"GIVE US TOOLS AND WE WKINISH JOB"-WiiN3& CHURCHILL British Prime Minister Com w Realistic in Address to Empire Reviews Suu and Envisions Future Mov LONDON, February 10. "Give us the tools. We will finish the job," promised Prime Minister Winston Churchill in a radio adejress last night which was carried to the world by means of all British and American broadcasting networks. Hitler could not and would not win if United States gave am. i uv x i uue iiiimsiw uecmreu mat rri- . . . Im mi. Via I rrfwrArirl tains cause in " i f- during the past few months more greatly in many ways than might have been anticipated. Hitler's invasion had been repulsed. His attempt to break Britain by bombs from the air had been frustrated. Mussolini had been ignominlously defeated in Africt. A mighty wave of goodwill and effective aid had com-mnrpd to flow from the United there were and thp colonies had demonstrated their love. The first of the war alms should be to be worthy of that love and to preserve it. Speaking of the bombing, Mr. Churchill admitted that so far the Nazis had been able to deliver' several tons of bombs for every one by the British. Now, however, that position wag about to be reversed. The conduct of the people of Britain, Mr. Churchill said, re-Continued on Page Two New Lutheran Parish Formed Port Albcrnt to Have Resident Ias tor it is Announced PORT ALBERiNl, Feb. 10: A new Lutheran parish is to be established here with resident pastor. Yesterday's Circulation of the Daily News 2170 Your Inspection is Invite J Many Fascist J Planes Down ATHENS, Feb. 10: confidence ana comwri. planes were shot down eKdaf" STSdTfi terda reek and British be faced of x v- Fn poh onrt and nnti one nr th thne rnrup . (CPI xuiurc w uC Iightm lighters ag as 8alonika Salonika and oth- ! ic rtuen nf ne invasion. warnea r wa ZtZ Britons ... pr Dreek Greek cities were attacked me ukui Uiciiv. l ---- . . . hv cy thf me FntrUt Fascist . bombe hnmhor. Hn 4. might prr?are for attack on their fortress by gas, parachute and sliders. Even though the enemy might have made his invasion preparations stronger. Great Britain was lmmeasureably more powerful today than ever before in the air. t sea and on land. Further, the people had the will and determina-1 tion to conquer and survive in this mortal battle. No matter what else he might accomplirh. Churchill de-1 clared that, to win. Hitler must con-! quer Oreat Britain. In the course f ed Bulgaria, which country he ventured to say Nazi ground troooj had already entered, not to make the ioitib mKtnlrrs in this war as Kinz! onitiv - Ferdinand had made in the last, a mistake which might also cost King , Boris his throne. , Mr Churchill revealed that onlyj yesterday the Italian pqrt of Genoa had been attacked for the first time by the British Navy. He also revealed that the British army. In its march into Libya, had not halted at BeneuM but toart already caotured another town one-third of the way from there to Tripoli, Cause Mas Prospered V was five months, Mr. Churchill said in opening, since he had lat speken t- he nation ind the 13m-Dlre on a broadcast. A lot ml?ht be sMd sld (n In resanl resant to to what wnar had nan haunen- naum:..- WESTWARD i DRIVE IS GOING ON British Not Hesitating Foloving Capture of Bengasi Welcomed By 'Italians GEN. WILSON GOVERNOR CAIRO, Feb. 10: (CD Lieutenant General Maitland Wilson was today appointed military govern-orand general officer command-ing-in-chief of Cyrenaica, embracing two eastern Libyan provinces which his Army of the Nile wrested from the Fascists. CAIRO. Feb. 10. The pursuit of Italian forces in Libya continues following the capture by the British of Bengasi and the drive westward towards Tripoli goes on with towns one-third of the way already taken. Co-operating with the British land forces are the navy and air force as, well as Libyan natives, Arab . rrUlM and the Free French, ed In thBt time. While it was deeds General Berganzon (Electric