llS -"ml adTertisement is not pub- i or displayed by the Li-Contra Board or by the txmcnt ot British Columbia Rev. Father A. L. Mclntyre ot Cranbrock,ho has been on a trip to the Yukon, arrived hi the city on the Princess Alice 8aturday afternoon trom the north. Mrs. Wilt Robinson of Terrace ar-.lived tn the city en Saturday afternoon's train to pajr a visit with Mr. Cove. Miss Mary McMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. McMillan, sailed Saturday afternoon by the Prince Jlupert on her return to Vancouver after a visit here with friends. Ernest 3. Towers of Vancouver is a 'Visitor m the city. Mr. Towers, who conducts a wholesale fur bus iness tn the south, was a former: resident of Prince George. Mrs. X). More and two children' of KJsplox arrived in the city on jSaturday afternoon's train from the' Interior and sailed on the Prince, Rupert for a visit In .Vancouver. Mrs. William J. Holllday of Saskatoon arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon's train to pay n visit toere with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. a. South-by. Bowser Street. Mrs. II. L. Alexander and daugh ter, .after spending the past tew weeks here visiting with Mrs. Al exander's sister, Mrs. Joseph Scott sailed Saturday afternoon by the Prince Rupert on their return to, Vancouver. Dale Crlpps arrived In the city on the Cardena Saturday from Vancouver. .His grandfather, George Crlpps, came north from Vancou ver on the same vessel but Is stop ObuchlnTsalled a to Vancouver- Johnny Saturday zaW' n Vancouver. .c.aU that counts. Thomas MacKay arrived in the city on the Princess Alice Saturday afternoon from his mining operations up the Unuk River. Rev. and Mrs. A. Abraham and eh lid, who arrived in the city at the end of the week from Massett, vhere Mr. Abraham has been sta tioned for the past few years as Anglican missionary, are leaving on A THZ DAILY NiFrvTS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Call 32 Taxi. Non alien drivers, . The Misses M. and E. Stcrseth non alien ownership. (177) sailed last night on the Catala for I a visit to Stewart. and Mrs. C. J. Norrineton. Sear Ann.f . . ... ... u. ivc-upcn nugusi. oui i Mrs. Stan MOrin sauea oaiuruay (177) afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Service (177) Mrs. H. G. Kennedy, who Has been on a visit to Vancouver and Prince George, returned to the city en Saturday afternoon's train. ping off at Bella Coola on business this evening's train for London, On-, in the cltyliaH. Subject There i . i i.'i. . , . . . i..i. ...u w- auHvAM t. 4 ab.i Rfunili thp Fmn rp " Members Vlpmhr.! ill cuwircuun Willi Ills 'GUues ai'iai nucji; mi. nwaimui ta m --. v. 'provincial assessor. tume a new ecclesiastical post. R. L. Maltland K.C., will address a Joint meeting at the Canadian Club and I. O DE. Tuesday at 4 p.m please accept this notice. Cool Heads . Stout Hearts ', HON. J. L. RALSTON "Cool heads e just as necessary as stout hearts to win this wax, and win it we must and hail." This is the sound advice given to all true Canadians ly Colonel the Honourable I. L. Ralston, Minister of NalienlDrfeiice.ldle rumors must be disregarded. Sanity -faith -and courage nust prevail. All our man-power, all our great resources, ifiwtAe mobilized in the defence of our Dominion and our Empire.Iii4Ai your part, remember that life insurance dollars are helping to liMAce Canada's war undertakings -helping freedom and justice to 'intaifh. Life insurance companies in Canada have sub-scribed miBwas of dollars to National War Loans. Life insurance home - family - and your country. stands fUi fver your your It is good citizenship to own InSUIUIlCG -'mrnj?--- -canaoa . companies opmminoin THIS MIS J A Of Hls PON SORl O If , . II P 1NSurnci " , t , v ''l (1J7 Allan Cormack, assistant superin tendent of the local dry dock, sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver on official duties. Mrs. Lee Gordon returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from a visit at Lake Kantiyn wiin her mother, Mm. Robert Bkftice. who Is in residence there for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Maltland of Vancouver were in. the city aboard the Catala last evening going Albert Stiles returned to the city1 ..... n w.v, tn the I through to Stewart. They will re- on the Catala last night from a trip ntu it nitrht fronn'turn here tomorrow morning and to Vancouver. proceed to the Interior by train a a trin trip to to Vancouver Vancouver. j Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Malt- 32 Taxi Service is not operated . M..,.hiw rptnm land, who is leader of the Conserva- oy anens or have we any alien' . """rTrr. " tlve Onnosltlon In this urovince. will drivers. Mrs. Shelford Darton returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's tram from a holiday visit at Ter race. Mm A U Um.Tnut anI Mica (177) e " Daiuruay aiKiuuuim ! train from 'a trip to Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beattie, who have heen -on a vacation trip ' j south, returned home from Vancou-' . ver -on the Catala iast evenine. ... ... irui, i -!. . -..