1941. THE DAILY MelW3 N4DIANS IK ?ICTURE C'ltib Provide tlic n aVe tffflltv o CP Flva . ident here have ;! final scene3 or :, , 49th Parallel" :mplcUon at Den- queers decided to anadlan sequen- ERFECTION SINCE 1807 M'Caliums the Scotch of iuperlative Quality J6' oi S3 "5 40 oz. S3.C0 adverf;;ment Is not pub- e cr ccpiayea Dy tne iji- C'.nirr.i RivsrH nr hv thp Irnment of British Columbia Avoy IOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. l"ne 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASKR STRKKT Prince Rupert bmer.. Leave Prince Rupert or Vancouver WALA EVKItY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. ue Vancouver Thurs. p.m. j'WhENA EVEP.Y I UIDAY, uin .. ... -V.UU l. 1 1 1. Vancouver, Monday a.m. Wlmn Charlotte Islands Sfrv if v ... . 1m "r',Vfi rnnce unpen Wyv. 17 and 2710 p.m. 'ikelsaml Reservations L. from ouiiXNuii, rnnce 1 ""pert Agent, Third Ave. PloneSG8 VEGETABLES In Season ffnt r.ij . na. "rres" anrt cr,sp ces they appealed to the B?iver ,Club authorities to supply them witn a selection, ot genuine Can-, adlan accents. The glrU who helped to give the! authentic atwoepiiere demanded; were: Mri, Anvtit panvrpu, Victor-1 ' la, Miss Beryl- "Vliartoh, Victoria; Mm. II. 6. Challts Mice Luty Fletch- er), Vancouver; Mirs Anna Mel.tur-try. Montreal, and "idr. "p. Benson,' Bellevill. Out. All are volunteer helpers at the Beaver Club. It was their first experience of film work. Beryl Wharton told a Beaver Club audience that she and her friends were, sprayed for hours with rain "Winnipeg In une"j struggled with traders, trappers and Indians In crowd scenes and helped to eat some dozens of doughnut and apple pies In a nack-bar shot, "After that damp and dizzy whirl none of us is quite sure lust where and If we will appear," she added. "Canadian soldiers and 12 pilots, fresh from Canada, also took part in the fun. The airmen had been In England only a few hours when they 'crashed the movies'." Home Pig Clubs For More Bacon Britons Getting More Hoc Cons-clous. in Wartime Providing LONDON, May 7: (CP- With more than 800 pig clubs formed ln; less than a year, Britons are rap-' Idly becoming more pig-conscious , than ever before. Alex Hobson, secretary of the. Small Pig Keeper's Coun?ll, estl mated these clubs would provide? about 30,000 nigs annually or 1.500 tons of bacon. Backyards, allotments, factory , grounds, sports grounds, A.F.S. station? and village schools all have their pigs. In London there are clubs at the zoo and in llyde Park. , "Pig clum members ifeed their animals on househild and garden waste." said Hobson, "but they ate allowed a certain amount of meal through arrangements with the Ministry of Food." Club members may keep four pigs each. They may two them-: selves but the other two must be sold to the Ministry of Food. j 1 MILK S GRASS j A cow mu?t eat 100 pounds or more of grass daily to produce 20 to 25 pounds of milk. I APPLES STAY PUT a mur snrav u.ed on orchards h'i reduced the falling of apples. from 60 to 90 percent In untreated trees. MWl ,, word!. nmt . ,nt housework or store- flndnn ahl:raft." He then signals. work Apply Frances Freejnan, to the tail-gunner by making a Central Hotel. 109 magnesium loaded bulb flash In FOR SALfc FLOAT Hou.se for sale. Digby Is- K land. Apply Dally News WANTED ent. Phone 358. tost LOST-Ladle's Omen watch , ln-itlaJled 'M.' Reward, Black ie WANTED Porter, Central Ilotd. . wt.i. -.,.