HlKV nine flEr"HU: I J lib o'-' This delicious wholewheatcereal 'Z - - . made from wheat from of the wheat germ . removed. lUH A product ot IIIHyh, tntditn Shtmddtd H Vjt n.a -impmny Limifd ISpP In FOR BREAKFAST, be sure the youngsters get foods that are rich in energy. Cubs contain the whole wheat the precious' wheat germ, the bran, the minerals, the protein. This wholesome, nourishing food is delightfully tasty, too. Mellow malt blends its goodness with the nut -like flavor of the whole wheat. Cubs come to your table crisp, crunchy toasted a golden brown. Get a package of Cubs from your grocer today. THE NEW WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL :M WOODBURY S I SPECIAL For a Limited Time Only Woodbury's Hand Lotion Smooths, softens t . . 25c Woodbury's Hcauty Cream Facial, old or Cleansing 50c Both for 50c Ormes Ltc CK? Pioneer Druqpiats Ihe Rciall store Fhones 81 ft II Open Dally from S a.m. till 10 p.m. Hundajf and Uolldayi from 12 to 2 p.m. and 1 to 9-m. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD TLACE TO BUY ('0GSWKLL CIIAIRS WITH OTTAMANS chairs are covered in a hich crade motlrproof COwrintr Tl,n., i: i 1 Onopml $38.50 T0 $56.50 J2fl ird Avenue rhone 775 Sflt intere,sting to know when reading the Daily gjfe pjople of the,whole district are doing the Col. J. W. Nicholls left pn last ev ening's train tp spend a few days visiting at Lake Kathlyn where Mrs. Nicholls has been spending some time. Ffre Chief and Mrs. H. T. Lock and daughter, Miss Marie Lock, will leave on the Camosun Saturday night to spend ten days holidaying at Tlell. Word has been received In the city of the success of Miss Joyce oillett. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Glllett, In Junior matricula tion examinations. Her name naa i not appeared In the recently pub-. Ushed official lists. FOR SALBi I MP FOR SALE Crane gate and globe valves, just like new, household doors and windows, 1 bathtub, 2 Phone Blk 324. B.C. Furniture, 3rd Ave. ? mi "THE DAILY NEwSr i'AQE THREE IeMORE THOUGHT TP YOUR BREAKFAST LOCAL NEW NOTES f Jitterbug s Leave your names Dr. and Mrs. N. M. Carter and two vjrlth Louis Felsenthal, Peoples Store, for entry in Civic Centre .Carnival! Contest. (184) Mrs. Jack Sutherland la nroerexs- Ing at the Prince Rupert General Hospital where a serious operation was performed last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant will leave on tomorrow's train for Smlthers where they will pick up their car and drive through the Qkanagan to Vancouver where It is their intention to take up future residence, returning occasionally to Prince Itupert to visit. On the way south they will make a side-trip In to Oootsa Lake for some fishing. sons, David and Bruce, George Baker and Jack Cade left on last evening's train for Cedarvale. The party Is planning on climbing the Seven Sisters mountains. Tonight's train due to arrive -from the East at 12:00 Daylight Saving TJme Ls reported to be on time. tea r.AOD K'r ... wm, , Cnation Milk is imooth, creamy double-rich. There' nothing like it to bring out the full tempting coffee flavour. Keeps indefinitely in the cm economical and irradiated for extra "un&ine" vitamin D. Jppm Contented Cows Lee Gordon ls a patient In the ! Prince Rupert General Hospital ; where he Is reported to be making satisfactory progress. ! Major T. W. Sutherland, area medical officer, was an Interesting speaker at the regular weekly .luncheon of the Prince Rupert Ro-Itarv Club today. President P. H. Llnzey was In the chair and there was a fair attendance of members .with a few guests. Herman Eneleke returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a brief business trip to ocean Falls. cash register, beds, springs and J Gorman SNeison, manager of