HI I ttal that Be): alt' ed theml XOMS as ie AnM Mi&ll 0 Tacfc Balrdl Seyfli . OrlffH .IFSttJ I Brmwl I Bated 134 174 113 .203 191 137 197 08 92 89 118 151 157 169 .209 .227 94 155 171 77. 98 V.C. REPORTS BACK FOR DUTY DAY IN SPORTS PAY iTrotcrs, Famous i, Inquires. Abou'. ling 164 126 217 155 197 128 131 113 134 124 mt Users 157 ' 180 200 123 149 145 153' 140 175 Miration and patient test rroaucts " compare very wun imported merchan ts Product of mif num. pd Factories. Columbia M expand. Give emolov. pre of our own peoDle. Bv PJor portion of your domes- n w. supplied within the B.C. Products" fl'ARTMENT OF TRADE pND INDUSTRY !t B!dBs. Victoria. B.C. rro. Hon. W. J, AistUTiMi. Miutr. AU) imiDGETT M1 Singer and Itroad- f for BBC and CBO Is open to Coach a lew pupils In M AND REPLRTOIRE Phone Red 921 BOWLS TIE SCORING IN 80, 190 191 -154 1 178 Say ENDED SC0TS' BOWLS Lu. Strikes Move Out Ahead of Cwoks Leading League With Four Annette's In Ladies' League. Teams Running; Up. S&rlun Clobe Trot-1 tenner won two games to one. Cooks . 1 leu - we 1 .hui. taking over the leadershln Iheiidan ,nMiaan . 140 York. has written . -.xluvivelv. Reld "eld 124 A 1 , ;n Are urn Out To Join In Popular 1 Stone 219 Clccone 148 Nelson 138 wling AlsoESS z Handicap 33 Totals 841 ' Pioneers 1 Hansen 114 . . .. fliinn 1D.1. ttave joined in tne """" 1UT ; competitions that Y?&r 113 tter way In the city. weown "u earns win be-rpru-cnar" 1,6 tarried on between "anaicap no ipeUtive way. Thc,lotals 843 -nights play were I nnox uoiei l l72'Aasen 89 I47 Christiansen 84 147:Eyrord' 118 153 Belaskl 100 228iBrasell 121 207j Handicap 126 Totals 638 J2Q 130 ' Savoy Swingers 1 McLeod 100 Smith 115 Eii.io-Bert 160 209 Skattebol 106 jq9 Wesch ,. 165 r.aii3iuj,;j ju Totals G7G Optimists 1 Ea&vmeui 46 Postak 147 Damjanac 62 limmcrmeister ..184 j2g Low Score 149 . Handicap 136 'Totals 721 ' Rangers 1 Peterson 180 Robins 212 Kellett ...187 James 149 iBillllnger 161 j Hpdicap ?. 6 Totals 85 Bluebirds 1 Boulter 115 .1. rroducts Turg?on olumbta thrives by its In pd its Industries are gen- I of " B.C. Products." land Mining Camps were tr than they are to-day. knt and Purchases are Icreasir.p, and Industrial r goods " made in British are on a rapidly ascending: I Uncial Government Invari-lies " B.C. Product M for bus Institutions which come lare. twife buys more carefully archasing; Airents for these users, who have found bv 2 139 173 155 189 152 33 841 2 110 116 112 100 130 no G81 2 111 115 124 100 117 126 C93 2. 99 149 178 144 185 30 785- 2 136 157 81 150 131 136 791 2- 240 Jennings 188 171 MacDonald 79 1'9 Keron 114 128 Handicap 38 38 Totals 738 904 Bis Sisters 1 2 Gomez 158 251 Dickens - 163 144 Rothwell 126 218 Bond' 178 127 Ajixander 163 110 Handicap 86 86 Totals 871 93G i Annette's 12 Sellg .' 