PArTK RTX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing. Hand Kngraving Visit Our Basement Storcr-For Fipe China. Dinncrware, Glasses, Baggage .andfotlliJes MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT WATCH THIS PAGE FOR NEWS OF - The Sale Of The Year Men's and Boys' Clothes at Unheard of Low Prices err THURSDAY'S PAPER LIBRARY BOOKS Easy to Read . . . Only 75c a Month CHANGE YOUR BOOK EVERY DAY! Two at a Time . . . $1.25 per Month "NO MURDER OF MINE" (Campbell) "RICHARD. PRYNE" (Harris) "THREE CUPS OF COFFEE" (Fciner) "THE EARTH IS THE LORDS" (Caldwell) "RECKON WITH THE RIVER" (McMeckln) "SCHOOL FOR ETERNI'lY" . rvcy) "THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM" (CVonln) "THE SLEEPER WAKES'' '. ((jlbbs) "THE PATRIOUC MURDERS'" ...(Christie) "DEATH FLIES WEST" (Bonhcll) "THE CAPTAIN FROM CONNECTICUT" (Forester) "FOREVER YOUNG" (Akins) "THE FOG COMES" (Collins) "RES1LESS ARE THE SAILS" (Eaton) "MANHOLD" (Bently) "THE SAINT IN MIAMI" (Charterls) "THE, STRANGE WOMAN" , (Williams) "BETWEEN TWO WORLDS" (Sinclair) "WATERS OF THE WILDERNESS" (Scifert) "BERLIN DIARY" ....(Shlrcr) "SCAT! ERGOOD BAINES PULLS THE STRINGS" (Keiland) "THE FIELDS OF PARADISE" (Bates) "THE SILFNT MAN" (Walsh) "MY FRIEND FLICKA" (O'Hara) For Recreation at Lowest Cost JOIN OUR RENTAL LIBRARY I RAILWAY I LINES Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean FSaUtfand Way Ports SS "PRINCESS 'ADJ2LAirJE"'ry Friday, 2 p.m. TO VANCOUVER dIUec Oct. 7th, 20th, 29th, Nov. 7th, 17th and 27th. To Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Skagway Oct. 2nd, 15th, 25th, Nov. 3rd, 13th and 23rd. Direct connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from V. L Coatrs, Crnrral A-ent. Prince Kupcit. B.C. Louis THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, opt CANADIAN GIRLS OVERSEAS These girls arrived in England, recently, with the latest batch of Canadian soldiers. Recruited for the Mechanical Transport Corps, they have already had considerable experience in driving with the Canadian forces. They are pictured walking in London. SOCIALISTIC EXPERIMENT Whifflets From The Waterfront Louis D. Brandeis, dead former over the Thanksgiving Day holi- Justlce of the Supreme Court of the day week-end aboard Dr. R. G. U. S.. was a vigorous defend- Large's Soogwilis. Weather was - ii i j frn rrY o vi r1 I Vdc rA rrtf ty rrrrc This opinion often was recalled Paratlvely light list of passengers in the New Deal years. Brandeis Dut'ai ireignt cargo, ar- voted to uphold the Roosevelt ad- rived ln rort at 9 o'clock this ministration in seven of the first morning fnri Vancouver, Powel' 13 cases of that category. River and cean Falls and Six Months' Dispute sal1 at 10 n'cltxk tonight for Ket- Unlike the great majoritv of rh'ksn ""ce she will return supreme court Justices, Brandeis nere tomorrow evening south- ha'd no experience on the bench kcund. when President Wilson in 1916 nominated him to succeed Joseph Northbound from Vancouver to R. Lamar of Georgia. Instead he SkaSwry. C. P. R. steamer Prin- had been practising ln Boston cess L'0Ulse' uapi- a- urav- ar nnhllp rhiAfiv nf Hi ooti. mis morning irom me soum ana vity ln the Zionist movement and "3lled a coup of nours later. for his battUng, ln and out of courts, Skagway and other northern for labor unions, protection of wage earners' Insurance policies, the legitimacy of laws establishing minimum working hours for women and against "high finance," especially the project of uniting " all the steamship lines east of New York. I This har.kffrniinri I FIJIAN PENNIES SHOUT I AUCKLAND, Oct. 15: 0 Popular wtthrNew Zealand garrison troops In the Fiji Islands for use as roker rhlr nrt souvenirs, the ,na'"P -d"-r allov ennv Is scarce . .,.. s ,-.,B enlns have been pWrlr.r-d Irani tender. here next Monday afternoon southbound. LOUD BOSTON DEAD LONDON, Oct. 15: Oi LordBos- t ...U 1 1 l ...nUtn tn rail Mil, trollev iroiiey and ana cna!tal coastal wd tt ku na, vutn.u i inn; Hiori at YUWIA VlVUla li .WWW, V..VU w flnilriforrl ln f?urrev. He was 81. COUpled With Thp fUc. iny tn P.rpvlllp Northv me iaci uranaeis was tne irby, ' a nephew, first Jew nominated to the sup- ! . reme court, brought about a long LONDON, Oct. 15: 0 At a controversy. The nomination went meeting of the British Red Cross to the sonate January 28, hearings Penny-a-Week Fund it was re-began February 9 and the nom- vealed that there were nearly inatlon was not considered until 60000 Britlsh prisoners of war in June 1. the vote being 47 to 22. He Germany and other countries. took the oath of office June 5. - i Brandeis was bom in Louisville, Kentucky. November 13. 