1 PAGE FOUR this year but the frying Swiss found, completely to his liking when he hung up the new mark Dy Hans Thorner, famous ski professional from New Hampshire, who flew dewn the course in 48 seconds flat Never before Don Newton and Alex Morgan, will ' be on fijeir way out on April 10 after a most enjoyable skfing holiday. On April 11 a large party of more than twenty will leave Wk 233 OJULT.AJVI Wmmmk GILBEYS London Dry 40 oz. 25 oz. 12 oz. $3.40 $2.30 $1.20 GIN This advTU-?ment Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia SKIING AT JASPER PARK New Record For Parties At Slalom' Many Resort JASPER, April 9: A new record was set at Trappers Valley here when Peter Va)d&, noted Swiss skiing instructor, who is handling a ski school in Che Maligne area. negotiated the difficult giant sla Masson, tcU known Winnipeg ski expert, already has arrived and reports finding perfect skiing conditions, Edmonton and Vancouver parties wUl follow the Winni-peggers and others wiH continue to arrive until well on in May. LOUIS WINS OVER MUSTO LOCAL HIGH HOOP TEAM TO TRAVEL i Boys and Girls in Basketball Party 1 to Leave on Thursday Night Return Series Here I Booth Memorial High School j boys' and girls' basketball teams will sail tomorrow night on the Prince George where a series of games will -be played Friday, Saturday and Mondar nights. The Ocean Falls High School players will come here for a return series on April 16 and 17. The Prince Runert wartr matins the trip to Ocean Falls will Include the following: Bo Aler Rill nlivr Ranter. bane TVm MrCouvpr t Anw n J Th second half league stand j MacDonald, Mel Bussey. lOland, D. Mclror (coach). John Good, Kosta Killas and John Nkholls. Technical KnrwV.nut nr t :Sherman J .Murrav n VamnraMra lom run in sixty seconds flat. Many ; Musto Buddy Baer Beats Tonv ill Yamanacka. J. MacKay. Betty attempts have been made for a J Galento 1 Payne and Molly Wlnslow. low mark on this excellent course I The Ocean falls boys' team con- ST. LOUIS, April 9 Joe Louis,! sts of Vic Wall and Fred Oxen-, world's heavyweight boxing chim-' bur7, flashy centres; Hank Adams : . j . , , , . , tr. l . ri - . m k eight and a half rounds. Douglas Anderson. Bob Taylor the In Washington Buddy Baer scor- coach, writing to Prince Rupert. "'it wcit has there uinc been rcn such sucij! a xtaiui ruuno, veurucal tic u cumiaent oi mmng me r. a ! ..j I .1 1 , . ! 1 V. L n . . . 1 "i uie jutiu skj area as b-uia;l-uui. over limy txaieaio and acnes. aw ubuijt wrcu iiie mounumuueu me risni, u) meet uouism chalets and camps have been fill- June in a title bout Galento quit ed. The Toronto party, headed byJafter " six roiinds w : of slugging with " is Easy with an ELECTRIC RANGE Not only does your baking achieve new heights' of excellence but all your other cooking as welL And it is all done with a minm7iTrn of worry and at a tremendous saying of time. For you do not need to WATCH electric cooking. Correct LOCALIZED, easily-regulated heat is instantly available at the snap of a switch. No constant running back and forth. Instead, do other things, secure in the assurance of perfect results without waste. Yes. Electric Cooking is a convenience and an economy. It means a cool, clean, comfortable kitchen and tastier, more nourishing meals, all year 'round. Ask about our convenient terms plan that makes ownership easy. "WBstmmmiKSS!mmKmsmmmmm LADIES' B0WLING Savor Swinrers Qualify To Meet right to meet Rangers, winners of the first half, for Annette's Cun. The play-off will take place Friday evening. In the final fixtures last night Stvlettes won over Blue Birds. Savoy Swingers over Knox Hotel and Rangers over Big Sisters three games to nil while Annette' sde-feated Lnky Strikes two to one. High average scorer was Rone, LaBelJe