4 Pa aed Sa F oF ; | : tema TRE DAILY SEWS THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVE2TISING—S) cents per inch Contrect ries on appacatioc. SUBSCRIPTION RATES-—Te Canada, United States and Mezico—Damr, # per month, or $5.0) per year, m advance. Waenir. $20) per peor. Al Other Countries— Daily. $2.0) per pear; Weekly, $2.57) per year. scrictiy m advance ad HEAD OFFICE Daily “iews Buldi.g, Third Ave., Prince Rapert, B. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENC New Youax—National Newspaper Bareac, 219 East Zird SuaTTia—Puget Sound News Co. Lompos, Exciasp—The Cioagher Syadbcate. Square. Scsscamsezs will greatly oblige nen-deitvery of inattention om the art Cc. Telephone 3. igs St... New York City Geand Trask Bailding. Trafaigar calling up Phome S% im case of carriers. by promptly of the mews 2% s< E °> = = c = > 3 mier McBride Eng : é Time The sugges! mn was th Pre - Vie B ah, = 2.1eve be in "arr" . > r - e e = e m™ ft. > -? = tv - Ss * B ‘ ; = -_ Vere. she z € u $ = he k heap. 7 = R * z : the | - Port ee g th Zz ' Pea i The R a ff 75 s+ 7T7a7 we =f + me £ wks he Fre - He 3 Z z ame wars - £ <€ € > — >i¢ o 0960s 000 58s cee 0ee ceeee: > Soe 600 600 00 6800es 25a eee ost = 3 = = The BIRKS WEDD particularly fine design hruugbuul aueda Catalogue Subscribe For The Daily News Lime from Glencten to Quebec Monireal, Aj be ‘e- Special NT. RAllLway LAUNCH KORE WHALING BOATS Ready to Be Taker Over ; ais Five Mew Whalers Completed or 5... abe ake eh - Mearty Completed and Ali to Be pore inict chart to Deily News ; SUTE INLEY CHARTER Work Mow Goes Ahead on Sey- mour Narrows Bricge. EDMONTON CITY COUNCIL _ HAS APPARENTLY LOST CONFIDENCE OF ExecuTiyc . bes seasonab hings : ayse2 Mrs. Frizze launches . Davis boat 2 and : pos- $s, als : i - Launched Within the Mext .» : -s are th went ra fr Quebe ; Few Days. s of the Bu e % gress is being —— nie = . The , _ —— Ape t5 Tt Stee aAing ove f thes eartier & é &-> . 7 otar . <2 as : . tO Wes z S.<@ miportar en eager t = +se's ge f th s f th pi setile : é : my Sh oe-is Na s bridge. This fea f Mack ality & a rro™ -. ode " as and sure ss ~ nex af The ste whaler), e sbor sme fa : r a ._ & ‘ ai b z the See the Insurance People.| Silas Whaling any be —_—_—_——— home 15 af +a rus. | © sent down LAND LEASES pecmatmeecemncaemasaiin... aanditypenemnectneiin = ab “ jars JUST HELPED HERSELF yt he ‘ Ameri-} — : os a ia eee Wha e | Ome st th 4 * tant 6 — - bs F Soi Heaven Help Those Who Help yard] Of the Seatile Dev Duck & ae metce mas es are Themselves, She Thicks Now. ms ‘ : : sunched so Thursdés Kaie Fitzpatrick, charged Fri- a anoth sie whaler -'* ie eal : tiseorder . eon = ely - arinz 5 r her 2 ste2 f be- De you pay your bills? e Gned « 2s z sus a pay them if a were burne «eo “ . z " Get a pelicy in the Com- sos z bans- eres Uniea Fa re Assurance h ¥ 2-3 She ic *.—The - Loi2 i2-2 Biock ié s4¢i105 Fs = =m 2 &. $75 ~: ash. 6, 12 nias.-- é 3 work he Tt art. 2235 6th siree f N. BP E < 4 “ « March 2 $1.100,- Gets i in Pieces. : z z s * New ¥ 2 Pr >.—Th : e re ~s Mrs. I + Rems asa : f this R54 x sner oa 2 21.82 - ss : $ s s bia d Zz HAS HEAPS OF TROUBLE WHO ARE THROWING UP THEIR soes—cicr rte FORCE @M*yY Quit Cad au | = . x as aT = er ‘ = S istege z We f ssh This st was : . ° ‘ > ae - gz the ! Mr ss ‘ = be Zz z for z - - “ > z The — for the ver ‘ ‘ - : , ) latest, 2k ra Paster - \iwars« Ww eek k $ as a sins , . . a - : { i ° esigha ' wae * th - , : 2 « ‘ - 3 Js , a £ ue a s 3 $ a fh £22 f « os a = “= zz d Ss be {f Mr ressk ‘ z: sz s i rs : ‘ 8 s Kr - : . a< pal s t re : Ww Kniz T 2 22 WANTED: We have an For Sale '"* bivek 1 sec. 1. Price = = , “tases PATTULLO & RADFORD a = g = OMAN Your Best Shopping Guide UPPOSE there were no advertisements— what a worrying task shopping would be! Think how you would miss the helpful information that now guides you to select the best goods, and to know the shops where they can be best obtained. How difficult to make up your vertising columns of a newspaper shopping list without first knowing give you just the information you something about the goods you require to make your best selec- need, or the store that sells them! tion of goods or store. Leisurely, Your shopping would be all ex- in the comfort of your own home, lot of money during the shox ess of learning by id disappointment you can plan and decide upon the proc- : _ purch: ges in expenence how and dis- From soap to gas ranges—from shoes to sutomobiles—one gets from newspaper Advertising the in- formation that is essential to safe and advantageous buying. Thanks to the high standard of present~