The finest crepe sole summer shoes on the market in little gents, boys and mens. Priced fronv $1.50 T0 $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates EDITORIAL Shipbuilding Head H. R. McMillan, head of the new comrtany which now has charge of all the shipbuilding in the Dominion of Canada including the shipyard at Prince Rupert, has set but to Visit the shipyards which are iiow in his charge. He is starting in the far east and will work his Way slowly westward and it is possible that Prince Rupert Will the last placed visited. In the meantime, however, the influence of the neW management may be felt. The reaction to Mr. McMillan's appointment seems to have been very favbrable. While he is not a shipbuilding man. he is a man with exnerience in handling bitr business affairs. He Will be in charge of one of Canada's largest manufacturing concerns. Under the new setup it is evi dent -that each shipyard will have to compete favorably With other shipyards in the country if they are to continue to receive orders.. Mr. McMillan -has the name of being cold-blooded and it is expected that no favoritism Will be shown. Efficiency Of Bombing The replacements in the British air fleet are all being covered bv factories in Great Britain. That leaves the! Whole of the United States and Dominions supply to extend the fleet to a point where it may become superior in numbers to the German and Italian fleet. While bombihg from the air is rather uncertain es- Needed The Push It seems to be th6 ojiinion in some quarters that any reverses that have beeh suffered by the British have been irt thefr bwn interests, eVen the recent reverse ih Greece. A writer in a Vancouver paper says: ''People are gloomy Over the war situation, so let me try to cheer them up. I quote what Dr. Davies said irt August, 1940: 'Germany will press on to the east With a succession of military triumphs and ultimate inevitable disaster, He is heading into the graveyard of five empires which sought tto impose peace by consolidating million Utterly dissimilai in rate and custom. Rev. MacMaster Kerr, November 1940: 'Great Britain was pushed three times in three months dUt of Europe. Now it is: clear this was the Divine work. How would We haVfi fared had we to maintain armies in France, Norway, Belgium and defend the British Isles as well?' If We are pushed but of Greece that will make f oUr, but we shall find that even what seem like disasters are overruled for our gdod. If our prayers are not answered as we wish We must believe the Almighty knows what is best." An Eastern Opinio - - - " "iVs -jUst -one campaign after another, a citizen complained the other day,' says the St. Mary's Journal Argus. 'When are we going to CO'me to an end of these money-raising campaigns?' Neve, brother, until Victory is Won. After all, the Canadian public as a whole hasn't got down to real financial sacrifice yet on behalf of crushing Hitlen If old Nasty Should win, nothing would be worth anything. But he isn't goihg to Win if Canada's uwuuai uiiuwu in ujc is uiiiu iu mup mm. iillU ne will be stopped. In the meantime the folks at honle should count it a privilege to jive, give, give." If you lose anything, advertise for it. LONDON, April 25: (CP)-Nearly' ICO industries controlled by-.f?W gees from persecution on tli& Ho'A-tlnent are established Qn tBillrig estates lh tireat Britain and f5 others are awaiting an opportunity i to make a start. Many ol these transplanted In dustries, capitalized at more than $2,225,000, are only in the initial i stages but irt the" aggregate they employ at least 20,000 British work- . ers. This may be Increased to J00,-000. Among the articles manufactured by these refugee-controlled factoriessome of the articles are new to tills country are plastic goods, Gablonze jewelry, zip fasteners, buttons, Viennese leather goods, knitted wear, silk printing, Turkish towelling and electric batteries. Some of the plants are contributing to the output of war materials. After the Nazi program of No- ! vember, 1938, the refugee move- mentfrom Germany to Britain expanded rapidly until the war sapped the flow. Re-emlgratlon, internment and other causes have re-1 duced the high figure and the total now in the United Kingdom is ap proximately 55,000. , The refugees taking up sites wel comed concessions on rent and SPRING FLOWEftS REFUGEE Pledge for War Savi INDUSTRY 'CAMPACS' Millions ih Plahts . Transplanted Froiri Natl-Run Continent Young people love spring and spring inspires love. Young Prince Rupert is enjoying the daffodils as she plucks them In the garden with the morning dew still on them. Musical treat Afternoon taxes but few found it necessary to Yesterday accept the finance. government otter of r "" ' vw on.., tusamfl FOR SALii FOR SALE r- 12 by 16 tent, good Wilton rug, Beatty washer, din- fdrtable and balmy afternoon of ing suite, mirrors, beds, dressers, ) midsummer rather than tarly lamps, curtains, ten - volume spring. To those Whd went to hear standard reference books, etc. the music about the only disturb-M. McLachlan, 601 Summit Ave. ing elements were the goings-on of jjctiaiiy wncu wie uuiuus nave tu ue uiuifjjcu iium a giciu. FOR SALE height, the air arm is very important and is a real factor (new 4-room house with bath, con in winning any war. Some people seem to think that air bombing can be 100 per cent efficient and yet for the past week ol two the British have been trying to sink two big German warships in the harbor at Brest and after many days we are told that the British think they have been damaged. Yet we are told that the British are better marksmen than the Germans. class condition. COLLART & McCAFFERY LTD. Phone 11 tf FOR ItEI-n FOR RENT 5:rooms ahd bath, newly