?agz ?ozn QUICK LUHCH SAHDW1CH & CUP OF ALHTM TM HUH ill I to the Qveen's Canadian Fund for Air RaM OTestskS. eolteeted in ten d4. Among contrtbadora is one I m the Chinese Nationalist Party. toe president, wnham Ttog Lee. 12ol s1.20- 25oz. 52.30- 40oz. J3.40 H 'v.,- "JUST THAT MUCH BETTER' bwmany- HAVE YOU READ? The Voyage Valley of the Sun Fanny by Gaslight China Trader No 8tone Unturned ... Sick Heart River Out of the Night Bad Cypress ; Ik Faked Passports . uasanovas women The Tragedy faf y To Sing With the Angels . Walking the Whirlwind That none Should Die Mr. Luctoha Freedom ... Caravan for China Dangerous Water He Looked fur a rritv Random Harvest ... :.::i:z ......i... All -of tlieSe and many others are part Seeilou ioiN IT and enjoy the fa- : Morgan Kelland ...... Sadller 8pencer w Lawrence Buchan . van Jalten Christie- - Wheatley ,. Erskine ... Queen Hindus KnUht ... Slaughter Young Stuart . Chambers Hutchinson Hilton K.2B 'thn to co-operate for the en I II I KH VVforcement of peace in afl those x xvl-'l-'ujcoDtri whkh are now being so Cbinnt Contribute To Qneen'$;mreleri,r rtTen bomhs they mr en toy the rizht to St Kinr.itn, Ontario, has tent f LttlHheir own lire in the fullest meas- urea of liberty, peace and happi ness. 'Dollars mean Sfe to those ir.no- Icent rfctteu of adversity and their lo'e or death may mean peaee or writes, Iswrdon and Cbancldng are war for ottr friends and friends' j bwh wwiin. cuouien uiruugn me generations Ttte jt&serlptioa of was ac- to om. I visa an friends In eosspsnied tor a letter which reads Kingston should not ha lute to W UBomm: jsobserlbe. "Whatsoever ye would -Kart-lMnf pictures ' and'11 Jnen ouM 60 onto -yon do eye-wttnesMs desolation that is,y erra sounto tbein.' -ofc 00 in Oreat Britain the end yoor Qun' Canadian soted and stfht f rpioHne " FBnd "rtptions to DaHjr Kewj, v j ... Prince iRiirvrt R r wa uic mm rnn are H - nctest as vmtjt one daspair of the - - -k wwiy - - . ... . . . . . branch off -own m jnne as a laetor 01 ceossienee to the development j of peasdfd aed steMe hosian re-1 bctonddo. for Great Britain k-f. 'WUfa a fair-sized fist of Dxsseh- frio the greatest unchristian to- er and considerable freight eargo. JB4ee that has been recorded hi ,C1'-R stamer Prince George, CapL Lltl tf t 1" i . bhmmt. "cvuach, tiuvcu in pun - on OWoa has been forced to fight toe 34 10 '!,k Burning rral VaneooTer. PoveB Hirer and wrtnrt i-sian. Wiss to Japanese j.,,,. agression ocean Falls and aaiU at 3 o'clock tor aearty four We are do- tins afternoon for Ketchikan and tas; oar part to presenre l&erty Stewart whence she wffl return and indeseAdnce and to uphoM here tomorrow eYenin jsonthbound. the primlpk of numanitjr that has Mfld us 10 do oar part of extendta ' " . matiUmtkmt to vUAtta of the Mr, . Laura E. Jamieson M.liA. of : prtjtnt aayegfton. London and Vancouver, arrived last night on C1HBSa1.hu, are very dose tonight the Prince George at Ocean Falls It woald be strange H we could Alter a week at that point she will tnfcak of the snffernn and anguish spend a few davs in Wn p. Tlilj advertisement Is not publlshea or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Brltkh -Columbia of our Rental Library latest In reading 9 Per Month -Only 75c Change your book as quickly as yon' can read 1 TKAXVED CANADA GEESE ULN-HD. Kansas. April 3 C? Also in perfect V formation a ficcfc of Oinda tjeese traded behind a -band jssae" Uoa parid of planes owr 1C3 22r3I9DeO X0WCL STANDS ET FOCXTAIX KKEOSS. Ra?wi1. Aprfl 23: i t.r' roni oooocil defeated a iprapcvaj that the Kinross FtKislila dow.-. of Great Br:liji will rin? llhoald he rrnnmri in tv the loins of the free and inspire j safrty of pedestrians daring WHY L-Tk. SLIMS THE FIGrRE to one city without being reminded pert. Before returning to Vancou- You don t 1irant 10 10011 35 thin of the brotei bodies and heavy ver, Mrs. Janueson will visit Prince r a hkory switch but sUB you man m tne ,tnr George. Pert Fraser. Terrace andjwant 06 shm-- Soft wool sulU I hope that strength and wis- Telkwa jUk the one pictured above, either trick to perfection. Long slender .jicseu irequeritiy top a slimming pleated skirt to mininuze curves witnout destroying them. LWU HUilslHY CT K: CfrtmHie ot Till No. IS9II-I Ia .... Bl"rk Tenlj-flir (M SrrtUm (5), atf 4,t . Vrintt Kuivrt. Mp 9JJ WHEREAS sWia'txm . , let iht abow Ort If Urate of TJU haud u raw r KStpA T J. Rom- ha Men filed In hl nrrb. r ... one 01 uu? h ? a PwrUJ ... . 