Nel-mattresses, studio couches, ch.es- son Br0S- Fisheries Ltd. here, re-terflelds, unpalnted chests and turned to the city on the Princess trip to Wrangell on cannery busi ness. BAKERY for sale or rem m uie m- nillineham. . n j-i ..ll-l mnn I "o-v - ' tenor or m,. auiwiwe divisional commander of the Sal and wife. Good living ana jieauy Nm0iem Brltlsh business. Apply Dally News Box head 134- ill! Quarters at Wrangell. arrived in mo caivQoniPrt Tpndprs will be the cltv from the north on the Suite 4. v, thn linrfprsiCTied ud Princess lxiuise yesieraay unci to noon of Saturday, August 23rd, 'noon to pay one of his periodical inn tn, iv, r,,irh!iKP of Lot 19. visits here and elsewhere In this ninolc 8 Section 1. City of Prince district. This week-end accompan- r.. ioindro f hn lcllnff and led bv Amutani urunsaen ana v,auw contents, situate at 1008 2nd Av- 'Suddaby, he will conduct a series of uuhf r anv tender not'eoneress meetings this week-end. necessarily accepted. Terms: among the native people at Casslar Strictly cash. Norman A. Watt, cannery. . J!l.l.lm rf fhp P!tatp of nrvrer F Perry, deceased. ) Rev. Father Anthony Meulenberg . of Stewart, who has been on a ' F,Qlt KBNl trip to Ketchikan, arrived in the . u n city on the Princess Louise yesier- BEDROOM for rent. Phone Green afternoon) on hl3't.way BOARlTANi) kooj Viuu . . i WANTED Companion for sick lady out of town. For further particulars phone Black 697. (185) WANTED Ypung man for day work. Apply Chris Mill. (tf) WANTED Porter, .Central Hotel. . (186)1 WANTED Olrl with experience In bookkeeping and typing, uive age, experience and references. Write P. O. Box 987. (tf) .irimrnnn!it nr bull 20-25 ft., ' u! sailboat or one wnica cumu . converted. Pay cash, moaeraie. Apply Dally News, Box 135. I w ANTED Magazines for aisiriDu-NeWSI tlon among troops. Phone 765, Same. Y.M.C.A. for collection. (185) back to Stewart. noon. 1 I V Iff v nnARD and room, close in. Phone -kon commercial airplane pilot, and nio ofis. w. :Mrs. wasson ana lamuy wwe WANTED WANTED Applications will be re- f ,.S Jam oipH fnr an exDenencca for King Edward School up to noon( August 11- Apply cwy nassensrers aboard tne princess Louise yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. A. W. Allaire, who has been In V10 rpii tVo nnd I.i.ird River -vo Tnef civ wppIcs nri (187) -so in connection with duties as " census enumerator, returned to . . An vrnnsp do house WANTED- Woman to m . . 1.. flin Rtn avpnup weM. worK. Appiy t; .Princess Princess Louise yesterday LONG-ESTABLISHED Legion Hall after- Life Insurance was first sold In Canada about the middle of the 19th century. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Cambral Tea. Aug. 9. Canadian 102nd. Auxiliary Dance Armouries August 15. Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 3. HONORS BY GYRO CLUB (Continued from Page One) lows" and the giving of hearty cheers. The evening's program included acceptable vocal solos by G. L. Cripps who was accompanied by Charles P. Balagno. The latter part of the evening -was spent in dancing for which music was provided by Mrs. ue Carlo's Orchestra. Shortly before midnight the party broke up with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" : and "God Save the King." Those nrasent were Mr. and. Mrs. William Crulckshank, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bal-, agno, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Watts,1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bulger. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. D. Q. Borland, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc-Rae, Mr. and Mre. M. H. MiLean. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibb, Capt and Mrs. T- A. McWarers, Mr. and Mrs. G. C Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rorle. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Flaten, Mrs. G. W. Cripps, Mrs. Case, Miss Irene Anderson. Miss Maxlne McLean,, Miss Florence Macdonald, Miss Creddie Morgan- Robert Sutherland, R. S. Greig. G. T. H. Little, Dr. R. G. Large, G. L. Cripps, Dr. Jens Munthe, H. S. Meadows, Dr. C. H. Hankinson. L. M. Asemlssen. E. D. Southby and Capt. Cheney. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central J. Shamlock. Edmonton: H. E. Buss, Vancouver; H. G. West, Vic toria; George Bunting, Prince Rup-. ert. Prince Rupert Carl R. Stolberg, Seattle; H. W. G. Marshall, R. S. Grelg. A. A. ShiDD. Vancouver: J. H. Jefferies, Prince Rupert; H. J. Bradbury, A. M. Whisker. Victoria; F. Miller, Kaien Cedar Mill; E. T. Kenney, R. w. Riley. Terrace. SAV-MOR GROCERY Specials ALL-BRAX Kellogg's OAp Regular pkt Oxo Cubes Large 23 C tin Corn Syrup Crown "flfip brand, 2 lb Icing Sugar UUy 22f 2-lb. pkt TEi Blue Ribbon. 1-lb. pkt JIarrob Sliced Pineapple 3 for Royal City Cut Green Corn Beef Helmet l's 63c Jif Flakes 22C Colgates Soap Deal 6 assorted bars ... BDTTER First grade. 3 lbs. for 25c 19c 23c $1.25 Miracle Whip Salad OJ Dressing 16 oz ' Classic Cleanser 4 for Grapenuts Flakes Pkt - Pet Dog Food -j -lb. tin CATSUP Heinz. 12 oz 19c Apricots Royal City. glC it 1UI Libby's Mixed .... Vegetables 2 for 27c Cake Flour Swans- 90 n down . PORK AND BEANS Libby's, l's tall. 25c 3 for Quaker Corn Flakes Op Pke Flakewhite Vegetable f ftp Siioricnnis -" Diced Beets lR.n7. tin Sav-Mor Grocery 9c Oranges-Sweet Q1 00 and Juicy. 4 doz. vv Save Our Coupons for Valuable Free Gifts Civic Centre Carnival Aug 18-22. pjJONE 228 August Furniture Sale Jccasiopal Phair?- 9,95 Sale price, each Elio's Furniture Store THIRD riiiDn AVENUE AVrVTTC RAILWAY " LINES Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm. The Latest mi-1mt. Radios and Victrolas Little Nipper Q4Q QC Model A20 All CKK Standard radio W wave table set P W Master Nipper .fl O C QC Model A23 All OfM 3 QJ! 3 W4P$P Standard radio wave table set Duo AC-DC or batteries. All wave S59 50 portable - , Model A24 De lux all wave table 7900 set - Model A31 All wave $15400 console Model VR44 All wave radio-Victrola 9950 combination - - - Model VR52 All wave radio-Victrola automatic 298 00 de lux console - - ' Portable Victrolas $1995 " $29.50 YOUR BEST BUY F.QR PETTER RADIO Trade in Allowance-Easy Terms and Quality Service that ' r.naranlPP You SatUfaction in Every Particular UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. EVENING DANCE CRUISE By S.S. "CAMOSUN" FRIDAY, AUGUST 8th Leaving C.N.R. Dock 8:00 pjn. D.S.T. Returning 11:00 p.m. Music by DeCarlo's 5-piece Dance Orchestra Refreshments served aboard EXCURSION FARE $1.00 (Plus Tax) Accommodation Comfortably Limited Canadian Pacific - Transcontinental rfrans- Atlantic Trans-Pacif ic t VononnuiT via. Ocean Falls, and -Way Ports gj3. prilNCESStaiAE'E.very Friddy 1 pan. P-S.T. " .TO VANCOUVER DIRECT Aug. 2nd, 6th, 9th, 13th, 16th, 23rd, 27th, 30th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway August 4th, 8th, 11th, 22nd, 25th, September 1st Direct ConnecUon at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert,, B.C. " m ,. Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 p.m. P.S.T.. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Saturday at 4:00 p.m. r.s.i., caiung ai utxaii ra..a Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. P.S.T. Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. P.S.T. Alr-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cars IB For full information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. rhone 260, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines If you lose anything, advertise for it. ( n