1855, the son of Adolf an Frederika (Demblt7.) Brandeis. His father, a native of Praha. now caDltal of Czechoslovakia, came to the United States in 1848 and built up a successful grain business. I The son went through the Louisville schools, and then studied ln Dresden. Saxony. He entered the law school of Harvard ln 1875. when Longfellow, Lowell, Dr. Holmes and Raloh Waldo Emerson still were on the college faculty, I was graduated LL.B. ln 1877, took a year of nost-graduate work, .practised in St. Louis ln 1878 and I then moved to Boston. ) On March 23, 1891. he married Alice Ooldmark of New -York; Two daughters were bom to them. WEDDED AT HAZELTON D. Brandeis Was Broad- Miss Julia htnel Simpson isecomcs Minded on Bench. umv taJr hunting was repoitea. Bride of Goidon Little by a parly which made a trip to WASHINGTON DC Oct 15' tvwinimass ana rvnuizamaieen ai a morning cereir.uny receiu ' ly in Knox United Church at Haz- elton, Julia Ethel, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Simpson, became the bride of Gordon Llnd- er 01 social experimentation auu " "'T Little, , isay second son of Mr. and J. Reynolds, sister of the' bride, as matron-of -honor, wore a I full-length gown of pink sheer and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. , Dudley G. Little, brother of the groom, was groomsman and the ushers were Ward Marshal and Harry Simpson. The Wedding March was played by Miss Lorraine Kenney. During the signing of the reg-i ister Mrs. M. A. Myros sang "Atl Dawning," accompanied by Miss1 Lorraine Kenney. After a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Reynolds the oride and groom left for a honeymoon trip to Prince Rupert. For travelling the bride wore a air-force blue dress embroidered with white wool and coat to match with wine hat and accessories. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. George Little, the Misses Amy and since 1879 and was known to the jed in Port Just before 8 o clock UU1 and Mrs. Dudley G. Little, Mrs. Mose De- beau and Master Allan Debeau and Charles Holden, all of Terrace, and Mrs. Lane of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Little will reside at Kwinitsa. LIGHTS THAT GROW MANCHESTER, Oct. 15: (CP) A Dutch searchlight battery with 24 acres of ground under cultivation has- produced 130 tons of vegetables with a net value of $3,825. NEW SMOKE JLAUE LONDON, Oct. 15: O) A new type of smoke flare, whose efficiency is said to be beyond question, is to be fitted in all rafts and lifeboats on British merchant ships. Puts Strength Into Soups & Gravies USED FURNITURE BARGAINS llcateis, Sewing Machines, One Victor Radio, Combination; One Northern. Electric Cabinet, Radio, One Wcstlnghouse Mantel Radio, One 8-riece, Dining Suite, One Tapestry - Covered Davenport, One Kitchen Table and 2 Chairs to match, One Harp, comuieie witn instructions, une o-i icce unesicnicia suite, com plete with Cretonne Slip Covers; One Axminslcr Rug, 9xllHj; One Axminster Rus, 9x12; Dishes, Books, Musical Instruments, etc. Elio's Furniture Store 1 1 1 1 K I AVI-NUF. Sioif Hfnir Irom 3 3U ,i.m Ui 5:30 p.m nHiwirmni i m in lMlIrr"",l "BLACKOUT" IS MYSTERY Thrilling Picture of Wartime Lon-don Showing at Capitol Theatre. With Conrad Veldt and yalerie Hobson playing the stellar roles, "Blackout," a spy melodrama set m present-day London, commences today as the mid-week feature on the screen of the Capitol Theatre. The story starts aboard a Danish freighter which is steaming across the English channel when it Is halted by a British patrol Fhlp seeking contraband. Since the shin is to be delayed