145 190 Reautfh - 138 253 Owen v-lM 200 McKeown 144 163 Dickens 199 138 ' Handicap 18 18 Totals 810- 967 Lucky Strikes 1 2 Menzies 173 137 Ha?ue 170 158 Warren 132 157 Peacock H2 103: Cameron ; 209' 14T i T?.inril"in 53 53 Total 849- 757 The league standing to date: Blue Birds Rangers Stylettes Knox Hotel Big Sisters w. 11 4 11 10 5 10 10 5 10 9 6 9 8 7 8 7 8 7 6: 9 0 6 9 0 5 10 5 3 12 3 PRINCESS IN SCOTLAND BALMORAL, Scotland, Oct. 15: M Princess Elizabeth basged a grouse when she had her first shooting lessons during the Royal Family's holiday here. foignilylng-it ;, vil- . lae results last night were as nutsninaon 113 f a VO rT nrPu"uno vivciuiaii ! December 27. How-1 Btjrtettes, 2; Pioneers, 1. Lawes 173 le clvl centre is I lbe no- suitable hall Mhe Indications; are! necessary to sugr! iment i the visit. oavuj owiugers, o; is.nox uoiei u. Handicap 116 Hangers, 3; Optimists, 0. Totals 83 " Bifc Sisters. 2: Blue Birds. 1. Lucky Strikes, 2; Annettes, 1. Hel1 H'vers l T'ne individual scoring: was as Cerano 139 follows: i' Slylettes Jons 143 3 Weldon 162 140 Muscroft. 132 129 Bailey : 145 193 Handicap 118' 161 Totals 839 220 33 Jeeps r 876 Dulder 184 3 Bailev 104 123 Brindamour 107 155 Rowland 109 86 Pollack 161 100 Totals C05 120 Pipers . 1 no OHphanc' 165 7U Stephens 201 Cameron 199 3 McLean ......122 134 Miller- 79 83 Totals 7G0 109 86 Puddle Jumpers 1 137 Legge 137 126 lamb 151 675 Robertson 113 3 Wilson 158 128 Rynard 192 131 Handicap 115 164 Totals 8C4 142 Hen Divers 1 202 Careno 132 30 'ones 99 "97 Bsaudoin 127 Greens 136 3 Weldon 185 "1 Handicap 90 110 Totals 7C9 35 :. H2 Dry Docks 1 79 McLeod 121 13C Butterfield 99 673 Robert 127 3 Hovt 155 318' 216 Bailey 98 171 179 HandicaD 150 131 194 161 6 991 2 147 Totals 75D 79 Attached Sgts. 1 173 Purddn 179 6 Barr 75 800 inning 129 King 135 3 Low Score 75 173 Handicap 140 216 Totals 733 193 148 Officers No. 1 1 2 251 184 182 198 117 116 1048 139 I6r 133 174 148 118 873 2 . 194 181 120 152 1C8 1 Mcintosh 163 38 Baker 140 915 Tisdall 129 3 Qlassford 157. 165 Low Score 85 113 Handicap 128 115 Totals .-. 772 150' 97 80 G9G 3 125 183 156 117 188 18 787 3 135 182 sergeants l Hurd; 144 Stewart 109 Stllwell 55 Evans 158 Mclntyre ...120 Handicap 138: Totals 721' Quartermasters. 1" Turner ! 86. Crossley 127 ; George 182- 'Harris 125 'Hodges 156 T ! .tin jjjl utmuuuj loo Totals 814 150, l84) Sergeants No. 2 1 53 Simpson 219 857 Appleton 95 ' Richardson 208 Pts, Nlchol3 113 Lawrence 190 Handicap 138 Totals 9G9 J Clerks 1 Demerse - 131 Lautinen 161 .Henderron 191 Stiles 151 Clark 187 Handicap 124 Totals 945 I Section 1 Roberts 140 Joy ...141 O'Hara 169 Stewart 163 815 2 101 118 174 137 103 033 2 167 98 160 123 221 115 884 2 90 132 103 . 195 104 90 714 2 88 186 133 153 142 150 852 2 174 81 135 186 118 140 213 150 138 no 81 140 797 2 100 150 .77 142' 94 128 G91 2. 94 99 139 149 146 138. 7G5- 2 86 108 79 190 144 138. 745- 2 126' 114 135 141 159 138 813 2 242 184 171 162 229 100 130 140 152 811 3 105 160 161 162 172 763 Dry Dock Is Runner Up In Bowlin? i r-i ....... . Lucky Strikes and InMvidual scoring In Sixteenth Annette's, . -h., kh D D df t hud been tied for leadership Canadim Scottish, bowling at the STtT , hi , , "u -1 Istandlne. met last nieht nnn thp Games t& o:w n 165 culosis 150 900 3 161 111 143 180 111 140 84G 3 195 85 161 -183 117 128 8G9 110 128 97 153 138 795 3 1771 ttlir I.i.erSsrv.e 3 Bowling League:' 125 Scottish"- rtoi . V 169 Dow V..J21 138 urnt ...,.184 178 Hodges ... . .193 154 Mclntyre 181 116 Qlassford ...........209 880 Handicap v 108 i o.uis Dry Docks 1 Arlington .'.....170 White 131 Manson 74 Tobey .133 !McCormlck .....-1C9 Thompson :....y ! Handicap J.. .