i IW V I Til. V 14 I I M n "11 .1 .1 ii I ROMANCES ' . .... Mind j. NO. IlHtttl .) ..I bv "'" PenjHe Arc." By ADELAIL KERlt staff Writer . . j kiv hl wiui iuisy -t-i.. viaiTn7.int?. w(eHJr . I..J nrnniP milCi UfiUlt.'lMl- .,i talk Ana us we tautca i to realize tnat mis eciuunai : it ho h"J TfDiea ins circuia-, - the mazazme mis woman 0 his b! -8"' VJcanoua iuihbhw thoij ands of lonely hearts has steady beau .:he talis her own, But she knows wnat ner iaeai l "l. o wlW asKS no ques- . . ...... . . 1. 1 told me. "wno .isrui rrow and who Isn't Impi cased by i ...i. h mil " Not a worn aDOUt ..j rVirxiMprs dark PVPft or a JUU There were r.parks m tier Dine . - t .l. lUi ... aitA TtnPll Kill" H.'llRI 111 lilt? ' " .. 1. - t- I. . UtUi (of writ'rs wnu iihiuik:. lav mean . tell nip that Vmnr iiiA im nf trmtp inum hAAil. Alt 13-Vrar Climb Daisv Bacon a tan, Eo-xwooKin? Li.i tiAnm a n i inn mtivr f ii rv nil ii ii l- -.vi'Jii a lint iii- i v a t I efnrtn nf (hA I ji . iU. 1s-ttAis wtrxlt. . Civ In a big old-fashioned office, th ,ndf in thp arms of hand ome . L . U Al. .. A n ll , . j. i. ...1 l , lot of china cats. (Daisy likes' ntfrs tay cue wauw kucu. liirc .a. nc suii.ru lici in ins oiiuiik customer's schedule. Ifyou'reinari n nothing flat! itl If If you you saice or romance, a romance that ta:kled a writing career, had some considers economics and will be work published and eventually based on Joint earnings of hus- came to the magazine she has put hnnd nnrt u-Ivps . Mv truest, at the ton of 1U class. -.lint lipi. They always have to formuia ror a successful mrtv Is "I never wanted a career.v she n!uc.ant lips They always have one woman to seven men , Men loid me, as I left. "It was thrust btrtluntant" are more domestic than -women. If upon me. All I want Is a house In &vas some definite love story ., . ... . tv,, countrv and lots of books. It x For Instance? "I wont' was nice to have you this morning. n. i . . it. a - . . in n 1 1 xi l ri i w ii.ii film nirLi iiih tn:i irn . . ' ii i a . - n n rvn vnnion tun n in rr tn rn nn n n n PESTERED BY HIGH they check your car carefully from stem to stern. In cither case, you get high spttd hut no high prtssuri. Try them. UUl K A 1 .U.n..nV. I' V urryiincyruiiyuu iuum6.. have more time PRESSURE,? MINUTE MEN TRY THE UNION HIGH SPEED BUT. NO HIOH PRESSUREI The only "high pressure" the Minute Men use is the pressure they put into polishing glass. Their lervice ii adjusted to fit each .IN THS DAIL? HeTV73 .pAQBinya -k IliUTISH TROOPS PREPARE FOR OFFENSIVE WARFARE British army commanders are looking forward to the day when they will be able to order their troops on a general ffensJve against the Nazis. Vigorous military exercises are being carried out with the great day in view. British soldiers are pictured practicing charging over barbed wire entanglements with the aid of heavy rope mate always rise above a. situation emerge victorious In the end." and Men More Domestic Here are some more of her definite Ideas: "Romance today is mixed with realism. America faces a renals then look at the smart decorations but rather uncomfottahle chairs In 'some women's apartment), you'll see what I mean." ' Daisy Bacon was reared on her grandmother's farm , in up-state New York. She came to New York, LONDON IS Story From Old Country Illustrates Queen's Fund Need By Hilda Marchant LONDON, April 23n First read this cable from Berlin: "Authorized German sources described air attacks on London as -unprecedented and far eJ:eedlng .Coventry or Bristoh Harbor works and' docks ' were blasted with high explosive bombs of all sizes, as well as Incendiaries." London' got it once again". But there Is some jnl, take. v Those hundreds of people I saw trekking -down the road were not corning. Jfom ''blazing merchant vessels on the Thames" or from docks. . .They lived In pleasant workmen's cottages that have how been blasted out by bombs which scythed the houses until only the stubble was left. Thqe people, yesterday were climbing- over the rubble of their own streets to the shelter and food their boroughs provided for them. ! The only Joke they had was when holes made in September wele bombed again. But many new 'places. were found. Since, Christmas this district has 'been preparing Itself for another j blitz. , There were rest centres, communal, feeding centres, and, secondary A. U, P. posts, all waiting after the lesons or last Autumn, t j The system,, marked up in color-' ed ink was foolproof. Unfortunately the centres were once again bombed. 