r X: EATERS 7h TO 12.00 ING SALE S SUlUiSS t ,1U. (1,1 .nil rl 1 .4 II .j U IL.l ill A i..ternoon the Ladles' Prr.bytcrlan Church .ui) spring sa'e in the vY.izh was artistically '.he occasion with pinery z: decorated In red, ;? a: a "Salute to Bri- n :aca over oy Mrs. j. Mr J W. Eastwood :- Cameron. Mrs. E. H N Brocklcsby and ? had charge of the i ! Mrs Nell MacDori-r :rick McRae, Mm. T. Miss Molly Owens, r -s and Miss Thekla ; servlteurs. Mrs. D. -. cashier. r;oklnu was In chartc 7 L Eandlson and Mrs. l-jsiwlrs and fancy work Hand-Knitted of Wool V Spun by Hand Made by tbc Natives on Vancouver Island UNEQUALLED FOR- Comfort ... Warmth ... Wear ... Practically Rain-Proof. All sizes, wide range of patterns. atts & Nickerson IT'S "CLEAN-UP, PAINT UP" TIME ... it-ifV t .Timinr Phamhor In thnir offt.i-ta frr a tidier town was In charge of Mrs. Alex Clark, Mrs. James Clark and Mrs. Robert Srachan. Mrs. T. Dixon and Mm. W. D. Chrlstison looked after th plant booth while Mrs. H. Caldcrwood and Miss Jesse Rothwell superintended the fish pond. The Canadian Girls in Training, under the direction of Mrs. J. A. Frew, had charge of the candy booth. The sale, which was a maiked success both socially and financially, was opened by Rev. Dr. Alexander Esler with a few very appropriate remarks. Mrs. D. C. Stuart, tnc president of the Ladies' Aid, received the many guests who visited the sale. Lieut. George Madill of the 102nd Heavy Battery !i confined to the Prince Rupert Ocncral Hospital, having suffered Injuries through his devotion to duty. Hundreds ol ftropir try a "spot" In the Daily News classified column and cet ood results, (tft The New MPPVivr aiiii )o invn.W r. AM New and Comfortable. Prices Reasonable and Serving thi B':st Foods In the Most Delectable Manner Third Avenue next Fraser and Payne Slore WINSLEY ath Soap 35c a Cake or Cakes for a $1.00 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druq&tats lh Kexall store Nionei ll l Open Dally from S m. till 1 p.m. Suday and Uolidayi from 12 to 2 p.m. ani 7 to I PJO. LOCALS Next on your list! Gyro Hoedown. Friday nltc, Moose Hall. Last call for Gyro hoedoWn) come early and eet all the fun, , Moose Hall, tonight. jt ' O. E. Phllllpson sailed: last night, on the Prince George lor a trip to ' Vancouver. -- ' . Mrs. Gavin Hume sailed last nieh't on the Prince George for a visit tp Duncan, Vancouver island. miss Frances Thomson, sailed last night on the Prince George for a holiday visit to Vancouver, and elsewhere in the south. Mrs. A. Ivarson sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. O. C. Young"of tr.e Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station staff sailed last night oh (he Prince ueorge lor a trip to Vancouver.- Sergeant and Mrs. O. L. Hall Mil ed last night on th'e Prince Oebrge for a trip to Vancouver. Seryearit Hall is chief of the city police here. Mrs. J. M. Smith and Mrs. A. H. Perkins of Port Esslngtori are visitors In the city, having arrived'. on last night's train from the 'tkecha River. . ,; t : Mrs. Neil McLean, wife of Capt. McLean of the steamer Prince Rupert, sailed last night by the Priftce. j George on her return to Vancouver after a two weeks' visit in the city. W. J. Johnston, who "has bcrri identified with the staff of., the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, sailed last night .bn the Prince George for Vaucouver. I He Is joining up with the; Roval Canadian Air Force. . C.N.R. TRAINS For the East '..'. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays pra. From the Cast L .x Tuesdays, Thursday's and ; Saturday '.llpm t HOTEL ARRIVALS . -.t Royal - ,:r' G. Gray. L. Hudson, A. O. Douglas, S. Gcwlng and M. Hambleton; -Vancouver; H. Loakes, Dizby; E; Jland ley and Mr. and Mrs. X J- Seymour city. -''.?' Extra Special We have Just received a small shlp4 ment of grade A' Turkijys'All clcancd-rcady to stuff. While they last, lb. . "UV . Linzey and Ingram Announcements Ail auvt'iii.viiii.lU:' m Itni col-unui ill be ciMiged tot lull niitiii d at 25c vord . i Gyro Hoedown, April 25. Mayday Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. United Spring Sale My 1. j 102nd. Auxiliai-y Dance, May 2: Armory. Anglican Evening Branch !Tca, Mrs. llucston, Leeds Apartmenls. 4 May 3. St. Peter's Sprlnn Sale, May 6. I Eastern Star Tea, Mri L. W. Kcrgin's, May 8. ; Local No. 4 Steel Workers' Dance May 9. Moose Hall. Hospital Auxiliary Tea. Nurses' Home, May 15. Cambral Chapter ' L O. D: Spinster. Spree Friday, May 16. R.C.C.S., R.C.A.M.Q.. R.C..S.C, It. C. E., Auxiliary Empire tea. Legion, May 17. W. A. Canadian Legion Spring Sale, May 21, Presbyterian Tea, Mrs! James MacKay. May 22. "The Private Secretary" Capitol Theatre, May 28. I Girl Prodigy Toiirs America Thirteen - Year - Old Welsh Lass to Visit Canada and U. .S.' LONDON, April 25: (CP) Bron-wel Morris-Jones, 14-year-old musical prodigy, shortly will leave Britain on' a tour of Canada and the United States.. Bxonwcl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Morris-Jones of Northampton,, holds nearly 150 awards for Elstcddfodua and won six firsts In her last festival entry at the age of 12 against licentiates of the Royal Academy 6f Music. It Is claimed she Is the youngest : " ' Make Our Store Yourr S. Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed- ' i rilONE 517 Tom Lee & Son -HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" r M WITH BOMBS T0UB S&VWGS Wl These are the days when Canadians worthy o the name,; unable to fight in our armed forces, burn up in helpless fury and indignation. They have one common thought "WHAT CAN WE DO." Next time you get this universal urge to hit back after reading your newspaper, hearing the radio, seeing a movie, take out your purse or cheque book. Your War Savings Certificates multiplied by those bought by twelve million other enraged Canadians, will buy a staggering amount of munitions, tanks, aeroplanes and guns. Follow through with that impulse. With War Savings Certificates you CAN hit back at Hitler. Published by the War Savings Committee, Ottawa r r child in the world to be awarded the performer's licentiate of the Royal Acedemy of Music, licentiate or the Guildhall School of Music end licentiate of Trinity College of ; Music, London (cap and gown). With one exception she has been prize-winner of every solo singing, sight reading and oral contest shs has entered. She has composed since she was seven. Reach ten ciioiisaiio. people with i "wiiiu ad." in nhe Dally News. J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank llhlg. Ladles' and Children's DRESSMAKING AND REMODELLING Reasonable price, good work IMionc Blue 916 203 3rd Ave. KIMIKO UYEUU JJUUU "Hi mtm mj r em rrm jv tw- L BUY! am 0 a mL fHfjcm. INCREASE YOUR REGULAR INVESTMENTS IN j Clean-Up Paint-Up Make j.-- wtt "-t '-rr ii ,m hlu a . Wc can supply all the materials for a new home or for additions to the old one. Call in and talk it over Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. ritONE 116 If you want soiiietmng, advertise for It. Hundreds of people geC what they want that way. (tf) PAINTING Decorative Kalsomining LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 4t PHONE 111 YES I Wc Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned ........ ?U0 Chimneys Swept . 12.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 i