f t ! i i rAQK BIX APPROVAL OF HOT LETTER Radio Matters Again Aired by Chairman of ConYmitlec. and - Letter Read at Meetin; At the dinner of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday evenlhs the following letter written by D. C. McRae, chairman of the radio committee, was read and approv'd: "Your letter of March 17 together with enclosure of copy of letter from the Department of Supply and MunVl- rt' -1 FpV- v duly received and referred to the radio committee for replv. .- "We regret that we are not able to offer you much assistance in this matter. Everybody is dtaatls-fled with the apparent indifference of the radio department to reception in Prince Ruoert Most people protest that whatever reef rtlon they do get comes from the United States, principally Ketchikan, Alaska and right o- wrone, do hot see why they should pay a licence in Canada for something they do not receive. Under the circumstances it is no surprise that nobody wants the Job of sellin? licenses from house to house in Prince Rupert Even the govern ment does not seem .disposed to press the matter of licences in' Rupert "Mr. Irvine, radfo inspector, was here for a couple of weeks and cleared up a lot of interference but there is plenty yet to be done. However. removing-Jocal Interference is not everything. We "are 500 mile.1! from Vancouver and;500 miles is a great distance for long wave signals to travel. Cannot you persuade them to run a wire from Ja.p?r. shcrt wave station at Vancouver r even, the Ketchikan system of bringing it in? The present system of collecting a license from 25 tier cent of the people and giving next nothing in return satlfles nobody. Cannot you persuade them to provide us with radio reception and then, go after the radio owners as cold-bloodedly as an income tax iv-'lectir? With tron?er slenal the matter of interference would not be such a serious problem os at nresent. The people would be better satisfied, the C.B.C. would be in better repute and the increased revenue of riearlv $4000 annually tmiM take care of any considerable investment necessary to bring about the improved reception." D. CrUchlev of Inverness, who-has been , rend!n7 the winter in the south, arrived in the city on th Prince George this mcmln? from Vancouver enroute to the cannery for the season. Expert Optical Service Chas. Poimead Optometrist in Charge Vatch, Clock, Jev elry Repairing Hand Engraving . ;'. -Visit our basement store For Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner .iTiWKLKU -- DI AMO.ND'mERCHAN'T Suiting The Spring Mood FOR EASTER There's MAGIC In Those New Spring Suits Just Arrived At The Peoples Store OUTSTANDING FEATURES Expert Hand Tailoring New Longer Length Jackets New Softly Rounded Shoulders New Slim Skirts Does your preference lean toward those mannish tailored styles or perhaps you've decided on the new figure-mold type or a :r?oxt tweed model. Whatever your choice might be. youH find the largest selection In town right here. Fashioned m worsteds, trlcotenes, herringbones, tweeds and two-tone wools. See tie latest styling -brought to you direct from Montreal. ALL SIZE RANGES. .Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Nijht RUPERT PEOPLES STORE 5 "In the Heart of Trincc Rupert" TIIIU1) AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 This is the Time of Year When QUALITY COAL i v iMukcsa Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your ; Stove, Ratine or Furnace ! Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. THE DAILY NEW8 Friday Sat. Matinees Yi& Sat At 2:30 Paramount proudly presents DE MILLE'S GREATEST PRODUCTIOK ... A THRILLING EPIC OF CANADA'S NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE! ... Scarlet -coated Mounted Police... Canada's sons of courage . . . riding against a wilderness aflame with Indian war and rebellion! Tbe roaring, magnificence of UNION PACIFIC, the pulse -tingling power of THE PLAINSMAN! Two surging love stories woven into one mighty drama told against tbe blazing beauty of Canada's forests in SUPER-TECHNICOLOR! . Evening w J? shows At m f ...-.iyv AeUnu w h drama'ic suddenness under provisions of the 1017 Espionage Art. the United States government seized and placed undo protective custody 28 Italian and two German merchant ships tn harbors throughout the country. Here, in thl? photograph made on board the S. Alberta, one of five seljed at Port Newark, N.J., is actual photographic proof of sabotage, the main air pump is' shown shattered and useless. Other machinery cn this ship was also broken, and the main drive shaft cut through. Cecil B. DeMille's III! Til WEST MOMTID POL Tbe thrilling epic of Canada's gallant Mounted Police in m&mmim. GARY COOPER MADELEINE CARROLL PRESTON FOSTER PAU LETTS GODDARD LYNNE OVERMAN ROBERT PRESTON AKIM TAMIROFF GEORGE BANCROFT LON CHANEY JR. WILLIAM H. PINE, Auoclate Producer plenty t give to them both, Thus there was created a bend of friendship between our countries and peoples that has been strengthened in many ways, ever since the time your King Erik came and married our Princess Margaret, daughter of Alexander III of Scotland, until not p" long ago another of our princees became the beloved and now sainted Queen Maud of Norway. The strongest tends between us arc the love for theca and those noble virtues resulting from that love and that life namely courage in the hour of danger, a simple and genuine religious faith, and an unbending determination to love and preserve true freedom. And, as you know, it is in order to preserve this precious heritage we now together have had to take up arms. We enter this year with the asruranc! that it will not be so very long before you can return to ycur beloved Norway, again a free and glorious nation, as in the past. Unil Ithat time comes, I want to e. sure you and I want yen to know that you are truly wetcome and that you are among sincere friends." Th speaker clstcd by proooslng a toast for "our Norwegian Allies." Th Norwegian vice-consul. Mr. Puntervold resoorrded. and closed wh "a toast to Great Britain, the land of freedom, the land whose flag Norsemen had honored for centuries, and now would follow in the struggle for freedom, in life or death." GREAT FILM , IS SHOWING ! 