Rrcak Your Rank .. To Get This One Epic Story Of Tragedy At Sea Which Led Mark McKay To Devote His Life To God The natives of the North Pacific coast were just ; emerging from the days of darkness and superstition and ; the ligh t of the Gospel was at the time dispelling the gloom that hovered over the native people when in February ! 1M88 a lad of fourteen named Mark McKay was requested to accompany a clergyman 'of the Anglican Church from von Essington to MetiaKaua, Mane i had a good voice and, with another a crevice In the bottom of the young man, aeorge Frevost, or Metlakatla, was to assist the minister in his evangellclal campaign :Two adults also accompanied the man of God. They were a woman, Mrs. Robert Cunningham,, who was j to act as interpreter,, and the other MODERN KODAK keep , (he happy Intimate scenes, of your home,, the famiiy, friends with Snapshots. Include.'a Snapshot with every, leiter, especially to': the Boys in Service, they'll certainly appreciate it. Kodak BABY BROWNIE Only 'SLLMtt, '. Kodak BULLET CAMERA Only .::..ll::i.j: $2.60: . Kodak BOX BROWNIE G20 size ......:...j.Jl;....; $2.75' : Kodak VE8T; POCKET JIFFY $5.50; Kodak REFLEX BROWNIE .. ,$7.35 Kodak VIGILANTS '. $11.00 and $12.75 Kodak DELUXE VIGILANTS Up $18.75 " . There's a Modern. Kodak for every picture requirement Made especially to suit your purse and purposes. Let us show them to ! you. Load up with KODAK VKRICHHOMIi FILMWa, have a fresh stock Also Movie Film, in black 'and white or JCodachromS The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the lAudit Bureau of Circulations!' It fs thbniy Vaper north Uli. V U11V.17U f UIU1 Iff VklU 11. 4llJVIUtUll 1IU11HI1 ' IllfIIIIIMI V rll Yl f in tliese organizations. ...w,,,tviuil M canoe. They were making satisfactory progress when, to their horror, a terrific squall struck them with such force that the pole split open the crevice and, through the open crack, the water-3 surged with startling rapidity. The I a native captain to assist in man-if rail craft was oartlv submersed aging the native canoe which when a heavy sea swept over them, 'carft. at that time were very difr throwing the travelers Into the Icy ficult and dangerous to handle: waters. The struggling victimn There were no gasboats in those grasped the upturned canoe, sev-days but the conveyances used eral of them, thrusting their hands , were the native dus-out cayioes with jinto the open crack, but it was Interestihg totemlc pairitlngs on soon-quite evident that they could thelrbows. 'Jnbt survive for long. The woman Epic Voyage ' VI interpreter was the first to go, tniinMinniK nf the h.Kt.nrivllnS swePl from the canoe by rag- Ivlllaae nf Port Ea Inirton cav thell"B as. ine nauve wno naa Deen little party an enthusiastic send; off with prayers for safe passage jand successful carrying of 'the imessage which had become so dear j.to them. The; party left but had 'not proceeded far when, rounding Look at that frpnt drapery: and a point which sheltered the village that figure defining bodice. It gives from the open sea, they encoiin-the appearance of a Grecian God- tered a storm. In the hope of mak-dess. And this is the time to wor-'ing better progress against buffet-ship Grecian Goddesses.,Deep Night lng wavrj they put up a temporary blue is the color. tsall fastened to a pole wedged Into HUDSON'S RUM 26 oz. $4.75 BAY This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the 'Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Capture Springtime He "On the Spot" Outdoors Indoors with a brought to help navigate the canoe was. the next to follow to a watery grave. The minister and the two boys now remained tightly clutching that open track with grim tenacity although 'blood oozed from their torn hands. Young Mark climbed up and sat astride the upturned canoe. Seeing that the missionary's hands were numbed by the Icy waters and that his friend was about to lose his hold the boy made frantic efforts to support him but realized that this would be Impossible. Then the missionary was heard to pray: "Lord have mercy upon us! Christ have mercy upon us! Oh God, Save the Boys!" Immediately afterwards he became the third victim of the cea. This prayer, amid such perilous circumstances, touched the hearts of the boys, particularly that of time in his life, he reallv pave thought to his soul's salvation. He tbb began to pray that God would answer the prayer of the dying minister. - Mark's friend was two years