-..130 T, loir "?!B I M U l H U ....... ..... w (. u 119 184 158 128 SPORT CHAT XV 155 119 152 239. 200 108 108 2 211 144 192 215 130 The league standing to date , 'W Seal Cove .'. 7 1? R tlon League 14 years ago last Wilson 104 119 Handicap 140 140 Totals 86i 1019 Officers No. 1 1 Bapty 125 MacGregor , 29 Constable 124 Mattews 62 121 f UGEST lElYlNO ECONOMY oil, BLADE IN THI BRITISH EMPIRE -r i 143 2 90 103 169 67 Handicap 106....106. Totals 44G Cooks 1 Muscroft -118 Hutchinson 123 Akerman 159 Lawes 116 Handicap Ill Totals G30 3 117 The league standing tc 87 as follows: 117 109 138 138 70G W Cooks 9 Officers II 8 Stores 8 Attached Sergeants .. 8 Clerks ..&....'. : 8 i Jeeps 7- "' Sergeants II ..- 6 182 pipers f 5 116 1 No. 1 Section 5' 174 Puddle Jumpers 5 162 Engineers' 4 163. Dry Dock 4 138 Sergeants I 4 nr- Officers I 2 Hell Divers 2 3 535 2 165 134 163 153 111 726 L. 3 4 4 4 4 5 G 7 7 7 2 2. 2 10 10 FIVE PIN BOWLING ICilowatts Leading' League Willi Three Teams Tied For the i Second Place. 85 123 99 .106 G31 3 153 134 143 129 111 672 23(5 144 K9Q&jza&& 240 198 MC ' 137 150. X ' 124 124 Xlky 1032 921 , GUARANTEED TO MSE0YOU MONET ItCK A in Reddy Kilowatts retain?'' I- '- ;":ni of ths Five' Ptn- Bowling "League Monday night by winning a two game to nil victory over tlbtrt i McCaffery. Royal Hctel 'cored a clean sweep three game itn nil over Sav-Mor and went In-t: a tie for second place with Al-lert & McCaffery and Dry Dock irafters. The Drafters won two ames to one over Steel Workers. Signals Improved their position 3 with a three games to nil victory 200 over Upsett's. In other games 152 IJmday night Lawn Bowlers and Air Force were winners with scores 229 1 Fin 163 130 of two to one respectively over Dry Dock Fitters and Armour's. the individual scoring Monday night was as follows: ! 1097 1038 Dry Dock Fitters Kinghorn 2491 Pts 7 Dry Dock 6 6 6 Engineers 5 4 5 Scottish 'No. 1 5 7 5 Scottish No. 2 4 5 4 Signals 4 5 4 Navy 4 5 4 Medical Ccrps 4 5 4 CTJowd 295 Osterberg 169 Carnell 129 Davis .-. 235' Totals 1274 Lawn Bowlers Thomson 100 Hoparth 224 Paul 221 Vance 131 Davis 124 Totals 917 Air Force Watt 9fli 3 I I C'tmner 173 11 Roney 142. 116 George Stalllngs, "Miracle Man" Copp :iS 126 of baseball, was appoinved mana- Christie - 182 209 ger oer nt of Chiensn Chicago Cuhs Cubs in In th th Nn. Drake H& week. He startled the sports Armour': 812- world in 1914 when rje piloted Bos- DeJong .. 3 ton Braves, last-pla club In the Davies .... 177 National League In July, to the Irving 151 championship and then walloped Nielsen .. 118 Philadelphia Athletics four games Asemissen 141 straight in the world series. Hp lota,s 135 died May 13, 192D. 90 812, Christy Mathcwson, 1 3 died at Saranac Lake, New York, 102 16 years ago last week. Baseball 197 mourned one of the greatest hurl-117 ers In its history. Mathewson had Sav-Mor Low Score ... Royal Hotel " Iubb 99 McRoberts 140 Totals 147- 179! 134 169 94 99 130 166 178 2351 828 993 I I 127 147 133 237 215 284 178 2271 177 189 232 178. 102 185 114 174 . 143 113 141 213 243 179 195 231 231 1029 940 888 i I 99 121 133' 143 123 149' 195 101 163 142 93 140 1 161 174 113 843 775 809, 234 251 165 181 243 223' 99 146 143; 184 134 219 148 121 130 . 