1 AT CAPITOL! "Northwest Mounted Police," With ' Gary Copper and Madeleine Carroll, is Here An epic tale of indomitablf cour I age, widely hailed as one of the, year's greatest moving pictures and colorful too as it Is produced in te.-hnlcolor. "Northwest Mounted! Police," with Gary Cooper and Medeleine Carroll In the top star-! "JOW.KVMKNT I.IIJI OIC ACT" (SftoMrMi 28) Niilltr l Aliriitln for u Urt I.liniw NOTICE ta lwreby given il,t cm ie S'b dy of M,. A. D. 1041. Uve under-Intend to apply t,, Lquor Ormtr-I Bonrd for llotrwe in respect of prnls betru? prt of k bulldinz " ihf Belmont Hotel. BltuU ... nnu, wmi, mnce Run. ert. upon Ih UU rtpwribd it Ijt! ,"?n J5 IOClt No 8Uoii I. .. ..v .uwmiw, ft mp prince mirrt Und Rwtwratlon DUtrict, in the rrovlncc of. British Columbia, tot beer by the eiu or by the brtlie for consumption on the premie i9DATEX) thl. 2ith dy of March, A X. JOHN HOSXIN3 Applicant. nng roles, comes to the screen of backgrous the Capitol Theatre for an extra long engagement commencing tonight and continuing right through to Saturday. Special arrangements are being made for the handling of capacity audiences at all showings. The story has Its basis !n a real revolt against the Canadian government back in 18S5 by a murderous tribe of nondescript people known as the Metis, made up o( half-breed voyageurs and the like. The revolt of the Metis, as a matter of record, amounted for a Ume to what might have been almost civil war which was put' down by the courage of five hundred loyal mounted police. The three leaders of the Metis are played by "Aklm Tamlroff, George Bancroft and; Francis McDonald. Preston Poster and Kobert Preston are the two most prominent mounted policemen. Madeleine Carrol is the sister of one of the officers and a nurse In the settlement Paulette Goddard Is a wild-cat Indian girl Gary Cooper Is a Texas Ranger who arrives on the scene with a warrant fora murderer who ha flttj to Canada. Lon Chaney. Walter Hampden and Montagu Love also have Important parts. Thrilling action, magnificent Us 7 no nn,i m v ... . mMmm mm murs if, IT HAPPENS THESEDAYS Impressive Gathering of Norwegians and Scotsmen at Buckie Translated by J. II. Myrwang Very' interesting items of news come now and then across the sea throush :he "Norsk Tidend," (Norwegian News) published, by the Norwegians now residing in large numbers in London and other places in England. We find that very many fishermen from western Norway, especially from Sunnmore, where ;hey have large fishins schooners, have from time to time in the last year, during the dark night, set out across tha North Sea to Scotland where they in several places have become rather numerous and where they are welcomed with open arms and from which, places they carry oh their work on the sea. At a pla.:e called Buckle, the city i council a short time ago decided to hold a celebration of welcome : he N.w?g.an fishermen, wiu fur ;'ae time beir.2 have taken up residence amon? the Scotsmen I; is reported that during the evening the Norwegians lang their Norwegian songs and the Scots men song their folk songs and anthems ioved by the people. Many speeches were made. Dean Mtrson Is reported to have spoken In port as -follows: "It Is with real -joy that I today extend an official welcome to our friends and allies;. We remember when you came. You preferred to leave all you loved rather than submit to the enemy lhat was a brave and noble thing to do and I can afsure you that, in th; fullness of time, you Wl! find th?t (hat was also the rightj thing to do. Norway and Scc41arr1 have always bsen close to each other .This relation was not always friendly. In historic times your forefathers came across in their ships, driven by something the Germans rail leoensraum and which is nothing ei e than taking inj one's neighbor what one feels strong enough to take. But. the common sense of our two nations discovered soon that there were greater values to seek, that they could seek in common, friends and equals. Among these were the! riches they could take from the sea and the sea had SABOTAGE ON ITALIAN VESSEL mance car. ".rive u sail west Moun P t lng pictur w t... are promu.:., -a With a g but not a h : : C V It Capt. II E po:t a : Vancouver p Falls uiid w. Ketchikan a; will return I southbound. an oi me natural oils so necessary to lone n ( r SAND CEMBNT GRAVEL r-,' H 1 Reach ten x -imam a "want ad fc Dij! TRY GUNN'S Variety RepJ Por First Oa Stfl Bicycle. KubbtrM 1 Tube. Etc VnlrtWl fith St. opp. OK M1 Donnacona Insu'ating Boar WAI LBOARDS We have on hand laree stock nt rnai in suit rvcn :'i"1Itf All our coal is rarefnllv riwnri nnrl nrpnarrrt AO '"M line of lumber for every - - type j of building. Our - shingles ;j the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kCr . and Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd PHONE G51 riio.MJ Irainj leave ritlNCK KUrEHT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-Condllipntd 'Bleeping and Dining CJ Steamer leaves l-rtlftuE KtJI'EH 1 for VANXOUVi Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and PocD For Full Inlormation wid Reservation, ew Call ur Write CITY TICKET OFFICE. 52)1 3rd Ae Phone 260 Prince Rupert i . i if f.lnr suva lor irans-oaiioua i"