decorated, hot water heated, fine harbor view, 5th Avenue West. $45.00. WANTED hotel work or as waitress. Phone 552. (tf) for 'till? ad. FOUND FOUND Camera shutter release cable, Owner can have 6ame by calling al bally News and payhiK Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY niONL' 657 OUTDOOR CONCERT BY BAND A natural amphitheatre of un (101) ! exuberant and noisy children and COLLART & McCAFFERY LTD.,,," llvan). , i. rnone ii ii LOST LOST Brown billfold containing Drydock pass, registration card. Name on billfold. Black 166. Reward. (97) WANTED WANTED Walter and hOrtert Central Hotel. WANTED Children 94, Dally News. boarders. Box (100) WANTED Housekeeper. Apply 10 Sixth Ave. West. Suite 4. (tf) WANTED Truck driver, Lindsay's Cartage it Storage. (102) playful dogs which could easily be kept down by patrol. Future con- 1 ......a i L I 1.1 1 ...... r , . . . .1 conditioned fire plate, furnace, huf'w "f" wld bi,somethlng w ' wh'ch to 1 rard; modern fixtures, unobstructed .u mnnnn .n.v,. tnrwi Iproprlately patriotic yuwvw .vw vam f yivvv.w 4s, i lilt), I , , 18-foot Peterborough canoe. Urtt 1 P;oeram' as. p.rf theme, the by Lieut. S'oqulst and his fine musical or ganization, was finely executed and keenly enjoyed by alj. The prograni Was as follows: "O Canada." "Land of Hope, and Giory.' Selectlort of Eligllsh melodies "Sounds from England (Lhhgey). Gallop, "English ' Past Horn," (koelng). Selection, "II.M.S. pinafore.'- (Sul- Waltz, "Song of Love" tScliuberll. Descriptive, "Patrol of the Guardsmen'' (Losey). Medley of marches ''The Boys of Candies, Candies Gold Medal hand rolled candies, Just arrived. Tastes that will please. From 35c to 40c lb.. Chocolate Bars, all varieties, C for 25c. Call and get your week-end supply oX the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 330 3rd Are. West Phone Red 120 P.O.Box 757 the Old Brigade," "Soldiers of the King," "Under the British Flag," !"No Surrender," "Before the Mast. I I ! 1 1 w 1 1 1 IK.I d.othcnnl Ii not puUl.ktd o 4p.r,4 by tlc Luor Cettrol Botrd or by tk GoMfnmtM'of BitiiK Columoi.. THE , SEAL QUALITY ..I Grand nautical medley, "Songs of the Sea" (Walston). March, "Fighting Tommies" (Bolton). Iht're'll Always be an England." "God Save the King." Lester Summerall, world traveler! and evangelist, arrived in the city I ique attractiveness, the sunken gar- on last night's train from Ketchl-dens of Canadian National Rail- kan. Mr. Summerell was here sev-ways Park formed the picturesque eral months ago and, since then; 'setting amid new spring gieenery has travelled extensively in Aland under sparkling sunlight yes- aski going as far north as WL a- terday afternoon fori an open airman, well above the Arctic Circle.' 'concert by the fine band of the e travelled Z4UU miles by airplane, Rocky Mountain Rangers under the1 visiting "Nome and other remote able direction of Lieut. O. J. SJo- Far North centres. He will be here quist. Hundreds of appreciative 'until Friday of next week and will citizens gathered to listen to a lecture nightly, eitpt Saturday, at , cnlanrilHlw nrrnnftpfi nrnaram n f tu. r.M4MMii a - i i condition, A. Isaacson, Seal Cove ' ob. FOR SALE Two scales, cash register, 50 yard inlaid linoleum, navy anchor, household furniture at snap prices. B. C. Furniture, Third Ave. Phone Black 324. (tf) Day. Some strolled through the paths among the new leafed trees of the park. Others found comfortable seats alongside the shimmering pool. The whole scene was unusually attractive something' entirely unique In Prince Rupert. FOR SALE Mason Rlsch piano, one would have thought It a com- Try a Daily News Want-Ad. I (3st III GOLD SEAL i Fancy Red Sockeye ! PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon j Packed by the only salmon canning company with an alt I Ihi year round payroll in I HncRupert UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVEttY TtESftAY, CARbENA EVERY FRIDAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Service (fortnightly) Leave Prince Rupert April 14rand 26 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further information Regardigesrvaljns and Tickets Prom FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Ru per ?A geriC Third Ave. Phone KK8 TEA Timely Recipes Cook nood'e in oc.:. which salt iias b:c , Mek butter in flour and stock ah.. " aiace Dy UiB;..,:.!. j NOODLE-HAM CASSEKOLR n 2 cupn buu:n v. i, i 3und fine hoodies or tnaoa-'thickened. Add ronl, 2 quarts water, 1 tablespoon che ham rnd mix x.1"-isalt. 2 tablespoons butter, 1 abli-! id sr--n iiour. & cups siok, w?a- csrseroie. uru. ri I spoon salt, ' 8 teaspoon pepper, A cereal over top p: if-.cund cooked ham. 3A sup oven- cd .cH , papped rice cereal, 1 tablespoon moderately h:,; c. welted butter, dash paprika. Yield: Six v: ,;i No matter how bright the sunshine your white wash needs blue.., to prevent clothes from turning yellow Sunshine i a I)!g lielp but NOTINXC takes the place of that swish or Mof lt kit't lilur in the last rime vita to ensure mil whiteness. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable. Dependable TAXI Service PHONE ti Hour Service at Regular Rates MO 13 VALUE STYLE and EFFICIENCY Within ENTERPRISE RAN We Have Various Models lo Choose From. l.ilr,! Trade Allowance for Your Old Stove ELIO'S Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. , MOOSE BUILDING TJIIK" Wl Donnacona Insulating Boards WALt.BOARDS We have oil hand large dtock'bf coal to suit every All our coal Is carefully tscreened and prepared. Also a corny line or lumbet for every type of building. Our shingles are the queen Charlotte Islands: they are hot kiln dried ana all of the natural oiU so necessary to long life ad dura SANb CEMENT GRAVEL I)lE Philpott Eyitt & Cq. PHONE 651