PAGE TWO . MEN'S Work Fam Boots We carry a full range of High Arch, Greb, Valentine and Pioneer working boots in various weights and designs. Leather and Panco Soles. Priced up from $3.95 ILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBaaaBaaaaaaalBaMaBaaaalBBlaiBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaMnaaaaBaaaH7 , Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H.T. PULLEN - --Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per year. $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50C; One Week, 12c. Out ol Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion . .25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit bureau bi Circulations DAILY EDITION MEMBER OF TIIK CANADIAN PKK85 Th CandUn Pies U exclusively entitled to use lor roDUbliettion nf all nw fSSi Mlrfui0 Aoclat1 Pre" " is paper and Mao the All nttoa ot republication of sDecUl deHoatchea thweln are also reserved uS4vU- Monday, February 10, 1941. Did Not Know She Was Beaten - - - Britain has been beaten more than once in this war but she did not know it and neither did her enemy. It is generally acknowledged now that, if Hitler had had his way and had invaded Great Britain .about the time of the collapse of Prance, he would have been able to wipe out the British nation. That, of course, is only guess work for most people do not understand how those British people fight when they have their backs to the wall. If Germany had been as strong as she vas alleged to be, there would have been very little retreat from Dunkirk. She would have wiped, out that three hundred thousand men instead of letting them .get back- home. The African Situation - - - . What is true of Dunkirk might possibly have been true in Egynt. The country was invaded by the Italian army and, if .thev had been -willinir to of courage by advancing on Suez, the history of the war may yuaoiuiyimvB ueen quite uinerent. itaiy naa a strong army in Africa but they bogged down soon after crossing into Egvpt and never moved until they were driven put by the British. Today the British have had time to reinforce the Army of the Nile and have driven the Ital ians out ot eastern Libya. ' - 'S - - - i , . ' To Shorten The War - The. way -Canadian can heln shorten, the war is hv using effort, not only In'recruiting men for the air force uml in Acojjiii uie uriLisn suppnea witn every possible ounce ui louu anu ciomingwe can send and also by supplying our own government with money to make it nossib'lo iu neep up a regular supply oi loodstuits and other sup plies. ' We have heard several people say they will not buy bonds because the. government is not carrying on as thev wuiiHi MKL iu nee Liicnn in a democracy we cannot hope to agree as to methods but we can agree as to aims and the amount of help we give. If we pay our taxes and buy all tne war bonds we possibly can, that is the best we can do. vve can .spend a little less and put the amount saved into war savings certificates or war savings stamps. Advance Advertising - - - Ajiewspapennan-reminds us ihafc the- present-springlike -weather is probably just a little advance advertising of the real spring that will come, we hope, in April. JVIid-February fs 'much top early for spring and we must not fool ourselves or be fooled iby wishful thinking. Spring is not ihere and we must not expect it for two months yet. Theflowers that are blooming now will probably be frozen pretty soon. The Daily News is a:member oJ th Canadian Daily Newspaper; Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It Js the only paper north of Vancouver arid west of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations. "GIVE US TOOLS AND WE WILL FINISH JOB" WINSTON CHURCHILL - (Continued Irom Page One) minded him of the men of Water loo. ' Their spirit and glory was the same but, In the end, their victory would be far ereater than that of Waterloo. llshed by the Royal Air Force. With Minuter. THE DAET RCWS M6nday, Febr !iaj-y m ,Mj tered and' bombarded the great foresee" "but what was needed was Italian Mvat base of Genoa with immediate and steady supplies of a shattering attack. Possibly, the war materials and equipment. "We Prime Minister suggested, the , will need. In 1942 a great mass of French might have been stirred- tshippln3. far more (than we can , ih... ihiihi nnrsplvM This was. Well i .Reparation Of Ethiopia , known" to the enemy who '-could Two or three hundred miles to. be expected no prey upon British the southward, Mr. Churchill went shipping and to endeavour to pre-on, the British were marching, vent American supplies from reach-steadily through Eritrea to isolate tng :this country. . ... . . all Italian troops In Abyssinia Complete commence u u, ,a .u Mr. Churchill trloute to the paid " confidence." complete whlch.hftfV n enterl from "I have clvman services which had helped he EthJoplans had risen said Mr. Churchill "In the Royal In. the greatest ordeal that any na- in m armi tner m Navy ano llt ours air force," tlon had been called to ever upon or another jor their free- their ability, one way endure. He spoke especially of the dQm had mfet cvery cnanglng phase of police and quoted the words of a ..mortai struggle." Sustained ban thft st for reparatkm lhe working woman who had written agaInSt .,0, True It was 'by the merchant marine and the to him saying: "What gentlemen ... n. nnnrf V.,,,,! thev would outfight and they are!" sinwiv ht YrMHnriv small" manoeuvre, all the enemy's ln- Two-t)ilrds of the winter had now we can speak with sober con-lgenulty. gone, the Prime Minister continued, fidence of our nower to discharge! Nor should the warning of an and there had been no epidemic. our duty the fut,ire," declared 'invasion as voiced by General Sli Credit he gave to the medical and Mr Churchill. sanitary services, the nurses and The Pme Minister then went the Health Ministry. 