PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEW3 DAILY EDITION MEN Hartt Shoes ... are admittedly the peak of high-grade shoemaking in Canada. The variety of lasts ensure a correct fit for every type of foot, be it narrow or Wide. Ilartt's Naval, Air Force and Military Officers Shoes Are Here. Family shoe store lt! The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL WEDNESDAY, OCT. 8, 1941. Nazi Offensive . . . Germany has tried a number of all-out offensives against Russia. Those who listen to the radio will remember hearing that Odessa had been taken, that the Germans had entered Leningrad, that Murmansk had been captured by the invaders. Also at 'Smolensk the Russians were badly defeated, according to Berlin. In fact a couple of weeks ago the Russians were so badly beaten on all fronts that they could not recover. On each of these fronts the attacks failed to achieve their objectives. Now the Germans are starting a new offensive. Also the Russian defendershave been strengthened and while we know little about the real condition at each point, there is little to indicate that the present offensive will be any more successful than were the others. Labor in Australia ... Labor has captured the reins of power in Australia, but there probably will not be very much change injthe policy of the country. The Laborites are pledged toan all-out support of the war and it is impossible to make any considerable .policy changes while giving full support to the war. This will not be Australia's first experi-ene with a Labor government. THERE IS NO OTHER TOBACCO JUST LIKE OLD CHUM OLD CHUM The Tobacco of Quality 111! I ll I in CH1R0PMT0R uiwwiiiivi,vn J- Bouzek TA1L0R LADIES' and GENTS' Stanley ,V. Colton, D.C., il'h.C. Best Materials. Workmanship Wallace Block . Phone 640 Second Ave two doors from Broadcasting Station ARE TIED FOR LEAD Annette's and Lucky Strikes on Even Terms In Ladies' Five-Pin League Now. Annette's and Lucky Strikes are now In a tie for the leadership of the Ladles' Bowling League as a result of play last night when the former scored a clean sweep three games to nil victory over Optimists while the latter were being defeated two games to one by Big Sisters. Blue Birds, with a clean sweep three games to nil victory over Knox Hotel, hopped into third place. The results last night were as follows: Big Sisters, .2; Lucky Strikes, 1. Annette's, 3; Optimists, 0. Blue Birds, 3: Knox Hotel, 0. Rangers, 2; Stylettes, 1. 1 Pioneer Laundry, 2 ; Savoy Swingers, 1. Individual scores were as follows: Big Sisters B. Gomez 95 169 159 J. Dickens (40) 118 109 99 E. Rothwell (131 145 97 132 M. Bond (11) 178 152 219 V. Alexander .(39) 124 144 159 Totals 763 774 871 Lucky Strikes Menzies ( ) 182 142 170 Hague (13) 177 119 188 Warren (35) 134 116 137 Peacock ( ) 146 130 122 Cameron ( 7) 149 157 142 Totals 843 719 814 Optimists D. Eastment (50) 51 N. Postak ( 8) 128 M. Damjanac ....(30) 157 A. Kingston ( 9) 107 Timmermeister (35) 91 Totals 666 Annette's Selig (14) 251 Reaugh ( 4) 229 Owen ( 4) 190 Nickerson ( 7) 172 Dickens (15) 132 Totals 1018 Blue Birds '.Turgeon ( ) 181 Boulter ( 8) 122 Jennings i 3) 194 Hartwig (10) 233 'Keron ( 7) 181 'MacDonald (27) Totals 939 Knox Hotel Zelisko (24) 113 Christiansen (36) 159 Cyford (34) 78 Paleskl (50) 85 Brasell (15) 152 Totals "746 Stylettes Stone ( 3) 136 Clccone Ul) 147 ' ' Nelson ,180 Turgeon (22) 136 Lautens. ( 6) 139 j Totals 780 I Rangers Peterson 198 Robins ( 3) ;199 Kellett 204 ' James 129 'Ballinger 221 Totals 954 108 80 70 108 65 96 175 150 108 130 658 696 142 190 162 148 130 168 203 231 138 207 819 983 168 174 168 158 261 177 134 158 207 96 917 857 79 89- 158 116 104 88 47 74 192 188 739 714 181 209 155 214 130 153 71 141 226 174 805 933 201 194 76 179 .238 147 192 90 201 207 911 820. Savoy Swingers Smith 120 151 113 McLeod 140 ,250 204 Basso-Bert 187 199 139 Mesch 150 210 183 LaBelle 186 191 203 Totals 783 1001 843 Pioneers Hansen (33) 117 189 118 Gunn (22) 126 150 121 Jager (43) 107 146 142 McKeown (21) 168 122 171 Scharff (25) 128 182 147 Totals 790 933 843 The league standing to date: W L Pts. Lucky Strikes .9 3 9 Annette's 9 3 0 Savoy Swingers .7 5 7 Knox Hotel 6 6 6 Optimists 3 9 3 Stylettes 5 77 5 I Pioneers 4 8 4 Rangers 5 7 5 Bluebirds 8 4 8 Big Sisters 4 8 4 IS THE BITKKMi: rOl'KT OK HltlTISII roM'-MIIIA IN PHOHATE In (lie .Matter of the "Administration Act" And n the .Matter of Hie .Ktte of Peverln vt)uliin, OrceiiM-il lnletute TAKE NOTICE that toy onder of His Honor. VV. E. Flrtier, made on the 19th day of September, A. D. 1841. I wa appointed Administrator of the Estate of Sevcrln O'Qulnot, deceased, and all pnrtles having claims alnt the said estate are hereby required to f urn Mi same, properly verified, to me on or before the 22nd day of October. A. D. 1941. and ell parties Indebted to the ertale are required to pay the amount w uiejr tnoeimednew to me forthwith. DATED lit Prince Rupert. B. C thii 22nd day ol September. A. D. 1841. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. 'Men's First Aid 1 Gyro Club Still Class Under Way Back of Project Twenty-Three Enrolment as First Full Lecture Is Given. With twenty -three enrolments, city men's first aid class of the local St. John's Ambulance Association got fully under way Monday night, the full lecture and demonstration being given by Instructor Angus .Macdonald. Those enrolled are O. S. Moore. John P. Allan, Alex MacSween. O. C. Young, J. C. Gilker. P. G. Jones. W. H. Shortridge. R. Moore, Donald Mclvor, Charles Holland, Neil Lang, C. H. Leighs. T. L. Davies. Robert ,Reld. W. E. Denning. Geoige Phillipson. D. R. Barclay, S. J. Hunter. G. A. Hunter. Fred Brooksbank, Vic Houston, S. A. Cheeseman and N. S. K. Brewer. John Dybhavn. Norwegian consul here, .has received a communication from Konrad Knudsen. prominent Norwegian editor and member of parliament, confirming speaking arrangements made in connection with a visit of Mr. Knudsen. to Prince Rupert next week. Mr. Knudsen will arrive on the Prince R u p e r t Wednesday morning from the south and will address the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon with a public meeting in Norwegian that evening. On Thursday he will address the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at luncheon and in the evening address a public meeting in English. After leaving here, Mr. Knudsen will stop off on his way down the coast to visit Ocean Falls and Bella Coola. TUNE IX Thursday Night i! R. L. Maitland K.C. B.. C Conservative Leader The present government effers nothing but a continuation of policy that has cost B. C. taxpayers $41,000,000 spent, on our Dublic roads. Hear the Conservative plan for real highway development over your local radio station. RADIO STATION CBR 8:30 '9 p.m. TOMORROW NIGHT Will Oive Support To Drive For iFunds For Civ.V Centre Which I It Conceived The Prince Rupert Gyro Club was in regular monthly business se&sion at the weekly luncheon today. A number of matters of club business were disposed of. Having pioneered the idea and already having a large financial stake in the fund, the club Is. of course, solidly behind the civic centre project and the campaign for funds which Is about to be instituted. Committees for the forthcoming Hallowe'en hoedown dance were announced. President W. F. Stone was 4n the chair and there was a good attendance of members. 98. Classified ads. get results. Phone Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAKDEXA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving September 30, October 11 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 568 Some very generous gifts of cigarettes for general distribution have been made to the British Columbia Overseas Tobacco Fund in charge of wnlch in London Is W. A. McAdam, acting agent-general for Brltlih Columbia. Resident of Telegraph Creek, Willow River and Vanderhoof are among those who have made such gifts.-The fund is represented, here by the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce which operates the fund in this district. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office NEW and USED FURNITURE 2 Kitchen Tables 1 Coal Range 2 Water Tanks 1 National Cash Register Household Doors Hie Lot of Windows 1 Single Hod, Complete B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE .BLACK 321 Third Ave. SELLING OUT SALE 2500.00 STOCK CommenciiiR Thursday, Oct. 9, at 9 o'clock, we are putting all Dry Goods. Hardware and Stationery on sale at cost or lower. All sales are strictly cash. McCubbiirs General Store PACIFIC, n. c. Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia New 1942 Models WEDNESDAY I I C "CH...W. ira- re. ' V ' lui lutdrrt t -i . r- I ka lfi r.r.i. t;,i . - j- Scripture enj e UKuimcni wrj iple boct, Wboieiale tow.. I I r" I I ft-.: - vl The EAST rtnSay.j COAL Co. will appreiia age given v , service and -.. , Cu H. CASEY. Mrr Phone 755 ot Green I;;' When You Want-OOOI) TAXI SERVirEi 235 Taxi Proprietor . k, j Attention Ladies! Just received men- FUR COATS -in the You are all i..-. j and look on Prices to so t:; ;f pocketbook Rc v X; have an ea?y r. GOLDBL00M "The Old Reliable1 SAVOJ HOT EL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. BoiW FKASER STREET Prince Roprrt txsrsSM ram Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guarinttfi PHONE 517 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF TINE FOODS" NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarell) Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME' Itates 75r up 50 Rooms l!m Prince Rup:- B P.O.BOll Phone 281 DODGE and PLYMOUTH Now on display at --- RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of Chrysler Products PHONE 566 EMKKftENCY- NIGHT SERVICE CAIX COLIN MILLER, BLUE 805 - i