The Prince Rupert Rotory Club Norman M:Ewen, who has been yesterday decided to send a bouquet here for the past few months in - -tt a -a raarroua GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Texas. 50-oz. tin CHOICE SHRIMPS Large tins MOLASSES Per tin LAKGE ORANGES Per dozen FRESH TOMATOES Per lb TURNIPS, No. 1. CARROTS. No. 1 Lb. Phone 813 lie 25c 25c 17c 25c 15c 10c 29c 15c 3c CHOICE QUALITY PRUNES Good size. 2-lb. carton 7W TH2 DAILY Friday. Ju!l. Blended for Quality SALAOA TEA GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. DOG FOOD Per tin FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS Overwaitea Ltd 72c 9c GARDEN PATCH CHOICE PEAS Tin CAT FOOD Per tin MARMALADE Pure. 4 -lb. tin HANDY SODAS 44-oz. box PEAS and CARROTS- Per tin 15c CHOCOLATE BARS Each AYLMER PORK AND BEANS 2 tins JUICY GRAPEFRUIT 7 for No. 1 POTATOES 13 lbs COOKING APPLES 6 lbs lie 6c 43c 35c 6c 10c 15c 25c 25c 25c 19c 319 Third Are. IV. MacKenzie's Furniture Phone 775 A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 11 ONLY SHOPPING BAGS Water proof with zipper and handles, price' $1.50. Special Regular Act Quickly. They Won't Last Long 1.15 327 3rd Avenue UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT FromPort Simpson 539.75 S36.00 (Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate points.) (Five years of age and under twelve) Half tare Tickets, on Sale from November 1st, 1910 to February 28, 1911 Good to return up to March 31. 1941 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a-m, S3. CARDENA v. very Friday 10:30 pjn. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 568 if Convenient, Fleasc Purchase Tickets at Office We bought three brand new heaters Just so you wouldn't freeze We bought three cars to put them in They answer 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' The cars are painted in two-tone blue Their beauty is equalled in ease If you want safety with comfort Call us at 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' IJTTIlEMf cr T 4 DPrOTT iVT GT?trrWT- LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just say "Three Two please." j Just say "Three Two please'. Ello's February Furniture Sale; Mrs. R. S. Sargent arrived on starts Saturday. Feb. 1. Elio's otferllast night's train ta visit her-slsterj you store-wide sale, you .save in ev-' Miss A. M. Barbeau. ery purchase. 26) ..!. j Ned Tobey ballad last night on the Prince Rupert far Vancouver to pay a visit with his parents. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Tobey. The Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterday decided to contribute the , of flowers to one of its members, ehargs of Ycung Men's Christian 'sum of $30 toward the upkeep of the Thomas Trotler. who is ill in St. work with the forces, is aniiinitr. Pauls Hospital. Vancouver. All the night on the Princess Adelaide for members affixed their signatures Vancouver enroute to WlnnlDc to a little missive accompanying the having been transferred to that order for the flowers. city. JANUARY 31 TO FEBRUARY 8 MONEY SAVERS SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR OTHER SPECIALS 1st Grade BUTTER -jjj CHOICE APRICOTS JLjl 4)p Par tin GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Tin MILK Any Brand. 3 tins CUT MACARONI 4 lbs HONEY GRAHAM WAFERS 1 -lb. cello United Services hut. First Aid Classes under St. John's j Ambulance Association will commence Monday, February 3rd, fori men and Wednesday, February 5th, for women, City Hall, 8 pjn. (27 Yesterday afternoon President N. M. Carter of the Rotary Club com plimented R. M. Wlnslow on at taining the honorable and enviable role of grand-dad. Sergeant Major C. R. Gilbert, I who has been chief clerk here for: the Royal Canadian Army Service I Corps, sailed last night on the ss. j Prince Rupert for Victoria, having) been transferred there. In about two months from now the Prince Rupert Rotary Club will celebrate Its twentieth anniversary when it is planned to have an event The case of Andrew Wallace, char ged with shopbreaking with intent In connection with a recent incident at the Star Welding shop on the local waterfront when the place i was entered and an attempt made)- to open the safe, is proceeding be fore magistrate W l. Vance In city police court this afternoon. Silk STOCKINGS 3! mo TOP Ql 0 5 w FROM ,1 ' " - A K E I & IAMU11UJ if rLiVS Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. 