Sex I Yr k April 23. lMf.' ANTS AND SOX ON TOP tf Airt-U 23': 't(&) - , aveh$h de-. . oy BWdklnp6d'-' u l?acfers'hip,of Ua;ue, the Chicago id been runnera-up, Rids while -.nnati : i : ( j dinals, by defeat-. .a;!', Pirates, slipped Big League scores: National League ,,, o B; ston 4 (four- 1 Chicago 0. : 1 New York 4. 9. Piti 'burg ,8 (twelve American league v; - 12 Boston 5. ".2: '..j C. New York L: ; G r tevcland 3. C, De'roit 3. lc - i mdlnfi: National League York c 4 3 5 4 3 2 2 American League ' 5 4 3 3 5 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 4 5 5 4 WAKTIME PIPHMNE .750 .667 .COO .55G .444 .429 .333 5S5 J75 .200 T.i." A South Australia. Ap- P -One of Australia's leering works, con-' u 238-mile water plpe- .,b3U $10,000,090 froni -: River to thl, growing nn has beert start ?d. SPORT CHAT Trail Smoke Eaters. 1938 Allan Chfcago Blatk Charlie Gardiner nlpeg team key Associate IS WINNER CHALLENGE IN BOWLS " unA h ?yP. lnners- were welcomed tojComosers Demonstrated Their Su . , . .T n lnree years aff3! PTiority Over Toilers """".'lffi las . nlgU aIter defeang Corn- ljlst Night uc- wni "c wan, uni., fiyers at uaigary In ..vinj? on top although the final , eriee. Smoke Eaters went Washington Senat6rs". on lifer to win the world' cham pionship in Germany. In Len Cripps 165 Cy Kellett 2S6 BUY WITH YOUR EYES OPEN fW 'f 11 "ays smooth dnd straight as the day it was na'led into iSfar. Nn irackiniv. shrinking or Jarpihg Vvitli Gyproc. Build walls and ceil-lnR5 with Gyproc, and avoid expensive repairs. Notei Ordinary rtwllboanli Jo not juaYanlee lM I'ermanenfe. 3 Cyproc Gives YbU Lr'niimHsd Chefte of Decoration AH four edges of Gyproc Wallboard are veiled, so that joints may' be filled in flush rKl.vlnB You smooth, seamless walls. and "'lings that can be decorated in any style )u wish. Note: Fluth, wumleji Mlt'an& ciilirigt Cannot be o')tumeJ w,j,j, orJinary uallboardi, to that your "oice 0 decorat it e treatment ii lirrtiretl. FREE SAMPLE and Iinstratetl "6'oWet ivill be mailed on request GyjYroc, SO Muiiland St., Toronto. v TO IDENTIFY OINUINI OTPIOC I, Loit fr f "" GYPROC on bick of err 2. Look for thtGntn Sripca" htxli ililc eJurt. oVUc lV,.lJ .0 GYPR0C Fireproof WALLB0ARD (Made from Gypsum Rock) Combines All These Advantages: 1. Gyprot Safeguard's Your Home From Fire pYProc Wallhonril Is firenroof. It will not burn, and it acts as a nrotectlve shield to all I Vjwxlen frames that it covers thus actually l"ecks the spread of fire. Nolei Many typei 0 uwllfoar j nre not Tre'roo. 2 Gyproe Lasts the Lifetime of Your Home pYProc is not affected hv atmosnkeric chances. In Play a challenge matcn tielweeh !!S MKS1 BBSS WMimSSSTSS in laf: were a 2 ic5 9G 123 191 297 319 Total life noi Comcsers 1 2 j50 Naval Man Has No Difficult) Clean- Vivian Wrathall 130 159 I Inc Up at Pint Pong U?rt Peterson 104 ?18 .714 .714 .COO .C00 Agns Pi?rce 125 214 . . , , ..,.. J"6hnny Camadhra . 