your Requirements From theCompK Stock at "ll i I I I Lr v ri j rr i if7 3nni i4t The Only fully Anthorlttd Aency fur TbU Aft tfiklVvInlnn flnt f I. a I . tV ti United SUtes Chart Each Williamson's Pilot House Vo RooWi llutthlnton's Coure Protractors Tide Tables rarallel Rules lUvhlers Marine Engineering fl-S itf-ft $1 !J U Ir t 1 Bool .a-naffl DIESEIr ENGl.Nl .MANUAL TRAWLERS H" nittnr srAtttVcniP kiiip ni lLDINO E1 . (Anv fTurronl Fixhlirallnti flhlalnel for lou v v- - SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Jlliflf it OCEAH FALLS ud POWELL II"1 Steamer learn Prince Rupert t'T THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Tralna leave lrlnc Rupert for the MnmUvL WMlhM.I.T. FrlilaV. 6 P-01, ' A. 4 ' 1 .. . I ll .a ID Steamer for Keici Stewart etery WEDNESDAY, 2 p ii i aty Ttcktt Offlc, Ml'?