PAGE TWO JULIA ARTHUR and TANGO PUMPS New Fall Designs Just Arrived! "GIANELLE" PUMPS IN HIGH HEEL, LATEST CRUSHED KID, SOFT DULL CALF AND SUEDES Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PMNCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR MKMKF.H OK THE CANADIAN I'HESS j The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use tat publication of all news dpftp&tclws credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the! local news published therein. All rights of republication of npeotal despatches therein are also reserved SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One1 Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail. $3.00 a Year. ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion 25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion 02 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29, 19-11. j An Outstanding Citizen ... In the death of M. P. McCaffery, whose funeral is to take place tomorrow, Prince Rupert loses an outstanding citizen. He was a man who was always ready to support any movement which he considered to be in the general interests of the city and the citizens. As an ardent Catholic, Mr. McCaffery was, we think A large number of members and had arranged for the evening. CONSTIPATED? CORRECT IT! This Easy Way Eliminates Harsh "Dosing" LONDON, Canada: When you treat constipation with harsh cathartics it's only temporary relief. Your constipation may be caused by lack of the right kind of "bulk" in your diet. KELLOGG'S ALL-HRAN helps supply "bulk" needed for regularity. ALL-BRAN is so good, with cream, milk, fruit juices, or in hot muffins. Eat ALL-BRAN every day and drink plenty of water. Hut remember, ALL-BRAN doesn't work like purgatives; it takes time. In two convenient sizes at your grocer's. Or in individual serving packages at restaurants. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. we can say, often the right-hand man of Right Kevr.&ST Bishop Bunoz and therefore outstanding in helninir to dfy ' October.' keep the best possible understanding between his church Jcto wuimm" opinion are universally valued, told me that the Canadian Corps, in its men, officers and command, is the finest and best equipped military force that has ever assembled to fight for Britain. Moreover the people of the' United Kingdom gain much psychologically from the' presence of the Canadians, whose irrepressible cheerfulness and constant readiness to help spread sunshine all' around them even in the least exhilarating seasons of the! English climate." POINT BLANKET SALE! One Day Only 4-Point size 72"x90u; weight 12 lbs. Regularly at $27.00. Now. pair 3-Polnt, size 63"x8P; weight 10 lbs. Regularly at $22.00. Now, pair $22.00 S17.00 Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. A. D. 1941. I was en- Off-tial Administrator Prince Ruprt, B.C! UMI Itr.C.ISTKV ACT He: frt If Irate of Title No. lii(i7-l meantime valid objection be' When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 Taxi Proprietor O. Klldal savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 841 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, OCTlBEj Program Was ANNETTE'S BAZAAR BY MuchEnjoyed MOVE UPi LUTHERANS Fine Affair Monday Night at First Presbyterian Church. Are Tied With Savoy Swingers, for Successful Affair by Lutheran First Place Lucky Strikes Ate Runners-Up. friends enjoyed a pleasant eve- ning in the hall of First Presby- Annette's defeated Savoy Swing-terian Church on Monday under last night in the regular week-the auspices of the Women's Mis- ly fixtures of the Ladies' Bowling sionary Society. The speaker for League and the two teams are the occasion was Cant. (Rev.i J. E. now tied for the leadership in the Whittles, who spoke on some as- standing. Dects of his work as a missionary The game in the interior part of the province. Miss Frances Moore and Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby contributed a piano and vocal solo respectively and in each case were called back for an encore. Cpl.. Donald MacLennan delivered two "Stanley Holloway" monologues: Pte. Joy rendered a vocal solo a".d when encored, re-SDonded with a humorous dialect monologue Major A. Mac were as follows: Annette's, 2; Savoy, 1. Rangers, 3; Blue Birds, 0. Optimists. 2; Stylettes. 1. Pioneers, 2; Big Sisters. 1. Lucky Strikes. 