153 198 Last evening at the United Ser- Arf pearson u5 m vices Hut Dan McKinnon of the Dim wick ICS ?14 Navy defeated all opposition to win To'taf tili 1214 J75' the ping pong crown for Uie .sec- " " ' " .lJk Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Qll-U JL'-A&i-i; tL. m,t THE DHLY KEWB. FAVORITES FOR DERBY Prospects And Actual Actual . V T Year's Dtd'n't Sn' Well chruhiz'e LOUISVILLE,. Ky., April 23: (CP) CohA'sers and Toiler teams of the Would you like -to make a wager Mixea Bo wring League last night iin the Kentucky Derbv future" the COmosers won two games f6r a book? The Derby this year will be IMwks nlucked t0tl1 tc?re viCtory of 3362 to 3195' 'run, May 3. .J. ,,,,! m& average scorer for ladies was The futurebook. sometimes tailed He died in June. 1934 two months Tne lndivldual a- ler. he,PCJWi SUnlCy n8ht's tfe match ciip Tor the rirst rime, follows: I .. I Toiler's 1 til' Crof6rd 219 MCKINNON 'Audrey Kellett 139 Tommy rraser 157 1928 Favprtt-. Relh Count, won. j 1929 Favorit". Blue LJirkspUr, 4th: winner. Clyde Van Dusen. 1930 Favorit 2. Gallant Fox. won. wi'iiner, Broker's Tip. J 1934 Favorite, Mata Hari; 4th: i jwlnner, Cavalcade. I IMSpFavOrlte. Charire Sun, did not start: winner. Omaha. FINISHED Rupert Motors Wins Ten Pin League Championship By De-featlnj Alley Oops Alley Oops Pedersen ...: Wick ;.. Pearson; .. AIcMeekih' Asemissen LOW SCOre Total .1 .... Rupert Motors Klnslor ' Branch Dell ...1 : Kelletf ...1... ... TayMf:.. 1 2 173 16t 150"; 148 122- 117 r.181 ' 1M- 200 .910 i .....07 165 .......114 189 ........152 Woodall 138 ,.Wick X.;.-..:.8 Pearson 8 McMeekln 8 Asemissen :.. o Itup. Motors MT Klnslor .:8 Branche 8 Dell 2 KeUeCtU : :: Taylor 8 Woodall 7 191 105 '87 k 2 189 177 105 149 204 179 Total i... 961 1003 CP 1299 1231 1173 1347 1401 CP 1425 1188 , 219 'C35 1386 1246 OLD SAILER SAFE NOW Schooner Pn Thames and Officer's Club lias Escaped Raider Stf Far T 334 98 239 337 391 3s zk 3& 219 338 356 315 Individual totals' for the series Alley Oops MT Pederr.err 8 A 162 160 1C8 175 A 17ff 148 109 167 173 178 A "spot" eosti i mi atiljf half a dollar. Try It in the Dally News' c1l?4.colum,T vjtMvr tf) LONDON, April 23 t schooner Seven Se: , (CP) Garden Work Proceeds Apace 1931 Favorite.. Equioolse, did jWst past vnn the first humming: dants. notjStart: Twenty Grand. being applied. Local Officer 193C Fav'orl. Hollyrood. did noUc Tfincf AffAn start; winner, Bold Venture. : UIW1 1937 Favorite. Pompobn, 2hd:i 7 , . j winner, ydr Admiral. fprlivrncial m ConsfafiVe D. I). Mefncloej 1938 Favorite. Stp.hand, d!d; Is Being Moved to Quesnel ' not start: winner Lawrin. f Rupert Motors won the City Ten Pin Bowling League championship by five games to three over, Alley Oorv, play in the final having been completed Monday night. The total point score, was .7710 for RUpert Motors.: to 7594 for Alley Oops. Individual scoring for the last two matches: Letter BoX CITY MIGHT HELP 'Editor, Dally News: . 1 notice by your paper dated Ajifil 19 that the Junior Chamber . pi Commerce and the Hor'tfcultural i t . Society have asked the co-operation j V' of the citizens of Prince. Rupert in one in mc. v best-known sights to Londoners ! C1CJU U,J wc" .along theVtoria Embankment be-, j that ,ite a ldea isiae me i names, is aiso me-saie-; . . . a !,. iniA fKV Hip. - -.. - i . . . i.uuii I. am vi nit ! winners in " .it .hmilrt v alsn asked to Acr its Cr- P;- ON-y-R- Whiie the jare In this scheme. The old schooner Is a club for : s., riv nitUif fast and present officers of. thei ' . officers pi sing through the capi tal, oh leave often put up there. Lf.-Cmdr. Goiidard, secretary 6f the club", said he had proof the Seven Seas was a safe place "whn we were straddled by a couple 6f i. . . .-i. .i ..