younger than he and h: strength was failing rapidly as he lay prostrate and almost lifeless from exposure on the floating wreck. Mark, tried his best to' protect and keep the younger boy from being ;swept away but, In spite of all he could do, the little fellow was literally torn from his embrace by the maddened waves. Mark was now alone and his hopes of being saved were really idisappearing very rapidly but he remembered the prayer of the missionary "Oh, God, Save the Boys!" and at the moment he began to pray "Oh, God, Save Me." After, five hours of battling against vierriiic odds he was picked up on .the crest of a wave and tossed up on a rocky shore. There he lay stunned for some time but, as he began to regain consciousness, he VO CUE PURE WHITE 'FREE BURNING 'IS TIIK Sl I'ltEME COfRT OF I1HITISII In Uie Matter of thr "Administration Art" And In tli Matter of the Ektate of Jo Johnson, lirt'rnHfd Intitule TAKE NOTICE nhat by order of His Honor. W. E. PWher. smtir rm tho lftt.h tlay, of April. A. D. 1841, I waa appointed Administrator of ,the estate of Joe -JcftinSOn dfirL4pd. fl.nri nit noirt.lM having claims against me eald etaite wre iora ciay or May, A. D. 1941, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay .the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. dated at mrwee Rupert. B, C, this aru any oi Apru, A. D. 1841, NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prlnoe Rupert, U. C. C'EltTIFICATK. OF IMPIIOVK.MF.NTS Ant rriu'tlonal l Intra I Claim . BK.ua Le In the AtUn Minlnit Division Where located: On the west side of the Tulsequah River about five miles uo stream from lt Junction with the Taku iwver, iawtui holder: Palarin-Taku Mln lng Oomipany, Ltd. Number of the holder's Pee miner ' certificate; 53127E TAKE NOTICE that I, James T. Un tterhlll, FMC. 53303E aotlnj as agent for Polarls-Tuku Mlnliur Oam.na.nv. Ltd.. JJYee Miner's Certificate No. 83127E, In- uciuu, 111 wiie ciui on fiiavy oayi iram uie ttait hereof, ito apply ito the Mlnhig Recorder for certificate nf Improvements for the puirpose of obtaining a Crown grant of Mi above claim. And further take notice that action. under Action 83 of the "'Mineral Act,'' must .De commenced ibefore the Issuance ot.jwoh icertlflceite of improvements. uiiea uus 22 day of February 1011, tried ,wtt.h what little strenertfh remalnM. tA Artie his benumbed. bruised body along-with" hi-, hands ana Knees, it seemed almost an eternltyjrto, Mark .tfut later on a canoe manned by' two natives hove into sight. Being, astonished to see the struggling figure of the poor lad, the two men were soon questioning him but he was too exhausted to reDlv, Thev did all possible to render relief and event ually took him back to the village where the story of the traeedy was told and great lamentations made. Call To Service Six months later Mark McKaV went to New Westminster on an old trading vessel as a deckhand1 There for the first time he met the Salvation Army and one night, as he listened to the pleadings of the officers, he visualised orice more the tragile event which had cost the lives of his four5 comoanions. Predominant in his mlnd'$ eye was tne picture of the belqved; mission ary praylner "O God Save , th Boys!" He felt that, while the mis. Monary's prayer1 as far as his own me was concerned, had been answered, the most Important thing was that his soul should be saved and his friend's prayer be answered in the fuller sense. lie there upon confessed his sins to God at the penitent form and thnt as a. lad of fourteen, was! enrolled m tne Salvation Army, Knowing that young Mark wa. soon to return to his own people, the officer' told him: "If you go home to your own people, my. ooy, i want you to take the fire; to your village."- This somewhat shocked the lad who was unversed in the:' Army's terms. However, Mark soon came to 'kn this meant, He did nnt fn'ii In tv. . tn1j rltn.'U 1 " . ' . . . won. iutii uau wen given to mm .y uic tapLuiii ana uoa GUN CLUB HAS MEET B. J. Bacon Afain President ltifl. Uanje Proposed Will Get More Trout Eggs' The Prince Rupert Rod and nun Club, at the annual meeting last night, elected officers as follows: President B. J. Bacon. Vice-President, Earl'Brochu. Secretary -Treasurer. 