Whis-and not words which counted, nev- Jf ..lan ranking second " erthelesr it was good to look around Marshai'Graiani, and half and take stock. "Our affair, have Qther generals amonK the prospered In manv directions, pat- thoUa'nds o FasciSts captured, llcularly in the last four or live Tne Jtalian settlers, carrying white months, better than many of us flagsare giving an enthusiastic re-might have expected." the Prae ceptl'on t0 the British and Austml-Mlnlster declared. Britain had fac-, nmtEi reeUng that they will ed the two dictators and had prov- bg saf uarded now from the Liby-en its ability to stand up against &n natives Women kiss the Hands them alone. In the face of the Qf the BriUsh soidiers and people Royal Air Force, Hitler had not at-. lshlng them with wine and tempted an Invasion although he had had the equipment and hadj ' n,..horitles Diace the num- made vast preparations. Then he dur- 0j Italians itaiians killed Kiiiea In in uiuyv Libya had tried to break the spirit of Bn- January at 2,409 ' with tain by bombing from the air. This. nded and 7i492 captured, form of blackmail and terrorism estimated the ni s.uuu The had not broken the British spirit ItaUan killed, wounded and but had aroused it In a way that) ed slnce the recent British had never been seen before In anyioffensIve started at some 125,000. community. The British Commonwealth had! rallied in large numbers to the side of the Motherland. The Dominions jWEATHER IS NOT RIGHT German Thrust Into Balkans May Be Deferred Until conaiuons Better Bulgaria Warned 10,-Heavy f ood BUDAPEST, Feb. the exten-Sbnot prevent conditions may Into the Balkans tor the war Sume being. The time would no anbear to be propiuoua w mtt WW Germany titfoush Buearla. U Neverineicw, . . . . massing forces are report to the northeast on Axis frontier against a possible thrust awards Sa onik . """''nf.rmatlon. that Great StSln Brnam had formally riprman warned Bulgaria that P r?; T n'would of Bulgarian military objectives Report a thA Rui2ar. SSitate in Sofia warning that She Vol. XXX., No. 34. )) lllliAS, " and Boulogne in a daylight sweep today, shooting down two German planes. The operation followed an early morning assault in which a small force of bombers attacked objectives in northwest Germany and dayngnt rams ye- terday in which an enemy destroyer was torpedoed by planes off the Norwegian cotst and oil tanks at Flushing were bombed. , LONDON, Feb. 10: The British Air Ministry news service Saturday night said Uiat pilot after pilot reported having made direct hits on crowded docks at Boulogne during Friday night's raids on the invasion ports. j , One sergeant pilot reported the; probable destruction of several en-lemy vessels at Dunkerque. The Royal Air Force, defying dirty weather, for the second successive night hammered at Bou logne and Dunkerque ior two ihours Friday night while no aerial activity was reported over Britain. During last night ,the Royal Alr I Force struck at Mannheim in Ger many, Calais on the French coast and Rotterdam and Flushing in Holland. Plant's Pills Perk Workers MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 8: (CP)-A large war products plant here has adopted a "health conservation pr- .rrom " rl strlbuunE aauy vitamin to . ...... 7 ... i tM n wtntrA tft pillS tO ail WUIB.CIS - keep man and woman power at a maximum for the national defence program. The company neaas saia the plant always faced a mass exodus from work In February due to Colds, , ! VICTORIA. B n FKANCO-MUSSOL1NI MEl'.T BEKNE Diplomatic advices today said that General Francisco Franco of Spain and his foreign 4minister, Ramon Serrano Suner, were enroute to Ventimiglia on the French-Italian frontier to confer with Mussolini. HOPKINS RETURNING LONDON The United States embassy announced today that Harry Hopkins, personal envoy of President Franklin D. Roosevelt of United States, had concluded his mission to Great Britain and had left for