1 Once again they had to use the improvised methods they used In the last blitz. Said one town clerk: "The first, the second; the 'third emergency went, and we found ourselves up J all night once' again; dealing -with tne situation as oeiore. ; Street? after street of evacuees had to be taken from their dam-; aged homes. ' The town clerk said: "We dont have to 'Worry any longer about'1 whether thn:e people can stand It.;' We' know they can. i i "We. worry about the tehchnlcal arrangements." There was not a murmur J throughout the night. As the raid progressed these people went out of their homes Into shelters, rest , homes and feeding centres. , .Some of these were bombed or blasted, and they wer0 driven to emergency shelters. ' Some of these were bombed out, so they went somewhere else. All through the night they drifted, ,lo Ing what scrap of home they had rescued, with casualties ac cumulating round them, yijtlV at last they found some place to rest. At one. rest centre they were still working on the ruins' yesterday, looking for people who had ;been twice saved during the night. ; Thif rescue squads were so busy ihat tfiey5 jnqved around by car. tolast anl devastation were so great r that squacV of workmen helped wardens and rescue teatns Jon the ruins. ' m 4 irilin IT R3nd vour Queen's Canadian Canada At War .Years. Ago APRIL 25. 1916 Oerman battle cruiser squadtch driven oft by light cruisers and destroyers, in naval battle after shelling Yarmouth and Lowestoft on Errgllsh east coast. Zeppelins raided East Anglla. Mar tial law proclaimed In city ana county of Dublin. Benefit Of Idea Woman LONDCN-, April 26 cCP) Commandant Jean Knox, ap pointed .3 the new post of "ideas ! woman" or the Auxiliary Terrttor-hal Service, Is touring Britain to fee whether any changes should be t imm-e cond lions of ser-Viie and make the A.T.S. more use- T'u. j Th War 'Office announcement 'that the pretty, 30-year-old brun-icti had b?en appointed inspector ' iU he pisl was created because or the Increasing size or ttu a.t. S. and the new duties wh!h it may be required to undertake. Inspector Knox, whoie husband Is a Royal Air Force squadron trader, is visiting units In all com-imands. She will advLse and suggest improvements and new developments. As a member of the A.TS. directorate, she will have a seat on the A. T. S. Council. Her rank will, be that of a controller and, as in- pector, she will have direct access I AlvlpiLl I i 'Fund subscriptions to the. Dally lp te jplnt parliamentary Under- News or The Koyai irust company s:-.retarv of State who a mem I at Montreal or any branch office. t I This advertisement is not publihc(i. or displayed by the Liquor Control1 Board or by the Government 'of', British Columbia. Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SH-VF.RSIUES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 416 FKESH Dairy Products We have thirty-six cows In town and can supply you with rresh milk daily. Our barn Is ' located at Eleventh Avenue East. Visitors Welcome. Dominion Dairy rilONE 10 ber of the Army Council responsible for all questions of policy relating to the: A.TS. ' Her Objective . I "My Job may perhaps be best expressed as that of personnel ln- onector." said Mrs. Knox, who has bee.h with the A.T; S. since It was organized. "In a large body of wo-"reri like the A.T. S. iher are always a number of things which nigVcit themselves to members as :acable of being improved. "I shall listen to everything which groups commandant brlhs? to my not J:e and look out for su-r-gestions I can make mvself. The cbject will be to bring the A.TS. ho to what, it cu?ht -to be and wants, to be Jn cases where it is net up to standnrd. j Treat ; yourself j daily to ! DELICIOUS 1S HEALTHFUL! brighten your teeth Many dentlsti recommend Wrlfcley's Spearmint Gum. The chewing gives your teeth needed exercise; helps keep teeth clean, bright attractive. Aids digestion, too. REFRESHING! relieves fatigue Chewing Wrlg-ley's Spearmint Gum helps relieve tension, ' steady your nerves. Always keep a package handy In your purse or pocket. DELICIOUS!, and sweetens vour bream Enjoy Spearmint's long-lasting fresh mint flavor an aid to pleasanti breath. A wholesome treat your appreciate; SSSHHiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWa m 1 1 iNi i Mrs. Knox will Inquire Into ad- ministration, train ins, health and , jpeneral well-beUvr. Any proposals all the needs, this will be noted and Ishe thinks' fit to jnake will be reported. placed directly before the War ON ir Mrs. Knox finds that anjr flee, groups of women and girls are not I Feeding arrangemenV will come happy In their work through causes 'o v,or nniu in fhA mnttpr nf which could be remedld by com s i"fvvi - - - UilUtl WUVlWVi . ;t)nirorm and other clothing, if iehe monsehse adjustment, she will see finds" that a camp is not receiving about it. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Bedding Week 5 SPniNG FILLED MATTKESSES 818.75 8 RUPEKTIA RiATTHESESlrSp'fing filled. 29.50 Each 4 MAJESTIC MATTRESSES Spring filled. S24.00 ' Each - 3 BEAUTY REST MATTRESSES S42.50 Each- - -v 10 SILVER SLAT SPRINGS $1250 Each 6 SLUMBER KING SPRINGS gjg QQ Each - G CABLE SPRINGS $10.50 " Each Mattresses Made by Simmons and Kestmor Phone 175 327 3nl Avenue We ain't mad at Nobody HHIIIINMMIIIIIHHI - 4, m : : 1 t . , ,,,