PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS FIVE PINS MEN BOWL PLAY Twar To One Stores In All League Fixtures. Last Evening Hartt Shoes . . . are admittedly the peak of high-grade shoemaking 'in C a n a d a. The variety of lasts ensure a correct" fit for every type of foot, be it narrow or . wide. Hartt's Naval, Air Force and Military Officers Shoes Are Here. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion 25 Davis All right of republication of apecUJ AteoatoOtta rheretn ue Id rterved Shipyard Work . . . Royal Canadian. Armour's. Lip sett's. Steel Workers. Albert it McCaffery and Lawn Bowlers were : winners last ni'sht in miliar' weekly fixture play of the Fire! Pin Bowling League. The loser were Reddy Kilowatts, New RoyM' Hotel, Dry Dock Drafters. Dry Dock Fitters. Sav-Mor Grocery' and Signals. Scores In each case were two games to one. Individual scores: Reddy Kilowatts 1 N. Kinslor 224 S. Saville 153 J. Comadina 276 A. Sloan 138 Cy Kellett 188 Handicap 37 Totals 101C K. C. A. F 1 A. H. Watt 149 W. B. Paiton 192 F. G. Wemp 205 F. Crapper 167 R. N. Copp 177 ; Handicap 95 2 3 181 245 137 168: 135 163; ' 227 192 186 213 1 37 37 1 897 10231 Totals 976 1025 1116 ' New Royal 1 Pederson 297 Cymbal .181 Schroder .268 Soar Low Score 136 Handicap 31 1 Totals 912 Armours 1 Brind 130 Hall 242 234 Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion 02 DeJong SUBSCRIPTION RATES' Asemissen 137 SubscriDtion Rates in Citv Per Year. $5.00: Half Year. $2.50: One'' Handicap 65 Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year. j Lipsett 1 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Hanson 166 Member of Audit Bureau of' Circulations Colclouh 174 Mt.MDEK o Hit Canadian pitting Sutherland 101 136 145 119' 254 200 65 63 Totals 572 1058 10CG 1 2 173 189 172 T&6 OuuuU&n Preei la xcIiulTely vtraexl to in for republication of til n ir,Kf inn ,no .c. OcafAtcbei crtxUtKl to tt or to tbt Aunclaled Preea hi MU paper tnd Uo tb '"" 'uu lio iaj local orvi ?ublUbd therein. MOser 203 153 187 Handicap 114 114 114 'Totals 5 923 937 DAILY EDITION 'jlSKSnr TUESDAY, SEPT. 30. 1941. n. . firafitn- r 2 v : McCormkk -.1.142 155 147 With the commencement of actual construction of rfi Gilmour 155 166 88! White 133 212 125 Bcyce- 164 194 139 Tobey 112 170 163 1 J Handi?an 137 m m .843 1034 799 iiuuovo iui mi, hi j ui o ajjii niui mc jiumiuic j)ocj Fitters j)fy 12 3 rfpl! TtYT extension of shipyard work it is v e ry satisfactory to' crDoct ni 154 183 I r N PIN and permanent survevor to check on the work Kinghom 113 229 174; It will be part of the doty to the new surveyor to make regular progress reports both to Lloyd's and to Ostberg 146 Low Score 152 TUESDAY SEPTEMBER ji M&jSfiwKrra tsnMm N&s-i iiss wt-t r v?r,Fz.jmLW!-iii vmta i smvtii&L mmmmmt RimMii fes&3iMi& vr jura 355 rverv-gooa tra Rarest U Five Divorces BOWLING1 Are Granted In SiinrAiriP I mirr Handicap" 69 69 69 I, f Tip nwnpvs nf the fvoirrVitorc wriir-Vi inrliVof Tt, oo "i".Ldp .! 99 Taxi and Dry Dock Winners in r federal government, which also is indirectly' the ownerj steeAvorkersZ i 2 31 Last xight's Fixtures. 01 the shipyard. He also reports, on the mine sweepers e. Linney ..160 ence not onlv fnr thp nnrnnsp nf o-ntViPvino- ctvpnfrtVi fn Score 136 , - - J'" J'W- V VVUVi 111 kJVl Vllbll Quality Groceries Ma"e 0ur Sl0:e Your Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Shopping Reasonable Prices j T-Tan rlnii'i.!-" Krompf Free Delivery Service ! 1 4CtU4UarierS Throughont the City j Satisfaction Guaranteed (Opposite CaHadiaTi Legion) j PHONE 547 concbty store lorn Lee & Son "Where Dollars Have' More . , Cents" "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" Handicap 143 Totals 871 as foilQwij,, 207 138 defeat the common enemy but where the statesmen an'df officials of each country may learn a great deal from Lawn 1JowIer's 931 l 98 2 the others and is the first step toward a general under-'Thomson m 105 sianuing wnicn snouid have a protound effect on the Cameron hi settlement of after the war problems. j Vance 141 We prophesy that the Moscow conference will po "sartn 133 rlmrn infn Tiicfnmr nc on onnVi-vnol.