home. ARGENTINEAN RIOT BA1IIA BLANCA Argentina Four persons were wounded slightly on Sunday in a riotous outbreak which police said involved three hundred persons, mostly involved as Bahia Blanca's Italian colony. The Italian sailors are alleged to have made remarks about democracy. REGIMENT C. B'D. QUEBEC An entire regiment from Brantford and Gait, Ontario, is confined to barracks here today following a battle with city police on Saturday arising out of the. arrest of two members of the regiment. PETA1N AT VICHY LONDON The British Broadcasting. Corporation aired unconfirmed reports at the weekend that Chief of State Petain had left Vichy for North Africa. Later reports indicated no foundation for the reports. "TOURISTS" "IN MORROCO LONDON German "tourists" are reported to be entering Spanish Morrocco in large num-hers. Similar reports come from j Bicrte in Tunisia and Oran. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1 9 1L Germany from the air this remarkable nlgfi t photograph was made by one of the R.A.F. -plane which participated in the teriflc attack on Marriheim on January. 16-17. Results of. VheaeriaLas .... 'Sault'can be seeri:'! Tares' burning fiercely north and south of the Haupt Bannhof. 2 Firesln the Helnrick Lans works. (3) The Central Railway Station. fi Marshalling yard. 5 The River Rhine. 6 Fires in Lindonhof district. 7 Fires near marshalling yard, which was one of the principal objectives of the raid. HIT HARD AT BASES Crowded Docks At Boulogne Struck Several Ships Sunk At Dunkerquc TODAY'S R.A.F. ATTACK LONDON, Feb. 10: (CP) Koy- j al Air Forces bombers, escorted j i . :.i.t.c oit.ii.liul nunkpraue I Bulletins i 'AID' BILL IS PASSED United States House Of Representatives Adopts Important Lease-Lend' Measure WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. 10: The House of Repiesentatlves Saturday evening passed the British aid bill. Following in Serrate for-, eign relations cornmitte'S hearings ; while the committee on Saturday' 'rhould end Tuesday, the measure 'will be debated this week in ths j 'esna'.e and a vote may cccne there .within a week. Then it will be signed by ths i President and the way will be open !for the implementation of the lease-lend" plan ol the ldmlnis- tratlon. 1 FORMING CABINET (KKH30000 5 Admiral Darlan Plays Leading Role i in France Following retain Laval Disagreement ! VICHY, France, Feb. 10. Admiral Francois Darlan, who has been minister of navy In the vicny government, is forming' a ne cabinet nrfnv fniinwlne the refusJil of For- mer Premier Pierre Laval, to come to terms with Chief of S:ate Mar-cv,oi Potnin. Darlan will be vlce- piemicr to retain au wwi," lster, succeeding Etienne riauum m the latter portfolio.. ; Aonnrriinff tA renorts lrom Lis-1 bon the French African Empire and General Maxime Weygard's army will go over to General Charles De-r.aniif. and the Free Frer.ch forces should Chancellor Adolf Hitler move into unoccupied France. Duncan Miller returned to the city on Saturday night's Jtr'aln from a holiday trip to ManyUle. Alberta, where Mrs. Miller Is remaining for a while longer. War Tomorrow sT ides High 1:05 am.. 195 ft. 12:59 pjn. 21.9 ft. Low 7:01 am. C.3 ft. 19:32 pjn. 2.0 ft. Royal Navy At Gen PICTURE TELLS DRAMATIC STORY OF R.A.F. SU CCESS PRICE: 5 CENTS. ROYAL NAVY'S GENOA FEAT LONDON The Koyal Navy steamer right Into the Ligur-ian Sea Yesterday and at dawn delivered a shattering blor on the great Italian port of Genoa. Tons of shells were dropped and railway terminals. Tha attack into docks, arsenals, shipyards cruiser ILM.S. Renown with two was led by the heavy battIeships-II.M.S. Malaya and Sheffield, one aircraft carrier-H M.S. Ark Royal and smaller vessels taking part. At the same time British planes bombed oil refineries at Leghorn and railway facilities at Pisa. The Italian high command officially admitted that "enormous" damage had been done, seventy-two persons being killed and 22G injured as a result of