PACjZ FOUR THIS WEEK ONE? Night or Day PHONE I RAJIWA I I TCAM!MIM I ICOMMNgUIOM I to Kffl I Interned Women Paying "Guests" Some Enemy Aliens in Famous Hollow ay Hire Other Prisoners to Wait on Them LONDON, April 2: (CP) Around "dusk, dressed In her backless evening gown, Gretchen, who is classed as a '.'dangerous enemy alien," steps out for her nightly stroll in the yard of Holloway Prison, women's Jail in . North London. Across the corridor she stops for : a visit with one of .her many war- time neighbors. They smoke Turkish cigarettes with their coffee, dis cuss the war and chat about home. Oretchen's existence Is typical of the 210 German and Austrian wo men who have been detained for the duration of the war. By spec lal instructions of the Home Office, Gretchen and her compatriots are treated as "guests, not prisoners." Those who can afford it. have fur P Home Remedies, Toiletrlea Rubber Goods, Stationery Candy and Drug Store Sundries AT HALF PRICE l McCutcheons Drug Store Interned aliens are classed In two 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars L1NZEY & DAVIES Phone 5&'t 586 CASH SPECIALS FREE DELIVERY Napbob Coffee Bakeasy Shortening Blue Ribbon Tea- Honey- 7JTT Per lb Oil 4-lb. tin Nabob Baking Powder Brentwood Peas 1An Per tin -t Per tin 1UC Prunes-2-lb. n 7jZ Nabob Strawberry Package XOly C: Jam-4-lb. tin Red Plum Jam QO 4-lb. ' tin UOv Mammoth Size Grape- 04a fruit .... rtf Fancy Santos Coffee QQn ' 1-lb. bags UOC Tomatoes 2s. "M Per tin Lemon and Vanilla 4 jp Extracts 2 oz. J.UI it. A. Soda Biscuits Qp 4 oz, 15c Per pkg. J.5V Royal Household Qi Or Bacon-Sliced. QQn QX.OD "W nour-49'8. 1-lb cello wrap CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct S5.Prlncess Norah April 8th, 18th, 30th, May 10th To Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Skagway April 4th, 14th. 25th, May 5th, 16th, 27th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Servicos Tickets and Reservations from XV. L. COATES, General Atent. Prince Hupert, IJ.C. CLEARING HELP TO OFBOATS; WIN WAR Member Of Chamber Of Corn- Prince Itupert Chamber Of Com merce Insists That Customs Officer Should Be On Duty Sunday Mornings The question of having a cus ' . Andrew Borland considered also , I the 'position of the coasting ' I Mr. MacCallum FOR SALL may be seen at Yacht Club. Terms: Casn. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt, Official Administrator. merce Asked To Co-operate By Buying British Goods A letter was received by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com toms officer 0n duty in his office! merce at Its meeting last night Sunday mornings for a couple of from the Dritlsh Empire overseas hours for the purpose of clearing branch of the Board of Trade of boats was again discussed last the city of Toronto, drawing at- night by the Prince Rupert Cham- tentlon to the need at this time ber of Commerce and was finally of buying British goods in order to reierred to the Prince Rupert. make it Dosslble for the British Rowing and Yacht Club to take up government to secure necessary with the Department. Two sugges- credits for the carrying on of the tlons were made. One was that war. The purchase of Canadian the members of the yacht club supplies could only be possible If should get a clearance for the the necessary credits and trade season similar to that given the balances continued to be made trailers and river fishermen. The available. W. L. Coates reported on behalf , Empire were still open to Brl-of the port committee that he had tlsh goods passing to and from Interviewed the collector and had Canada and It was not hard to been told that the fishermen were get British goods. The letter sug- I getting a blanket clearance for gested that the average shopper inc. season, umer ooais coum was ouen amary anuu siiwi-i.. j5ecure a Sunday clearance by ap- availability of British goods and small fee to wait on.them weekly a to deslsnatprf nfflrir nt asked for rn-nnratlon In an f. I , ,1 - - M. - , tj ------- - f- - - - - his residence by paying a fee of fort to try t0 maintain United tl Kft Thiri vie nn rhinoo In fhl KInirrtnm nnrt rithpr F.mnlrn trnrf group. mc wuu uiu vj rpspeci since last year. : The letter quotes from a Cana Keep ana mose wiuwui meaiu win. ... -, ... . imDOrter uho savs the are maintained by the government I rr' mV;:. r verv few line, of Britl h Girls In silk pajamas flit out . .u . t" that . h. ..rM and in different cells pajlng visits. " . u merchant and other in SEATTLE. Anril 2: ICP ct--t ' -. . At the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce dinner lat nlcht n.i FOR SALE Baby chicks from