JS?' February U, 3 a .nd.r,l.xtf Hjl'jjJ ' 8919 jtist C.G.I.T. On Saturday IUSCLES SORE IFF and ACHING kn ;o'rt u illff M rniUh n4 amclM ir if muniunN virrtw r nmrm trUk nMU witH Bofkl.y". WkiU t.t I llnlwr r " k Ml Ik r io.bl. rnr mnty ksck. Ic mi lit. KHW8 Hospital Ball ' , . , Fine Success 1 luiai Affair Friday Nijht Was Colorful and'Succsstulfy ' wav. Over 200 cuestx were nrespnt UNDERWOOD TYPEMASTER PORTABLES The Typewriter Leader of the World Offers frhc New UNIVERSAL The. most complete popular It .. ; 1 1-1.1- TT.. -11 tl, nocnnltnl fanfllVAC .of-nwilar $65.00 ' typewriter Tlie New CHAMPION Truly a champion in every sense ot the worn, fcmoouies an tne new mastcr features including $7500 tabulator The NOISELESS Portable For. wherever . quiet is rfTfc Mm II esspntial. Speedy, neat and quiet v writing (Prices Quoted are for Cash Terms $3.00 Additional) VOff. Sec These Splendid Machines at m Mm , awmwmm m nf y arns JJfi ,4vf4Vv4MfV4f This is the Time of Year When vr tw v QUALITY GOAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort insult with us as to the best kind to use for your Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. ""one llfi TIIONE in Jmt u"ThrM Two nleise.! Phnariian Leelon B. E.'S. L. exr,i'i . feqiUYe1 meeting tonight. General. Ian W. MacFarlane 'radio oper-tmeetlriz Wednesday. (34), The fourth ahntial ball of the- atbr at'Carcross, was a passenger, - , Women's Hospital Auxiliary aboard the Princess Norah yester-J Thomas McMeekin Is leaving on held. In the Moose Hall Friday was day morning returning to thS Yu-jthls evening's train for a business n mnct cncppecfiii affair in ov kon nftpr trin to Vancouver. ! trln to Prince George and other In- ' and dancing continued until 2 a.m.l W. G. Crisp, well known Hudson . to the strains of DeCarlos Orchcs- Bay Co. post manager arrived In ra the pltv frnm thp Interior on Satur- church Saturday. Many effect. Refreshments were up to causing me nu .. .nii interested friends the usual standard and many com- fractured skull. Purina the afternoon to be pllments were heard. I ; curuu, mib .... .. r , .v,- Ano-n. MarPhpp. Herbert Mortan. rd by the dm wno JOOKra u. r.. rnuupsun wa, an ao.e 4 , T ' h . n their white middles and master oi ceremonies witn nis good - w. -v"-y ; .iirt. humor and pleasing personality. He Dudoward and A. Lelghton, local, S toria. returned to the city on th? TZ fhTdoc? J Arm The navy, army and air force ' Ld Mrs E E. Brandt were well represented, their unl- Princess Norah yesterday morning. ; "ei at the urns. Mary Sylves- forms mlnelln In contrast to the, Kahle-n Doherty were In colorful dresses or the ladles. . B. C. Bracewell. city commission-, rf the home cooking table The following were In charge: 1 er, who has been here for the past w e Bertr was cashier Ser- Refreshments Mrs. J. Ivarson, , couple of weeks on official duties Amy Armstrong. Betty assisted by Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. F. will sail by the Prince Rupert : Grarglna Dolron. Johanna 1 A. Rogers, Mrs. A. Brown and Mrs. Thursday night on his return to. U (Victoria It Is Mr. Bracewdl. In-, T Noma Blam. Helen. Bal- W. Nesbltt. "jov Berg Dorothy Halde.' Punch-Mrs. S. A. Kellback and tention to make fretruent vtelt? to ,.JZJ"L TVkPr. Mrs. W. J. Llneham. iwnce Rupert during his tocum- cv,iiro rrratno Rarh. Decorations Mrs. F. S. Walton, bency. tn Morgan and Ruby Ander- Mrs; A. Brown and Mrs. C. V. Evltt. t I Tlckets--Mrs. H. S. Meadows. L Door-P. S. Walton. k:':hen crew In charge of L iiflmbUn consisted of Paul- Cloakroom-F. A. Rogers and W. Slmr irge Betty Haudenschlld. J Lmenam; Mavis Dohl. i: nr Kinou renaerea loveiy ro:33 during ttie afternoon. HOTEL ARRIVALS Rev. W. P. Bunt of Vancouver; superintendent of missions for the United Church of Canada in Bri- , tish Columbia, after having spenti the past week here In connection- with sessions of Prince RuDert Pres bytery, leaves on .this evening's-; I train fnr Prinpo flmrfp tn 'nttpnd'. i W. F. Lye. J. Sinclair. A. J. Mac- Car'D0 Presbytery sessions : Donald, and R. H. Sewell, city. Nor- man White. J. Klaboe and Gordon Gosse, Vancouver; J. Yorke, North Bay; . M. A. Oby, city; H. E. bourn, Victoria. Reach' ten thwisarid people vltb a "want ad." In the Dally News. C.N.R. Train For the East- Mondays. Wednesdays ;ahd Frl Announcement Ar.'