-. nnp Iod ear I month)' old. Answers to riionc Red Xli-. LOST Boy's party who Dally News. Iier jacKeK. nA it leave PEltSONAL, W11V at (108) the rear turret. ' .: U i ' - . . . " ; ...j ." j ; 'r- '"W '"'''"ISk. ivjjp; j , A mH gKI f i m TltAININfi TO MECT W. VOUK-. of war in the cloud.. " '-' " " ' ' grim game - from Toronto's Island Airport to practice-the ? - SYSTEM OF " " : ' .' ' t...v Rhp cuffs and tiny collar are of em- .hk deik;ent. When he xeacnes uie mc iook iik juc - gVound he feels about as much looked at circular-skirted aay u.uw- -Sv ,h. fPlt after lumo-. r ..v, frocks, but said. "I never wear full one uue cvciim& evening dress, of w- .sheer white as wuiu - . .. - . iw " I fVilnrrc tMn, 1X1 CLI ADC tung. because It is one of her IlM j n I f I ij orlte fabrics. White, Because waive Is cool. The single-breasted Jacket This is acknowledged both vocal-' ,.pm:irUef, she Didn.t want ends just at the hipbone. The Duch- small signal lamp. her smau smurp- "7' ... ess realizes that to Look Like JacU Jack ncmpsey- Dcmpsey tip crew waits lor xne unai ur-, (110) der, "abandon aircraft . . . ready i - ' . readv . . . go." ; mR QAL&-16 ft rowboat. 22Q 8th tall-gunner leaver first, fol-. Ave E. tuwcu "J . " j ! chute. Chute, So SO he lie is IS careitui CareiUl to IO go go leet n jciiw hi .thP mrachute Is open. There niw A ,i hard V any sensawon 01 NOW IS TI1E TIMb 1 , he feds suspended in ilWIVlV fmnuinrMT .hid . . ., ii. . Postman, Custom etc. Hve Pominion;wup v-.-..- held since the war oegan Buys Four Costumes at Palm Beach Rv AMY PORTER Associated Press Fashion Editor The Duke helned her shop tor, 1941. Uh. ers size 10 makes long I snocis "-. j ,.., ink riots, has I . . to sv inline from a 10-foot wall. Triere is; skirts except in eywi.n ,enipniu... II A I Ml -1 II I I iv," it,, rh-n-f. nf cettinz a r.ir admired a red-ana- short sleeves, ana, ms -v m .always . - i The formal' day.-dressl4. v-'i. strawberry - printed' whiWcrepe wlth a high neckline, three quarici .-fffoK '' JZ DufhinS has four new, , !ns' mPk i24. rouP rtne escape na"" m u'c costumes, the first Important ad-1 TI1E M,pREME coVR.hr British .... i iMuH i.Via .intii iv inmiiTK . HI' Whentoereagunner goes over DukeWho Is governor ot'm the M-ttrr of ),, -Aam.i.tr.ti Ave. East, the side" he flrtft hd Bahamas-left Paris almost a AArt.a , lots. Hot.him for his parachute, -damping sald when gne Jh Uif Mattpr of KiU f KnillP , w w-!it nn to itwo hooks on his chest. !...tlk1L ,.. .v,..u o.,l oisrn. i)M-n.rl. tntrttr n Then he ne UMn uius iw he escape v hatch. . D0Uf'lt inf.m- take notice hat bj -on nr-i 9Uh (tfJThen mg through the summer.' iHoncr, w. E. nsher. made on the at uie sarnie "c And they . should chnnld , because they dav of April, A. P. isi. i was piwnn i helmet and (fo getting himself free, cted to meet - aU the ctothe clXs Aitir or the d t Knute f ihe flex of the lnter-communi-! 1 1 : . , requirements in mc ouhf"- w,y- uie ciauns jaw WANTED Sleeping room. Perman callon system 1 Duchess nQW li;ads ln Nassau, A ih b, , , fornisn rPP; 'v"( VIU t .... I, fnvmnl nrana CriY vnumi, 'T. . 7 . ... If hetakes ato .Wj d"t STeer cotton eT & legs curled up he will probably go v ocKs-a simple summer summer ward- waru .rWiiwd to pay the t somereaultlng down and get tangl-,lnf i,, t0 ,orUlwiui. somenwu.1. 