IT?' TIIK DAILY tntwo MARGIN IS METLAKATLA' CUT DOWN SATURDAY Americans 3, Canadiens 3. i.7 Boston 3, Toronto 2. ": : ' SUNDAY jjpBostoii',2. . Detroit 2 (overtime ; Hangers 2, Chicago'!. Canadiens .3, Ap)er,cans C. ' TORONTO, Feb. 10: (CP) Toronto Mabb Leafs had theirimargin: of leadership In ths National t Toronto Maple Leafs flow Onty jllave Two Pojnt Lead As Itesut Of Weekend -Vlay Hockey League cut to --twp. points ,ine pa$Ket ana.flifl same s;tacu-qver Boston Bruins as a result of , lar shooting to put the Metlakatla yeek-end play, The Male .Leafs ,eam .on itop 21 to 12 at the half-lpst to the Bruins in a closely "con-' way -mark. Alex B1J1 was tse best tested game Saturday night .which ior Wgh School in the fiist Jialf, ended in a thrae-tortwo score. Ths leaking three fine long shots. In Bruins went on to Detroit and second half Teddy' Arney and played a two-rail .qyertlme , draw , Don ,F. McDonald, wo, of ;tia .jun-with the iRed Wing last night .tors, frying Qut for .a spot w.jth.the which gave them a net gain ofHish School seniors, sparked the three . points in the standing for (attack with .eight and -six points .the week-end. j 'respectively. Shorty Santerban!-', r At New .York Jast night hephp .has .been , definitely o(f ,hls Americans defeated Montreal Ca- game cf late, returned to form to nadisns six to three in a free- score two quick baskets in the dy-scorlng game. The Americans and lnS moments of .the game. Al-(Janadiens are now tied for sixth though they outscored their op-place In ,the .standing. ,j'R.9n!?pts .21 to ,16 ,n ,-tJi.e. .second Tcrnqrrqw .njght .New ,York ,Rfm- .alf , (Hlgh School .could ,nqt flYerr, Sfers will play Canadiens at Mont- qme .e .'first ia,t (lead .agajpt real while Detroit will be at Bos- them and the final score was 37 tpn. :to 33,fpr.MstJakat)a. . The league standings to date: The second game of the evening Toronto 2,1 3 10 67 45 Boston .17 9 7 M5 79 ,43 Detroit ...... .13 10 11 77 67 36 gangers .... 13 8 14 9.3 ,88 ,34 Chicago .... 13 5 16 80 90 31 Canadiens 10 6 19 84 103 2j6 Americans 8 10 18 71 123 26 ! SCHEDULE '' l It Kl II II i Jl lJLlSJlLt ' ' "7 February 13-Quatslnos vs.Ham- ,blers. Prince .Rupert , Dairy .v3.,Mus- jS.circci5., yt.w.n.n.. cowboys vs. arotto, February zo-cowboys vs. C.N.H.A. Sons of Norway vs. (Grotto. .Prince Rupert Dairy vs. iRamblers. Quat-,5nos vs. Musketeers. 'February 27-rGrotto vs. ;Mukt-teers. iRambiers ys. .Sons. of Norway. C.N.R.A. ys. Prince iRupert .Dairy. -iflWfejyi X?. Quatslnos. , March 6 Quatslnos vs. Sons of Norway. Trihce Rupert Dairy vs. Grotto.iCowboys . vs. .Ramblers. C. N. R. vs. Musketeers. BOWLING Feb. 12 Q. S. Grocery vs. Alley Cats, Comosers vs. Peoples Store, Tollers vs. Franks, 'Rinkey Dinks v. ,SlQmo, Woonjas .ys. (Evening Empire. .Feb. J9 Rinkey iDinks vs. Peoples, Frapks vs. Evening Empire, Slomp vs. Alley Cats, Comosers vs.; Woonjas, Tollers vs. Q. fi,', Grocery. -' Feb. 26 Comosers ys. Franks, Toilers vs. Alley Cats, Woojas vs. Rinkey iDinks, ,Q. s! Grocery ys. Eyenlng'Empire, Peoples vs. Slomo. . "GOVERVNrEXT LIQUOR ACT" ., . (SocrUon 26) NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOB A ' V CLUB LICENCE .Notie , la henetoy given that on the 10th day of February 1941 next, the undersigned BEX BCWLINO C1.UB LIMITED Intends ,ito apply to the Liquor Control Boord for a Club Licence la' respect of premises situate on the North-westerly portion ,of the TJilrd floor of the Besner Block tut the corner of Thrd Avenue end Third Street, upon lands described as Lots 33 and 24, .Block ,30.. BeoUon 1, May 823 la the City .of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert Land .Registration .District in ,the Province of British .Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club to keep on the premises ft reasonable quantity of liquor for personal consumption. on the premises. In accordance with the' provisions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the Regulations promulgated there under. DATED this 8th day of January ,1941, ' REX BOWLING CLUB .LIMITED ... By'Oeo'. Frlzzell, President'."' j,THtf afcrBiarE .cutnt of bbitish ..t'OLUJIlSlA IX. l'IU)ATE In the .Matter of the "Adulnlitratlon Act" ' And In tlie Matter of the Estate pf Ausmta.'ltoinlne Qrrrar, ,I)ereard TAKE NOTICE tliat t7 order of JIls , Honor, w. E. Fisher, made the 27th day or January, A. D. ,1041, I was appointed Administrator, .with WJ1) annexed, pf the estate of Augusta Roehnlng 'Crerar, I deoeased, and all parties' having claims . . against the said estate are hereby re-I quired to funUsh same, properly verl-I fled, to me on or before -the 2Sth day of February, A.D, 1041, nd al parties ! Indebted to th estate are' reaulred to pay the amount of their Indebtedness ttf me forthwith. DATED. the 28th day of January, AD. 1841. K ,I M ' , 'NORMAN A. WATT' r J ' Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.O 'Defeats High Interrnetfrate A's In Basketball -Saturday " jiglit Booth M'sm'DTial H- h S.-hool bas- ketball teams won two out of three .garner Saturday night bcf qre a gpod-sjzed crcvvd af fan?, Inithe feature game of the . evening the Intermediate A ,boys pf the High ehoql went d?wn fighting bofore a clean-claying Metlakatla team, the ?;OTe ,behTig 57 to 33. High School started the scoring but Alan pie,vpst nnd .Arnold Leighton soon got their sights on .proved A big upst when .the .newly, .r.ormed .High School intermediate B's downed Co-Operatlves 31 to 14. C-Op just could not get the ball to go through the hoop and the youngsters ran them off their feetJ Zbura played a nice game at guard while Jpne Lee and Boyp Q)r;y;h Were popping :thew in .from all angles. Tprger iRysstad was ,hlgh for .Co-Ops with six .points. Thfl (rlrlc C-Vi rnriA tyn effort r9 tthr lons layTlP between games. .Score at .half tme .was lour ,tp ,nll lor High S.chpol and at full time 8 to 7 ,for .High over Fraser Street. Molly Wjnsjow played with Eraser: sttee? la the jsecond half to ,bol er them pp and scpred .five points to .keep them in the runnlnff. Hleh . . .. " School r.l scored four of heir eight '. points from foul throws. Dominic Montesano refereed the girls' and junior games and John ny uomaaina mad the whistle in the Intermediate A game. Individual scoring: Intermediate A Metlakatla Prevost, 12: Hal cane; Arnold Leighton, 10; (H. Lelghton; Robinson; tHorace Leigh- top, ,2; Auckland, 11; Nelson. 2: Stl Clair; total. 37. iHlgh School Santerbane. V SI mundsen; T. Arney. 11:: Vucko yich; D. McDonald, 8; McCavoijr; uiana; ,um, ; totan, 33. Intermediate B High School M. Holkestad: Holt by, 4; Astorl; Lee, 10; Eby, 4; Zbura. 2; Alejcander, 2; Gurvioh 9; Total. 31. Co-operative Viereck. 