.si . ... days '. pin. From the East Tuesdays, Thursday! and Saturday i .. 11 pjn. I wish to announce that I have sold Ihe Kalen Cedar Mills to Mar terior. points. tin Miller, and in future all In-, debtedness Incurred In connection;.! with the business of the Kalen, Cedar Mills will be met by Mr. Miller. ' : (38) JOHN OURVICH, Announcements All advertisement In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. W.O.T.M tea, Mrs. 8. Haugari's February 12. Proceeds War Relief. Presbyteriai tea, Mrs Mitchell's February 13. George St. Peters Evening Branch Tea February 13, Mrs. Inch, 1022 Hays ' Cove. Baskejball Association Valentine ' Party February 14. Cambral Valentine Tea, Legion Hall February 15. Tea. Canadian Legion, February 21, Bridge in evening. Masonic Ball, Friday, February -21. S.O JJ. Masquerade February 21. United Teat Mrs. Clarke McLean's February 27. Illustrated travelogue. "Up North" Mrs. Mandy, United Church Febru Juit say '"three Two please." Daffodils and pussy willows Jent day night's train and sailed yester- je. Boyle, well known Juneau oil a spring atmosphere to the occas- day morning on the Princess Norah dealer, was a passenger aboard the Ion. the color scheme, belne Dink. lor the YUKon. mincess.iMoran yesieruay remrums yellow and b'hie. There were also . Ho the Alaska Capital after a trip to 1, of the Canadian Girls carried out effectively on the sup- The condition of Jackie Nelson, .Seattle. , of First Biptht Church per table. Glassware loaned by the young lad who was struck by a . - ' . ,.f..i v,wi u.t HpUhmnT anrt fioWpr frnm taxi car on Saturday afternoon. Lv Leo Osterman,. customs of fleer at a Vl'J . .till i to.. rh n Urn Miaf t Wrt nn-i11 ftro c a na MMKTPr flhiwrrt sale of heme cooking at the Miner Flower snop aaaea to tne uu b wua,. ..b..,.- n v-, .... id saae oi - ... .1 .. ,9,ini th chief tmnhlp uuu.c U a badlv I the the Princes. Princess Norah Norah vesterdav yesterday re- re turning to the Alaska town after a trip to Seattle. ! ary 28, 8 p.m. j March j UTeaix Mrs; B. Morgan.irt Navy Auxiliary tea March 8, Leg-J ion Hall. I n . . rr. . f n ...fA 1 I I oi, reiera ica, wus, oiuaiuiu f v-March 6. ' lr Catholic Ladles' St. Patrick Tea, March 17. United Tea March 20th. Anglican Spring Sale April 17. J ACTION .! Gable and Tracy Style ROMANCE Colbert and Fashion! Lamarr Entertainment . .. ,. 'ln the. M.G.M. Manned! All'pf Them Together In A Pciur5 That B-O-O-M-S With Thrilli ! "BOOM T?rvtxrT iUVVn STARTS WEDNESDAY 1)1555! Steamship Sailings Rally Success Tor Vancouvei - Tuesdyr-Catala ..1:30 p ro Thursday SS.PrinceuBrir " Rupert 11:30 p.m - Adelaide i" P-- responsible for one of the i tMbwuy "TV r ell ,Ll was VV OO ICOUUlMUiC wU w ww . Venture ,10:30 p.m. mrv successful and best attended Feb.13 and 24. Sunday rallies that have ever Princess Norah 5 p.m been neid prnCe RUpert when From Vancouvei on Sunday afternoon students of 8undayT-ss Catala p m all the Sunday Schools In the city S8,'Prlri.. Adelaide 4 p.m. can Cathedral In conjunction witht s. Venture P-m. Religious Education Council week , Feb.:. ahd' 20. In the city. Prlnc.ess Nprah a.m P. H. Llnzey was the chairman j For Stewart and Premier Siday ss. Catala Wednesdays-SB. Prince B&pwi m - 3 P-m For AHce Arm, Naas River and Port . Simpson .SS. Catala .. p m. From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port' Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala ... 11:30 R.m, For Ocean Falls- Thursday S3. Prince Iuperf ..."3 p.m. Norah : - ajn. from Alaska February-13. and 24 As. Princess Worah p.m. Try a Dally News Want-Ad. FRESH SHRIMP "Daily After 4 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER'S DOCK Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAJliy aria nc vas auiy aowuu ujr . 