4i m EYES Fr5-n Fnan. Tur Nr-es is Ljr-Wrxr Max tax Heilbi neiioroner d2j L?rr&Ksi. rs ox Sn Is sat tessf iiSj Notice Senior Matriculation BEtb SJ pkn& aobfj D J- IfrtfanoB. Secretary of I Stborx Boiri Git Hit! Prmr ipjfcs.'aEBs a? smted Iraea EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch. Clock, Jewekrr Rrpiirinr. Hind Enrravinf CHAS DODDIEAD rbm 3H far Ajaiataaeat JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Oar Basement Store for Fine China. Glassware and Novelties Open Tin 11:14 pm. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies 3IUSSALLEirS CONFECTIONERY .J re- EsiTTsa tttt asjees rasal Sip 95c SOCKEES ABcobrs, sizes Si to 10 1. Stvk "Sfcopj:e Smnracr Q-f AA Clearanee Sale. 4 pairs O AU U HATS AS summer hats. Style Shoppe Summer Clearance Sale. Q-f A A to dear at OX.UU i HOTEL ARRIVALS Flint fcrrrt i Urx. C KIRff. Tiitrs; Itr. sad JnL K. X. g-Ri TfeTirr; Jizljfey X Sl JiStCXJ IK E. WML Vuwmr It B. UiStv aa C sat sad lirs. P. Klilry iirx Dtril Warsaw. 3znu -y CatrU A. ICsJac Bast Taanfrc. P. ouj M.-nsitu'T joiife jpc BASEBALL SCORES paaeraeers -re fesr Sitxriiy 1 1 A. E. Sjkcss ini d2 ther batsf Ximsfca. seese-Pnvste SaiC -sia bsj bees Aauoord hsr vHb &c Csz-adan Ecottioia. La WiHisss. irriTfd is pxt at I 39 vesterdaj aAsaccs ., aitsr disriiirsin? fuh for trttj . . East 5tw CarafiTii SiScciJ 2i-stiiesl a.: 3 is casra-tisc of ber Tpyxr to SexUte. SI Lcnss -t BioUja 3-7. PWficnc -- Baaaa S-X Cdexsa 4. JCrr Tort a AiMTinJi Lcxtk PidEiisias J. Xait S. Tifenao f-J QmU 5-1 Xsr Tori Kt C&Ksiai -t BsSffl 3-U- St Loxb'i-M SATCEU irs SCOEES AsKricaa Vtxae 7iaU5efc r-T. Iirae IS-a Boeaa S. St Lorn X FSSitex It B36tH3 4. St Loss 4-Sl Srwailja M r?iT5g a fippw Tark 1 Style Shoppe SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Sale Starts Tuesday July 30th, 9 a.m. To make room for new fall xnerehandUe we are sacrifieiiir absoiuteir new raerchandise at ndirakrasiy low prices. EeJow are listed a few of oar Anrust Uearance special. Cone in and see for jcciself to pee these tsarrains is t fr boy then. 5 trie Shoppe Smner Q Qr Oearaaee Saie OUJO DRESSES Sixes 14 to oS. short and kng steeres. prints, plain, sheers. noTefty weaves. AB colors, all sew merchandise. Reg. raises to Stie Shoppe merGearaace Q() Qf Sae 1 SWEATERS? ICO per cefer? poTers and coat Ewearf: ?ft&Ealpng.sieeTea. EegtnarTaift SS5. "SLvie'Sboppe "1? 75c Tzaie to ia Mj2K;tKppe bmnroer Oearar ce Sak ""Regular rahjes Sbopj-e Snxaer Ckaranee Sale saes 12 to Stvk S16.95 SHOES Pomps, Oxfords, ties, cnban, flat and high heels. Black, white, white and brown, tan. AH sizes, all new stock. Styie Shoppe Summer Q-f Qf Clearance Sale. Per pair vAttl HOSE Chiffon and crepe full fashioned host Every pair perfect. AJJ colors and aU sizes. Regular values to SL15. Stvk Shoppe Summer Clearance fiQf Sale, per pair UtU HOSE Pure silk hose, aJJ colors and sizes. Style Shoppe Summer Q-f A A Clearance Sale. 3 pairs vJ-vv SLIPS Silk, satin. Reg., values to $250 Stvk Shoppe Summer Clear- Q-f A A anceSale.. !.. pXUU PANTEES and BLOOMERS In rayon. Style Shoppe Summer Clearance saie, to dear k?