0n to refer to the mighty wave of t In spite of all the new wartime goodwill aid " effective aid which conditions, all the opportunity lor had started to, tflow'ttom. America, looting, there had been less crime Mr. Hopkins, said Mr. Churchill, 'this winter in Great Britain and had been his frequent companion i there were fewer people In -prison for the last few weeks. Mr. Wlllkle t than In times of peace. had also been here. "I am sure I thev will hMh trll the truth of Mastery of Air , what they have seen. The rest we to other of war- Turning phases leave with confident to the time cond tions Mr ChurchM judgment of lhe prdent: pointed to the mastery of the air in Congress the people of the ineoaywmcw.uuwUuUuu.Unlted states" said the Prime --- j Kf wtr General Wilson had moved with movement liad already begun. Evi- wen AnntnnpH ana nnH rrvnr An import dntlv flprmontf Was inMUutM. I equipped ' forces In Africa to break irretriev ably Italian power. Britons could not help but feel gratified at the defeat and humiliation of the en upon with some satisfaction. The secret had been well kept and the preparation had. been well made. It had been a hazardous adventure but, after the first decisive victory at Sidl Baranni, the whole Italian force in Africa was endangered. The Prime Minister paid tribute there have been such victories with out the co-operation of the Air Force, and theNavy. .which, .'had qhased. the Italian-fleet- Into Its harbors. 1 Even this day there had been an example or this British mastery of- the seas when the western Mediterranean fleet had en- bases in Bulgaria. If all the Balkan peoples had stuck together, aided by Great Britain and Turr key, it would have been Ions emy. Affairs in Libya during the months before Hitler could have past two months might be dwelt 'prepared an army for invasion, uut, acceding one by one, they musi meet tne same fate as the low countries. Were they so dense mat they could not see? The Prime Minister referred to the position of Bulgaria In the last war and the action of the. then King Ferdinand. For the third to General Wavell, the other leaders time totty yeaTS Bulgaria was and the men British, Australian, now beIn& made "to embark upon New Zealand and Indian. With reference to Scripture, Mr. Church-Ill said they had asked and it had been given them, they had sought ed. the Prime Minister said In scornful tones. A country as large as England and Wales had been conquered. The Arabs had been liberated from their Italian oppres sors. Egypt and the Suez Canal were now safe. In Bengazl had been obtained a port and air base of high strategic consequence. Now It was time to speak of the leaders, went on the Prime Minister and their distinguished service to the King and Empire. General Wavell had proven himself to be a "master of war, daring and tireless." General Wilson inactual command of the Army of the Nile had proven himself a fine tactician. -Generals O'Connor, Mackie of Australia and Gray of the armored divisions had ably assisted in the execution of an astounding movement. The success of Behgazl had been due to O'Connor and Cray, ably backed by Wilson, Then there had been the a war disastrous to ftseir Mr. Churchill referred to Mussolini as the Italian Quisling anri Laval as the French Quisling both and they had found, they had')"'"1? oaKe 'nr countries into knocked and it had been opened luaw imier-unto them. I 1 cartnt tell you how matters An entire Italian armv of 150.000 " f. 831(1 Mf- Churchill "but men en had had been been cant,. captured or or destroy rlv.' w.l4 ao our 'did In me tignt xor the Central Medlter- ranean. Referring to the serious Injuring of the aircraft carrier Illustrious by enemy dive bombers, the Prime Minister revealed that the dive bombing attack had been met by the fleet air arm and the Royal Air Force and, In the snace of n! few days, ninety out of 160 enemy dive bombers had been destroyed. In spite of continued efforts t destroy her, the Illustrious had been able to make all necessary repairs and then steam to Alexandria at twenty-three knots per hour. The danger in the Mediterranean was not to 'be dismissed but Britain would be able to give a good account of itself. 'This war will be settled on the ocean, In the air and. above all. m this Island." asserted Mtj Churchill. It now seemed vldpnfc that the United States had decided to send all the aid Britain needed amazing feat -of British tanks ;ThIs aid was not required in the which had beaten all records and way of United Stated armies "this stood up to all trials. They were a I year, next year or any year I can credit to the factories at horns 'and - . the workers within them. Nor could! Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Bathi pining .Room In Connection Mrs. C. E; Black, Proprietress When Vou Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI nurvwic Service 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates John DM be disregarded, asserted the Prime Minister. Great Britain was far stronger than ever before Immeasurably stronger than she had been In August The Navy was more powerful, the Air Force vastly stronger, the army was much more numerous, mobile and bettei trained. He had full confidence said Mr. Churchill, In the fighting forces and the greatest faith ol all In the determination of th( people to conquer and survive. It was not going to be easy foi Hitler to Invade Great Britain without command of the air and increasmg nayngnt, anacKS migni. r.. n.,u ho .,,,1 hfl.,, fA- sens, to sav nothtnc of wha be sharper but they would be short-confldcnC and comfort Iot the IhLs forces would have to face when er, future, but It was also necessary they got here, -towever. First, the repulse of the Invasion to face the more dangerous aspects' Churchill warned against v. i o,,oicv,n svnnri oi uie EBnou? luuire. Wlm t hat! .eecumy ana negiwence 10 a ttiere had been the frustration of IIlt,er preparing? What new the bombing terror. (deviltry mfeh he be up to? What Turning his attention to Italy, feff ' ST Mr. Churchill recalled how In Oc- n"re J tober the "crafty, cold-blooded and ' m blackhearted" leader of Italy, Mus-jJ"" J sollnl. after stabbing France in the th,at 15 that back, had sought a new Empire In!" Z" Xb"t to,enler a 7iew. Africa but had only got Into trouble, himself. The Italian forces hadl been hurled back lgnomlnlously by ! What Of Bulgaria? With Rumania now under sub Mr falst pre pared. A German Invasion no would be supported by much more thorough preparation and equipment. Britons must be prepared to meet gas, parachute and glider attacks. In order to win the war. Hltlei must destroy Great Britain. He might create havoc in the Balkans, tear provinces out of Rus countries he had trodden beneath r sia, he might inarch to, the' gatef 'w Of Italy, ' he might reach -" far into tko nnt P.Melr ormtl nihlnh hnH m. . livMvn -U..-VII1 ..IJ n ! , .. wjiiuiuiui m u, musi, Europe and A.sla but he would v.vcuiwkal.c..b8iu.,. "7C'U "I-yras,ac.istii not avert his doom. The ,lng under the defeat by the Greeks'man troops by the thousands in Albania. , General Wavell -. and through that - countrv. Mnvh tfi his boot were coming to hate the German yoke. All these countries, .with the British Empire wobld yet bear sword against him "And what answer shall I give to that great man?" said Mr. Churchill In closing, referring to President. Roosevelt ,and. .,the message Mr. Wiilkie had bronght. "My answer shall be: 'Put con-fidence in us. Under Providence all will be well. We shall not fall nor falter. We shall not weaken or tire even under the greatest of trials. Give us .the tools. We will finish the job' The Prime Minister spoke m6re than half an hour. He seemed tc have a cold and coughed several times. His tones were as usual firm, measured and decisive. VOGUE PURE WHITE-FftEt BURNING Ciqcviette Tap&tA THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 ABSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable Gift and, Household Premiums are absolutely free to .you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases of 25 cents or more. It is too good to pass up. Come in and let us explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Whifflets 'From The Waterfront J Salvaging of a good deal of Heavy machinery and deck cargo Including trucks from the United Statts Army transport steamer Kvlchak. which wrecked a couple of weak; ago on Slstert Island In Flnldyaon Channel near Mllbank Sound has been carrled out. Later some fur ther cdrgo may be removed from mi the wreck. There Is still some ques- -tlon, however, as to the possibility est ShejJpard, arrived i.i pW of salvaging the. hull which has :io last nignt rrom me sul., . been pretty well battered although sailed a couple of hour : later j9 a a i i ll t l a m. a i i m i7 r null n n n at h.h uii U is sun Deuevea 10 pe largely - nuunem poir.n tact despite the fact that the up- whence she will return here coma. perworks has been carried away. On a regular voyage to Alaska, C.P.R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 9 o'clock yesterday morning from Vancouver and sailed at 10:30 a.m. for Skagway and other north em points whence she will return here Thursday afternoon south bound. The Princess Norah, which has been operating on a two weeks' row morning southbound Quebec Catholic Churches Beseech . God For Victory schedule during the deep winter MONTREAL, Feb. 10: In tit months, is now going on a ten -day Ihouvand Roman Catholic :hurcha schedule for the .spring. The vessel tf Quebec yesterday s icctai . disembarking at this port and three dinal Vjlleneuve. In Notr- Daa going norm irom nere. unurcn nere, caned for a vic'm at arms to restore peace to fcr Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ern- nations. We ain't mad at Nobody MH The Wise Person gets a lot of satisfaction out of every purchase they make. If you have an idea as to what good coal should be, try f ton of the kind we sell and you can prove to your own satisfaction that the money yoit spent was wisely invested. Keep our name and phone number in mind. ' Ccmorf wosi- WAerzjv, ton. VJ vw -WM. op Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 G52 Hot Water Bottle SPECIAL Guaranteed Bottles $ 1 .00 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druq&tsts Tfa Retail Store Phones SI & " Open Daily from t a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and llolnlnvg front 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to S f .m.