r i pagz roua DAILY - FOR "THE WEAK",;, Movie Stars Help Britain personal Items From Hollywood People Flown to Alberta Chapter of I.O.D.E. HOLLYWOOD. May 7: CP One sarong in green henna print, three daintily embroidered handkerchiefs and a leather-bound travel log travelled byt air to Vegreville. Alberta, where' they will be auctioned off by the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire at their anjiual spring fair May 15, for Canadian 'warlcharitles. The sundry items are the personal "property of Ella NeaC Dorpthy LamQur-and Virginia Dale, respectively and were cheerfully surren-djfrfd to Bob. Fraser, Paramount studio property man on the set of "Atama of the South Seas' 'rtn he !chanced to remark that they might bring goodly sums at the Alberta fair. f Each item is accompanied by a Personally autographed photo, from the donor, expressing good wishes to the Vegreville chapter of the 'I.OD.E., which has done fine relief work since outbreak of hostilities. Since Marlene Dietrich recently aoid one kiss for $1,000 for the American Red Cross, It Is riot unlikely that Miss Neal's sarong. Miss Lamour's handkerchiefs and Miss Dale's book will add welcome sums to the Canadian, war charities fund. ; LEATHER FROM PAPER LONDON, May 7: CP German newspapers received here carry advertisements asking for plotting paper from whUta to. make leather substhuiey. WINSLEY Bath Soap 35c a Cake or 3 Cakes for a $1.00 Ormes ltd. The Rtxall Store Phones II & a Open Vxlij fra S lo. till II j Sundays and Holidays tno 12 to 2 p an4 ".US JD. iGreeting Cards Fpr MOTHER 'S DA V Next UNQAY-May llih Send acautiful.card as a reminder of yp,ur estepqi and affection "Made in Canada" P.qnU for every-: one and for every occasion- See qui Qregtjng Card Displays. There is Sqnepnc lo Remember Every WY 'WOMEN ARE PROMOTED TORONTO, May 1: Three former ; school teachers are among a group ;of four young women recommended ior designation as deaconesses by United Church of Canada, it was istated here today. They are: Miss Marian M. Brillinger, Toronto, for several years on the public school teaching staff: Miss Violet Deep-rose, Morrin, Alta.. formerly a rural school teacher, and Mi s Kathleen (Elizabeth Nixon BA.. Wayne. Alta.. who had one year's experience s a I public school teacher in Alberta. Designation services will take place teaching service, was for some time matron of the Indian Residentisi School at Morley. Alta. As an as. sociate worker of the W.M.S.. she is LONDON, May 7: (CP) Britain's bid for a place In the oversp.1 clothing market will be eiven fre.sh impetus by shipment of 2,000 dress- fs, ranging m price from $4.50 to $90, to Canada and the United! States In the biggest export effort In women V. clothes yet made by! this country. The Women's Fashions Excort nt uroup nope the clothes will be on show In New York by May 15. Except for the Duchess of Kent, no one will see them until they reach America. They were designed in great sec- recy by 80 manufacturers and have ,Dock. laAiH ChMhWWkmohh3ooh J Book i 6 : . ' a 'Stain' rori Simpson Teaeper Among ew!o ' United Church Deaconesses (hHhKKhWWW Ready To Go FOOTBALL STARTING THURSDAY Four Teams to Take Part In What is Expected to be esVSjnlor pompetjtipn In eaRj Grounds are In gopd shape. r-, . . 1 nJ t A ocneauies nave ikcii wiuyit-ipf. .f !, , . at forthcoming conferences of the . " -.u...t-.ti- -Sj .. Tnfn?- The interest the to go. of . , t J-f "?.h the Broup U ns has been aroused. Everything iv aasi, T an T inomsJBA' OBem3- in readiness for the opening to nonor Graduate nf tho University of Saskatchewan and former Girls' Work Secretary in th Y. W. C. A.. Saskatoon. Sask. morrow night of the Senior League football season. Four teams are in the runnine. It is exDected to be jone of the best seasons Prince c Ru-' llZ 1 w.I 1 u.7r: 9 1 9 its grader to good advantage in Mus Deeprose, in addition to her levelling off the grounds. Yester-' day the Royal Canadian Engineers put up pew goal posts. The schedules for the season. starting with the Stuart Benefit now assistant matron at the Pmt'm.i.u , u ... 