in "blacked out" London, the captain, played by Conrad Veidt, is given land-inn; cennits which are stolen by - mysterious but beautiful woman passenger on the ship and a man vho ha been posing as a talent -out. When the captain dlscovr crs the theft, he Immediately rows rshore, beginning a chase with the conviction that his shiphad 'ccn harborine snics. The action I speeds through the dark in the ,rcat metropolis. There are many mysteriou-: scenes in a counter-I -siienace hide-out, a night club, Vnterloo station and a large Lon-'on house. After much tense ac-'cn and drama, the story ends 'board the captain's ship with a omantlc denouement. Terrace ln dissenting from the majority conditions icr me pursuit 01, Georee uttle of 1 E. P. Grainger met with an ac Terrace. Terrace. when the court in 1932 invalid- and geese. Making the trip in The bridg( glven in marriage byirldcnt recently when he fell while . . , . . ... . . . .. ,, , ,, i i.i, oj4,4tHn t r T T irfTa n rt Vile, Cfn I I 1 v aiea an unianoma law reguiaung cumnwn "us "" ner iainer, wore a iuii-iengtn niCKing apmes in nis orcnaru. ui' competition in the ice business, were Joe bcott, Roy mcnois, Ar-sald; nold Flaten and Otto Young. I "It is one of the hannv inei- I gown of white sheer with Peter Pan neckline and full Bishop sleeves. Her chapel veil was held dents of the federal system that a In connection with trial runs of 'in place with a coronet of orange local W. E.blossoms and she carried a bou-citizens single courageous state may. if its new ship construction, choose, serve as a labora- Balllie. former well known chief of white carnations and pink tory and try novel social and econ- engineer oi Canadian national Mf omic experiments Without risk to oieamsnips ana now a uioyus m-the rest of the country. spector; Capt. A. J. Gilbert, pilot: "This court has the power to Jonn Cochrane, compass adjuster, prevent experiment . . . But in a naval officials arrived here the exercise of this high power on the Prin-e George this morn-we must ever be on our guard ln& from Vancouver and Victoria. ... If we would guide by the light C. N. R. steamer Prince George, of reason, we must let our minds be bold " Capt. H. E. Nedden, with a com- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash arrived home on Fridav a'i.r-r spendlm? 'orae weeks at Prince Rupert "here Mr Nash has been engag d in survey work. Mr. Nash leff iy Monday's train for md Mrs. Grainper went to Prlnr lunert. the next day for hospita1 'reatment for Mr. Grainger's brok-n arm. JOINED UP ANYWAY AtrrKr.ANn NZ Oct 15: 01 CAPITOL Today and Thursday Complete Shows at l oo i 5:00, 7:00 and 9-m I II I II II I Mill I ll III m mr m tt i rr n (at 1:39, 3 39, 5 39 ' 39 9:3Si Added -3 Stooges in "I LL NEVER I1EIL AGAIN" Merry Melodies "THE HECKLING HART . LATEST WAR NEWS ' . rav. 21 milt nnri w.-l-i nrrv-k lr efuscd permission to resign from ' t ma2a(e he New Zealand police lorce to but released Ivm :s :u:pc: nlist for overseas, D. G, !. Mur- sentence. v, "4s &SUt 2(5J oz SI.10 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. COAL! COAL! The fre&test Victory Abture won- Was storno from tne tunf Thu coal business isn't a matter of guess work with us We know good coal when we buy it .and you will know good coal when you try It. We buy the best the mines produce It' properly graded before comes to us and properly scheencd and weighed before It comes to you. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 FREE For every 3 labels from any tinW package of Dr. Ballard's Dog Fooa (and 5c stamp to cover postage we will mall you ONE SOLID BRASS IDENTIFICATION TAG Absolutely free. BE SURE to print clearly your "name and address" on a separate sheet of paper and mall to the address belo FREE i it; if iFpr an additional 15 labels from Or Ballard's Dog Food (and 5c stamp to ceV postage), we'will'maliiyou absolutely tree ONE COPY of DR. BALLARD'S DOG & CAT HOOK Containing a wealth of helpful Information on the feeding-training and care of "man's best friend." Address nil replies to DR. n.UXARD'S ANIMAL PRODUCTS, LTD 4(15!) Victoria Drive, Vancouver fooh it.c