102nd Auxiliary Dance Armories, January 31. Masonic Telephone Bridge, 4. Orange tea. February 5. Mrs. Catholic tea. Mrs. February 6. Hospital Annual Hall, February 7. W.O.T.M. tea, Februaty 12. Proceeds War Relief. Basketball Association Valentine Party February 14. Lutheran Valentine pole Hall, February 14. tea, Metro- Cambral Valentine Tea, Legion Hall February 15. Masonic Ball, Friday, February 21. S.0 H. Masquerade February 21. United Tea. Mrs. Clarke MrL-an" i February 27. i Illustrated travelogue. "Up North Mrs. Mandy United Church FVtv an 28, 8 p.rn DoThis IfChild Has a Cold Relieve Misery Improved Vicks Wav Mothers, you irill welcome the relief from misery that comes with a "VapoRub Massage." With this more thorough treat ment, the pool tlee-and-yapor action of Vicks VapoRub more effectively penetrates irritated air passages with soothing medicinal vapors ... STIMULATES chest and back like a wanning poultice or , plaster. . . starts REUEvma misery right away! Results delight even old friends of VapoRub, TO GET a "VapoRub Massage' with aU Its benefits-massage VapoRub for 3 minutes oa tti- . PORTANT RIB-AKKA OP BACK as well as throat and chest -spread a thick layer on chest, cover with a warmed doth, be BVRS to use genuine, time-test! VVICKS VAPORUB. S j Mrs. L. H. Dennlson of to which ladles will be Invited. The.norse, the former Miss Nellie Qur-club was formed in 1921 with onlv ! Vich of this citv. nrrlved nn tho has been seriously ill. sailed last j at Skagway as agent there for the night by the Prince Rupert on her i American Express Co., and Mrs. return to her home in Victoria. I Reynoldson were passengers . aboard I t.wu.juuibu wj .v i . a ,uiv(m ivuiait jTowrruay alter granacniwren, lone ana Allan noon going through to Seattle on a jacKiin. vacation tr d. Timely Recipe; MUSHROOM CROQUETTES 1 can cream of mushroom soup. I 6 hard-cooked eggs, finely chop-,ped. I teaspoon salt, i ',i teaspoon prepared sauce. Vt teaspoon prepared mustard. , IVi cups soft .bread crumbs. j 1 cup ham, ifinely chopped. Combine the salt, sauce and prepared mustard with the chopped leggs. Heat the cream of mush-iroom soup and add the chopped eggs wlth seasonings), soft bread crumbs and -chopped ham. Heat 'and cook 4-5 minutes. Chill for 2-3 I hours. Moid Into croquettes. FOR B HEADING Flour. Fine crumbs. 1 egg, slightly beaten. 2 tablespoons water. Dip the croquttes in a mixture ot the flour and fine bread crumbs V2 flour and M crumbs), then in j the egg mixed with milk or water, and roll in the fine crumbs at the last. Fry in hot deep Xat (365des. 385 deg. F.) for 2-5" minutes or'uri- ui golden Drown. Makes .8 cro quettes. "Oovrrnmmt Liquor Act" (Section 28) yntlet of Application far a Rwr I LICENCE Krlkevsky'sl notice is hereby given that on jthe lOUi day of February 1941 nxt the !undral7ned lntDda to apply to tb iby the glass or bj the hotue Tor con- I sumption George - on the premises or else' A f uu tvi u V nuuwf ,l ROBERT CORTLAND MOTCH AppUoaaC IN THE SI PKE.ME COVKT OF HEIT1SH COLl'MUIA IN I'KOHATE In the Matter of the "Admlalstratloo Art" 'And In the Matter of the Estate et Augusta Kiwhnlnf Crerar, ltereaed TAKE NOTICE that by order ol His Honor, w. E. Plsher. made the 27th. day ol January. A. D. 1941. I was appointed Administrator, with WUl annexed, of We estate ol Auguata Roehnlng Crerar. deceased, and all parties faring claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish aaove, properly -reri fled, to me on or before the asth day t-f fabruary. Ap. 1941. aod all parties .adid to 4-f. m Terifawtth The Misses Verna and Hazel Leask sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. A. S. Nlckerson sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for a business trip to Vancouver, accompanied by his little daughter. Mrs. Nelson Brew and son, Mar- . A. - - .J 1 . Terrace to Lee Bethurem of Usk, jl b a business vlsitor ln the city, hav- White- in arrlved 011 last night's train "urn me interior. j fourteen charter members. j Princess Norah yesterday afternoon ' W"31" A. Hutchlngs, wife from the north to pay a visit here 01 tne mana&er of the branch of the Mrs. E. Macaulay. after SDendine I with relatives. the past few weeks here with herj I daughter. Mrs. C. C. Jacklin, who Lyman E, Reynoldson, well known oanK or Montreal at Dawson, and daughter were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. G.N.R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 From the East-Tuesdays, Thursday's and Saturday n pjn ' - ' : THI miTISH COLUWIIA OISTIILUT CO. (LTD. wntMMtni c f) by t Liquof Centiol Bond r by 1)4 CctffMin of Brkiik CclufctU. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT' AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP UAV1U ALLEN, DwcftSed TAKE NOTICE that toy Order of HI nortour JUOge alfr. local Judv. rrf Suprane Court of BrtUsh Columb'a. - was on u istn day at Januarr AX) '' nppouKed Administrator of Uw .uluor control soara lot a licence in or uarm Alien. lormerly of th r R. r, EL Moore i S j respect of premises feeing port of the." Settlement of Hyder. British Columbia building known as the York Hotel q .Deceased, who died on or about the 2 1st 'TMrd Avenue in tne uny 01 rrince Rupert between Sixth, and Serf nth Ball, Moose Street upon the lands 'dearrlbed a I Lola Nineteen (19) and Twent (30) of Block Twenty-three 423) la Section One Ml). Uap 923. Prince Rupert Land Mrs. S. Haugan'S ! Registration District In the Province or Presbyterian tea, Mrs. Mitchell's February 13. Itsmisn CDiumoia tor voe mwoi Deer oay oi tjeptemcer wo. All txTsorm in dehted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebted ness to tne forthwith and all r-r raving claims against the said Estate rc required to nie tnem with me properly rertfled on or before the 30th x. c April AX) 1941 faUlng which dlatn-butlon wUl be made baring regard only kiBuua oi waion i snail have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. the inu wr o January IVil NORMAN WATT. Official Admlnlntrator Prince Rupert. DC IN THE M'PREME COVRT OF I1KITISII ruLi.iiui.1 rKOBATE in (lie flatter of the "Administration Art- And In the Matter of the Estate lionald Crerar. DereaAed or TAKE NOTICE that toy order of Hli Honor. W. E Plsber. made the 27th day of January. AX. 1941. I sappolned Ad' mlnlstrator. wtoti wUl annexed, of the estate of Donald Crerar. deceased, and aU psruesaanng claims against said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verxQed. to tne on or before wit mw umj qi rooruary. A r tCaall ibe ux are requlml U iovI U out. tnxWKi k-' V. n.Min. fhlr IhitahrnAaa . . uk " " -.w- u r icifuuTii pmj cne amount their Indebtedneas to me forUtwttti JAiXD tfce8th tIT of Janusry. AD. DATED the 23th dsr of Januarr I41. ,1941 NORMAN A WATT 1 NORMAN A WATT ot An LKlixiai Aonunisvator i OfMcaa Adm --tc- Prince Rupert B O Princ: R D c Repeal Of Zoning Bylaw Is Sought Oeslxe Is to Remove Worklne Hardship on People A petition Is being circulated in the city ' asking the city ' commlssion- - -" February Stamps And Certificates ucicnce sepur IL. . WASHINQTON, United State Vin.oi ttaysport are paying b vk-i Ar tn , . ... . pected to call . w Jill: eovi!nime; visit to the city, having arrived on Z T:lr 17 6 li,ere,to huv rt-r. V." J . . . . t 4U. rl OCCHIS tU DC u section or inA mm . I -- ---vc uuiinv a. last mgnvs tram irum uie owvm ,.,,., .u. V v . certificate nnn . 1U.U1UL v uiiiL irri i.iib nucr rain is Hau .Tiiiiii r . Paul and George Ross sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for; Vancouver where the former will, receive further medical treatment.' Union steamer Venture, Capt. John Boden, Is due in port at 10:30 tonight from the south and vlil sail an hour or &o later en her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Lyman Ferris, well known Ket- chlkan hotel proprietor, was a pass-1 ,enger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday arternoon going through on a trip to Seattle and Portland. I CPJl. steamer "Princess Adelaide. ,Capt. Henry Anderson,. Is due in' . port at 3:30 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 pjn. on I her return to Vancouver and way-points. i J A. Attree, who recently disposed. oi nis Dutcher shoD buslnes nt might be attained bv BminMh.!11105 01 Canada. present law to prevent it beine a hardship -on people who have been Injured financially through its Hundreds ol peopif. trj - - - wii UIUII una ppr irnnA . If I llll I iiiiiiixhii iiiiiruoir vuuuvu JlUUl OL11 Why not make it now You have more time and the opportunity was never vri - 1 "cuci iuukc a record vocal or strumental yourself. in- Our modern recording studio R.C. A. Equipped is at your service ttec. -rulings $1.00 up. You and your friends or relatives will get years of pleasure from any record you make Arrange now for an appointment 'Come m for a demonstration and a voice test No obligation. FURNITURE SALE Starts Saturday February 1st. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORI MOOSE BUILDING NEW ROYAL HOTEL Zrtlll Froprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Katei 75c ay M Rooaw Hot & Cold Wattr Vrtries Rupert, B.C. PKone 1 ... ... THIRD A TEXT! mi M0ss()f;9...aMAa;svvss9M9cc.a. ' TRAPPERS Don't sell your far$ j Drinf the walerront. ( town tn me. M '.., - in . .nr mnrr. " oujers pay j ,-a bis contract to till GOLDBL00M The Old Rdib,e