t PAGE TWO1 THE DAILY NEWS Friday, January 31. 9j THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA , Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue II..F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, pet insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion , Canada's Output - - - This is the Time of Year When QUALITY a r Makes a Difference td Your Comfort Consult with us as to the best kind to use for vour $ Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. PHONE lit PHONE J 117 .25 .02 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member tt Audit bureau oi Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS TJe Canadian Preea la xclulvly mttlWeii to use for republication of all nem iSSwl SZl010 th ln tw W ana .lao th. All rtfhta ol mjubllcatlon oi medal dewJatohrt therein ue also rservrt DAILY EDITION Six Against - Friday. January 31, 1941. Rev. S. McM. Kerr of Vancouver points out that there Were six provinces opposed to the Sirois Commission report and not three as generally stated. He claimed it was a scheme of the financiers and its purpose was to make the people dig deeper into their pockets for taxes. He blamed Prime Minister King for bringing up a contentious matter at a time when every effort should be devoted to winning the war. Position Of France The position of France is causing Germany considerable worry. Marshal Petain, who is dictator of the country, continues to hold out against German demands. The Germans would like to enforce the demands by occupying the country only in that case there would probably be a flight of French warships from Toulon and General Wey-cand with his army of over a million men in Africa would definitely align himself with the British. This makes it desirable that any negotiations with the Vichy government be carried out in a peaceable manner if possible. Fall Of Derna - - - The takintr of Derna bv the British whilo f standing event, is another step toward the eventual freeing 6f all Africa from Italian domination. Eighteen years ago Mussolini became dictator of Italy and one of the features of his appeal to the Italian people was the building UD of an Italian col nni hi pmnirb in AtW-i inTtlMrKnW the driving of the British from that country and securing V Vyi,uli Awiupm was tanen and so was Albania ail and the feats of arms were so magnified as to appear very important. The Italian navy and merchant marine were built up and the air force strengthened. So puffed up with success was the dictator that he had visions of domination including Greece and. nnssihlv TWW a move was made against Greece but it was stopped at the outsetand the Italians were driven out of a large part of Albania. Then the British began to. move andonlv one more stronghold remains in Libya to be captured for the l i , , a11 of that Province and the country to the south. Ethiopia and Somaliland are likely to be given un Y1 uc nic umy j ciiiuiiiiriir iiauan nrov mce in Africa. Mussolini now sees his life Work crumbling. His hold on Italy is weakening and no one can tell what will be the outcome once the ---- i-- '-6"c 10 uiuncil. The people of Italy have been told . . only part of the story of v.v.vi, aim even wuap uiey seem 10 Deneve mat tne Italian navy is supreme in the Mediterranean. Gradually the truth of the situation is se-eping through and only this week a big Fascist demonstration was called in order to prevent tne people irom starting a movement for change. i 1 1 vi iih ill I nu frinrri ri iriAnn i ' n .1 . a. a. 1 . . . . . . n fnrt. mav ha ihoovol Ur n t,,. i: r nr . v.'n.wi a icw jiuea irom 1 t. j Jt uverseas, puo-lished m London, England. It says: "The speed and scope of the war effort in the Dominion of Canada is being increased beyond anything imagined possible in the earlier days of the war and, with the tremendous and accelerating output m the United States, the Other Dominions, and the dmazmcr improvement in nrridur.fi dom, promises soon to relieve any possible anxiety about arms of every type fdr the great armies now growing to full strength In Great Britain and the Middle East," SEEKS AID 1 OF PEOPLE B. C. Bracewell, City Commissioner. Speaks to Rotary Club on Civic Work Man of Experience "Fortunate is the community where the busings element Is welded into a unit desirous of the welfare of the community rather than gratifying Its own selfish purposes." That was one of the interesting statements made by B. C. Brace-well, Prince Rupert's new city commissioner, who addressed the Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterdaV afternoon at its regular luncheon. Dr Weal Carter presiding. Mr, Bracewell suggested that men broad enough to do this would be successful In business, ot the tame time exerting a far reach! n Infhr ertce for community progress. A municipality had not reached Its greatest us which had not developed the best possible civic consciousness. I In considering municipal affairs the question to ask was whether the municipality or personal interests were to benefit. A really successful municipality would return in value to its citizens more worth than they individually could ohtaln themselves by expending an equlva- lent amount to what they paid in taxes. I Mr, Brasewell did not fnvor th" single tax. He said it might be' all right in the early stages of tie-1 velopment of a municipality. Land as land did not need policing. Neither did It need fire protection ( or education. Education, he suggest- j ed, certainly should not be charged' against the land. Roughly, the activities of a municipality resolved themselves Into formulation of policies and supervision on the one hand and executive and administrative activity on the other. Normally the former was looked after by an elected body! but no