4 Apr,lt A D- ed up Ml me piu ui c v'"- lect- - . HERBERT F. UUAiSti ,n Palm riaY, Beach aurlng ,,rnr thplr first, ,f with Htv. ,hls his Ipit? legs w s,traleht straignt. He ne - has nas them tn.e .1 Ottlclal Administrator, first, irw,nt vlslt there h strolled Prince Rwnert. B.C. sensation 01 -laning ana n ho ,hm. nrrlvine unannounc counting three he ptuis tne np:, .. lthln . few ; - cord. . ,ifo n rmtvH frnthered. The 1N Tl,l'7.1.' .1, ....m-rr ,TSllTlTXPgau" front door.In ,I1;!S?,r and If the gun- chute falls out. Duchess smiled at I er.:d tv alSe and sat down to look1,, Maltfr of T or'r DacK ne nwy B " C t cio clothes, tnes, w while nue women on the i. i.i..o(t, neiease.1. intestate jaw when the email parachute Is , N0TIC;.E that by u by the wind and drags out s feet outside poundea tne Piw w E on the h cau-ht cau0ui. 1 windows with their rings, , f Arl, . d. 1941, 1 vw AppoinW ithe main cnute. fn nHml!nn. ' Admlntotrator of the estate oi Ernest a. a nn Ma shmiklcrs tells mm . ul6b'"b " - .. , r j,! mirf nil iwiruea nftv ing claims agamsi wio w The Duchess was eager to see v- n,roby required to XurrJah same, prop-erythlng, because, she said. "Thls.eri, verged, to- . is the first collection I've seen since 'lndebti to ne estate we ":1'"Z,Z : nd there Is com- I left Paris." She.looKea at tne required to pay f - "1 :n new sloped shoulder, but protested, awu. a ' ' . . .... ...j don't llke'I8J K.,pldeAt in Canada No tag S, shotilder, but not enough to make ,l aWW j.. h . .ipnnrnT p nt.ARREY Otnctal Admuusiraiior, Prince Rupert. B.C. W THE SUPREME. COURT OF BMIItt I Timely Recipes ie J.r- uue .L.7u Tch.H with a bow. The other, of. ASPAUAGUS I'OTATO -FLUFFS rrhute d a4 him 7:: . bordered In sequins, -white organdie pr nted ; w th Diue It's A Complex Process And Every ; . ; H,ss iadv agreed. "It's divine. bu mV flowers is more elaDorate j- mm- Man Must Know His Time Ano - down successfuUy in the , wardrobe i't large enough to jus- med. wltn serous 01 - naee needs skill and presence of :Uf buying anything so conspicu- a sash -ox narrow u.u. 1 mind. The feet hit the water first I ous .. ,bon. i , LONDON. May 7; (CP) "Tlie and the D0dy gKs ,itialajht down. . The salesgirl brought out hals. AH four costumes are typically, 'crew baled out." It's n simple sen- Ug jumper must act swiftly to .T11 try them on If it'll make you DucHess of Windsor simple oL 1 cup asparagus puree 2 cups hot mashed potatoes 1 egg '"'--' ' 1 teaspoon salt 14 cup bread crumbs . 3 tablespoons butter ; Mix asparagus, potatoes,, salt, and Hence but for every a.n... get Ws harness on ana u-"; happy,"' said me Une. wwn - rtTn VW. Dron. In spoonful a wealth oi meaning. lneaWi the canopy ouie paiui.uic. : know j never wear nave mawning bww. -- - , - - HrlI.h .Baling out" is a process r, com- '..n there will be either a swim j beanies . ; for the two day costumes '.and, wear on a JT plicated os it is dramatic. When to land cr a long cold wait until: The four costumes she. finally tbern. a5alwys..plhnM.baek.of.her ,art&e SLStt ihe captain of a Royal Air Force h u picked up. settled on would serve as the basis pompadour with two. beautiful ctia- lightly with onimbs Jgeg 4UU - .r. rt.!rtfs there is nothing, , '1mORf nnv woman's summer eiiDS. degrees F. until goiaen prowii. JllVlUli JUL - m -Up tn be done ne warns ut TTTiTr Hi ill L' vi-nrtlrobe. Prepare to aD-, wy u b.I SW0 I Favorite Fannc 1 1 a w- smmer suit. Bhan $iL kttsh - - . r$fc With grim determination this young and virile , nation dons her armour, buckles on her sword. From coast to coast the tempo of Canada's war s effort accelerates. Tanks, planes, shells, food- g stuffs, and equipment of every kind are being massed for victory. Canada means business. . : Partonal tacriflct mutl match thli national; -ffort. ' l Yours is the duty of providing the dollars so ; vital to Canada's war needs. Yours is the duty to save. Invest in war savings certificates regu ' ; larly. Build up your savings account. Save for victory. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA WAR SAVINGS PLEDGE FORMS AVAILABLE AT ALL BRANCHES . -at- .aw t u4 ii (1 -ffc: V il 1 I 11