the BREAK WITH RUMANIA LONDON Great Britain broke off diplomatic relations with Rumania at noon today, it was announced by the British, tovcrnmcnt tonight. It is believed by some observers that a declaration of war may follow in which case the bombing of Rumanian oil wells, which have been turned over to Germany, would Hoare. British ambassador an. be legitimatized. Sir Reginald Bucharest for home. United to leave hb staff .are preparing affairs in Rumania. British diplomatic States will take over TURKEY GETTING READY ISTANBUL The Turkish war ministry has ordered all civil defence measures against air raids to be completed this monlh. WAVELL WEYGAND MEET? ISTANBUL There are reports that General Sir Archibald Wavell, commander-in-chief of the British forces in Nirth Africa, and General Maxime Weygand, commander-in-chief of the Vichy French forces in North Africa, may meet on a warship In the Mediterranean. LONDON STILL BOMBLESS LONDON Britain had a relatively quiet week-end and London had more bombless nights Saturday and Sunday. The rest of England was practically free from enemy attack alth ugh reconnaissance planes came over last night. London ui ler-went two bombless alarms Sunday. During sporadic el orts to break through the British defences on Saturday, the T azis lost three planes, two being brought down by British fir iter planes and one at Folkestone by anti-aircraft fire. Opiiion appears to be about half-in-half as to whether Hitler is l Winning to launch a mass offensive against Britain with a viev to invasion or whether his next big move will be in the Mediterranean area. TO WORK FOR PEACE WASHINGTON. D.O Secretary of State Cordell Hull said today that John G. Winant, the new United States ambassador to Great Britain, would endeavour to commit Great Britaii to work for lasting peace in Europe after the present war b ised on economic security and freedom of religion and speech of all people. Territorial requirements of winning and losing nations would be considered and a vast public works program to take up the unemployment slack after the war will be proposed. T lcre would also be reciprocal trade. The plan would be based n a British victory and the supplanting of the present totalita rian regimes in Germany, Italy and Japan and is prefaced on war being due to economic and political causes. WILLKIE Kamloops Troops IS HOME'1"08 .Kuirt Aid to Britain Means Peace For America, lie Says on Return NEW YORK, Feb. 10 "Aid to Britain means peace for America. If Britain should collapse, chances of America becoming involved in war would become very great., great." So said Wendell Willkie yesterday mornim? Weather Forecast .i.,ni,h4 t.hmtipih the courteev of the Dominion Meteorological Bureau t Victoria and mnce ttupen. ims uic- 4. ..nnw rrnm frynrviLtiarLA ui m at 5 am. today and covers the 38 hour period ending at 5 pjn. unmoor row; Prinre RuDert and Queen Char lotte Islands-Light winds, cloudy with occasional light rain, Vanguard of Rocky Ilountain Rangers Arrives Here rom New Westminster Vanguard of officers ani men of ttio PnMrtr Mountain Ranei -s. Kam- 1 Innni rmrlinsnt Uhlph Is t TPnlaPS l w..m- trnnnn tionl- following hlS return r-- ', Mow Wn) ,,. home aboard the transAtianuc plane Dixie Clipper from his trip to England. AH possible aid should be given to Britain, Willkie declared, saying that he would so urge when he appears before the Senate foreign relations committee this week. Willkie spent eighteen days in Britain and had long conferences with such leaders as rrime Minister Winston Churchill, Clement Atlee and Lord Beaverbrook. The first group of Irish Fusiliers left at the end of the week for Red Sea Reached the town of Karora on the Anglo-Egyptian - Sudan fron- tier, the Middle East command announced today. 4- CAIRO, Feb. 10: (CP -Bri- tlsh forces, launching n new 3i drive aealnst Eritrea from the north, have occupied the Red Sea port of Mersa, Tacl il and i v 4 2. 4 5 v Ml. 1