- . beautify his grounds his natural I satisfaction Is considerably soured by the .condition of the city por- ' tion along the street line. i I suppose, of course, there Is no t law against the Individual doing; a,( little beautifying for the tUy On' the other hand most of us have suf- Jg fourth, 6ne- fifth,. two sixth, one river right flhedd of her. A snrout tous who Uve' in the nlty. I 48. tenth and one twelfth. Six did not of up 30 jeet-a terri- tWs "Vsabe boxed in and start. .. .fylng sight- and she nearly was 'V"'", rv ,.I 137 Here U a - Quick' urve"y-of howliie wrti ai rA n dees take a pif tare .of It. . 11? the futurebook favorites for the W n Arrm nt wirr nryvirrf." Thanking you', Mr. Editor, for the 23 past 22 years fared: incendiaries had fallen on board. sPace- - . ' .io 992 1919-Favorire. -. Eternal, 10th; Lt. Cmdr. Goddard added, but they , . ORMISTON. 3 . winner, Sir Barton. b?fbre nnn 20O 9th Avenue Eisf. had been dealt with causing i i itfzu ruyorue, uimasK, im; any damage. 1M, winner. Paul Jones".'" ; The Sjv'en Seas, built lor the 248, 1921-Fayorlte, Tryster, 4th; win-iWe mdiah fruit trade 70 years Iti ner Behave Yourself. !j,0 carr'ed cargoes of coal up and """"""" rlowneH Onnrtermaster Krrceant uounsejior. ."1". . During the evening's play it was Go,nelr 0r ,ne nWrs. 2l-n. 21-C.iW1""7 a,rK.,''01 U9Z2 Favorite. Aiorvien, won. riown lh e3-t .oast during thS '.v. 1923 Fayonte. Enchantment, rirV r.iw vn Rut war have 1233 Olh; winner, Zev. most noticeable that McKrnhon Afler the lng ng ,h6 cnlngs "-rT ' had no lr6uh e bestlnir his o.TOon- LuJa luu u-,.v winner, Flying Ebony. : " tun wo3 tAiit-iuucu wibii a iicitj tti ti ent's play. The most remarkable blng0 party at whlch nearly 150 Bnbblin" oi feature or M'cKlnhdn's style is hU boys oI ftw servltes took pait. Cig-!Wn"'S ve0r smashing back hand which time nretti arette., were wta th the prtees hrbte. at at hne& bihg6. J ; ..-J. ' n and time again caugnt ms onpon- witjt several theatre tickets ai ents flat footed! speaj fc In the semi-final McKinnon de- Jim Wilson of the "Y" officlfited feated Sergeant Brown of the at the rrtng pong tourney and call-Rangers. 2?-7. 21-12 and in finals, ed the bingo. 12tlr; 5tlr; mand, 2nd; ' X n j l nnll- ..,n -n 1n.l Kfinf itjmcu sin jf; aaiis wcic iaob uciii. 19Z4 Farovitfs. sarazen ana tQ 'r yards. wise aia not surt; t Spring Now At Terrace l With Weather Fine. Field Galling AH Grand-Dads! .Colorado Surinrs Octogenarian Claiming Chamiiionship is COLORADO SPRINGS, C61o 23 (CP)-Win is the champion grandfather in North America' j T. R. Fowler of Colerado. Springs i asked the quts Hon and he's trying And to find the answer. He's challeh-i help for kidneys or money back Gin PilU are told on "satisfaction or money back basis". U you're in entirely tatislied with their help your money will be trutar ill. 4 Pills Urge slu, U Ps I tht Ui. ik for "Gino Pilli' ) t-. Man in the' Mooii ficfent to keep us busy In our own . ,.rimnn (s &tm at i. He 1: will premier turf event, but It has made .forWril sld and to port there y'ards!- sect,6n th,dt 1 ato iJar". Hitler, murderer Of women and lew people rrcn. . , Is the river. Vuia" ullc,cai5u "?.J fi. children'. Since 1919 only three of the 22 .,0n that nftht list auumh a clean up Is that section on Ninth book favorites have entered the fcxmh evoiodod on the Ethbank- Avenue east of MCBrlde which has ft wa a lastly day. The recruits winner'i circle oir Derby mment The blat rattled the riggln; 4n Pen ditch and reeks w nign were dumb; Private Smith was the -. inrec nave tume. " acuuim, icia j,it. Then