2; Knox Hotel, 1. Dot Balllnger had the high single score of 258 and also the high average of 242. The individual scoring: The league standing: Won Lost Lennan, delighted the audience Annette's 14 with his presentation of "The Savoy Swingers 14 Courtship of McGlashan and an- Lucky Strikes 13 other Scottish monologue Blue Birds 12 Rev. A. F. AlacSween was in the Rangers 12 chair for the occasion and spoke Big Sisters 9 briefly of the Importance of the Pioneers 9 missionary enterprise of the Stylettes 9 church at this time. Hearty Knox Hotel 8 thanks were expressed to the ar- Optimists 5 'lists who had assisted with the program and to the ladies who savoy swinge results last ni?,ht McLeod 131 Basso-Bert 215 Wesch 149 Smith : 137 LaBelle 166 Totals 828 Annettes 1 SelliV I63 Realign -IM Owen ....J. 157 Nickerson ..t?.'. 159 Dickens 125 Handicap 12 Totals 785 Bluebirds 1 Boulter 142 Turgeon .219 Jennings - 184 Hartwlg 130 Keren 173 MacDonald Handicap 13 Totals 861 Rangers l. ' Peterson 233 IX TIIK MTKK.MK COIUT OMIKITlMI Kellett vl Ill c om miiiv 189 iii I'n.iwte James 182 in the .Mailer f in? ".iiimiiiMnitioii Balllnger 235 111 the Matter of 'the Kstale of John I?3.?12313 9 Williams WeIN, li.iense.1 Intestate Totals 1021 StvlMtix l Admiuistrt;r of the eetatc of Mone 112 v Wtlls. deceased and ell CiCCOne 136 7 7 8 9 9 12 12 12 13 16 132 142 182 130 112 C98 2 184 204 143' 175 120 12 838 2 126 188 221 148 132 13 816 2 190 217 173 181 253 9 1028 Pts. li 14 13 12! 12 9 9 9 8 3 117 103 121 165 167 673 3 158 250 149 190 157 12 916 Ladies' Aid Saturday. rs had a booth which aroused interest. They sold fancy work, home-made candy and soft drinks. The bazaar continued through and the other churches in the city and the community as lr 'SffftorSS Nelson .m 127 i7s01sen- No- 167- a rci il f io r-nnn i 4-V - 1 came rur rr.1 v verifier Turn ict 167 100 inn' Necktie", ecKue' rinr existing today between the churches. 'a 1941. a,nd H parties MS J the S, Mr. McCaffery always took a leading part in public affairs and his advice was sought by a great many of his Da,ttU at Prluc Rupe b.c, hi friends and business associates as being of great value.' day "hSSX NORMAN a A. WATT. He was a shrewd businessman and it was owing to his leadership and activity that the Fishermen's Cold Storage plant was erected and successfully operated on the( waterfront. As president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com-i hierce, as mayor of the city and in other positions of trust and leadership he was outstanding. Finest Ever . . . 3 jLtm2, Handicap L. '.X iq 149 .130 35 Totals ...i,,,;,, .aioa Optimists 1 Timmermeister 110 Eastment 125 Domjanac 99 Postak 86 t Hingston 152 se tl One 1). City or ITl'nre 'Hup. Handicap 138 ert. In the l'roinre of ISritMi Col-, Total 710 Handicap 71 Totals 706 Pioneers 1 Hansen ioe IGunn 125 .Yager 81 AicKeown 111 Scharff 171 Handicap ,...113 Totals 707 ! Knox Hotel 1 'Aasen 130 Christiansen 121 Eyrord .145 uaiesK go Brasell 132 Handicap 163 Totals 780 2 133 110 238 35 810 2 183 127 113 157 176 138 894 WHEREAS Mtlsfactory proof of Uie 1 . loss of the above Certtncate of Title "lg Sisters 2 Issued in the name of Roger Frances , Gomez .. 134 'infl . , imi 111 .11113 oiuce, n rlfpnc ' iei notice Is hereby given hat I shall .7 . -151: at, luie eicpiration of one month from J"weu 109 ine oare cr line Ilrat ipublloation hereof, Knn rt 1 ir W. K. ninrlstnnp ATiifrav rronovol mnnnn-nv. i-U.Jln "eu of aid lost Certificate, unless I eXander 96 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, in a recent address datto"! Jut5!' is reported as saying: "My visit to the Canadian Corps in Britain was an unforgettable experience. A distinguished British general, veteran of several wars, one whose iudtrmenr. nrul Prtrce Rwpert, B. C,( this 14th day of WC1 , 10ft. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of Titles, 72 89 193 143 71 736 2 145 167 111 108 107 113 751 2 114 108 145 165 167 163 8G2 3 156 172 I The Lutheran Ladles' Aid heldi its annual bazaar last Saturday at the Metropole Hall and it proved to be very successful. The presi-! dent, Mrs. Chris Johnson was in' general charge. During the afternoon there war. a tea ana sale 01 riome cooKing. Those serving were Mrs. T. Sollen and Mrs. L. Sandvar. Mrs. A. Dybhavn and Mrs. B. Pedersen had charge of the home cooking, and Mrs. Chris Jensen and Mrs. N. Luth the sale of fancy work. Mrs. P. Lien and Mrs. P. Bergsrth looked after the raffles, Mrs. H. Holkestad the chance table, and Clarice Johnson the fish pond. In charge of the kitchen were Mrs. H. Sorenson, Mrs. Mostad and Mrs. Paulsen. Mrs. H. Johanson acted as cashier. The little help- out the evening with drawings and informal entertainment. Those contributing to the enjoyment of the evening were Pat McClymont with piano solos, Mrs. A. Dybham with vocal solos, Violet Wick and Edith Murvold with vocal duets, and Dickie Skog with violin solos. P. Lien was the accompanist. John Dybhavn gave a brief outline of the progress made on the new church building. Drawings resulted as follows: End table, donated by Furniture, won by Chris No. 181. Chicken, donated by Market, won by Eldora No. 229. Bullcley ' Chicken, donated by Jones' Market, won by Mrs. J. John- 3 son. No. 90. 