'P. w..nrim. ble. Executive O. S. CoDeland and Harry Edgar. The Spitfire Fund camnalgn of the British Columbia" Game and Fish Protective Association of Kam- loops was endorsed. The idea of a nhnotlno- ran op fnr young men of the cltywaa;well re ceived and Game Warden Cope-land was deleita ted hbd'nf a nm. miuee to go furtner into, the pro ject. . ' , 000' more Kamloops trpilt: eggs for local planting this season. A planting last year In Dlanar Lake was successful, TENNIS IS ORGANIZED Preparations Being Made For Active Season In Terrace TERRACE. April 25: The Ter race Tennis Club held: the' annual meeting Tuesday evening and got activity moving for the 1941 sea son. Rev. C. A; Hlnchllffe announced that he would be unable to preside over the club so the meeting elected J, A, Barman as president. C. W, Mlchiel retired from the secretaryship and Mr. Knapp was elected In his place, A . keen committee was chosen and it was decided to proceed at once with repairs to the court and to add omethlnj in the way" of a pavilion. Central Hotel Central IIotcl'Anncx 150 Heated Rooms not Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C, E. Black, Proprietress ,ocr-ar ssse HI Pnf f Ift.v.f urr inw ...... w i I Tn rncf -enenne rvf o c.va1 McKay?, whose home is at Kitsela -tit tos sometimes felt and it was, and who .spends, his jsunxmers atealized that this addition, with a carried the Gospel message from'crease the pleasure of the game, village, to village, ajong the Skeena! As soon as It Is practicable the River and is well known today as season will be started with a tour- rtujuuini m. u. McKay, command- nament. in tne ww season many ant Of thp Kibal! inrng f v. 'ffOnd ffamps r&ii1t.fri tmm thp lort. " vp v H 1C 1 o " " " Salvation Army.' He Is chief of his 11 is proposed to continue triDe and never wearies of telling jtnis feature and, as no one cares the- .story of the man of God 10 class the players In order of Whose lasf'Wnrrfs wera crvh nA Imerit. it was rirt-lrtpr! in horln fVin . Wll, ' v D " " Save the Box " ladder by simply turning last year's ladder upside down, leaving every body to challenge and play until each has found his cr her place. Advertise In the Daily News. Causes Furor 1 mmWWM That lovely girdle effect at the waist of this stunning Crepe Ro- maine dress is enough to cause a furor anywhere. Note the general ' ruiiness in the skirt, and bodice. They are usually worn in navy or black rayoni TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bicycles, Rubbervare, Tires, ijTnbes,, Etc., Vulcanized 6th St. opp. OK Barber Shop If 11 WW ACH ROIIOF I 7 J- Mm am VI vJA 1 A ' Mi B R fit m 96 m If lf I MR Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ', 3 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 11 p.m, For Vancouver- Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday 10:30 p.m. Friday , 9:30 pjn. I April 7, 17 and 29 . pjn.l rrom Vancouver-Sunday pjn. Wednesday . 10 ajn. Friday 10 a.m. April 3, 13 and 29 a m. Union steamer Cirdpn-i rnrt John Boden, is due in por(? at 2 o'clock tomorrow morning from the south. SPORT CHAT Booth Memorial High School and Fraser Street are lining up a strong team for a Junior football game Sunday mornlnsr. The Frarer Street line-up is announced as ioiiows: Alex Bill; Alexander and Qurvlchf Jones, Postuk and OllUs; Vuckovich, Pavllkls, Greenberg, Ar-ney and Long. "Kid" Berg, Great Britain's foremost lightweight boxing challenges was knocked out by Champion jrony canzoncrl at Chicago 10 years ago last night; Canzoneri ihammered the Briton down in the third round of their scheduled 10-round bout. War Admiral, son of the great Just Completed! finish. A V ICE PAPER hmi mmssm TOO LATE Ta CLASSIFY REASONABLE Board, apply Box 96, Dally News. Man oWar chewed U; me urst time over ti sixteenth course in thtOfl Stakes at Harvre de Grtl years ago today Wai AdJ the field by tlx ier.J IT W 1 I. JJJ "OOVEHNMENT LIQl'OI K a bl IBu Nfitlr. nf Annllratlon forlBflf NOTICE la hereby given 1 9th day of May A O mi iin fan rr lop Control Board for a. iww of premises being part of j 707 ThirH ln.ni, West Wl ert, upon the Iar.d J,'xd ' I Noe. 6 and B, biock to "',,1 Prince Rupert Townslte. Map '! Rupert Land Reg-ntM WJ1 the Province ol unwan vv'" J th. vf htfT hv the (flW 1 battle for consumption on 7 or elsewwhere. . DATED this 28th dT ot Mua 1041 JOHN HOSES Jt.u MY I SAI61 WHIIt'l IJ YOUR MINARD S . SOLDIERS, RUB OUT TIRED'ACN New Ice Storage Method n ...i t . . ii. ..irlmilt th' jiiisuriiiff uniy iov leinperature ice uuuws' fishing season Fishermen arc Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ico Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Co! t ti KEY ,1 ! ft i st