2: Dal-' zen, z; f, Knutsen; Jiysstad, p Grimble, 4; H. McDonald; J. Brem " ' ner; total 14. Girls Fraser Street Bea Ritchie: Dora Arney, 2; M. Winslow, 5; Norrna currle; Mary Postuk; Mary Bill total. 7. High School Michi Yamanacka. 4; Betty Payne, i; Josie Murray,-2; Jean McKay; Alice Clapp; Jane!1 Owens; total, 8. Hockey Scores .PACinC COAST LEAGUE SATURDAY Portland ,5, Seattle 3. SUNDAY Vancouver 4, Spokane 3. , BOWLING February 11 Knox Ifotel vs.1 Rangers, .Savqy Swingers ys. Bfg Sisters, Lucky Strikes ys. .Bluebirds, Stylettes vs. Annettes. I February 18 Annettes vs. Bluebirds, Big Sisters, vs. Knox Hotel Rangers vs. Savoy Swingers, Lucky1, Strikes .vs. , Styletcs. ' i IV TUB SUPREME COi;ilT OF BRITISH vcoi.i:jiiiiA ,i ritoimiB In the flatter of the "Admliilstratlfin And n the Malter of (lie Estaje f Donald .Crrrar, ,l;f vfaed ' TAKE NOTICE Ww.t py order pf His' Honor, W. E, Fisher, made the 27th day cf January, AX). 1941, I was appolned Administrator, with will anpeiftd, of the estate of DnaJd.Orerar. deceased. ndal parties havl;ig claiov agnntsald jesta(e are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 2fth day or February, A. D. and all parties Indebted to the etite are required to pay the .amount f uieir inaemeaness to me 'lormwitn. DATED tle .28tb day pf January, ,.D, NORMAN Al 'WATT7 i Official Admlnlstrijtor Prince Rupert. 11.0 'V f-'i f , WAR Publlihed by The 14- iSclolUiniiioa! You will Canada's 2,0Q0,000 yvt and salary earners are asked to save every week and every ' month to help premde arms and equipment for our fighting forces. r jt - In Total War, civilians must fight, too. Their weapon is their money. YqiiLgpntfipht . V with your money, as it provides the sinews of war. The bounden duty of every civilian,. therefore, is to save to the limit of his orjhqr aJVtUtyV and loan the savings to Canada by investing in War Savings Certificates. ' . ' Remember, you are not aske,d to give your money, but to loan it. For every $4 you loan now, you will get back $5 in iy2 years. Your savings will earn 3. interest. Tens of thousands of men and women have already pledged themselves t,o inyest n War Savings Certificates by means of the Payroll Savings Plan which is now in .operation, or which is being organized ,by every .employer. But tens of thousands are not enough. There are two million wage and salary earners in Canada, and every one is expected to do his or her share. If you have not already done so, pledge yourself and invest by means of the Payroll ' Savings .Plan. Canada asks no more of you. Your conscience should demand no less of you. ' vjust how much you can invest will depend upon your circumstances. Do all that you mheifdllowirig table'is suggested as an average basis for saving: Earnlngt per Week v Up to $20 . Over $20, to $30 Over $30 to $40 Over $40 To . Joke the initiative. r . leadership. If you U 7C 5 v oavmgs man .ai once, zee mat everyone participates in it. The ""' payroll $avings Plan has proven to be the ,most satisfactory ..method for getting employees to save and invest regularly'. J '5 SAVINGS War typmmUjf,tawa he glad of them later. Savingj . per , Week , 25c to $1 $15 $1.25 to $2 $80 $2.25 to $3.50 $145 $3.75 to $9.25 $245 Employers can A ' Maturity Va'luei of Annual Purchaiei to $65 to $130 to $225 to $600 Urge your employees to save. Give thcm haven't already done : so, organize a Payroll N Monday. CERTIFICATES