Greenville Xmas ! Hockey Scores Tree Enjoyable Raters. 4: Saturday Canadiens. 2 Detfoit. S: Torono 5 Sunday Xathe ChiMren t Ns H'w Vil Rangers. 3; Detroit, i. lage EnttrlatMtd. J. aftBKNTILLK. IVc A w enjoyable Christmas tire and per-or t haM in reeorill ou QawVttrfm Be by the pe..r -1 4tt ribf children, the tartar f the cifuJm bein-ratfc fuaa Sna CUoc with preowate -Mrs. Catherine Wttwrn wi in abarer of the. afta villi tfu. Brown p2avtiK the pari af Satv Glaus. r Whifflets From The Waterfront -I A nouce to mariner. xssved by the Department of Transport unci authority from the Depart -SMAi of National Defence, advise fbat all waters within the arsa at BDa Bella enclosed by ooi join-fetf the easternmost point or Spirit island to the wwternmaat point K Meadow Island thence ninety foaitea to the eastexumoic pomt of Bark bland and thence xa Cl-vct Island have been established as a prohibited area. SUnilarty KphibHod ate all waters at An-Bar- Qo CharioUe Ismade. hvMe a an jcuninr Kwi Mat to the. aatt narthernly point of r 9 9 r 9 9 I S . w, SI U Tornate. 1: Brooklyn. - ft? S-ii 1 o. i "nocKey oianamgs Batten Sanguis Betrwlt Brooklyn Canadteivs !ws sraalL 12 14 14 S 6 6 4 4 : 5 H MM M T K X 3 47 54 It 41 57 14 14 SI 13 13 1 14 41 If HOTEL ARRIVALS Print Kupert R. & Km?. W. R. Davidm and C. M. Thomson. Anfocd Bay: Uai?j DaaelL Mr. and Mrs. W. S. SW and W. Kltaoo, Vancouw; JJwi V Taylor. Massett. Royal Arthur J. Ftynn. Etatne Campbell. P. Hudson and J. W. Minnie. Prince Rupert. Adjutant S. D. Brunadon of the Salvation Aratf. delivered a ChrlsU mas mVaoiHw t the PrtMii Rap A Rotary Club at Its weekly fcpily eon on Friday PneMent P. if. Linaev was in the ehaar and. '- Noel r. Taylor of .Ma. jbas been an a trip to Ykaovf arrircd in the city, last nfcjfc ttya the south and wfl! aaJI aanmofet rughx for his home on the Qmm CharioUe Islands. Caatri Bcrd by the Gentrzsz.t of Br.:-. C:l-r.b Happy New Year Oar Friends and Customers. C in ana e.mnie?' wt: hhaT i nrrwir -nr. r t h4p ynu ami v are huie daUacs aerw vmi a; Vanrtr Stare, isnr vnsr 52 THTRJ AVE. WEST 3 51 Dtl lftrpet our be Candies for the wek- A' Family shoe store ltD.1 "The Home of Good Shoes max Km irt A A A. 2i III fj j r Between CSnswcfc tnc Vf w Yar s tec it beaR J tJwsf wl dtf net r thw rhaar ar afprmir; 10 & tbear n iIm iwr w JIC ?f !ir s a ie F Vtarf Sew Yrar. The Vaneri Skare iav aCfen a rod aelertMc at serrhaafise. fUzscs. Ty. Ifc. aad ra Taj; KUarr, Cauare. TaMc OKitv tmm and Mais. TmtK CtMrrn ud Jniw $atrrs, Vxln Lratber tafaaU' Sbtxs. nf. and sivV-iar for Ife KMdir: Ladies Krnmav. CSps, CoSar and fSar anc Call Seu B0ts f c Miar UpjSJct ItooiR, PerfOMtt aa& afl that matec the feeaat? af natsre camping. Bar Stars Shim. Srix Tie. Savj-ntrrv Rarors and IUr ISsfirs, Nhaitej CreaiM and w-rr is a ttft ft al at Variety Store 11 i! i THE DAILY NEWS wSBBi "THE 15 ONE -BOTTLE BAR" ZljKSk VRK tEx hobday 5-caioa, more tKui ever, Seagram's CaruJun Ryr canes S' &? J A Bk mu .ny ooc at the Scagrua bands a veritable Oae-bauk " aeies poebic as cwHeM vuriety oi" tkints to cet an taMei, aa fZwP iBH 'k ftr-"S to neet tbe ant ardiing tt mm can Wrx 1 lr ftM d- to mix and to drink swocvdirr d gay witk Seagram's YO. 15 CZL1 OLD-FASHIONED - rWve mt Jnf af sugar tnrh 2 TKisroTri , c vazrr cr soda ie au oid-bshune flus and aid: Large ksr- of ice. Twv dftaaes Aofjntrwri Btoen. 2 caauors of Seagals "VXX Wawky. Sdr-swB jaalc k an evcs-cxariBf aodaaBL iauo &e fjas drari a LJf afer of" lewjon aai iiaup, jawaafk sale aai a SAVOY HOTEL Carl ZrJn, Prop, rw 17 r.a. rx Mt FRASER STREET Prince Ftirpcrt A r efc A pa HI I IB illP PT II I JBBI -r- mn'i IB II WtiW 25 ts. 235 Taxi Proprtrter O KSliiJ I ige's Plate ice aaHe$ n miiJA aaJwlaaodiiiDMk ctncwura. fitters. 11 nxYcawsT Teahka t- 2T- Seenn'i King! fuNSMxaataahl T.i A..vfr:..sfnKxr is -Mt jnASjSiPd a firiyta CPWHttifJ . t ' Van Im VTan: GOOD TAXI SEKT3CE TU wci lot 3oacc afake. ROYAL HGOTEL Utr 1KM AH AT rtOM lita-ei tic tj Hbst 3attCaliUVavlcx frinre 3to?st it rkwSl FJQ. Rez TM PHOXE aa Seagram's LD RYE 2ts.52.35 3.55 RYE WHISKY COLLINS : kaonsnd one torang teaujcwnfol tape .. 2 3urce of Sacra's SfeoJ OU Rve Vv 2x3 oaaoes cf soda. Star with a srnon to ci c sa&T thm itOd. and hi aaa weh loi. n : a 5ic cca aoioki -Coat Ci. j. BoltS : "Jae Ggvemir:. ;, ntBnUJ-. CT-cab. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. - a good ruKct to Brr COLD WEATHER NEEDS: RL.XKETS White and jrrey; aH vmI FIXVNELErfTE SHEETS Larpe Ue- HEATERS Brick lined. 11