-vif ii (Davis 160 .vr ,i mvu no ct -i7r.ii-iiiciiiii ....jvvaj g event yJL uuiolctllll 143 919 169 1 136 1 w L Albert & McCaffery 7 2 Reddy Kilowatts 6 3 Air Force 6" 3 Dry Dock Drafters 5 4 Armour's 5 4 Signal 4 5 Royal Hotel 3 3 Steel" Workers 4 2 Lawn Bowlers 4 5 Dry Dock Fitters 3 6 Sav-Mor Grocery 2 7 LIpsett's 2 7 123 165 Mutch 165 132 94; Leo Mikelok 127 144 144 (John S:hroeder 138 978 874 Totals 725 2 31 Dry Dock 1 The conference taking place today at Moscow nrom-l'J!!L-I3.? " !X ises to be outstanding in that it is one in which the de- atmderson .. . 158 ids noiAnderson 153 mocracies of the world put all their cards on the table stiles 160 256 191 1 Joe Plumb 165 anu uiuiutiLe iiiul inev LrusL eacn otner. il is a pnmpr- zid 121 192 14 128 ...f, ...M.v,vv. Totafs 91, m M;. - -r Signals - -' - 12 3 The 'Daily News is a member of the Canadian Daily Sombs ""'m !?? Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the '.Akkerman m 211 ies Audit Bursau of Circulations. It is the only paner north sarginson 85 122 150 of Vancouver and West of Edmonton holdintr mp.mhprahin Lawford 1477 I42 102 r it . : i! 1' HnnHI 111 met: uraiiizuuuns. Totals 743 9ff Taxi 1 yjg' Kinslor 203 , iWlck 148 Qunderson .....,....., 183 olllc3 a i.v lOU l58!Hal1 -:......-.:..:-168 110 1721 "iais 8W Oilers 1 f.a mi I Handicap 204 204 204,McLeod 143 879 The league standing to date is P 7 6 6 3 5 4 123 Brind ..143 Creba '. ...103 Morris 173 Wick 131 679 749 2 3 160 159 151 102 148 720 2 137 149 175 152 147 "CO 2 147 157 113 132 175 Totals ,.: G73 724 The league standing to date 117 158 159 103 175 712 3 149 197 171 153 178 853 3 131 158 120 171 158 738 W. L. Pts. 99 Taxi ... 5 1 5 Oyro Club .. 3 0 3 Dry Dock 2 4 2 Oilers l 5 1 Royal Hotel 1 2 1 3! October 1 Stones Clothiers vs. 4 1 Peoples Store, Pete-a-Repeat vs, 3 2 2 BOWLING SCHEDULE Sav-Mor, Pushovers vs, Rinkey1 nl.i.. .. . .: 1 iiiks, loners vs. standard oil. Alley Kittens vs. Woanjas, Alley Cats vs. Bankers. Five absolute divorce decrees ! 226 1631 oo tvvI rtofpntpH ri1or: ) tn 1 were eranted bv Mr Justice A M ; ana on me United tstaies transport KVlChak. now beings- oarr 212 136lin the standing for the time being, Manson in Supreme Court here reennf ltinnpf at. thp vnrri .wonnnie jua asu A survevnr at. this nnrt will Hp an nssnranp tn all fa- Arlington 162 138 persons concerned that Prince Rupert can do work equal Handicap 80 so to any in the country. Any criticism made by this paper Totars ZZZ"Zm 1009 in connection with 'the dry dock has never been at the i Sav-Mor i z quality of the work done but rather at the economic Brand 165 213 aspect of the work. All reports indicate that the actual ,Alger 136 117 work on the ships has been excellent. Important Gathering . . . Stegavig 221 Ericksen 157 S. Nelson 154 Handicap 144 Totals ! 917 Albert & McCaffery 1 248 167 ! last night and assumed leadership at the week-end in cases of Cloke 168; m the standing fo rthe time being. vs. Cloke, Wilson vs. Wilson, Wat-210 ! at least. Dry Dock defeated Royal: son vs- Watson, Weir vs Weir, and 80 : Hotel 2 to 1 In the second fixture. Hardy vs. Hardy. 924 1 individual, scores were as fol- T. W. Brown was counsel for 3 lows: 163i Royal Hotel 1 75 Jack 151 249 213 Forman 144 petitioners in the first three cases 2 3 :and W. O. Fulton in the last 160 147 two. 139 171 141 171 -"'" 114 113 125 147 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 PHASER STREET Prince Rupert Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving September 30, October 11 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - I'lione 568 Its Your Duty to SA VE GAS IT'S OUR DUTY To HELP FOC . . . either by tuning up your present car at a minimum cost or else by trading in for one that wiU give you maximum MILEAGE and RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of Chrysler Products Phone 566 .For' Emergency Night Service Call COLIN MILLER, BLUE 805 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office I. I ni Haw and Pasteurized 3l'"v VALENTIN DAIIY MONK 65'