1 1 Home for Girls. Port Stepson. B.C. ' lol: Miss Nixon, recommenderf fn th c. i.i. 1 June 3 R.M.R. vs. Dry Dock. June 5 C.S.T. vs. Independents. June 10 Dry Dock vs. CJS.T. June 19 Dock. June 24 Dry Dock vs. R.M.R. June 2ft Independents vsT C.S.T. Julv 3 C-RT.'v Hrv TVvV oeen xepi unaer lock and key. Af- August 7-Dry Dock vs. RMR. 1 showing for the Duchess I August 12- Independents ' vs. m uc m 10 cxioiiana ana.C5T locked in a sale nlate untM sail Ing day. The models, dresses, suits, dinner gowns and one weddine dress, all are of wooL If you want sometniru'. adver tise for 1L Hundreds of people get what they want that way. (tf) Mothers1 Day- We have the following suggestions for gifts suitable for your mother. Pyrex Ware Tea Pot Glass Sherbert Set Fancy Cups and Saucers at the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars-Phone Red 1Z0 P.O.Box 757 330 3rd Ave. West b.K BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. Fresh Local Raw and Pastcurizp4 Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Stanley W. Colton, D.CJ'h.a Wallace Block, Phone CI 9 August 14 C5.T. vs. Dry Dock. August 19 Independents vs. R. Mil. Aussie Champ Quitting Ring 1 Ron 1 Richards, Holder, of Three Titles, Decides to Retire ; THEY ROLL THEIR OWN AUCKLAND, N. May 7: (CP) I Tiger moth machines, enough primary trainer aircraft tb satisfy .the full requirements of the Royal New Zealand Air Force are now i Being ouai ax tne nations iirst aircraft factory. Central Hotel Central Hotel Aex 150 Heated ' Bfomf Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietrrsi SPORT CHAT p-iiil np.in. vouneer brother of th niriv-Daffv nitchine team of Che St. Louis Cardinals, had a' piece ' nt rartllace removed from nis pitching arm four years ago this Week. The operation restored some of Daffy's hurling prowess and he pitched a few games later in the 1937 season. He is now with New York Giants. So that clubs can carrv on next season, desDlte wartime shortage of men, Durban and District Football Association of South Africa Is con sidering forming composite teams made up of players from various cluhs. Miss Brillinger graduated frnm liea Lyons- veleran cmca the United " ea Chureh Triinin. chi u . . 1 wrote, spx pitcher, always " tries to School Training .nurcn 1 On Sunday about twenty nlavers ? ,V-o .. w-." .... in 1940 and has since been on th staff of the Department of Sunday ecnooi i'uoucauons. She is rernm. mended to the Toronto Conference and fans turned out for a worklnz bee on the grounds and did a good job. On Saturday the city had used ly at the' start pf another baseball season. "Then you find out quickly what they like and don't." he 'says. LEADERS DEFEATED Alberta Conference. eradimtH from . -, . St. Louis CardinaU Ami n,iinj the TTnivAreif Z 1 Aiay o Kucsy Mouniain Kansers , ' me University cf - Manitoba -Z and the i vs. Composite Services. Indjan Lose Games On Tuesday ".awSJ"-"""-"---! Boston; CP1 SL a vacant charge at the mining area Mar lS-FinaL Cardinals -were defeated yes of Wayne, Alta. ENGLISH DRESSES uucjiess ,of Kent Given Private Showing of Clothes for U.S. and Canada Dominion Day Cup May 20 Dry Dock vs terday by Boston Bees and had their margin of leadership in the .... f-lV T TnHlnniftanli , D If Tl NatlOrUU July 1 FlnaL Mobley Cup City League May 27 C.S.T. vs. RAIJl. May 29 Dry Dock vs. League tut to half a game over the Brooklyn Dodgers who, with Bill Herman pltihing. jwere, winning over Pittsburg Pirates. The Bet ton Bees went into I fourth place tied with the Clncin nati Reds who lost to the Phillies The Chicago' Cubs droDDed into the basement below the PhlMies by St. Louis 4, Boston 5. Chicago 3, New York 5. Pittsburg 3, Brooklyn 7. Cincinnati 2. Philadelphia 4. American League Cleveland 3, Washington 5. New York 4, Detroit 7. Other games postponed. The league standings to date: National Learue Si. Louis r..-.15 4 .7 Brooklyn 16 6 .New York 10 '.Cincinnati 8 i Boston 8 Pittsburg 6 Philadelphia 7 Chicago 5 1 American League iClevelanrt t . jDetrolt IZ'ZZlll Chicago 10 " SYDNEY. NJS.W May 7: CP)-'0Yrk Ron Richards. triDle boxine- chamn- !t. ,1 " - - British Empire middleweight "'PhiladelnhJa j 6 tlrcmpnt from th tin. M(. A.i UKU. SOME trail an titles were middleweight, light heavy-weight and ! Efforts were made to match j Richards with the British boxers Jock McAvoy and Len Harvey for Empire titles and when these failed Australia decided to stage her own contest for the Empire middle-weight crown. In this Richards beat Fred Henneberry, a former .529 .350 .333 The coaches of trainji 75 years ago were little loreer than fr!cv.t train cabooses of today. yes; We. Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned L50 Chimneys Swept , sjo HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 Blake Oar Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 517 Tom Lee & Son HOUSE OF FTNE FOODS" OLD WAYS OF TRACK Wartime Sport of Kirfs Retains Circus-Like Atmosphere bis. dains New Gadgets By FOSTER BARCLAY Canadian Press Staff Writer Britain's "Sport of Kings.- De vices considered out-of-date In Canada, are still in style here. There are no electric starting gates, lightning fast mm tracks, nor FOSTER BARCLAY. drawn-out post fate its parades. Enellsh raclne still has :-J7 . . "T" jits bookmakers, web barriers, turff pi are m... .SJ g.and in y,: glie public i" was by cur-- 1 teraall. . Ml stools fjr, yem. A4l Turf 11. I Before eaeS V-Tl Paraded arcc-wC, Ihe club house t?A post Tliehr,TM tne starter f. Platform I. krands nf - and lacks the c , NOTTING HAM, England, May 7: 'nos shoot ; . . . are nni-trN ana uniiea biaies race iracKs nave . 1 f. no piace m lopgin shoatL-j cd; race. Aiutuci ne ccuis jr, Ii Nobody LiV- by thac r.arr.s & , visor ac:i. ; , ibadge For r.sV keen's he'U rxX of any race Scrit jretura the pr f . if it faj ta prcd.Ti 1 races, dip npins nnn "tnnti " . - Imagine a bookie or a tout trvine Ko seel a "tip" on the club house lawn, sav at Wnorfhln Park- In mg me stands resemble a comer-lot circus in any Canadian town. They are aH "honest." according to gaily-colored inscriptions on brief cases and batting, stands. There are Joe Clarke. "Our MAIL US YOUR FILMS, TODAY Any size roll developed and prlntediie Special "Decko-Art" prints Reprints twelve for 35c STEFFr.NS.-CQLM;R P1IOTQ CP- P.O. Box ZJ0 Vancouver EC. Just Completed! New Ice Storage jliruied va , j ... . k. Toronto. But it's a common sight j AUCKLAND, X. 2 here where they add color, atmbs- StarLr.j xtv ,, rs-phere and a spirit of carnival. .Tegisterir. crr Bookies have to work harder to 'New Zealr.d rjj b ;drum up business than m the .ously a2 ccj i:a good old' days the era Dre-'betwen 19 tr.d 45. ceding Introduction of parl-mutuels ,wnicn mark the only modem de velopment. Nottingham, one pf England's NO FORFTHftrrl ZANESVILLE,0 Vfej surprise --.:jr!- BRITISH II0MX LONDON, ihj ' bers of the Hca favorite wartime race courses.' islenipt frna tJ2 situated near Nottingham's busi-ican ceJled-o m jness centre. The track Is divided 'full-time i-'j 'a Into three sections: The "TaUer-saU," the clubhouse for well-to-do, Ring." for the gen- June 12-RJiLR. vs. independents. to New York Giants, Carl the "Minor anoVhe June-17-R.M.R. vs. OST " HubbeU pitching for the Giants. ffSSSj bMc t... , j a - . In the Ameriran iik. i--.itne sma1 gambler. Coal-hole" for mucpeiiueiiLs vs. ury : "t ing Cleveland Indians Iq C. to the' Old Style Bet tlnr w osnington Senators while the De-1 Anybody can hob-nob with mem- 5cia ucicuura me new xorK Ders in the club-house for $7.50 Yankees whom they replaced In '(the prfce of admission. Pew. how- July 8 Independents vs. RJilJl. we runfter-up spot. (ever, can aiford such a luxury Gtlhuly Cup 1 TOuiais winning streak tnese war da:nThe majority cram July 10 C5.T." vs. rt-M-R. - CMea at eamoJ. and the the Minor Ring where lawns front- July 15 Drv bock vs. Indenenrt. Wdians' at eleven. wii ai tjeague July 17 R.M.R. vs. Dry Dock. I National Learue July 22 C-S.T. vs. Independents July 24 Dry Dock vs. C.S.T. Jlllv 99 T?fR v TnHarun4onc July 31 R.M.R. vs. 'C.T." ""' ' August 5 Independents vs. Dry( scores: it Is cff.:-!:; rta Carl THE SEAL ' QIW 15: j m r GOLD SEJfl Fancy Redboci PINK SEil ti Iht nil 1 i j.1 canning cvmpuj ra tbt yer mmi rrlnteBHCt Ensuring qny Iqw temperature ice throu? fishlncr season j-, Fishprmen Invited to Inspect Om Reconstructed Ice Storage lj T Tamnvn.. T.t T.0 MflW Oil Canadian Fish & Cold Stora Prlnee Rupert Qf J. a op.Pfl rHcF 10 BUY 5 Red Rcrqm Suites-Four pieces . . . . . rHONE 775 Brttisk l A. MacKenzie Furniture