173 1 Set of salad forks, donated hv I5JMrs. J. Munthe, won by Mrs 186 Lien, No. 138. . . I $3.00 worth of dry cleaning, do-j 171 nated by Ideal Cleaners, won by; 122 13 812 3 197 mi 218" 150 234 9 919 Edith Murvold. No. 340. Box of chocolates, donated by Y I " . 1 I Johnson, No. 391. Power Co., won by John Hall, No.i 696. Book ends, donated by Gordon's Hardware, won by Mrs. Paulson, No. 372. Two lbs. coffee, donated by Sunrise Grocery, won by Chris Johnson, No. 436. Flower vase, donated by Gordon's Hardware, won by Melvin aonaiea Dy Kupert, 208 Men's Clothing Store, won by John 35 Hall, No. 323, and Roy Olsen. No.l 840 235. I I Five lbs. coffee, donated by B. 3 .Pedersen, won by Gunnar Selvig,! 102 No. 527. 123' Box of apples, donated by P. 127.Leland, won by Auslaug Holke-148 stad, No. 243. 15D Dav rt nnn1n 1 , 138 793 3 231 117 I0l 186 188 71 891' 3 78" 118 115 162 140 113 726 3 157 124 129 128 95 163 796 Lucky Strikes l' 2 3 Menzie3 135 124 170 McPhee ...174 226 137 Warri 119 109 181 Peacock 127 239 147 Cameron 186 183 199 Handicap j. .. 35 35 85 Total 776 916 869 Mixed Bowling October 29 Woanjas vs. Sav-Mor, Peoples Store vs. Bankers, ,Rlnkey Dinks vs. Standard Oil, Pushovers vs. Alley Kittens, Pete-a-Repeat vs. Toilers, Stones Clothiers vs. Alley Cats. ui copies, uuimicu Dy mis, J. Iversen. won by Mrs. L. Pedersen, No. 675. Sack of potatoes, donated by John Wick, won by Roy Olsen, No. 352. Cross stitch tablecloth won by CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.C., Ph.C. Wallace Block - Phone 640 W mwn Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving October 21, November 4 and 18 Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - phone 5C8 For Vancouver Tuesday S.S. Catala .... 1:30 p.m. Thursday S.S. Prince George 11:15 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess Wednesday S.S. Prince George 10 a.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide a.m.' S.S. Frince Rupert 10 a.m. S.S Cardena pm, linger Petersen, Box 633, with No. '206. Embroidered linen tablecloth won by Mrs. Thos. Boulter, with No. 485. Madeira pillow cases won by Mrs. G. Selvig, No. 390. Embroidered scarf and doily, won by Anne G. Sorenson, No. 493. Mrs. Inge Valen and A. Dybhavn were winners In a bean guessing contest, the correct number of beans in the Jar being 295. I RAILWAY I LINES This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Lie-Control Board or by the Government of Briti:;s Ccluau Steamship Sailings r (Si iL A Rfintilrnl. Retail prices cum are as follows: Adelaide 2 p.m. Eggs S.S Cardena 10:30 p.m.. B.C. Fresh Extras, Grade A Saturday-S.S. Prince Large, cartoned, do n a. 11.tE MM uupert ii Local, new laid, duz Oct. 7. 20 and 29 ; S.S. Princess Louise p.m. Fruit From Vancouver Anjou Pears, doz. Sunday S.S. Catala p.m. Tokay Grapes, lb Wednesday S.S. Prince ; Cranberries, lb. George 10:00 a.m. Pomegranates, each Friday S.S. Princess Grapefruit, Calif. Adelaide a.m Lemons, doz. 35c ;. SJ3. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Orange, doz., ihv S.S. Cardena p.m. Bananas, lb. September. 22 ' J Oct. 15 and 25- App,cs For Stewart and Premier - ?"ra,ce ucok'n 5 ib Mcintosh Reds f;.: Sunday-SS. Catala 8 pmi Friday-S.S. Prince ,Vtra.P1udV,b0X ' : Mcintosh Reds. u:,wr : .3ca Rupert 3 pm hnv . r.'-rt ct i i r, t. w" " Grimes Golden. u:;wn . . . I lUr0Cai: a"m- Delicious, fancy wraP Golden Delicious v George 8 p.m. K Mostad, ' For Ace Arm ' i N'aas River and Port Simpson I Sunday S.S. Catala 8 p.m. From Alice Arm, ..N'aas River and Port Simpson P For Ocean Falls I Thursday S5. Prince George 11:15 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. I Coffee Maker, donated by B. C. I From 0cr an Fa,ls Jl 4t' sr.? .55 1! jj A ft: 5 71 1.8 peo 15? : COX 13 12 Economy Blade In the British Empire- 'Mow 4- m In l I J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls and Powell Klver. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full information, reservations, etc. call or write It. S CiREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Ave.. Phone 260, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Transatlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS "PRINCESS .ADELAIDE" Every Friday, 2 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT ' Oct. 7thr 20th, 29th, Nov. 7th, 17th and 27th. ,To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Oct. 2nd, 15th, 25th, Nov. 3rd, 13th and 23rd. Direct connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets anil Itesrrvntlnn f rum W. L. Coates, General Agent, Prince Rupert, RC