01 Ki Uru of th aid lott CmUiet. unimi -in meatlme Taj Id cbltctlci be mode to me In TUlne. DATED at tb Land Baetetry Office. A. Thompson DEPUTY REGISTRAR OP TITLES. "GOVERNMENT MCJI OR ACT" (Section 28) "r, J the - 1 v. u. jti, under- Control Board for a jcene In reepect iia. nwi, iTince Run- Prinw Rupert TowElte, Map 923, Prtoee te gqJfy. Prortoce of EglUon Brlttah OolumbS. District, fS ejmmpuon on the preLJS lt'ID tw 2th dar of March. A J). JOHN HOSKTN3 ,, Apolicant. TRY ;.GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bicycles, Rubbenrare, Tires, . Tubes, Etc, Vulcanized lh St. ppp. OK Barber Shop CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 010 Central Hotel Central Ilotel Annex ISO Heated Rnnmt lUflJUWater Steam Baths f JJtokl".K?iTi in:Co'rinectfon Mrs. fj. E. Black, Proprietress OT DULY KJT3 ICHANGES IN ARMY JUJutaat ti4 Mrv Eew-ard Brans- dan t f-aeeeed AojetaBt and , Mrs. Irxa Bib j In Prince Mi taper tAarnizzi ana J&rs. awara Brsnados. who hare heen In eharre of Ealratian ArrT work: at Hazel - ton for some thse. are being transferred to Prince Esnert to succeed Adrotact and Mrs. Irsa K1st thad Twenty -Five Years Ago April it. 19U Mayor M. P. McOaffery has been u)ried bv F. J Chamberlain. tre- jskient of the Grand Trunk Pacinc IHaJrwar. that efforts have been Lnade to Interest the British and I Hassan apternmeng in nslne the 1 Prince Rupert dry dock for the manufacture of munitions but that --- ibo 1 ax, jmmc pi or 1 cap uu cteen are being aored to Naaabio vhere L,a(Je, Prince Rupert, it is said, is Adjutant Haiser wm direct Arrny',, , trntr Mr tlSf a wV 4 tKsa Mf4MM ... ... . area. Adjutant and Mrs. Kalsey are BliEg Tcesdar afternoon next I on ihe Prineesi LosUe for the 'smth. Adjutazt asd ITrx. Brunston win materiab and the cost of labor is too high hi comparison -with east ern cities. Tomorrow right at the Exhibi tion Han a grand carnival in aid l be aocceeded at Hazelton by Capt.'of the Red Cross fund will ooen .and Mrs. Peter Gorrie from Kel-Jand will conttaue for two nichts joma. Jwith an elaborate program plan-! Just Completed! ICE New Ice Storage ined- CaPt Musgrave of the Ulloet J Tw7Zr p P p t 1 cSt i' has lent to e old H. M. &l lif ? at for decorating purposes. 5 octock tomorrow morning irvm tyj, Bn,9 ;gagement and forthcoming mar BERX A vancoaver ana wsfl saU later fai Servian. Jaoaneae. Indian ' of t. Theo Collart of child oiwag jrcp Aiara, TBe ss. ,o.r,, r... .."L ' Print Prince 1 iwi iVl UiC iAUI ami sum-I 'mer. ' it . Ensurinff only low temperature ice throari, fishing season Fishermen are Invited to InsnMrw Reconstructed IceslS?0 Low Temperature Dry Ice Nc- C3 g, Canadian Fish & Cold Storl Prince Rupert Co. Lfd. Brititkti 3i RuDert. who is In sprrir in cit,.. . j 1 FYance with the Belgian army, ring na:.': t'" .: and Clementine Gardner of Lon- ter, for b??' r f shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landlnggroun we shall fight in the fields and streets and in the hills. "T Vwv,VVe shall never -nrrrnrlri- , r , -m j . . z.-:' mr m kHnnniiwA a tm -cl ' aja?v the " 1 M - : .... v. .4 r- YES and such indomitable courage inspires admiration and a prayer in the heart of many Canadians that they too would have such fortitude in the midst of the Hitler menace. "BUT WHAT CAN I DO" is the common thought of millions of unassuming citizens of Canada clerks-artisans housewives school children. "HOW CAN I HIT BACK AND STRIKE A BLOW FOR THE PEOPLE OF BRITAIN ' THE ANSWER IS Save and Lend. Think of it Canadians! So little to ask sacrifice some little pleasure -sacrifice some luxury spending in order to save and lend to buy War Savings Certificates returned to you when victory is won plus compound interest. You are only asked to LEND feep tip iteuSt, ffiectae L . WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Suing' 'Cfmmillit, OtUt.