another, fell in the t . . . . vi: ,-. V ; dumoest or tnem an. The sergeant strod pp to him. "What was your Job in clvl Mfe?" he barked. f "Bank clerk," replied Smith'. . "I supposfe," sneered thesefgdant, trying to be funny, "you dusted the desks and washed out the inkwell and made cups of tea for the manager?" . ' "Oh, no," replied Smith. " ;AVe kept ah old sergeant for those 'Jobs." I IIan! is a pl!;.e where you can enjoy a yawn as you sit before he fire with your slippers on. ged "any white man. who has mar- Givr.p: "Oh father, h6w rled only once to dispute his own s t0 D, alive. The world is TERRACE, April 23: Spring! ar- claim to the title. Fowler, now 84 rived at Tsrraee durin? the 'week; years old, has 82' direct descen- He is- the father 12 chii- onus were seen. warm, wu- '-'ii- 'i5ji, iu . iui.u-wiuUn. 1932 Favorite. Top Flhht. ' did er has prevartd and iriost tif the 1 grfat-?randchildren. ,nct start; winner, Burgos King. ploughing is done. In the smaller two are living. 1933 Favorite. Ladysman. 4thr sardeny mke. hoc and -pad-1 are An April Wind All out ;How To Attack Not So Hard For Gfris 'to fjord I He: She: 'Do vtou rhumba?" , "No. that was my stomach.' Jakr rays Ihn rfom for Improve mfnt is the largest room In all Ihe world. 'raA for anything. Why isn't by hls: wife and iamfiy,. bonSSable Iwt, resting it lightly on toj? of the, Your hat. of course. 'McIhdoS will leavin'g for head. Fill your arms with a good-i You let go your the hew post in the interior. sized hand-bag, five packages from hat a ''Warii ad." in the' Dally New?. corner smack into, a wind. Round ufi with lace edgings. grand too r- ev- crytadv hanny?" Father: "Who is. he this time? Mprffiierft"-: "I n'n stay awake -ny lep?lh of f'me simply .'by forriin Jnv.solf lo it." ;'. Bettv H.: "I sen. th- triumph,'of mind over mattress." MAY BE MINER SHORTAGE-, CARDIFF; Wales. April 23: (CP) Dairm of t shorta"e of mVnp Skirts Down jf The-y Know Mabor has arisen' because many Kow - miners long unemployed have n'ow . .' ' . j found Jobs in other Industries. NEW YOKK, April S!3: JCiM j 1939 Favbrife. El Chico, Cth; Constable D. D. Mclndoe, for the jt isn't hard, to hold your skirls' winner; Johnstown. freest' fVw years a'- ptemfefr of Cecity down in ah April v;jnd if yoii know Now, action! First you drop your 1940 'Frt Y',ri Blmelech, 2nd: . fiefocrraient of .the provincial jKUce" hqw, rritei Amy Porter'.- jarms and fev ral packages and winner. Gallahadi6n. -here, is belflji transferred WQues- First, put on your, fullest sklru levery thing is fine. You are holding tner, it is announcea. Accompaniea now add a wide-bnmmea straw 1 in? skt: down, m tront anyway, has blown off. skirl skirt to grab your A crowd gathers, and you ' - Uie dime store; and a candy bar. jfealis how smart you were to wear -Rachlen cfiutfcsW ijfiJp1' Slthl 'Ready? Get; et. Go-Ground the . a" ruffled petticoat and pantlei a Real Smoke Take a tip from old timers who have been rolling their own for twenty years brmork Their brand is Ogden's and they wdutdn't think" of smoking anything else'. They like it because it has a taste you can't match a taste which comes frorri. it'S-distinCtive blend of choice, ripe tobaccos. Try it. Vdu'll find is not just another tobacco it's Ogden's I OtJftht'htttcigirtttepsptri ' iVoiie,'o''Cnntecer' arc good enough for Ogdin'i OGDEN'S FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO i4 IS i'-f