-f A A at 3 pairi for . THE STYLE SHOPPE iHArrsvz The Store of the Better Dressed for Less'" xt dt xit nntttttHMinmitHmmnmwMtwmtwimmHMi NEW ROYAL HOTEL . Ztrea Proprietor "A HOME AWAY rBOM UOME- M Rwens He & Ccii WU Prfcjct Erpert, BC Fh tn' PJX Ei 1M HOLIDAYS ok TBr EeverraUnu st SANG AN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Ah f r rsll rartinlan Write 3IRS. DUNN Hsatctt, Qsets Chxrltt I&. - - bx: Mr. Bswcr. ate . Expert; Qa F. . Sparer. Str- IrtsPaai. Dani Basasss. ZXras:! J. Ksnt?5Tt. DtTTW ICasu w. . Gci-. C-XS.: S. BeKb. Terrace. ' 1 It Bt-rm. Csk. Itr ifr P Petty OOSeer Earl ti a. J. Tr"fc-L a ku sal bar astfe Mi psr- Vtgg a "iiif to face laasar A lbs. L- C. Er. saSf StVf ito-. xreirrf hfttdpatte Ja atgbs as BunmB'Ctam Friday afienaaan fraai .nidsttesxl the Qaeen ClitrJcrXf leasts aai jsaiasd SaasnSsy ibe Castes Jar ii AJfca; C Woods. CX2. Cl! S K an f refers. b Stkl errv OBy- t. J. ma i. a tea a trip ta Timftr. arxlr-Ptsrsf ss D. H. WS&aa. AMord ee at ta otr tan taw natfeee fe Bij; a Ot Evt TeQrra: X F Prtace 2sp-rt Ec- a JL i Foci Staseen: 7 A. WSsaa. siir; CLU. GirrT Teras; JZss. V. J- rats, CocafrtarEt he Civate for btt hex- XT FRIENDLY TO EVERY MOOD PUNCH CIGARS Smokers find friendly comfort In the fregrence end flavour of Canada's finest cigar. Gtt Pvdi hsn your fAKHHAS PEinCTO$10 i1 -KbU EX. rajrofc" Helping 6fS3Ie Prtseess Akr St- C L Jcr S3903t TsSsf JSk Prateac' Ins scmb3 i cteck cum tfcc coat of ane D HsnUad Tper Ua(k Rsar. dame lis to tarC? Anxli of i 'wcf xz'dkd KURT U raszslfest TTiTfartt Lac -. irfc aies aster si tree poojue I PACIFIC MILK I CHIROPRACTOR SUsOrr W CWtm. DX-TiiX. Fresh Local Raw and Pastearired Mifk VALENTIN DAIRY rao vi o5 Dr. J. Munthe Sacctssir HO Joltrues: B." Bit OfSc ta the BESNER BLOCK THE OLD GAEDEXEE FERTILIZER As Lstire3r ev aatd Dtf fcxt risrt Faei Ceoitaias titanic 8' Tht Tier rgssrtstee Past Sirs)x2t is tbe croper pro- sal farther esseriaa2 ejeoest fxr a KmJt i7vii sal s bsaiire pus, ile Try a Patfcet Tdar lc tSe Wi5iijue Ouanbisvn W H. Maftia C. P.) Ltd B. C. Furniture Co. NEW AND USED FURNITURE 1 Esaditiced Krl TjMrnleT 3a ptrfert COO JJft 1 MvKardh Tjyrwraer S24 50 2 Brrrr Vacxxxs CVaatm f Baas CriW-Prac $7.50 $10.00 $3.50 " $8.50 iw,,TcauS35G icc S100Q NEW FURNITURE S Oxsele Ced Wni ilrroc elbJe nnts sal Q n n 16 Sytiag-raied Fejt MlHitttft-Wg f nn q nr? Jine isartes. He S17.58 gpy OX.iO StadW Cvacbe Csa be jcaae sua stngie x cosb aiiS? 2 Cxuffvnkn la irateiliS reEa. $20 95 I Drcwrv- 'Wjtfc tviznd surrtac. a --i.rfiJj fiipi. ona nri 4 dr-TTt 2.UU I Z-jKKt Stadi SeU Verjr jaoieraaSar -write, c."aeBaj Uta- auasi aa eaiars aafi osierezn essens Iroa $75.00 $99.00 4 CxtetletXkid Saites la tapeitrj lirtesjSjr caarlrsctei ac rest, erosx aad ireea Pnca $75.00 $89.00 rbne BLACK CI THIZV ATtXVZ SnX lhr U BjC OotUert riPS i Greatness . . . It a hi? irttfr wrd. rrra fw fint'-nte yxtwrt-t tst IT tbf IXEYTTAELE f H JT1 ajl.r U Er BICCA." la rrrry dryartBCtit, frws rrerr apym. u GCAT?XSS i the alr rd Uut fits. Is sfl sHtcrritT e say here b aatb(T tnlertiinmrc ciasat f ar tine ... it vbU nt b mined. Bs! Predated by DAVID O. SE12K1CX wis mode "GONE WITH THE WIND- Dirtded by ALFRED HnCHCOOC "Mcrtef Sot pentc" Rebecca LAURENCE OLfYlER JOAN FONTAINE It low ef r wtpeB crof i by coScr o-J torfMi by Kedicaci liwjijiet. K pir sotfd be see tram tS fc ssTtt c 7:11 and TOX1GHT. TTX5L. HTD. Summer Dresses $2.95 FROM HIGHER PRICED GROUPS ! --rr. S:fi S-S -jnns 1 You've Been FASHIONABLE WOMEN'S COATS i-Tlirnx QtAVmr Weaxatpura: S . -.t aacse casts se V We are drtnsiiMd not to cany say of thlx year's 5 (frescet orer Mast sD of thf eresses ifl be ? ib the laa Aii sixes FKICTD TO SELL --$9.95 Mafl Oiden TnmpUj KHJed On Satarday Xithl RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ,n lh Heart f Prince Ropert" TO inn AVE. .eit t nni,rnr-. w . M- - at a uvue uavb J " r W LUMBER J' DOORS Ompiete Line f Bsildbt Supplies Albert and McCaff T frl -J " PbweUS W5"a"assaaBaBBBSaBBBBBaBasajBBBBBBBjai fhone US Kg