811 915 961 891 Signals 3 Akkerman 123 118 Sarginson. 115 Coombe 165 Lawford 171. Kievlll ..: 83 Lipsett's Colclough 1?9 Hanson 118- Snellenberg 138 Wight ; 127 Meser 214 Totals 791 Reddy Kilowatts 131 221 127 Totals 826 1002 126 142 180 130 148. 791 121: 125 1S9' 208 165, 995 239 162 229 182 130 912, Kinslor 247 223 254 Saville 149 183 200 ; Ccmadina 250' 178! 184: Kellett 275 221 275 j Tubb 142 164 184 1 Totals 1116 1077 1155J Albert & McCaffery I Wick 256 278 205 McCaffery 169 258- 305 Stiles 228 196 Hall 180 229 177 Gunderson 211 243 206 Totals 839 1258 1111 Steel Workers . .. Carr 126 129 170 Llnney 261 163 155 Arlington 131 185 142' Cymbal' 184' 328- 148 MacDraglle 246 212 225 Totals 1022 1091 914 Dry- Dock Drafters Tobey 195 178 196 McCormick 222 179- 270 Gllmour 210: 136 146 White 144 182 141 Boyce 168 144 14G Totals 1108. 988 1098 The Five Pin- League- standing; Air Force J Albert & McCaffery Dry Dock Drafters Royal Hotel I Armour's 'Lawn Bowlers I Dry Dock Fitters 1 Sav-Mor Grocery , Lipsett's W. L. Pts. 11 4 11 10' 5 10 9 6 9 9 6 9 9 3 9 8 7 8 7 5 7 7 8 7 7 8 7 5 10 5 5 10 5 2 13 2 Sergeant James Allen Ward, Royal New Zealand Air Force, who has been awarded the V.C for his bravery in climbing to the wing of a Wellington bomber and extinguishing a fire that had brcken cut near the starboard engine, when returning from an attack on Munster, has returned to his squadron for duty. Wing-Commander C. E, Kay welcomes him back to the squadron. Mixed Bowling 135 228 October 15 Alley Kittens vs. 167 .214 Rinkey Dinks, Stones Clothiers vs 153 112 ;wbanas, Toilers 233 201'ofnrp Ranlrpr vs :ard Oil vs. Sav-Mor. FERRY i"lLOT WEDS LONDON, Oct. 15: Philip J, Johnson, trans-Atlantic ferry pil- 521 ot who flew the Duke of f BABY SISTER, TOO LONDON, Oct. 15: f Five Victoria, B. C. school children who' offered to adopt a war orphan- . . Via vp hppn vn o-pnprniie in rhplr vs. reopies " Pushnvprs Ai- B,fts of tcys antl clothes that the 907 1049', c'ats vs pete-a-Repeat, Stand- Women'f Voluntary Services have' been able to provide for the sister- and friends of the "adopted" baby; CALLING ALL CAN-OPENERS LONDON, Oct. 15: K Investl- Kent gation by the Retail Distributors' 177 1 home from Canada, was married Association showed after a heavy Totalj 976 1123 10CD soon after he returned to Joan, raia tns greatest aemana in snops- Wnes Hartley of Hale, Cheshire, was for can-openers. Equips MEN For the men of Canada's' army, only1 the best will doi From tin hats to service lioots their equipment must be the finest Canada can produce. - God ctjuipment costs money . . . large sums of money. And that money must bo provided by the men nnd women of Canada out of current income. How? By honouring pledges to invest in war savings: certificates every month. Hy saving now, to pay war taxes when due. Ily saving now, to invest in Victory Loans should further loans be necessary. This means that every Cana-, dian must learn to do without some of the things ho normally enjoys. Watch your spending. Stern duty demands that wo Save for Victory now., Thl book will hlp you The Royal Bank Family Bud-gft Book uliows you how to budget your income, how to save by planned spending. Atk for u free copy at your nearett" Branch. The ROYAL BANKo f Canada J