of Savoy Swingers with 227. Dave I"160 Itaftgers In Play-off For An nette's Championship Cup The final earne of the- second half of the Ladies' R-nrlin? Ltarue 'schedule were played last night The Savoy Swingers won the yec- The Individual scoring: iSavoy Swingers Rangers Blue Birds Knox Hotel Annette's Stykttes for the year. The afl time record jn the ninth of fifteen, scheduled d Charleson and Lawrence Law- 3afrn--i for for this' this; course course was was made made last last year vparlrounds her las nirhf iritVi nvinw son. ruards Thp runr lvm niK.'"' Bond Musto. He took the fight, which suwites are Emilio Clozza, Mltsuyo was in defen of the title In Moriyama. Hisltoshi Morivara and a n rwv. . i. 164 219 W. A&WUIkUU. llkklALklH-t-r 111 iI It" I - rr ' Buddy Baeri Imirrerihis hand was Joeal branch nf r.Tyr, n,v 1 iand1?' ,40 40 broken r ;v- f rcommerce. who has been spend f tEh. InrlhTpast seieraT weeks in Van-fRI 'Saone iii 7 - m v VTA AlCUIi44a AO Winnipeg for Jasper to spend a I Use for it Hundreds of people get now much Improved and is expected week or more in this area. Howie what they want that way. (tf) to return to the city next week. fljF couver, Victoriavand Pender Har- If you want something, adver- bor for thp benefit of Ms hwlth Cake Baking Northern British CoIumLiia Power L v' 'J mm - Z2 9 ....--JO 12 23 , 19 ......21 ' 20 ...-:..19 23 17 Wi Blg Sisters 14 28 Lucky Strikes 14 28 Lickv Strikes 1 1 Menses 125 Ha-gue t no .(.124 Schaeffer 146 iNelsbn I 136 Blackball -....211 Lafutens5 .......138; Handieajj 52' Total......'. 87 Blue Birds 1 Pierce t. : 194 jTurgeon 134 (Boulter ... 179 Hartwig ..us Keron ...141 Parent . Handicap ..... Total .76 Savoy Swinrers 1 LaBelle j 209 Basso-Bert in :wescn iM Croxford 214 Mieod .127 Total t 805 Knox' Ifotel 1 McKeown 91 Yager 130 jScharff 93 Montgomery .... ....154 Hanson .201 Handicap- as Total 757 Raarers ' 1 James ...176 Grinstrand Asemlssen J43 . 11 Wrathall L -.T...JiSa Berg . ..J78 Handicap 62 182 101 ...140 154 ..!i2S 157 iPeacbck'" 1st I7fi Handicap aad 130 ToUli 853 901 Annette's i s Bresnner 134 93 Reaugh .179 148 'Amey - . ran. 90 iKickerson 1E2"I88 .llCKfrtS. lDtckensX. 977 U&I Cafe On Waterfront NOW OPEN For Business 2 154 150 178 144 156 52 834 2 .126 157 118 164 92 204 171 161 140 926 2 151 162 144 172 112 88 829 ' 2 167 198 192 233 291 62 Total ..89 1143 Bir Sisters 1 2 ... ifo I Die kens ... .82 166 Rothwell 137 135 M. Bond .v.: ..1.....187 189 Alexander 133 160 Handicap 49 49 Total 740' 875 J.H. BULGER- Palmistry . SILTERSIDES BLOCK 33 30 .23 22 19 "17 14 14 3 170 271 112 145 14S 130 977 3 75 138 181 J 130 152 Ah -WINNERS OF ALLAN CUP Winners of the Allan Cud. pres ented by Sir Morctagve Allan for competlton among Canadian senior amateur hoikey teims, follows: 1608-Ottawa Cliffsides. 1909 Queen'ff University. 1910 St Micnael-B College. 1611 Winnipeg Victorias. 1913 Winnipeg Victorias. 1913 Winnipeg Hookey Club. 1914 Regina Victorias. 1915 Winnipeg Victorias. 1916 Winnipeg 61st .Battalion. 1917 Toronto Dental 1918 Kitchener. 1919 Hamilton Tigers. 1 1020-Winnrpeg Falcons. 1921 University oj Toronto. 1922 Toronto Granites. 1923 Toronto Granites. 1924 Sault Ste. Marie. 1925 Port Arthur. 1926 Port AriAur. 1927 University of Toronto Grads, 1928 University of Manitoba. 1929 Port Arthur. 1930 Montreal A. A. A. 1931 Winnlpegs. 1932 Toronto Nationals. 1933 Mancton Hawks. 1934 Moncton Hawks. 1935 Halifax Wolverines. 1936 Kimberley Dynamiters. 1937 Sudbury Tigers. 1938 Trail Smoke Eaters. 