council functioned without t reference t.o rnhlli nnlnlnn onH n Mr. Bracewell suggested that an prganlzationrcpmposed. of representatives of various public or seml-oublic bodies might be an influence in formulating policies In keeping with the best Interests of the community, tn that matter he asked for the help of the people of Prince Rupert in order that he might Carry out his work successfully. The speaker .said he was a irrat believer in the ballot as one of the Greatest watch dogs ever invented. Yet popular decisions often were a curse to real progress; Sketches Career Mr. Bracewell gave a verv brief sketch of his own official life. He said he did this with reluctance but he thought it due the people here to have some Idea of his experience. We Joined the provincial service oh October 1, 1938, but, prior' to that, he had had 28 years of municipal experience in British Columbia. For 25 years he was municipal clerk at Pentlcton and. prior to that, way connected with the municipality at South Vancouver. In answer tn e question, he said the city of Pen-tlctbn was in first class condition financially with $100,000 surplus in it. sinking fund. Yet for severa years during the depression th municipality had been unable tc keep up its sinking fund payments. r Rotary Chsh Founders Ed. R. Jolimon Paul P. HarrU Whifflets From The Waterfront J commissioner could effective) give None of tll local salvage boaU Service linlPS hp Vl.lri nilhTt. nntnlnnl ... . .. ! -T . . . 7. K , ' Z which 12ft here to assist tne un- ' II. J Ot-... X t- lieu oiaics waimiiui l ashore ahdssunk in Kvichak, Finlayson Channel, havtjet returned to pert so there is no, direct report received locally as to the progress of sal-vaUon operations. The Daly left Wednesday 'hfght with additional equipment, bejng met part of the way down1 bythe Bentlnck which Is assisting her with the tow. It is. thought the motor vessel Cancollm, which played an Important part in the rescue iof Kvichak's passengers, may come in here. There were thirty-three passengers aboard the steamer Princess Norah which was h Port from 3:30 to 5 o'clock yesterday afternoort southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. One person disembarked from the vessel here while twelve went aboard at this port for the south. A "spot" costs you only half a CATARRH SPOILS SLEEP (nnrt lit tl Buckley UhiU Rub In mh lioirtrll nicht and ntorninr This will tt4tf ftalleil mmbren- keep clortH nitrU clear, ett con rate healthfal alee) r danbla ftur money back 3e And 0c- MEN'S Work Boots r- We carry a full range of HigivArch, Greb, Valeniine and Pioneer working hoots in various weights anil . . designs. Leather and Panco iSolcs. -Priced up from i r; Family $3.95 SHOE STORE LTD, The Home of Good Shoes Canada At Wai 25; Years Ago January 31. 191C Zeppelins drc'pp2d bembs on six English! rcuhties. killing C9 persons and in-Jutthfc 101. French stopped Oer- mati-ottsmpl W-pierce Allied lines ncrl hirst of Arras. British took prJr&rs'' In. raid on dermaii tftnenes west of Meftines. " wenty -Five Years Ago January 31, 191C in the heckey series at the Market Place rink from Hazelton, the xure being 3 to 2. Buck Irwin and Lionel H;;ltby starred Tor Prince Rupert and Keddie. MacDougall and Warn-er were outstanding for Hazelton. F G. Dawson has returned from a business trip to Alaska and Northern British Columbia. He tells if extremely cold weather in the north. At Juneau It was sixteen to eighteen below zero. A daughter was born at the Prince Rupert General Hospital ye.i-Irrday tc Mr. and Mrt. Arthur Brocksbank. CAnniKS SANTA SUTTON, England. January 31: (CP) W. Doucher-James never forget his golf caddies at Christmas, lis died last August, and left his usual cadiy. James Hopper, 70. S20 $89) and the others 10 $44.-CDi ea:h for a Christmas box in 1940. r KHMIMTt Send with tenifkM obui- M at four grocer a, to QUAK.FR CKTS. Bot IOO, Fftborouiill, Ontario, or Satkauioa, ittktuhawaiL E j Mrs, James Clark Palmistry SILVEIISIDES BLOCK Second St. flione Oreeil 410 Fill? 12 EXTRA PANTS This is the opportunity to buy one of the famous House of Ilobberlin Suits and get an extra pair of pants absolutely free Ling the Tailor Sixth Street Phone C59 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY MOW 7 Nursery Stock FKEE 40-page catalogue, 32 colored Illustrations. Pull of Valuable .Information. Complete list of nl.mtc fnr -'home.. Litest plant novelties. pEND jXOUB COPY NOW Vafuble rree Premiums With Every Purchase EDDIE'S NURSERIES Bardis, n.C. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 646 Prince Rupert vcan the third game i A Ration -Wide Reputation ... or over Ttuo Decades PURE . HMLTBHIL l.l'l(l(lUTIi(i This advertisement is not published cr displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia,' When Ynur Thoughts Turn Toward COAL ECONOMY ASK CENTRAL FOR 651 or 652 That's the quickest way of t.) connecting up with the best V coal propositions In this town. The oualltv coal we sell will Kan k norm Ha iiinu Intrt vnui' fi r - A7 prcciation. SPECIAL 1 Tin In ourcoalyoull Jmd the heat. Thai will rn Ah your home a BM Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. I'HONE 6S1 C52 Ml 31 Tooth Powder with Sodaium Perborate 1 10 oz. Tumbler both for 37c Ormes Lid. "Jite. Pioneer Driiqgiats The Itexall Store rhones 11 U 1 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from it to 2 p.m. and 7 to p.m. "EVERYBODY'S WARMjFRIEND" COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Sole Distrihutors McLeod River Hard dbal EDSON, NANAIMO-WELLINGTON, HULKLEY VALLEY Office and Coal bunkers Trotler'g Dock rhone 8 Wanted-Raw lVU UaiMUIJ Furs PRICES " PAID mp to j E. Oui.IHEIM, Prince Itupert, b.C. Representing- niDSON'S BAY COMPANY . . "mc IMi lUSLSl 6Ttl Ave,