vlg- C. McRae on behalf of the Radio orous new blood leghorn breeding Committee reported on the recent stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, pul- visit to the city of a radio expert lets (97) $25X0 per 100. Also who made tests here. He believed I Rock and Red chicks $12.00 per the department was trying to do1 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mis- something. slon City, B.C. tf. F. J. Skinner told of the interest FOR SALE - Easyette washer, !fken by th,s "lclaI who visited ; Klean Kook range, household aI1 avalIab'e northern points and I furniture. Apply 701 Fifth Ave.. uum nave a reP" w mae. West. tf. FOR SALE Sealed tenders for the PfAciflpfif Hnc 1 purchase 6f the gasboat "Audrey lti3UCiIl liao W" will be received by the un- T-.L fi CI derslgned up to noon of Monday, 1 0UC11 UI TlU April 15th. Length 42 feet, width; iu leei, arau iour icet ana pow- Trln i us, Ir,p 10 Warm c.i Sprlnw, Georgia, i ered Mrf ittf l5y 16-20 i.n Easthope. ..!.. Boat n Postponed Owing to Chief Executive's Indisposition WASHINGTON, D.C.. April 2- on the advice of his personal phy siclan, President Franklin D, FOR SALE 24 ft. launch "Vlctorv- Roosevelt has postponed until Aorll with full equipment. Apply S. E. 18 a Proposed visit to Warm Springs, t'arKer uo, (78) u was announced yester- ' day by Stephen Early, the Prcsl- FOR SALE-Chesterfleld suite $25, dent's private secretary. Early dls-Tri-llte $10. dresser $7.50, bed $8. closed that the chief executive has Call Wednesday 1040 Hays Cove been suffering from Influenza for Ave. (79) the nast Ihreo u .A .ti I " --.-vw rt kv. UIIU i W WA9 4 1 1 L FOR SALE-Kltchen stove with oil advlable for him to make the burner, phone Red 198 or call 1211 ir,p ro warm springs at this time 7th Ave. East. (79) owlng to lnclement weather there. The President had his first outing .WORK WANTED ' yesterday in three' weeks when he .. 7 " tk an hour's drive through Poto- YOUO ..married man, sales and mac Park. business experience, desires em ployment. Small capital to ln-( Dally advertising m die 'Dally vest. 'Can operate car or truck. News is sure to bring dally re-Box 38 Dally News. I suits. DAILY KBTT9 Tuedy, April 2 War Brings In Quick Put-Ons Siren Suits And Battle Dress Topular Design For Women' And Men's Clothes a released British prisoner report- . ... ... . CMse mflk, statment. that this Egyptian campaign brought th ed. "Many of the women wear . - .y . . . mw be the last nrituh mnrf.' h,v bin and other oriental styles trousers, all shapes and colors. Thej " .Xn will be able to secure. -to Pa to the rest of are allowed to smoke. Their cells " " ". .the civilized world. are filled with flowers and fruit ,4'e ' ' " ,cc """"rjw I n. n v,,v .,nir. ta.xl. No Person could tell the day a ttv. jr a asc ui utiu, vudvj their cells before whether the weather was rntrin In Ka nil V rr V fn m nVitlnn I Statistics show that of 74233 en ;r0..-j.r 8 ,au'""5 emy aliens In Britain Uiy were w Q , d .m suance of a season's clearance but NEW PORT ".:r r, Ite. Seattle Timber and SXed und; C,ub rok.r. Revive,,er Bay U'M re,tri,tlonS. The remalriH,., maa? "sponsao.e lor an lis, Speculation " ... , . members, were given complete exemption, FAMILY ILLITERATE PORTABLE 'PHONE ROME, April 2: CP A radio IT fcIrT,I I ,e,ePhone "no larger than a good- ll Nl IK I H'slzcd handba5" bfn made by 11 llVillli an Italian scientut Th,,. ment Is Independent of ordinary telephone wires but Is dialled In the usual way. CUS " " I a. BALHAM. HA1 W 1 II ELEN DEAD ITn nlml A II England, " " April np"' Charles Roe. Seattle timber broker. ,rp1n . r, ZVZ' ": renort that a rw-Prtlnw .rlaM.r I.'. ",,u nB ttPrt hat !., j r-J;: " Ior Pennies on Ratnsgate sands. EASTBOURNE. Eng.. April 2: PrT- n""r"H , Z Zut". " then earned $U35 a week in (CP)-A family of 12 Itinerant ZZ. "T, "c "u"" America, died here at 77. r- fniit niMtP hrp ,a. innH i k 77. iw e Tapiu recession oi me urana ,1,. I w... " .1. " "- ' " . . ooats were kept on duty here by Pacific otariM- in nihMtr uul maac Illiterate, no members of the fam- carpets and cushions and pay or- to read or write enee dpnartmpnt department nnrl and ho he Alaska ili.v had v.' m i.'Daclc 'n 11 and the defence extended Tarr Inlet open ujjvh water nam iiuw now at appeared on years. a eome- was actwe 10 I stances, me uusioms aepartment.the British 'Columbia side where . . . 