8 p.n Harding, Frank Skinner and the United Church Junior Choir under the direction of H. T. Lock. One of the oustandlng Items on Frdm rm Steiiart ari and ana Premier "em.er- m tne presentatlan ' teT Mrs. Ivan Habey of prizes W Thursdayr-SA Pr. Rupert .,rf 8 nrn p.m. J ennmeted for In a competition sponsored by the local branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Mrs. Nobles, the local organizer, was. sorry that she was unable to at-' tend the gathering but she had : been called to Vancouver. Mrs. Hal-' .v stated that she hoDed what Hupert n-su p m. ,tne bovs and girls learned at Sun- Frl.--as. Princess .Adelaide, 10 pm. school by taking these lessons From Ocean Falls- would stay wMh them and aid ! Wednesday S.S. Prince tn?m In later life. Rupert ajn. p, jj, Llnzey then called upon Friday, Rev. (Capt) Roy Dumford, the - R" Pr AHplfilrle . .-'4 D.m. wticcf cnoo tror in rtvo fpw wnrHs Venture, 10.30 p.m. capt. DurnXord named many Bible . L tfi toa Motrn I February 4 and 17. had achieved their greatne?s. He U S 'Ss- Cas?lar 10 pm- spared life to a book. "Many , rehr, 14 14, pole Hall, February ! pmni.on Ch.rlntte islands S& Casslar ..: a.m.l February 18. For Alaska February 9 and 20 ss. Princess i CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CJh.C. Wallace Block. Phone 66 Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 416 CLEANING Oil Burners $1.50 Free wicks with every burner Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME, SERVICE Phone ni.ACK 733 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA , INCOME TAX RETURNS ARE NOW DUE TO BE FILED BY: (1.) Employers, respecting salaries and wages paid to employees during the' calendtr N year 1940. : v (2.) Every person in receipt of salary, wages, or investment Income. . These Returns are required to be filed not later than February 28th, 1941 Taxpayers should obtain forms from any Provincial Government office or chartered bank In the Province. All remittances must be made to the Provincial Collector-for the; 'DIstjict ln-which taxpayer resides ''..'.' An urgent request is made for these Returns to be filed as much. in advance of the final date as possible to enable the Department to give better service to taxpayers than can be provided during the rush of the last day. Corporation, business, or professional Income is required to be returned within three months after the end of the taxpayer's fiscal year. . Victoria, B.C. " Sunday School C. B. PETERSON, Commissioner of Income Tax. people's life books are full of noth- TT P m. tag but blank paper," he stated. INOVa OCOllci I He urged the boys and girls not m p ito be content with just reading j Vinp StflKC "" about famous characters but to ltake part themselves. Everyone . , . il 'had a dellnlte life work to do and! At Joint r. Catherine Large Turnout he unred all those those who who had had not not. Of Children Yesterday Afternoon istarted on their' work to do so to-jday. "God will help you If you will but help yourselves, said Capt If you want something, advertise for It. Hundreds of people get what they want that way. (tf) Four Collieries In Stellarton District Of Nova Scotia Are Tied Up STELLARTON, Nova Scotia, Feb. 10, Four coal mines in this district are tied up by a strike of miners following refusal of the operators of one mine to permit a union' committee to enter the mine. "RUPERT B R AN D" SOLE FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. , Obtainable at STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. . , RUPERT BUTCHERS BULKLEY MARKET Also served at the Boston and Commodore Cafe Smoked and Cured Fish available at the above stores Packed by Canadian Fish &Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid?. Wanted-Raw Furs British (Joiumoia Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher AJiA.. Certificate PHONE RED 814 HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Ship to J. E. ORM1IEIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. Representing- HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Phone 741. 167 East 3rd Ave- MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local Representative Prince Rupert PHONE GREEN 416 LOOK Bicycles and YVheelgoods of all kinds Repaired. Rubber Footwear, Tires, Etc., vulcanized at GUNN'S Variety Repairs 6th .St. opp. OR Barber Shop - f l I I p