1939 Port Arthur Bear Cats. 1940 Kirkland Lake Blue Devils, 1941 ?. ; 716 1 The curtain 'rjiigs down tomor 3 I row night on the Mixed Bowling 164 1 League when Toilers and Rlnky 134 pinks meet in thp final for the 158ileaSu championship. The Tollers 141 j were winners of Uve first half in the 179lason's play while the Rlnky 52 Dinks took the second half. Best e three out nf fiv v!m n-m 839 3 187 201 133 228 134 62 945 3 119 178 147 132 234 49 879 Optometrist Royal Bank' JUdg. Second St Phone Green '411 I Hlrh Quality Latest Patterns All British Woollens JUST ARRIVED Come In and choose the cloth for your spring suit Ling the Tailor Sixth Street , phone 659 Make Our ;Siore Tour Shopping Headquarters SatisfacfioifCoaranteed POO'E 547 & Soi iE FOODS". SPORT ftUT i 'I 3 (the final Issue. -The teams: j 18li Tollers Mr. and Mrs. Cy Kellett.l 126 Mr- and Mrs. Tommy Fraser, Lilian ' 151 1 Croxford. Len Cripps. 1 141 .Rlnky Dinks Dora Arncy. Mrs.' 179! Fred Wesch, Mrs. Harry Nelson, I Steve ArHngton, Norman Klnslor.i jTed Dungate. 1 778 ! 3 j Jockey Johnny 'Adams rode six ' 224 .consecutive winners at the Bay 141 J Meadows track, San Mateo, Cali-219 fomla, three years ago this week. Igg Adams rode in teven races that 211 day. He finished third In the first $44 race and then 'went to 'town. His j .winners paid a total of 182.20 on 147 .$2 tickets. 160 j ' 130 j Jess WiHard won (the heavy- m-. iem. ooxing otle 25 years ago 127 jby kayoing champion Jack John-- ui uie 20m round at Havana. wuiard tost the 'crown tn Jrir Dempsey in 191P find Vila iWi teareer ended ibur when Luis Firpo knocked him out in the eighth round at Jprv. City. j Hundreds of people try a "spofl in the Daily News classified col-' umn ana get good results, (tf) 1 III NUVA oUKL HE'LL WIN Joe Louis Will Soon Shw Whether He Has Really Slipped NEW YORK. April 9: (CP) Now that there Is evidence Joe Louis lhas slipped, every heawwelcht with a punch thinks he has chance against the Brown Bomber. But Loo Nova is the only fighter who is sure he can beat the cham pion. Nova has been sure for three years. He thought he could beat now that several not-too-hieWv regarded fisticuff erf have extended tne mie-holder. Lou beat Max Baw two years ago and he. beat him aealn when they met In Madison Sauare Oar- uczi iasi 1 naay. ijouis was a months of inactivity. Nova regained his health and returned to the ring. His first serious ODDonent was Pat Cornlskey and he gavel Patrick a larruping. Het back In me usts again but they ordered be?5r r,r Bar .. T. - ' The.-; Mux fr-.r. . out. Sr Lo: Just whera rrrv - That ,v J l-ye -r ? joe nnd ,v,. . Dorazio vi , . htth b:c toe J- ;went-13 round: beu tT wit' I.: nere who waf! bc the Louis who destroyed Mar dv Baer Schmeling In his greatest fight There And he is more certain than ever Louis did ents ser. Jr i it.. out gome rx' t,v fe sure lavs respec. and Novu i. 1 - itu tOp form f-m Istandoutthen and Max nrrnt. . 71 U i m. riA x.J-T-. ww revise ic'j Kliai. J tUUiCU KllLi 1.1 If Ti IT n 1 to - changed. Lou became 11L was " sUppe 'iy mauled by Tony Oalento and was bed-ridden lor weeks. After! VOCU PUREWMTWRntt For Meritorious WAR SERVICE In the Canadian Home SINGER SEWING MACHI NES Use a Modern Singer (o Serve and Save Save $3.00 a month making your own and your family's Clothes. Draperies, Rugs, Pillows and many other necessary household articles. Your SINGER will pay for itself Liberal allowance for your old machine Let us make you an offer We Repair Singer Sewing Machines-Use ft' Genuine Singer Parts Needles and Attach Wanted-Raw Furs PS! Ship to J. E. ORMUEI5L Prince Rapert, B.C Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPACT I RA,,LWAV 1 l iiami nm m a. t j iva H1U, id til, , Dlre'ct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pnlflf III . . - r m mm mm 1 lanadian rami Transcontinental r- 1- c-tt. War Toft 10 P-01, SJ3. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday TO VANCOUVER DIKEti tJt ia.u. "ruiNvissa worah" Apni 7tn, nm, To Ketchikan, WrancelL Juneau anduslfay