'should be compelled to have a ice formerly blockaded all navlga- i tiik m tkcmi: roi kt or iikitjhii man on pmv nere ounaay morn- lion. I lns. He did not think the views of the local customs officials on IV MtoiitTr In llif Ullrr of ki.i. i i This report evidently refers to J"Uo Jwkon. Om-ni the subject had anything to do Glacier Bay near the upper end'T1 NOTICE T Vmt rro-wlth the case, of the Alaska Panhandle where a.rVcS., .TS OIof-'Hanson sld that. If the glacial recession opening ud thelE,ircutor of Jnuijuiun Yacht Club considered the matter ocean across the Panhandle has-ilfi0'..0"- m ar i ..... ...... . i. . tnnoe Kuprrt. DrnMi ColumhLa 4ut n.rmaiiv ana rommunicaiea wim Deen xnown ror some years and d: on ti J7th dy or January tVio him, he would take It up with the has often in the past been referred!'1 r7lnop np-rt foceud. rxi u denartment. to by J. p. Forde. a former dlstrlct&J.-0 .tht After some desultorv discussion, engineer of the federal department '" required un.y u nnttfxir It. wps decided to refer the matter of public works. 1 to the Yacht Club for action. I CUsIitO 'May Improve Reception Of Local Radio liuXptdrwt to mo forthwith nd all nrinn. liavlM - VTIM za.iTiMr aLI .CUt are rrqukm o fu. thmt wttl I tnt Drrnrrl nfiH n . , .u- v.. v. U1P aurn jy n Arm 1B40 fallln? which dUtrlbutlon of the a!4 Ett ahal) be mode k1r( Into aosourut only rich rUlnw m ahall then hare Wn filed with me DATED at Prince Runert. B. O. thia 23rd day of M.rch 1940. 8YDNEY DOUOtJWs JOHNSTON Executor of the Eatats of Jnm Julian Jackaon, peremid. THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyo PINK SEAL Finest t Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 CONFECTIONERY STORE Now Open Till 10 p.m. Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion PERISH IN , HOME FIRE Sis Members of Family Lote Their i Lives When Home Burns on Outskirts of Port Arthur LONDON, April 2: (CP) ! Wars change fashions in curious) port ARTHUS. April 2: (CP ways and this one promises to Slx persons were suffocated parly prove no exception. - tnU morning when fire destroyed a So far it has popularized clothes housc on lnc ouUktrt of the city, than can be quickly put on. "Sir- vlct)ms were MrJ M MeUa en sults"-loose trousers and aged 29. ner fathcr( Qscar nlom 54 matching blouses cut on the style and her children Elsie. 8; Ray-of wlndbreakers-are an example. d 4. aroId( 3; AIlen , The need for their use In air I raids has not arisen but women . are finding them comfortable and useful for house wear. It Is quite possible the army's simplified battle dress wtll out live the war to be taken up by other was that the officer should Rfrpnnn mari t th. inw. civilians. It would be iuUable for be on duty for a short time Sun- lnc down of deliveries but It was sports wear, golf and hiking, for day mornings. state dthat the sea lanes of the Instance, If not for everyday busl-' ness wear. , Air raids in the lastl war were nut auiiiiiriiMj wiucapirau lO pill' Canada At War 25 Years Ago April 2. 1915 French air squad ron bombarded barracks, hangars MU Norma K i duce a fashion but the need for a and railway station at Vlgneulles In In a few dav u. Iqulck change after a day's york Woevre area. Unfavorable weather guest of Mr Join TONIGHT and Wi- misinformed on' the,aay irom nome ,ea women in the hampered operations of Allied fleet last ivenlng'i trmr. services to take up the sllp-on in the Pardanelles. to Terrace. rrock. The fashion developed and stayed. Hair bobbing was another cnud of the last war. i; Many other present day fashions had their origins in wars. Jack' boots, for Instance, were first designed to guard cavalrymen's feet from sword cuts. Napoleon' 2 Shows Nightly rou ,', DEANNA DURBIN In "FIRST LOVE" (At 7:11 and 3 i ADDED M AltCII Or TIME Presents-. "Finland'' Colored Cartoon T.OLDILOCKS AMi BEAKS' Kohl. llCllchlfS "SEE YOUR DOCTOR' Our Business... To BUY and SELL Furniture,Househo!ds etc. ilc. (let Our Cash Price for Your Disposals BAGGAGE Vanities PaUrites, Gladstone Bag. Suitcases, Juvenile Cases, Wanirolc Trunks, Steamer Trunks, Ktc. Rest prices See us First Fine Furniture For Your Home Chesterfield Suites, Dining Hoom Suitci, Hreakfast Suites, Bedroom Suites, Enterprise Kitchen RanRes, Heaters for Burning Coal or Wood, Heaters for Burning Oil, Carpets, Linoleums, Congolcumfl, with large varieties to choose from and reasonable prices. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Mullding, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert Hours from :30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. phone UM IS H Coal! Coal! Coal! Winter winds aajini ArecAtfinf. nna your co&Ibin needs refilling CP. AU Foothills Bulkley Vnllcy Nanaimo-Wellinglon Vt'e are equipped lo lopp' any of these coah prompt'f' carefully screened nd graded to le Phone CM -Ml Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. mItUh Colombl