-1. rU. .111- Trill r-... 111 i 4 11 11 S U IUU Wttllk rUi. iiiu-juuv ie miuiib vuniui-' ... ,.,,,., row afternoon on the Catala for a a"u"c-' "'" trip to Vancouver. JcaU 3Z- call speak before the Prince Rupert Gy ro Club at Its regular weekly lunch eon on Wednesday. $15,000 FOR COLLINS-HAYES HEIRS Edward Collins married Catherine want Hayes. They resided In Vancouver (177) In 1882. No trace of them can found there. Probably they moved " ' ' Duncan Munro, who arrived in -wav manv vear ara. Their chil- Mlss E. M. Earl and Mrs. S. E l tu. cltv a few avs aeo from Stew- nn . AnenAunt nnri if nnns. Tin J i. 1W. .tl At,- . ' .nuriieu vo u.c c. y oa uie art Prnce Rupert salled e Dy thelr nephews and nieces, are en- Camosun at the end of the week from a visit to Tlell. Saturday aiternoon. lor Vancouver, tltlecl to about $15,000. , Apply to j ntT.- ..L John J. Dwer, 40. Wall Street. New miss nu tiituuiauu auu laumj york NY (170) arrived In the city on the Pxlnce ' 'i Charles Friday night from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Announcements All advertisements In this ctl-tiTtm will be charged for a fall month at 25c a word . Oddfellows' dance for dry canteen, August 2. S.OJI. Dance, August 9. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Armoury, August 16. L.OB.A. Bazaar. OctODer 16th. W. A. Canadian Legion November 1. Bazaar United Bazaar, November 21. nOVEHNMCNT MQIOK ACT Swtion U81 Notice of ppliratlnn for Ik-rr Llrrnre Notice U hereto; given that on the 'IStti day ot Auzuft next the under signed intends to ooply to Uie UqJor Control Board for a licence In respect J of the premise betag part of a tiuUd-iDg known as Spruce Creek Hotel, situated on Spruce Creek approximately nine miles from At! In Townslte, upon lands described as placer mining lease tlNo. 887 at Bpruce Creek, British CW-wnhls, Prince Rupert Land Registration Dlstrlcf. :n the Province of Brl-tlsh CblumblA for the sale of beer by .the gla&s or by the bottle for oon-' sumption on premises or elsewhere. Dated Julv 2nd. 1940. SPRUCE CREEK HOTEL LIMITED Applicant 'J. H. BULGER Optometrist KoiaJ Bank nid(. I DORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed., Thurs., Fri., 7-11 2-4:30, 6-11 on Sat. CENTRAL MOTW. STKA.M 1UTIIS Make Appoiiitiuenth 200 li'ooms, mid up Hot and Cold Water. Shower Itaths Mrs. C. K. Hlark. rfiprtetrrns1 Handyiran Home Service Itepairins Stoves, Roots, Electrical Appliances, Oil Burners Cleaned, Plumbing fend Painting 224 Seventh Ave W. Phone UtACK 335 ii Oar ramou Kd.sun Albeta COAL Kulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Welllntton Coal Hulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 Constable and Mrs. '3. W. Todd Joseph Sankey and Edward Bry-left Friday for Smithers. Constable ant. Indians, for drunkenness, were Todd being transferred from the days imprlsonmenti by Mnte city force here to Smithers In the McClymont ,n clty poiice court on provincial police. Saturday. Ernest Anderson arrived In the city on the Cardena Saturday from iness in connection with his duties Vancouver. Formerly located hen . as weight man for the Board of Mr. Anderson Is In the city on bus- Grain Commissioners. Popularity Contest Nominations for Contest Will be Received From Any Firm or Organization Wishing to Enter the of a Young Lady Last Entry Date August 1. Information or entry form may be obtained from , Mr. C. G. Ham, McRae Bros. Ltd. Free at last Convenient Reference to Stored Records With OXFORD Sliding Drawer STORAGE FILES Guaranteed not to sag or bulge when stacked fully loaded to a height of six feet 50 to , GO lbs. per unit. Just the thing for your transferred records. For -Storage purposes in the office, -store and at home. ' ? Per single section, complete with glider-Letter Size (81x11) $1.75 Legal Size (8xl4) $2.25 Complete Stock of Business and Office Supplies Modern Convenient Profitable I . ! I fir A I I- F I I I 10 Days Supply Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder With each 4 cakes Cashmere 9?P Bouquet Soap All for Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 25c bottle only lc With purchase of A"tp 40c size. G5c value for , Colgates Tooth Powder 20c tin only lc with purchase of Giant Size. 55c value tor Free 34c 25c Woodburys Lotion With each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing Cream. An 75c value for Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Dniqstists The Itexair Store Phones 81 & 8 Open DaiDy from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 tn I p.m. and , T to 9 p.m. '1 hi K:3 i' .4 'tit air S. 1 mi